Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Značaj sistema sledljivosti za industriju mleka

dc.creatorRistić, Gordana N.
dc.creatorObradović, Dragojlo
dc.creatorNikšić, Miomir
dc.creatorStoroy, Jostein
dc.description.abstractDairy industry in Serbia is in a period of transition and the success in meeting its most significant challenge will depend on more than merely improving production quality and achieving real control over product safety. Increasingly, complete product trace ability will be essential in order to gain a competitive edge on a market with growing foreign products share. The increasing emphasis on verification means that an individual company's success in meeting the food safety and quality challenge will be determined by its ability to demonstrate overall control over the production and distribution to regulators, customers and consumers. Another key point will be presence of foreign retailers with a lot of experience how to fulfill consumer expectations for product trace ability u by implementing the integrated external trace ability system which enables everybody to know the origin of product and its journey (transformations) throughout the production and distribution chain. Winners in the dairy industry will be those firms, which be able to determine the necessary breadth, depth and precision of their trace ability systems depending on characteristics of their production process and their trace ability objectives. These trends will be greatly enhanced with the modern electronic devices that can provide full range of trace ability information in a very short time.en
dc.description.abstractIndustrija mleka danas se u svetu suočava se velikim izazovima u pogledu poboljšanja bezbednosti i unapređenja kvaliteta proizvoda, što je još više potencirano pojačanom konkurencijom i opštim padom cena poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Da bi uspešno odgovorila na navedene izazove, mlekarska industrija mora da primeni odgovarajuća tehnološka rešenja u pogledu zakonske legislative i istovremeno da odgovori zahtevima potrošača čija je informisanost neuporedivo uvećana. Iz tog razloga ova industrija će u budućnosti morati da se ponaša proaktivno. Veliku pomoć u tim stremljenjima predstavljaće uvođenje sistema štedljivosti, bez koga je već danas nezamislivo poslovanje sa velikim trgovinskim lancima, koji u ovoj oblasti imaju i svoje standarde. Ovo znači da će i naši mlekarski pogoni morati da usvoje navedeni način poslovanja i u krajnjoj liniji od uspešnosti tog usvajanja zavisiće ne samo sudbina jedne od vodećih grana prehrambene industrije, već i celokupnog razvoja stoč
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad i Savez hemičara i tehnologa, Beograd
dc.sourcePrehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi
dc.subjecttrace abilityen
dc.subjectdairy industryen
dc.subjectfood safety and qualityen
dc.subjectindustrija mlekasr
dc.subjectbezbednost i kvalitet hranesr
dc.titleThe importance of trace ability system in the dairy industryen
dc.titleZnačaj sistema sledljivosti za industriju mlekasr
dc.citation.other16(1-2): 29-33



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