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Primena savremenih metoda u primarnoj proizvodnji i obradi duvana tipa Virdžinija

dc.creatorKulić, Gordana
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of these tests is an attempt to contribute to new technology of plantlet (Todd's Cells) in mass production for developing economical, safer and quality tobacco production. The study includes two ways of plantlet production and three varieties of Virginia Species Tobacco. The results of parallel testing of tobacco production obtained from plantlets of different origins have shown that the new way of breeding has many advantages. Todd's Cells plantlet was ready for transplantation earlier and it reached the technological maturity in the open field earlier than usual. The time necessary for leaves drying was shorter in 12 hours and so the later processings (redrying, cigarettes production) were done in a shorter time. The plants in the field were more resistant to disease agents because Todd's Cells plantlets had easier adjusted to the environmental conditions. Tobacco leaf yield from Todd's Cells was significantly higher than from the traditionally produced plantlet. Raw material quality was also better. At the end. it is important to line out that the different plantlet production methods of different varieties reacted differently to yield and raw tobacco material quality.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja je pokušaj da se nova tehnologija gajenja rasada (Todove ćelije) uvede u masovnu proizvodnju radi ostvarivanja ekonomične, sigurne i kvalitetne proizvodnje duvana. Proučavanja su obuhvatila dva načina proizvodnje rasada i tri sorte duvana tipa Virdžinija. Rezultati uporednih istraživanja proizvodnje duvana dobijenog iz rasada različitog porekla pokazali su da novi postupak gajenja u zaštićenom prostoru ima niz prednosti. Rasad iz Todovih ćelija ranije je stasao za presađivanje tako da je i u polju pre dostigao tehnološku zrelost. Sušenje listova bilo je kraće za 12 časova pa su i kasniji postupci prerade (ridraing, proizvodnja cigareta) izvedeni za kraće vreme. Biljke su u polju bile otpornije na uzročnike bolesti jer se rasad iz Todovih ćelija lakše prilagodio uslovima spoljne sredine. Prinos listova duvana bio je signifikantno veći iz rasada Todovih ćelija nego iz tradicionalno proizvedenog rasada. Kvalitet sirovine bio je, takođe. veći. Na kraju, treba istaći da su i sorte različito reagovale prinosom i kvalitetom duvanske sirovine na načine proizvodnje
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectplantlet productionen
dc.subjecttraditional methoden
dc.subjectTodd's Cellsen
dc.subjectleaf yielden
dc.subjectquality of raw tobacco materialen
dc.titleApplication of modern methods in Virginia species tobacco primary production and processingen
dc.titlePrimena savremenih metoda u primarnoj proizvodnji i obradi duvana tipa Virdžinijasr
dc.citation.other51(2): 165-176

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