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Hemolitička aktivnost ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (H. odorus Waldst. et Kit.) primenjenog kod pacova soja Wistar

dc.creatorDavidović, Vesna
dc.creatorJoksimović-Todorović, Mirjana
dc.creatorHristov, Slavča
dc.creatorStanković, Branislav
dc.description.abstractIn the health care of animals phytoteraphy is being applied very intensively, mostly for the prophylactic purpose and with the aim of treating weaker forms of diseases and chronic course of a disease. It is well known from a traditional folk medicine that Helleborus L. can induce the functions of defensive cell effectors and increase the activity of rapid, unspecific mechanisms of immune response. The plants of the genus Helleborus L. contain saponosides which increase the permeability of the erythrocytes membrane and that leads to the haemolysis and loss of haemoglobin. In this research paper we have studied the influence which the rhisome and root extract of H. odorus Waldst. et Kit., may have on the value of the erythrocytes count, concentration of haemoglobin and haematocrit value. In the rats in the trial group the extract of underground plant organs of Helleborus odorus Walds. et Kit. was applied intramuscularly in the concentration of 0,5, 5 or 20mg/100g TM. In the rats in a control group a sterile physiological solution in the quantity of 0,25ml/100g TM was applied in the same way.en
dc.description.abstractFitoterapija se u zdravstvenoj zaštiti životinja veoma intenzivno primenjuje u profilaktičke svrhe i u cilju lečenja blažih oblika bolesti i bolesti hroničnog toka. Iz tradicionalne, narodne medicine poznato je da kukurek podstiče funkcije efektorskih odbrambenih ćelija i povećava aktivnost brzih, nespecifičnih mehanizama imunskog odgovora. Biljke roda Helleborus L. sadrže saponozide koji povećavaju permeabilnosti membrane eritrocita što dovodi do hemolize i gubitka hemoglobina. U ovom radu ispitivali smo uticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena H. odorus Waldst. et Kit. na vrednost broja eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina i hematokritsku vrednost. Pacovima oglednih grupa ekstrakt kukureka je aplikovan intramuskularno u koncentraciji 0,5, 5 ili 20mg/100g TM. Pacovima kontrolne grupe na isti način je aplikovan sterilan fiziološki rastvor u količini od 0,25ml/100g TM.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectH. odorus Waldst. et Kit.en
dc.subjecthaemolytic activityen
dc.subjectH. odorus Waldst. et Kit.sr
dc.subjecthemolitička aktivnostsr
dc.titleHaemolytic activity of rhisome and root extract of Helleborus odorus Waldst. et Kit. applied on Wistar ratsen
dc.titleHemolitička aktivnost ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (H. odorus Waldst. et Kit.) primenjenog kod pacova soja Wistarsr
dc.citation.other23(5-6-2): 207-213



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