Brankov, Milan

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  • Brankov, Milan (21)

Author's Bibliography

Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје

Pavlović, Natalija; Dolijanović, Željko; Simić, Milena; Dragičević, Vesna; Brankov, Milan

(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Pavlović, Natalija
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Едамаме соја се користи у људској исхрани као поврће, јер се зрно бере у R6 фази када има
највећу хранљиву вредност. За постизање високих и стабилних приноса неопходна је оптимална
снабдевеност хранивима, тако да се поред минералних, могу примењивати микробиолошка и
фолијарна ђубрива. С обзиром да се корови сврставају међу главне ограничавајуће факторе у
производњи соје њихово успешно сузбијње омогућава сигурну и стабилну производњу. Циљ
истраживања је био да се испита утицај примене различитих система ђубрења и хербицида на
закоровљеност и принос зрна едамаме соје.
Током 2022. и 2023. године гајене су две сорте едамаме соје (Chiba Green i Midori Giant), а
третмани ђубрења су обухватали: Ђ1 – минерално ђубриво (N:P:K (6:24:12) и уреа); Ђ2 –
минерално + микробиолошко ђубриво (Bradyrhizobium japonicum); Ђ3 – минерално + микробиолошко
+ фолијарно ђубриво (Fitofert speed-s, 5 l/ha); Х1 – примена хербицида после сетве пре ницања
(Lord (метрибузин) + Dual gold (с-метолахлор)); Х2 – примена у вегетацији (Pulsar (имазамокс)
и Focus ultra (циклоксидим)); Х3 – контрола.
У 2022. години сува маса корова је у Х3 третману варирала 290,9 - 759,4 g m-2 док је у Х1 третману
била 52,2 – 175,3 g m-2. У 2023. години сува маса корова на контролним парцелама се кретала
од 252,4-523,8 g m-2, а под третманом Х1 од 1,9-38,2 g m-2. Најзаступљеније коровске врсте биле
су: Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Solanum nigrum и Amaranthus hybridus. Ефикасност
примењених хербицида је износила 100% у третману Х2, у обе сезоне гајења, док је у третману
Х1 варирала је од 61,4 до 84,2 %. Ефикасност примене хербицида у 2023. години у третману
Х1 кретала се од 92,7-99,2%. Код обе сорте највећи приноси забележени су 2022. године у
третману Х2Ђ3 (Midori Giant 7,7 t ha-1 и Chiba Green 6,5 t ha-1). Значајан утицај сорте се огледао
у погледу приноса, што је посебно било изражено током 2023. године. Chiba Green је имала
ниже приносе од Midori Giant у обе сезоне гајења у свим третманима, осим у Х1Ђ1 третману
у 2022. години када је сорта Мидори Гиант остварила најнижи принос од 3,7 t ha-1. Најнижи
принос сорте Chiba Green био је 2023. године под третманом Х3Ђ1 (2,1 t ha-1). Сорта Chiba Green
је имала веће приносе у 2022. години, док су код сорте Midori Giant приноси били већи у 2023
осим у третману Х2Ђ3.
Из добијених резултата може се закључити да се највећи приноси постижу комбинованом
применом минералног, микробиолошког и фолијарног ђубрива, посебно у комбинацији са
хербицидима који се примењују пре и посла ницања соје, који су у највећем степену утицали
на редукцију закоровљености.
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
C3  - XI Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд, 12 – 13. октобар 2023. Зборник извода
T1  - Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје
SP  - 80-81
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Natalija and Dolijanović, Željko and Simić, Milena and Dragičević, Vesna and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Едамаме соја се користи у људској исхрани као поврће, јер се зрно бере у R6 фази када има
највећу хранљиву вредност. За постизање високих и стабилних приноса неопходна је оптимална
снабдевеност хранивима, тако да се поред минералних, могу примењивати микробиолошка и
фолијарна ђубрива. С обзиром да се корови сврставају међу главне ограничавајуће факторе у
производњи соје њихово успешно сузбијње омогућава сигурну и стабилну производњу. Циљ
истраживања је био да се испита утицај примене различитих система ђубрења и хербицида на
закоровљеност и принос зрна едамаме соје.
Током 2022. и 2023. године гајене су две сорте едамаме соје (Chiba Green i Midori Giant), а
третмани ђубрења су обухватали: Ђ1 – минерално ђубриво (N:P:K (6:24:12) и уреа); Ђ2 –
минерално + микробиолошко ђубриво (Bradyrhizobium japonicum); Ђ3 – минерално + микробиолошко
+ фолијарно ђубриво (Fitofert speed-s, 5 l/ha); Х1 – примена хербицида после сетве пре ницања
(Lord (метрибузин) + Dual gold (с-метолахлор)); Х2 – примена у вегетацији (Pulsar (имазамокс)
и Focus ultra (циклоксидим)); Х3 – контрола.
У 2022. години сува маса корова је у Х3 третману варирала 290,9 - 759,4 g m-2 док је у Х1 третману
била 52,2 – 175,3 g m-2. У 2023. години сува маса корова на контролним парцелама се кретала
од 252,4-523,8 g m-2, а под третманом Х1 од 1,9-38,2 g m-2. Најзаступљеније коровске врсте биле
су: Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Solanum nigrum и Amaranthus hybridus. Ефикасност
примењених хербицида је износила 100% у третману Х2, у обе сезоне гајења, док је у третману
Х1 варирала је од 61,4 до 84,2 %. Ефикасност примене хербицида у 2023. години у третману
Х1 кретала се од 92,7-99,2%. Код обе сорте највећи приноси забележени су 2022. године у
третману Х2Ђ3 (Midori Giant 7,7 t ha-1 и Chiba Green 6,5 t ha-1). Значајан утицај сорте се огледао
у погледу приноса, што је посебно било изражено током 2023. године. Chiba Green је имала
ниже приносе од Midori Giant у обе сезоне гајења у свим третманима, осим у Х1Ђ1 третману
у 2022. години када је сорта Мидори Гиант остварила најнижи принос од 3,7 t ha-1. Најнижи
принос сорте Chiba Green био је 2023. године под третманом Х3Ђ1 (2,1 t ha-1). Сорта Chiba Green
је имала веће приносе у 2022. години, док су код сорте Midori Giant приноси били већи у 2023
осим у третману Х2Ђ3.
Из добијених резултата може се закључити да се највећи приноси постижу комбинованом
применом минералног, микробиолошког и фолијарног ђубрива, посебно у комбинацији са
хербицидима који се примењују пре и посла ницања соје, који су у највећем степену утицали
на редукцију закоровљености.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia",
journal = "XI Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд, 12 – 13. октобар 2023. Зборник извода",
title = "Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје",
pages = "80-81",
url = ""
Pavlović, N., Dolijanović, Ž., Simić, M., Dragičević, V.,& Brankov, M.. (2023). Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје. in XI Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд, 12 – 13. октобар 2023. Зборник извода
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia., 80-81.
Pavlović N, Dolijanović Ž, Simić M, Dragičević V, Brankov M. Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје. in XI Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд, 12 – 13. октобар 2023. Зборник извода. 2023;:80-81. .
Pavlović, Natalija, Dolijanović, Željko, Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, "Утицај ђубрења и хербицида на закоровљеност и принос едамаме соје" in XI Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд, 12 – 13. октобар 2023. Зборник извода (2023):80-81, .

Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda

Dragičević, Vesna; Simić, Milena; Mladenović Drinić, Snežana; Stoiljković, Milovan; Dolijanović, Željko; Šenk, Milena; Brankov, Milan

(Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Odeljenje biotehničkih nauka i Akademska misao, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Mladenović Drinić, Snežana
AU  - Stoiljković, Milovan
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Šenk, Milena
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Zdravlje ljudi zavisi pre svega od kvaliteta hrane, odnosno poljoprivrednih proizvoda i načina njihove proizvodnje. Ukoliko gajene biljne vrste rastu na neplodnom zemljištu ili su u većem stepenu izložene stresnim uslovima, apsorbovaće i akumulirati manje minerala, naročito esencijalnih elemenata, kao što su cink, bakar, mangan, magnezijum, kalcijum, gvožđe pa čak i sumpor, što vodi njihovom nedostatku u ishrani i povećanoj mogućnosti pojave hroničnih bolesti kod ljudi. Sa druge strane, zemljišta se iscrpljuju zahvaljujući intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, jer biljke koriste sve potrebne elemente za sopstveni razvoj i formiranje prinosa, a ne samo azot, fosfor i kalijum koji se uglavnom unose sa đubrivima. Takođe, zemljišta se mogu nalaziti na matičnoj podlozi koja je siromašna ili ne sadrži pojedine esencijalne elemente.
Zahvaljujući sinergiji sa gajenim biljkama preko korena, mikroorganizmi iz bio-đubriva podržavaju stabilniji i bolji rast i razvoj, povećavaju iskorišćenje vode i hraniva od strane biljaka, rezultirajući većim i nutritivno bogatijim prinosom. Upotreba drugih mera gajenja, kao što su plodored, združivanje useva, kao i upotreba pokrovnih useva omogućava obogaćivanje zemljišta organskom materijom. Kroz recikliranje žetvenih ostataka smanjuju se gubici hraniva, a istovremeno povećava plodnost zemljišta, kao i visina i kvalitet ostvarenih prinosa gajenih biljaka.
PB  - Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Odeljenje biotehničkih nauka i Akademska misao, Beograd
C3  - Zbornik naučnog skupa”Nove tehnologije i prakse u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu”, 24. novembar, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
T1  - Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda
EP  - 156
SP  - 155
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dragičević, Vesna and Simić, Milena and Mladenović Drinić, Snežana and Stoiljković, Milovan and Dolijanović, Željko and Šenk, Milena and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Zdravlje ljudi zavisi pre svega od kvaliteta hrane, odnosno poljoprivrednih proizvoda i načina njihove proizvodnje. Ukoliko gajene biljne vrste rastu na neplodnom zemljištu ili su u većem stepenu izložene stresnim uslovima, apsorbovaće i akumulirati manje minerala, naročito esencijalnih elemenata, kao što su cink, bakar, mangan, magnezijum, kalcijum, gvožđe pa čak i sumpor, što vodi njihovom nedostatku u ishrani i povećanoj mogućnosti pojave hroničnih bolesti kod ljudi. Sa druge strane, zemljišta se iscrpljuju zahvaljujući intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, jer biljke koriste sve potrebne elemente za sopstveni razvoj i formiranje prinosa, a ne samo azot, fosfor i kalijum koji se uglavnom unose sa đubrivima. Takođe, zemljišta se mogu nalaziti na matičnoj podlozi koja je siromašna ili ne sadrži pojedine esencijalne elemente.
Zahvaljujući sinergiji sa gajenim biljkama preko korena, mikroorganizmi iz bio-đubriva podržavaju stabilniji i bolji rast i razvoj, povećavaju iskorišćenje vode i hraniva od strane biljaka, rezultirajući većim i nutritivno bogatijim prinosom. Upotreba drugih mera gajenja, kao što su plodored, združivanje useva, kao i upotreba pokrovnih useva omogućava obogaćivanje zemljišta organskom materijom. Kroz recikliranje žetvenih ostataka smanjuju se gubici hraniva, a istovremeno povećava plodnost zemljišta, kao i visina i kvalitet ostvarenih prinosa gajenih biljaka.",
publisher = "Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Odeljenje biotehničkih nauka i Akademska misao, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik naučnog skupa”Nove tehnologije i prakse u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu”, 24. novembar, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd",
title = "Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda",
pages = "156-155",
url = ""
Dragičević, V., Simić, M., Mladenović Drinić, S., Stoiljković, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Šenk, M.,& Brankov, M.. (2022). Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda. in Zbornik naučnog skupa”Nove tehnologije i prakse u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu”, 24. novembar, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Odeljenje biotehničkih nauka i Akademska misao, Beograd., 155-156.
Dragičević V, Simić M, Mladenović Drinić S, Stoiljković M, Dolijanović Ž, Šenk M, Brankov M. Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda. in Zbornik naučnog skupa”Nove tehnologije i prakse u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu”, 24. novembar, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd. 2022;:155-156. .
Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Mladenović Drinić, Snežana, Stoiljković, Milovan, Dolijanović, Željko, Šenk, Milena, Brankov, Milan, "Uloga održivih sistema đubrenja u povećanju kvaliteta zemljišta i poljoprivrednih proizvoda" in Zbornik naučnog skupa”Nove tehnologije i prakse u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu”, 24. novembar, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd (2022):155-156, .

Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change

Simić, Milena; Dragičević, Vesna; Brankov, Milan; Dolijanović, Željko; Kresović, Branka; Tolimir, Miodrag

(Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic, 2022)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Kresović, Branka
AU  - Tolimir, Miodrag
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Climate changes severely affect agricultural production, particularly dry farming. Even crops that are relatively tolerant to drought, like maize, have been recently influenced by meteorological extremes, thus significantly reducing yield potential. The adjustment of cropping technology in which soil tillage system is an essential maize growing practice is the only way for stable maize cultivation. The objective of the study was to monitor and understand how different tillage systems and fertilizer rates influence grain yield of maize grown in dry farming conditions. The study was initiated in 1978 in Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Serbia, on the chernozem soil type, while the results from 2011-2021 period are analysed. Maize hybrid ZP SC 606 has been sown at the middle of April every year. The experiment was set as a split-split-plot block design with four replications. The main treatments were three tillage systems: NT - no-till, RT – reduced, and CT - conventional tillage. In the no-tillage treatment, maize seeds were sown in the upper soil layer of 5-7 cm, directly by a special planter. In the reduced tillage treatment, soil tillage was performed in the depth of 8-10 cm, with a rotovator in autumn, while sowing is conducted in the spring after seedbed preparation (10-12 cm) with a conventional drill. The conventional tillage treatment consisted in shallow ploughing, immediately after wheat harvest in the depth of 10-15 cm, primary tillage (ploughing) in the depth of 25-30 cm in autumn and seedbed preparation (10-12 cm) inspring. The fertilizer treatments, as subplots, included control (Ø) - without fertilization, incorporation of 50kg/ha N, 50 kg/ha P and 50 kg/ha K in the autumn and supplemental N addition up to the 180 kg/ha N (F1) and240 kg/ha N (F2) before sowing in the spring. Variations in meteorological conditions of the season caused highvariability in maize grain yield. The lowest grain yield, in average, was achieved in 2021 (3.38 t/ha) and thehighest in 2014 (11.33 t/ha). Among tillage practices, higher average yield was achieved with CT (9.38 t/ha)while lower values were in NT (6.14 t/ha). In dry seasons and seasons with extreme variations (2012, 2017 and2021), stable and even higher yields were achieved in RT and NT. Thus, in 2021 the highest yield was achievedin NT (to 2.34 t/ha concerning CT). Increased fertilizer rates resulted in yield increase, from 6.59 t/ha in Ø to8.35 t/ha in F2. The differences in grain yield between fertilizer rates were higher in RT. Correlation analysisindicated that with tillage intensification (CT), yield potential is highly negatively dependent on temperature,particularly during grain filing (correlation coefficient 0.8) and high and positive with precipitation amount(correlation coefficient > 0.7), while this dependence was reduced, especially in NT (correlation coefficients <0.5). Irrespective that CT contributed to the higher grain yield in average, less intensive tillage systems enabledyield stability in drier and extreme seasons. It was noticeable that increased fertilizer rates were required inreduced systems, such as NT and particularly RT.
PB  - Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
C3  - 2nd Central European ISTRO Conference Brno, Czech Republic
T1  - Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change
SP  - 73
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Dragičević, Vesna and Brankov, Milan and Dolijanović, Željko and Kresović, Branka and Tolimir, Miodrag",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Climate changes severely affect agricultural production, particularly dry farming. Even crops that are relatively tolerant to drought, like maize, have been recently influenced by meteorological extremes, thus significantly reducing yield potential. The adjustment of cropping technology in which soil tillage system is an essential maize growing practice is the only way for stable maize cultivation. The objective of the study was to monitor and understand how different tillage systems and fertilizer rates influence grain yield of maize grown in dry farming conditions. The study was initiated in 1978 in Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Serbia, on the chernozem soil type, while the results from 2011-2021 period are analysed. Maize hybrid ZP SC 606 has been sown at the middle of April every year. The experiment was set as a split-split-plot block design with four replications. The main treatments were three tillage systems: NT - no-till, RT – reduced, and CT - conventional tillage. In the no-tillage treatment, maize seeds were sown in the upper soil layer of 5-7 cm, directly by a special planter. In the reduced tillage treatment, soil tillage was performed in the depth of 8-10 cm, with a rotovator in autumn, while sowing is conducted in the spring after seedbed preparation (10-12 cm) with a conventional drill. The conventional tillage treatment consisted in shallow ploughing, immediately after wheat harvest in the depth of 10-15 cm, primary tillage (ploughing) in the depth of 25-30 cm in autumn and seedbed preparation (10-12 cm) inspring. The fertilizer treatments, as subplots, included control (Ø) - without fertilization, incorporation of 50kg/ha N, 50 kg/ha P and 50 kg/ha K in the autumn and supplemental N addition up to the 180 kg/ha N (F1) and240 kg/ha N (F2) before sowing in the spring. Variations in meteorological conditions of the season caused highvariability in maize grain yield. The lowest grain yield, in average, was achieved in 2021 (3.38 t/ha) and thehighest in 2014 (11.33 t/ha). Among tillage practices, higher average yield was achieved with CT (9.38 t/ha)while lower values were in NT (6.14 t/ha). In dry seasons and seasons with extreme variations (2012, 2017 and2021), stable and even higher yields were achieved in RT and NT. Thus, in 2021 the highest yield was achievedin NT (to 2.34 t/ha concerning CT). Increased fertilizer rates resulted in yield increase, from 6.59 t/ha in Ø to8.35 t/ha in F2. The differences in grain yield between fertilizer rates were higher in RT. Correlation analysisindicated that with tillage intensification (CT), yield potential is highly negatively dependent on temperature,particularly during grain filing (correlation coefficient 0.8) and high and positive with precipitation amount(correlation coefficient > 0.7), while this dependence was reduced, especially in NT (correlation coefficients <0.5). Irrespective that CT contributed to the higher grain yield in average, less intensive tillage systems enabledyield stability in drier and extreme seasons. It was noticeable that increased fertilizer rates were required inreduced systems, such as NT and particularly RT.",
publisher = "Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic",
journal = "2nd Central European ISTRO Conference Brno, Czech Republic",
title = "Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change",
pages = "73",
url = ""
Simić, M., Dragičević, V., Brankov, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Kresović, B.,& Tolimir, M.. (2022). Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change. in 2nd Central European ISTRO Conference Brno, Czech Republic
Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic., 73.
Simić M, Dragičević V, Brankov M, Dolijanović Ž, Kresović B, Tolimir M. Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change. in 2nd Central European ISTRO Conference Brno, Czech Republic. 2022;:73. .
Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, Dolijanović, Željko, Kresović, Branka, Tolimir, Miodrag, "Conservation tillage systems could increase maize resilience to climate change" in 2nd Central European ISTRO Conference Brno, Czech Republic (2022):73, .

Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products

Dragičević, Vesna; Brankov, Milan; Stojiljković, Milovan; Šenk, Milena; Dolijanović, Željko; Tolimir, Miodrag; Simić, Milena

(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, 2022)

AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Stojiljković, Milovan
AU  - Šenk, Milena
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Tolimir, Miodrag
AU  - Simić, Milena
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Human health is dependent not just on diet, but mainly on quality of agricultural products as a part of diet. If crops were grown on poorly fertile soils, or they are exposed to severe stresses, lesser amount of mineral elements, particularly essential elements, such as zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and even sulphur, will be absorbed and accumulated, resulting in their deficiency in diets and increased incidence of various chronic diseases. Together with naturally low soil fertility, climate change, intensive agriculture is one of the main contributors of soil depletion. Thus, various long-term strategies, which are sustainable for agricultural plants and soils, at the same time, must be developed. It is of particular importance to increase a level of organic matter, as a source of mineral nutrients from the soil. The application through soil, as well as via plant foliage of various complex and organic fertilizers, containing macro- and micro-elements, and many stimulating compounds, enables better absorption and metabolisation of nutrients required for plants and nutrients essential for humans. Besides, bio-fertilizers, containing beneficial microorganisms have an important role in nutrients mobilization in soils, particularly from poorly accessible forms. Many biofertilizers contain microorganisms that are able to absorb atmospheric nitrogen, thus enriching soil, delivering it to the plants, enabling reduction in amount and costs of nitrogen addition into the soil. Promoting microorganisms are also able to enhance plants ability to absorb water and nutrients by their synergy with roots, resulting in stable and better growth performances of agricultural plants, thus increasing yield and its quality. Some other cropping practices, such as crop rotation, intercropping and use of cover crops, enriches soil with organic matter, reduces losses of nutrients through recycling of harvest residues, therefore increasing soil fertility, as well as quantity and quality of crop yield, at the same time.
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF), Belgrade, 7-9 September 2022. Book of Abstracts
T1  - Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products
SP  - 32
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dragičević, Vesna and Brankov, Milan and Stojiljković, Milovan and Šenk, Milena and Dolijanović, Željko and Tolimir, Miodrag and Simić, Milena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Human health is dependent not just on diet, but mainly on quality of agricultural products as a part of diet. If crops were grown on poorly fertile soils, or they are exposed to severe stresses, lesser amount of mineral elements, particularly essential elements, such as zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and even sulphur, will be absorbed and accumulated, resulting in their deficiency in diets and increased incidence of various chronic diseases. Together with naturally low soil fertility, climate change, intensive agriculture is one of the main contributors of soil depletion. Thus, various long-term strategies, which are sustainable for agricultural plants and soils, at the same time, must be developed. It is of particular importance to increase a level of organic matter, as a source of mineral nutrients from the soil. The application through soil, as well as via plant foliage of various complex and organic fertilizers, containing macro- and micro-elements, and many stimulating compounds, enables better absorption and metabolisation of nutrients required for plants and nutrients essential for humans. Besides, bio-fertilizers, containing beneficial microorganisms have an important role in nutrients mobilization in soils, particularly from poorly accessible forms. Many biofertilizers contain microorganisms that are able to absorb atmospheric nitrogen, thus enriching soil, delivering it to the plants, enabling reduction in amount and costs of nitrogen addition into the soil. Promoting microorganisms are also able to enhance plants ability to absorb water and nutrients by their synergy with roots, resulting in stable and better growth performances of agricultural plants, thus increasing yield and its quality. Some other cropping practices, such as crop rotation, intercropping and use of cover crops, enriches soil with organic matter, reduces losses of nutrients through recycling of harvest residues, therefore increasing soil fertility, as well as quantity and quality of crop yield, at the same time.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF), Belgrade, 7-9 September 2022. Book of Abstracts",
title = "Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products",
pages = "32",
url = ""
Dragičević, V., Brankov, M., Stojiljković, M., Šenk, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Tolimir, M.,& Simić, M.. (2022). Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products. in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF), Belgrade, 7-9 September 2022. Book of Abstracts
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture., 32.
Dragičević V, Brankov M, Stojiljković M, Šenk M, Dolijanović Ž, Tolimir M, Simić M. Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products. in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF), Belgrade, 7-9 September 2022. Book of Abstracts. 2022;:32. .
Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, Stojiljković, Milovan, Šenk, Milena, Dolijanović, Željko, Tolimir, Miodrag, Simić, Milena, "Sustainable fertilization systems as a prerequisite for improved quality of agricultural products" in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF), Belgrade, 7-9 September 2022. Book of Abstracts (2022):32, .

Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom

Jovanović, Darko; Božić, Dragana; Vrbničanin, Sava; Brankov, Milan

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Jovanović, Darko
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Usled sve učestalije pojave rezistentnosti korova na herbicide kao i nedostatka novih
aktivnih supstanci herbicida na tržištu u poslednje tri decenije, trend savremene
zaštite bilja ide u pravcu optimizacije i usavršavanja primene postojećih herbicida
kako bi oni ispoljili maksimalnu efikasnost u suzbijanju korova, čime bi se odložila
pojava rezistentnosti. Ogled je postavljen 2021. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za
kukuruz “Zemun Polje”. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita uticaj rasprskivača, ađuvanata i
dva preparata herbicida nikosulfuron različitih proizvođača na njihovu efikasnost u
suzbijanju korova. Ogled je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok sistem sa 12
tretmana, parcelom bez korova (kontrola) i zakorovljenom parcelom. Ispitivani
herbicidi bili su: Motivell Extra 6 OD® (nikosulfuron 60g/l) i Talisman OD®
(nikosulfuron 40g/l) primenjeni bez dodatka ađuvanata kao i sa ađuvantima u varijaciji
sa dva tipa rasprskivača, u istoj količini od 45 g a.s./ha. Od ađuvanata primenjeni su:
amonijum sulfat - AMS (20%N + 24%S) i nejonski surfaktant Dash® (mešavina
metilestra masnih kiselina (metil-palmitat, metil-oleat, metil stearat, metil mistirat),
fosfatni estar etoksiliranih masnih alkohola, oleinska kiselina i mešavina
alkilbenzena). Rasprskivači korišćeni u ovom ogledu bili su: TeeJet XR11002
(Extended Range) koji proizvodi sitnije kapi bolje pokrovnosti, podložnije driftu i
TeeJet TTI11002 (Turbo TeeJet Induction) koji proizvodi krupnije kapi slabije
pokrovnosti, manje podložne driftu. Efikasnost herbicida ocenjivana je 21 dan nakon
primene herbicida, merenjem suve mase korova. Tretmani gde su primenjivani
herbicidi bez dodatka ađuvanata sa oba tipa rasprskivača imali su značajan uticaj na
redukciju suve mase korova. Ipak, najveće redukcije suve mase u odnosu na kontrolu
bile su u tretmanima gde je primenjivan Motivell Extra 6 OD® u kombinaciji sa
ađuvantom Dash® i iznosile su 92,3% u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem,
odnosno 93,5% u varijanti sa TTI11002 rasprskivačem. Najmanja redukcija u suvoj
masi uočena je kod tretmana koji su u sebi sadržali AMS i iznosila je 83,7% za
herbicid Motivell Extra 6 OD® u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem i 84,1% u
varijanti sa TTI11002 rasprskivačem, dok je za herbicid Talisman OD® iznosila 69,7%
u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem, odnosno 69,8% u varijanti sa TTI11002
rasprskivačem. Uticaj ađuvanata i preparata herbicida na redukciju suve mase bio je
najznačajniji i najuočljiviji, dok uticaj rasprskivača nije bio značajan.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T1  - Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Darko and Božić, Dragana and Vrbničanin, Sava and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Usled sve učestalije pojave rezistentnosti korova na herbicide kao i nedostatka novih
aktivnih supstanci herbicida na tržištu u poslednje tri decenije, trend savremene
zaštite bilja ide u pravcu optimizacije i usavršavanja primene postojećih herbicida
kako bi oni ispoljili maksimalnu efikasnost u suzbijanju korova, čime bi se odložila
pojava rezistentnosti. Ogled je postavljen 2021. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za
kukuruz “Zemun Polje”. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita uticaj rasprskivača, ađuvanata i
dva preparata herbicida nikosulfuron različitih proizvođača na njihovu efikasnost u
suzbijanju korova. Ogled je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok sistem sa 12
tretmana, parcelom bez korova (kontrola) i zakorovljenom parcelom. Ispitivani
herbicidi bili su: Motivell Extra 6 OD® (nikosulfuron 60g/l) i Talisman OD®
(nikosulfuron 40g/l) primenjeni bez dodatka ađuvanata kao i sa ađuvantima u varijaciji
sa dva tipa rasprskivača, u istoj količini od 45 g a.s./ha. Od ađuvanata primenjeni su:
amonijum sulfat - AMS (20%N + 24%S) i nejonski surfaktant Dash® (mešavina
metilestra masnih kiselina (metil-palmitat, metil-oleat, metil stearat, metil mistirat),
fosfatni estar etoksiliranih masnih alkohola, oleinska kiselina i mešavina
alkilbenzena). Rasprskivači korišćeni u ovom ogledu bili su: TeeJet XR11002
(Extended Range) koji proizvodi sitnije kapi bolje pokrovnosti, podložnije driftu i
TeeJet TTI11002 (Turbo TeeJet Induction) koji proizvodi krupnije kapi slabije
pokrovnosti, manje podložne driftu. Efikasnost herbicida ocenjivana je 21 dan nakon
primene herbicida, merenjem suve mase korova. Tretmani gde su primenjivani
herbicidi bez dodatka ađuvanata sa oba tipa rasprskivača imali su značajan uticaj na
redukciju suve mase korova. Ipak, najveće redukcije suve mase u odnosu na kontrolu
bile su u tretmanima gde je primenjivan Motivell Extra 6 OD® u kombinaciji sa
ađuvantom Dash® i iznosile su 92,3% u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem,
odnosno 93,5% u varijanti sa TTI11002 rasprskivačem. Najmanja redukcija u suvoj
masi uočena je kod tretmana koji su u sebi sadržali AMS i iznosila je 83,7% za
herbicid Motivell Extra 6 OD® u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem i 84,1% u
varijanti sa TTI11002 rasprskivačem, dok je za herbicid Talisman OD® iznosila 69,7%
u varijanti sa XR11002 rasprskivačem, odnosno 69,8% u varijanti sa TTI11002
rasprskivačem. Uticaj ađuvanata i preparata herbicida na redukciju suve mase bio je
najznačajniji i najuočljiviji, dok uticaj rasprskivača nije bio značajan.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
title = "Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom",
url = ""
Jovanović, D., Božić, D., Vrbničanin, S.,& Brankov, M.. (2021). Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom. 
Herbološko društvo Srbije..
Jovanović D, Božić D, Vrbničanin S, Brankov M. Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom. 2021;. .
Jovanović, Darko, Božić, Dragana, Vrbničanin, Sava, Brankov, Milan, "Uticaj ađuvanata i rasprskivača na suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu nikosulfuronom" (2021), .

Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters

Simić, Milena; Brankov, Milan; Babić, Milosav; Dolijanović, Željko; Kresović, Branka; Dragičević, Vesna

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Babić, Milosav
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Kresović, Branka
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The herbicide application and crop arrangement modifications are measures that can reduce weed abundance and support maize to compete over weeds. The aim of the investigation was to test and compare the growth and yield parameters of maize cultivated with standard and narow distances and with pre- and post-emergence chemical weed control. The experiment was conducted in the MRI Zemun Polje, Belgrade, during 2014-2016. Maize hybrid ZP 388 was grown with 50 cm and 70 cm row spacing, i.e 59,500 and 83,333 plants ha-1, respectively. The herbicide treatments included: control, a pre-emergence treatment of S-metolachlor+mesotrione and the post-emergence application of nicosulfuron+mesotrione. Six weeks after herbicides application, the biomass of whole maize plant (BMP) was measured, while the chlorophyll content (CH), leaf area (LA) and the leaf area index (LAI) were evaluated at the stage of fully developed maize plants. The Harvest index (HI) and grain yield (GY) were measured at harvest. The herbicide application caused significant differences in all maize parameters. The BMP, CH, LA, LAI, HI and GY were the highest when the post-emergence herbicides treatment was applied (25.22 g, 61.16, 4545.76 cm2, 3.22, 0.46 and 9.56 t ha-1, respectively) and the lowest in control (15.21 g, 49.35, 3356.02 cm2, 2.39, 0.41 and 5.87 t ha-1, respectively). Maize cultivation with 70 cm row distance was significantly advantageous for LA, HI and GY, (4316.33 cm2, 0.45 and 9.19 t ha-1, respectively) in comparison to the 50-cm row distance (3940.96 cm2, 0.43 and 7.36 t ha-1, respectively). The post-emergence herbicide application and standard 70-cm row distance are beneficial for the growth and yield of the hybrid developed under agro-ecological conditions of Serbia.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
PB  - ...
C3  - XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.
T1  - Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters
SP  - 230
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Brankov, Milan and Babić, Milosav and Dolijanović, Željko and Kresović, Branka and Dragičević, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The herbicide application and crop arrangement modifications are measures that can reduce weed abundance and support maize to compete over weeds. The aim of the investigation was to test and compare the growth and yield parameters of maize cultivated with standard and narow distances and with pre- and post-emergence chemical weed control. The experiment was conducted in the MRI Zemun Polje, Belgrade, during 2014-2016. Maize hybrid ZP 388 was grown with 50 cm and 70 cm row spacing, i.e 59,500 and 83,333 plants ha-1, respectively. The herbicide treatments included: control, a pre-emergence treatment of S-metolachlor+mesotrione and the post-emergence application of nicosulfuron+mesotrione. Six weeks after herbicides application, the biomass of whole maize plant (BMP) was measured, while the chlorophyll content (CH), leaf area (LA) and the leaf area index (LAI) were evaluated at the stage of fully developed maize plants. The Harvest index (HI) and grain yield (GY) were measured at harvest. The herbicide application caused significant differences in all maize parameters. The BMP, CH, LA, LAI, HI and GY were the highest when the post-emergence herbicides treatment was applied (25.22 g, 61.16, 4545.76 cm2, 3.22, 0.46 and 9.56 t ha-1, respectively) and the lowest in control (15.21 g, 49.35, 3356.02 cm2, 2.39, 0.41 and 5.87 t ha-1, respectively). Maize cultivation with 70 cm row distance was significantly advantageous for LA, HI and GY, (4316.33 cm2, 0.45 and 9.19 t ha-1, respectively) in comparison to the 50-cm row distance (3940.96 cm2, 0.43 and 7.36 t ha-1, respectively). The post-emergence herbicide application and standard 70-cm row distance are beneficial for the growth and yield of the hybrid developed under agro-ecological conditions of Serbia.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, ...",
journal = "XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.",
title = "Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters",
pages = "230",
url = ""
Simić, M., Brankov, M., Babić, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Kresović, B.,& Dragičević, V.. (2021). Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia., 230.
Simić M, Brankov M, Babić M, Dolijanović Ž, Kresović B, Dragičević V. Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.. 2021;:230. .
Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Babić, Milosav, Dolijanović, Željko, Kresović, Branka, Dragičević, Vesna, "Influences of herbicide treatments and row spaces on the maize growth and yield parameters" in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts. (2021):230, .

Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja

Simić, Milena; Pejović, Marija; Dolijanović, Željko; Brankov, Milan; Dragičević, Vesna

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Pejović, Marija
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Industrijalizovana poljoprivreda je donela brojne ekološke probleme, vođena zahtevima za većom produktivnošću. Zbog toga je gajenje useva uz smanjenu upotrebu pesticida, u sistemima koji prate klimatske promene, predmet novih regulativa koje zahtevaju pronalaženje balansa između produktivnosti i osnovnih principa održivosti kao što je očuvanje biodiverziteta. Prema Evropskom zelenom dogovoru (2021) potrebno je smanjiti upotrebu pesticida za 50% do 2030. godine. U održivim sistemima gajenja useva prioritet je smanjiti upotrebu pesticida i povećati efikasnost proizvodnje uz iskorišćavanje postojećih resursa i zaštitu agroekosistema. Jedan od načina povećanja održivosti jeste gajenje kukuruza nakon pokrovnih useva koji doprinose unapređenju kvaliteta zemljišta, čuvaju rezerve vode, smanjuju zakorovljenost i pojavu štetočina i bolesti. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita kako alternativni sistemi gajenja utiču na prinos i zakorovljenost kukuruza, pa će u tom smislu istraživanja biti višegodišnja. U 2020. godini je u Institutu za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“, Beograd, započet ogled sa proučavanjem tri sistema gajenja kukuruza i njihovog uticaja na zastupljenost korova:  - ekstenzivni sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), površina ostaje neobrađena, žetveni ostaci se ne zaoravaju, tokom leta se primenjuje totalni herbicid radi suzbijanja izniklih korova, u proleće se direktnom setvom poseje kukuruz; - intenzivni sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), strnište se plitko zaorava (ljuštenje strništa), kasnije se suzbijaju iznikli korovi primenom totalnog herbicida, u jesen se sprovodi duboko oranje, u proleće predsetvena priprema zemljišta i setva kukuruza;  -održivi sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), strnište se plitko zaorava (ljuštenje strništa), seju se ozimi pokrovni usevi – ozimi ovas, ozimi stočni kelj i ozimi stočni grašak, pokrovni usevi se u proleće pokose i kada biomasa svene i delom se razgradi, direktnom setvom seje se kukuruz. U sva tri sistema gajenja kukuruza, korovi su ocenjeni nakon primene svih opisanih mera, a pre primene herbicida, 3.6.2021., metodom probnih kvadrata. Utvrđen je broj vrsta, broj jedinki, sveža i suva masa korova po m2. Najveća zakorovljenost utvrđena je u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja kukuruza - 15 vrsta, 109 jedinki, 1712,1 g sveže i 1166,8 g suve mase korova po m2. U ovom sistemu gajenja, najzastupljenije su bile vrste Chenopodium album (L.), Amaranthus retroflexus (L.) i Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.). U ekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja kukuruza je bilo 7 vrsta korova čiji je broj jedinki bio 28 jed. m-2 a sveža i suva masa 152,4 i 142,4 g m-2. Pretpostavlja se da su žetveni ostaci pšenice delovali kao mrtvi malč i sprečili klijanje i nicanje korova u većoj meri. Najmanju zakorovljenost imao je održivi sistem gajenja kukuruza i to varijante sa stočnim keljom i stočnim graškom kao pokrovnim usevima koje su imale 4 i 3 vrste korova i to Convolvulus arvensis (L.), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. i Hibiscus trionum (L.). Navedene vrste korova su produkovale po 15 jedinki korova po m2 na svakoj varijanti dok je sveža masa korova iznosila 52,5  i 22,5 g m-2 a suva 31,6 i 14,0 g m-2.   Dobijeni jednogodišnji rezultati nisu dovoljni za izvođenje suštinskih zaključaka pa će se istraživanja nastaviti. Ipak, evidentno je da alternativni sistemi proizvodnje kukuruza imaju perspektivu i prednosti u pogledu zakorovljenosti useva kukuruza.
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Beograd
C3  - Zbornik rezimea XVI Simpozijuma o zaštiti bilja, 22-25. novembar 2021, Zlatibor, Srbija
T1  - Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja
SP  - 70
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Pejović, Marija and Dolijanović, Željko and Brankov, Milan and Dragičević, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Industrijalizovana poljoprivreda je donela brojne ekološke probleme, vođena zahtevima za većom produktivnošću. Zbog toga je gajenje useva uz smanjenu upotrebu pesticida, u sistemima koji prate klimatske promene, predmet novih regulativa koje zahtevaju pronalaženje balansa između produktivnosti i osnovnih principa održivosti kao što je očuvanje biodiverziteta. Prema Evropskom zelenom dogovoru (2021) potrebno je smanjiti upotrebu pesticida za 50% do 2030. godine. U održivim sistemima gajenja useva prioritet je smanjiti upotrebu pesticida i povećati efikasnost proizvodnje uz iskorišćavanje postojećih resursa i zaštitu agroekosistema. Jedan od načina povećanja održivosti jeste gajenje kukuruza nakon pokrovnih useva koji doprinose unapređenju kvaliteta zemljišta, čuvaju rezerve vode, smanjuju zakorovljenost i pojavu štetočina i bolesti. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita kako alternativni sistemi gajenja utiču na prinos i zakorovljenost kukuruza, pa će u tom smislu istraživanja biti višegodišnja. U 2020. godini je u Institutu za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“, Beograd, započet ogled sa proučavanjem tri sistema gajenja kukuruza i njihovog uticaja na zastupljenost korova:  - ekstenzivni sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), površina ostaje neobrađena, žetveni ostaci se ne zaoravaju, tokom leta se primenjuje totalni herbicid radi suzbijanja izniklih korova, u proleće se direktnom setvom poseje kukuruz; - intenzivni sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), strnište se plitko zaorava (ljuštenje strništa), kasnije se suzbijaju iznikli korovi primenom totalnog herbicida, u jesen se sprovodi duboko oranje, u proleće predsetvena priprema zemljišta i setva kukuruza;  -održivi sistem: posle žetve strnina (oz. pšenica), strnište se plitko zaorava (ljuštenje strništa), seju se ozimi pokrovni usevi – ozimi ovas, ozimi stočni kelj i ozimi stočni grašak, pokrovni usevi se u proleće pokose i kada biomasa svene i delom se razgradi, direktnom setvom seje se kukuruz. U sva tri sistema gajenja kukuruza, korovi su ocenjeni nakon primene svih opisanih mera, a pre primene herbicida, 3.6.2021., metodom probnih kvadrata. Utvrđen je broj vrsta, broj jedinki, sveža i suva masa korova po m2. Najveća zakorovljenost utvrđena je u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja kukuruza - 15 vrsta, 109 jedinki, 1712,1 g sveže i 1166,8 g suve mase korova po m2. U ovom sistemu gajenja, najzastupljenije su bile vrste Chenopodium album (L.), Amaranthus retroflexus (L.) i Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.). U ekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja kukuruza je bilo 7 vrsta korova čiji je broj jedinki bio 28 jed. m-2 a sveža i suva masa 152,4 i 142,4 g m-2. Pretpostavlja se da su žetveni ostaci pšenice delovali kao mrtvi malč i sprečili klijanje i nicanje korova u većoj meri. Najmanju zakorovljenost imao je održivi sistem gajenja kukuruza i to varijante sa stočnim keljom i stočnim graškom kao pokrovnim usevima koje su imale 4 i 3 vrste korova i to Convolvulus arvensis (L.), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. i Hibiscus trionum (L.). Navedene vrste korova su produkovale po 15 jedinki korova po m2 na svakoj varijanti dok je sveža masa korova iznosila 52,5  i 22,5 g m-2 a suva 31,6 i 14,0 g m-2.   Dobijeni jednogodišnji rezultati nisu dovoljni za izvođenje suštinskih zaključaka pa će se istraživanja nastaviti. Ipak, evidentno je da alternativni sistemi proizvodnje kukuruza imaju perspektivu i prednosti u pogledu zakorovljenosti useva kukuruza.",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea XVI Simpozijuma o zaštiti bilja, 22-25. novembar 2021, Zlatibor, Srbija",
title = "Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja",
pages = "70",
url = ""
Simić, M., Pejović, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Brankov, M.,& Dragičević, V.. (2021). Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja. in Zbornik rezimea XVI Simpozijuma o zaštiti bilja, 22-25. novembar 2021, Zlatibor, Srbija
Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Beograd., 70.
Simić M, Pejović M, Dolijanović Ž, Brankov M, Dragičević V. Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja. in Zbornik rezimea XVI Simpozijuma o zaštiti bilja, 22-25. novembar 2021, Zlatibor, Srbija. 2021;:70. .
Simić, Milena, Pejović, Marija, Dolijanović, Željko, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, "Zakorovljenost kukuruza u ekstenzivnom, konvencionalnom i održivom sistemu gajenja" in Zbornik rezimea XVI Simpozijuma o zaštiti bilja, 22-25. novembar 2021, Zlatibor, Srbija (2021):70, .

Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije

Simić, Milena; Brankov, Milan; Dragičević, Vesna; Dolijanović, Željko; Tabaković, Marijenka

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Tabaković, Marijenka
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Brojne posledice intenzivne primene herbicida su doprinele razvoju koncepta integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova (IWMS - Integrated Weed Management System) koji je donet još 1991. godine. Sistem je baziran na planskoj i datim uslovima prilagođenoj, kombinovanoj primeni preventivnih, direktnih, mehaničkih, bioloških, hemijskih, alternativnih i drugih mera za smanjenje zakorovljenosti u usevima, uz poštovanje kritičnog perioda suzbijanja korova i ekonomskog praga štetnosti. Razvoj i primena IWM strategije koja omogućava uspešno suzbijanje korova bez velikog oslanjanja na herbicide i bez neželjenih efekata po ekonomičnost proizvodnje i kvalitet agroekosistema je i danas izazov. Podizanje svesti o značaju očuvanja životne sredine i posledicama njenog zagađenja, uticale su da proizvođači herbicida danas vrše promet svojih proizvoda promovišući IWM koncept. Najslabija karika IWMS koncepta je njegova primena. Nehemijske metode se često koriste da nadoknade nedovoljnu efikasnost herbicida kao posledicu rezistentnosti korova na herbicide, a ne kao alternativa herbicidima. Potrebno je više promovisati IWMS, raditi na edukaciji proizvođača radi podsticanja na dugoročniji pristup suzbijanju korova, pokazati u praksi efekte primene IWM, uvesti subvencije za njegovu primenu i, po potrebi, strože propise za upotrebu herbicida. Široj primeni  IMWS doprinelo bi uvođenje u praksu savremenih rešenja iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija i komunikacija, ponovna evaluacija prioriteta istraživanja i njihovo proširenje. Istraživanja sprovedena u poslednjih 20-ak godina u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun Polje, Beograd usmerena su ka razvoju i primeni IWM s ciljem da se, na osnovu eksperimentalno dobijenih rezultata, utvrde prednosti kombinovane primene nehemijskih i hemijskih mera u suzbijanju korova. Novim pristupom je istaknut značaj i doprinos plodoreda, posebno tropoljnog, u smanjenju zakorovljenosti i rezervi semena korova u zemljištu. U proseku 2009-2019., nakon primene preporučene i 0,5 preporučene količine herbicida u tropoljnom plodoredu, masa korova u kukuruzu je smanjena za 92,8% i 0,0% u odnosu na kontrolu, dok je u monokulturi smanjenje iznosilo 79,8% i 0,0%. Proučavanje uticaja sistema obrade zemljišta i đubrenja na zakorovljenost i prinos kukuruza je započeto u stacionarnom ogledu 1978. godine a presek stanja za period 2017-2019, je pokazao da je ukupna sveža masa korova bila značajno manja na površini sa konvencionalnom obradom, u svim varijantama đubrenja, u poređenju sa redukovanom obradom i direktnom setvom. U nekoliko ogleda su proučavane mogućnosti kompeticijskog delovanja useva na korove kroz odabir odgovarajuće gustine i prostornog rasporeda gajenja kukuruza. Rezultati su pokazali da smanjeno međuredno rastojanje i povećana gustina gajenja širokoredog useva kakav je kukuruz može doprineti smanjenju zakorovljenosti. Prepoznavanje kritičnog perioda delovanja korova, utrvđivanje efikasnosti pokrovnih i združenih useva u suzbijanju korova u hibridima kukuruza standardnog kvaliteta i specifičnih svojstava, kao i proučavanje efekata primene đubriva i navodnjavanja, uz primenu herbicida, u preporučenim i smanjenim količinama, takođe je ispitivano radi promocije rezultata i ukazivanja na značaj primene nehemijskih mera za dugoročno smanjenje zakorovljenosti. Rezultati su pokazali da gajenje kukuruza i suzbijanje korova može da bude uspešno i sa upotrebom manje količine herbicida kao i da se prinosi ostvareni primenom IWM mera nisu razlikovali od onih dobijenih konvencionalnim gajenjem kukuruza, čime je ispoštovan zahtev za ekonomičnošću proizvodnje.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
C3  - XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta, Zbornik rezimea
T1  - Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije
SP  - 56-57
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Brankov, Milan and Dragičević, Vesna and Dolijanović, Željko and Tabaković, Marijenka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Brojne posledice intenzivne primene herbicida su doprinele razvoju koncepta integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova (IWMS - Integrated Weed Management System) koji je donet još 1991. godine. Sistem je baziran na planskoj i datim uslovima prilagođenoj, kombinovanoj primeni preventivnih, direktnih, mehaničkih, bioloških, hemijskih, alternativnih i drugih mera za smanjenje zakorovljenosti u usevima, uz poštovanje kritičnog perioda suzbijanja korova i ekonomskog praga štetnosti. Razvoj i primena IWM strategije koja omogućava uspešno suzbijanje korova bez velikog oslanjanja na herbicide i bez neželjenih efekata po ekonomičnost proizvodnje i kvalitet agroekosistema je i danas izazov. Podizanje svesti o značaju očuvanja životne sredine i posledicama njenog zagađenja, uticale su da proizvođači herbicida danas vrše promet svojih proizvoda promovišući IWM koncept. Najslabija karika IWMS koncepta je njegova primena. Nehemijske metode se često koriste da nadoknade nedovoljnu efikasnost herbicida kao posledicu rezistentnosti korova na herbicide, a ne kao alternativa herbicidima. Potrebno je više promovisati IWMS, raditi na edukaciji proizvođača radi podsticanja na dugoročniji pristup suzbijanju korova, pokazati u praksi efekte primene IWM, uvesti subvencije za njegovu primenu i, po potrebi, strože propise za upotrebu herbicida. Široj primeni  IMWS doprinelo bi uvođenje u praksu savremenih rešenja iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija i komunikacija, ponovna evaluacija prioriteta istraživanja i njihovo proširenje. Istraživanja sprovedena u poslednjih 20-ak godina u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun Polje, Beograd usmerena su ka razvoju i primeni IWM s ciljem da se, na osnovu eksperimentalno dobijenih rezultata, utvrde prednosti kombinovane primene nehemijskih i hemijskih mera u suzbijanju korova. Novim pristupom je istaknut značaj i doprinos plodoreda, posebno tropoljnog, u smanjenju zakorovljenosti i rezervi semena korova u zemljištu. U proseku 2009-2019., nakon primene preporučene i 0,5 preporučene količine herbicida u tropoljnom plodoredu, masa korova u kukuruzu je smanjena za 92,8% i 0,0% u odnosu na kontrolu, dok je u monokulturi smanjenje iznosilo 79,8% i 0,0%. Proučavanje uticaja sistema obrade zemljišta i đubrenja na zakorovljenost i prinos kukuruza je započeto u stacionarnom ogledu 1978. godine a presek stanja za period 2017-2019, je pokazao da je ukupna sveža masa korova bila značajno manja na površini sa konvencionalnom obradom, u svim varijantama đubrenja, u poređenju sa redukovanom obradom i direktnom setvom. U nekoliko ogleda su proučavane mogućnosti kompeticijskog delovanja useva na korove kroz odabir odgovarajuće gustine i prostornog rasporeda gajenja kukuruza. Rezultati su pokazali da smanjeno međuredno rastojanje i povećana gustina gajenja širokoredog useva kakav je kukuruz može doprineti smanjenju zakorovljenosti. Prepoznavanje kritičnog perioda delovanja korova, utrvđivanje efikasnosti pokrovnih i združenih useva u suzbijanju korova u hibridima kukuruza standardnog kvaliteta i specifičnih svojstava, kao i proučavanje efekata primene đubriva i navodnjavanja, uz primenu herbicida, u preporučenim i smanjenim količinama, takođe je ispitivano radi promocije rezultata i ukazivanja na značaj primene nehemijskih mera za dugoročno smanjenje zakorovljenosti. Rezultati su pokazali da gajenje kukuruza i suzbijanje korova može da bude uspešno i sa upotrebom manje količine herbicida kao i da se prinosi ostvareni primenom IWM mera nisu razlikovali od onih dobijenih konvencionalnim gajenjem kukuruza, čime je ispoštovan zahtev za ekonomičnošću proizvodnje.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta, Zbornik rezimea",
title = "Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije",
pages = "56-57",
url = ""
Simić, M., Brankov, M., Dragičević, V., Dolijanović, Ž.,& Tabaković, M.. (2021). Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije. in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta, Zbornik rezimea
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 56-57.
Simić M, Brankov M, Dragičević V, Dolijanović Ž, Tabaković M. Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije. in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta, Zbornik rezimea. 2021;:56-57. .
Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, Dolijanović, Željko, Tabaković, Marijenka, "Efekti sistema integrisanih mera za suzbijanje korova u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije" in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta, Zbornik rezimea (2021):56-57, .

Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation

Simić, Milena; Dragičević, Vesna; Dolijanović, Željko; Filipović, Milomir; Brankov, Milan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Filipović, Milomir
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The crop cultivation with the herbicide application as lower as possible and favouring other
measures (cultural, biological, ecological) is one the postulates of sustainable agriculture.
Therefore, cover crops and tillage systems may contribute to a significant reduction in maize
weed infestation, maintenance and improvement of soil fertility. The trial, set up at the Maize
Research Institute, Zemun Polje in 2020, was aimed at determining differences between a
sustainable growing system (with cover crops) and a conventional/extensive and intensive
growing system in soil fertility, weed control and maize productivity. The trial encompassed
three maize growing systems:
- extensive system: after winter wheat harvest, the field was left uncultivated; during summer,
a total herbicide was applied to suppress weeds; in spring, maize was directly sown;
- intensive system: after winter wheat harvest, stubble field was shallowly ploughed; then a
total herbicide was applied to suppress emerged weeds; in autumn, soil was deeply ploughed;
in spring, pre-sowing cultivation was done by a cultivator and then sowing was performed;
-sustainable system: after winter wheat harvest, stubble field is shallowly ploughed and then
winter cover crops were sown: winter oats, winter fodder kale and winter field pea; cover
crops were mown in spring and when biomass was partially decomposed, maize was sown by
direct sowing.
The high-yielding maize hybrid of the latest generation, ZP5601, was sown on May 6, 2021,
at the density of 60,606 plants ha-1. In the stated maize growing systems, the presence of
weeds was analysed at the 5-6-leaf stage of maize.
A significantly lower number of species and biomass of weeds were determined in all
variants of cover crops (sustainable cultivation) already in the first year of investigation,
while the highest presence of weeds was recorded in the conventional/intensive maize
growing system. The number of weed species and biomass were the lowest on the area with
the extensive maize growing system, but maize was in the lower BBCH 15 stage in
comparison to remaining two growing systems (BBCH 17).
A sustainable maize growing system was more efficient with respect to the maintenance of
soil fertility and weed control.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд
T1  - Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation
EP  - 55
SP  - 54
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Dragičević, Vesna and Dolijanović, Željko and Filipović, Milomir and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The crop cultivation with the herbicide application as lower as possible and favouring other
measures (cultural, biological, ecological) is one the postulates of sustainable agriculture.
Therefore, cover crops and tillage systems may contribute to a significant reduction in maize
weed infestation, maintenance and improvement of soil fertility. The trial, set up at the Maize
Research Institute, Zemun Polje in 2020, was aimed at determining differences between a
sustainable growing system (with cover crops) and a conventional/extensive and intensive
growing system in soil fertility, weed control and maize productivity. The trial encompassed
three maize growing systems:
- extensive system: after winter wheat harvest, the field was left uncultivated; during summer,
a total herbicide was applied to suppress weeds; in spring, maize was directly sown;
- intensive system: after winter wheat harvest, stubble field was shallowly ploughed; then a
total herbicide was applied to suppress emerged weeds; in autumn, soil was deeply ploughed;
in spring, pre-sowing cultivation was done by a cultivator and then sowing was performed;
-sustainable system: after winter wheat harvest, stubble field is shallowly ploughed and then
winter cover crops were sown: winter oats, winter fodder kale and winter field pea; cover
crops were mown in spring and when biomass was partially decomposed, maize was sown by
direct sowing.
The high-yielding maize hybrid of the latest generation, ZP5601, was sown on May 6, 2021,
at the density of 60,606 plants ha-1. In the stated maize growing systems, the presence of
weeds was analysed at the 5-6-leaf stage of maize.
A significantly lower number of species and biomass of weeds were determined in all
variants of cover crops (sustainable cultivation) already in the first year of investigation,
while the highest presence of weeds was recorded in the conventional/intensive maize
growing system. The number of weed species and biomass were the lowest on the area with
the extensive maize growing system, but maize was in the lower BBCH 15 stage in
comparison to remaining two growing systems (BBCH 17).
A sustainable maize growing system was more efficient with respect to the maintenance of
soil fertility and weed control.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд",
title = "Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation",
pages = "55-54",
url = ""
Simić, M., Dragičević, V., Dolijanović, Ž., Filipović, M.,& Brankov, M.. (2021). Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation. in X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet., 54-55.
Simić M, Dragičević V, Dolijanović Ž, Filipović M, Brankov M. Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation. in X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд. 2021;:54-55. .
Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Dolijanović, Željko, Filipović, Milomir, Brankov, Milan, "Weed infestation of maize grown in the sustainable system of cultivation" in X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи“ Београд (2021):54-55, .

Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops

Brankov, Milan; Vieira, Bruno; Simić, Milena; Dolijanović, Željko; Tolimir, Miodrag; Dragičević, Vesna

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021)

AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Vieira, Bruno
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Tolimir, Miodrag
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Nicosulfuron as sulfonylurea and mesotrione as triketone are some of the most used herbicides for weed control in maize. The potential off-target movement and plant injuries of these herbicides were evaluated in a bioassay under controlled conditions. Both herbicides were applied in rates of 0.005X, 0.001X, 0.05X, 0.01X, 0.1X, 0.25X, 0.5X, 1X, 2X, and 4X, where X corresponds to 60 g ai ha-1, and 120 g ai ha-1 for nicosulfuron and mesotrione, respectively. Seven species were tested: lettuce, oil pumpkin, oilseed rape, paprika, soybean, sunflower, and tomato. After applications, plants were returned to the greenhouse and grown for more 21 days and following parameters were evaluated: visual injuries, leaf area, height, and dry biomass. All data were converted into a percentage of reduction compared to untreated control. The data were subjected to a non-linear regression analysis by four-parameter log-logistic model using R statistics. According to obtained results, rates of 0.03 and 0.06 X for nicosulfruon and mesotrione, respectively influenced all measured parameters. The most sensitive species to both herbicides was lettuce. The rates of 4.8 g and 6.1g of nicosulfruon reduced biomass by 80% in tomato and oil pumpkin, while 0.2 g and 0.9 g of mesotrione reduced biomass by 80%. Since our results have reported significant injuries following low herbicide rates, herbicide drift must be mitigated in order to prevent potential negative influence on the environment.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
PB  - ...
C3  - XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.
T1  - Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops
SP  - 226
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Milan and Vieira, Bruno and Simić, Milena and Dolijanović, Željko and Tolimir, Miodrag and Dragičević, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Nicosulfuron as sulfonylurea and mesotrione as triketone are some of the most used herbicides for weed control in maize. The potential off-target movement and plant injuries of these herbicides were evaluated in a bioassay under controlled conditions. Both herbicides were applied in rates of 0.005X, 0.001X, 0.05X, 0.01X, 0.1X, 0.25X, 0.5X, 1X, 2X, and 4X, where X corresponds to 60 g ai ha-1, and 120 g ai ha-1 for nicosulfuron and mesotrione, respectively. Seven species were tested: lettuce, oil pumpkin, oilseed rape, paprika, soybean, sunflower, and tomato. After applications, plants were returned to the greenhouse and grown for more 21 days and following parameters were evaluated: visual injuries, leaf area, height, and dry biomass. All data were converted into a percentage of reduction compared to untreated control. The data were subjected to a non-linear regression analysis by four-parameter log-logistic model using R statistics. According to obtained results, rates of 0.03 and 0.06 X for nicosulfruon and mesotrione, respectively influenced all measured parameters. The most sensitive species to both herbicides was lettuce. The rates of 4.8 g and 6.1g of nicosulfruon reduced biomass by 80% in tomato and oil pumpkin, while 0.2 g and 0.9 g of mesotrione reduced biomass by 80%. Since our results have reported significant injuries following low herbicide rates, herbicide drift must be mitigated in order to prevent potential negative influence on the environment.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, ...",
journal = "XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.",
title = "Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops",
pages = "226",
url = ""
Brankov, M., Vieira, B., Simić, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Tolimir, M.,& Dragičević, V.. (2021). Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia., 226.
Brankov M, Vieira B, Simić M, Dolijanović Ž, Tolimir M, Dragičević V. Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts.. 2021;:226. .
Brankov, Milan, Vieira, Bruno, Simić, Milena, Dolijanović, Željko, Tolimir, Miodrag, Dragičević, Vesna, "Low nicosulfuron and mesotrione rates influence on various crops" in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, Jahorina, October 07-10, 2021,  Book of abstracts. (2021):226, .

Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer

Dragičević, Vesna; Dolijanović, Željko; Janošević, Biljana; Brankov, Milan; Stoiljković, Milovan; Dodevska, Margarita S.; Simić, Milena

(MDPI AG, 2021)

AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Janošević, Biljana
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Stoiljković, Milovan
AU  - Dodevska, Margarita S.
AU  - Simić, Milena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Cover crops (CC) are an important low-input strategy in sustainable agricultural sys-tems. The impact of different CC (common vetch, field pea, winter oats, fodder kale, common vetch + winter oats and field pea + winter oats), organic mulch, control treatment-fallow, and bio-fertilizer (BF) application, on yield and quality of sweet maize kernel was evaluated. CC biomass was higher in mixtures: field pea + winter oats, and common vetch + winter oats, as well as in fodder kale. Kernel yield and its chemical composition varied significantly by CC, BF, year, and their interaction. Organic mulch enhanced the concentration of sugars and glutathione in maize kernel. BF increased kernel yield, the concentration of sugars, vitamin C, Mg, Fe, Zn, and reduced phytate concentration. The highest Mg and Mn concentration in maize kernel was achieved with fodder kale, Zn concentration with common vetch + winter oats + BF, and Fe concentration with winter oats. The same treatments expressed the highest impact on variability in concentration of the phytate, phenolics, and yellow pigment, thus affecting further bio-availability of essential elements. Results indicate that in a semi-arid climate, under rain-fed conditions, CC such as fodder kale and winter oats + common vetch could enhance sweet maize productivity and kernel quality, serving as an important part of a sustainable cropping system, to facilitate food security.
T2  - Agronomy
T1  - Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer
IS  - 5
SP  - 981
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy11050981
ER  - 
author = "Dragičević, Vesna and Dolijanović, Željko and Janošević, Biljana and Brankov, Milan and Stoiljković, Milovan and Dodevska, Margarita S. and Simić, Milena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Cover crops (CC) are an important low-input strategy in sustainable agricultural sys-tems. The impact of different CC (common vetch, field pea, winter oats, fodder kale, common vetch + winter oats and field pea + winter oats), organic mulch, control treatment-fallow, and bio-fertilizer (BF) application, on yield and quality of sweet maize kernel was evaluated. CC biomass was higher in mixtures: field pea + winter oats, and common vetch + winter oats, as well as in fodder kale. Kernel yield and its chemical composition varied significantly by CC, BF, year, and their interaction. Organic mulch enhanced the concentration of sugars and glutathione in maize kernel. BF increased kernel yield, the concentration of sugars, vitamin C, Mg, Fe, Zn, and reduced phytate concentration. The highest Mg and Mn concentration in maize kernel was achieved with fodder kale, Zn concentration with common vetch + winter oats + BF, and Fe concentration with winter oats. The same treatments expressed the highest impact on variability in concentration of the phytate, phenolics, and yellow pigment, thus affecting further bio-availability of essential elements. Results indicate that in a semi-arid climate, under rain-fed conditions, CC such as fodder kale and winter oats + common vetch could enhance sweet maize productivity and kernel quality, serving as an important part of a sustainable cropping system, to facilitate food security.",
publisher = "MDPI AG",
journal = "Agronomy",
title = "Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer",
number = "5",
pages = "981",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy11050981"
Dragičević, V., Dolijanović, Ž., Janošević, B., Brankov, M., Stoiljković, M., Dodevska, M. S.,& Simić, M.. (2021). Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer. in Agronomy
MDPI AG., 11(5), 981.
Dragičević V, Dolijanović Ž, Janošević B, Brankov M, Stoiljković M, Dodevska MS, Simić M. Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer. in Agronomy. 2021;11(5):981.
doi:10.3390/agronomy11050981 .
Dragičević, Vesna, Dolijanović, Željko, Janošević, Biljana, Brankov, Milan, Stoiljković, Milovan, Dodevska, Margarita S., Simić, Milena, "Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer" in Agronomy, 11, no. 5 (2021):981, . .

The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing

Brankov, Milan; Simić, Milena; Dolijanović, Željko; Rajković, Milos; Mandić, Violeta; Dragičević, Vesna

(MDPI, BASEL, 2020)

AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Rajković, Milos
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of two foliar fertilizers applied on five maize (Zea maysL.) lines. Fertilizers were applied at different growth stages of maize, during three consecutive years (2010-2012) at the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje", Serbia. Maize growth parameters such as fresh matter, height, leaf area and grain yield were recorded. Foliar fertilizer with amino acids (FAA) was more advantageous to maize plants compared to fertilizer containing phosphorus (FP) as a main component. Applied FAA has shown positive effects by increasing fresh matter, leaf area index, and plant height in all three years. In 2012, due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, grain yield and harvest index were very low, compared to the previous two years, although, positive effects on morphological traits were observed 21 days after treatments (DAT), as well as in the anthesis stage. The best results of 30% of grain yield and harvest index increase were recorded in line L1 in 2010 and 2011. The same line had an increase of more than 40% of fresh matter and leaf area on average for all three years. The positive effects that have been noticed in this research could recommend foliar fertilizing with fertilizer containing N in a form of an amino acids complex.
T2  - Agriculture-Basel
T1  - The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing
IS  - 9
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.3390/agriculture10090365
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Milan and Simić, Milena and Dolijanović, Željko and Rajković, Milos and Mandić, Violeta and Dragičević, Vesna",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of two foliar fertilizers applied on five maize (Zea maysL.) lines. Fertilizers were applied at different growth stages of maize, during three consecutive years (2010-2012) at the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje", Serbia. Maize growth parameters such as fresh matter, height, leaf area and grain yield were recorded. Foliar fertilizer with amino acids (FAA) was more advantageous to maize plants compared to fertilizer containing phosphorus (FP) as a main component. Applied FAA has shown positive effects by increasing fresh matter, leaf area index, and plant height in all three years. In 2012, due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, grain yield and harvest index were very low, compared to the previous two years, although, positive effects on morphological traits were observed 21 days after treatments (DAT), as well as in the anthesis stage. The best results of 30% of grain yield and harvest index increase were recorded in line L1 in 2010 and 2011. The same line had an increase of more than 40% of fresh matter and leaf area on average for all three years. The positive effects that have been noticed in this research could recommend foliar fertilizing with fertilizer containing N in a form of an amino acids complex.",
publisher = "MDPI, BASEL",
journal = "Agriculture-Basel",
title = "The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing",
number = "9",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.3390/agriculture10090365"
Brankov, M., Simić, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Rajković, M., Mandić, V.,& Dragičević, V.. (2020). The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing. in Agriculture-Basel
MDPI, BASEL., 10(9).
Brankov M, Simić M, Dolijanović Ž, Rajković M, Mandić V, Dragičević V. The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing. in Agriculture-Basel. 2020;10(9).
doi:10.3390/agriculture10090365 .
Brankov, Milan, Simić, Milena, Dolijanović, Željko, Rajković, Milos, Mandić, Violeta, Dragičević, Vesna, "The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing" in Agriculture-Basel, 10, no. 9 (2020), . .

Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation

Simić, Milena; Dragičević, Vesna; Chachalis, Demosthenis; Dolijanović, Željko; Brankov, Milan

(Lithuanian Research Centre Agriculture & Forestry, Kedainiu R, 2020)

AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Chachalis, Demosthenis
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The effects of different measures within maize cropping technology, aimed to suppress weeds as a part of integrated weed management (IWM) system, are analysed and evaluated in this manuscript, in line with the results of long-term experiments. For sustainable maize (Zea mays L.) production, implementation of IWM system aiming to reduce reliance on chemical weed control within Europe is a key priority. This IWM system includes all possible solutions, such as preventive, direct, biological, mechanical and alternative measures. A cropping system approach is essential to manage weeds, utilize genetic potential of maize genotypes and reduce yield losses due to weed competition. Long-term experiments are nowadays rare, but they are an excellent and reliable method for comparing cropping systems regarding yield and reduction of weed infestation level. In the research program implemented at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje in Central Serbia, the effects of different cropping measures and their interactions as a part of IWMs were studied during ten years. Maize rotations with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Men.), combined with herbicide application, showed the best effect on weed biomass reduction, 92.1% and 92.2%, respectively. Winter wheat was a better preceding crop for maize than soybean, especially in combination with herbicides applied in recommended as well as in half of recommended rate. Intensification of soil tillage significantly reduced maize weed infestation, especially abundance of perennial species: Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.). Other measures, such as type of fertilizer, maize row space and crop density, cover cropping and intercropping also affected weed biomass production in maize fields. Maize growing with reduced row spacing contributed to weed biomass reduction by 27.4%, while application of slow-release urea contributed to crop competitiveness. Weed biomass in sweet maize (Zea mays L. convar. saccharata) grown with common vetch as a cover crop was significantly reduced (48.5 g m(-2)) compared with the treatment without a cover crop (564.3 g m(-2)).
PB  - Lithuanian Research Centre Agriculture & Forestry, Kedainiu R
T2  - Zemdirbyste-Agriculture
T1  - Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation
EP  - 40
IS  - 1
SP  - 33
VL  - 107
DO  - 10.13080/z-a.2020.107.005
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Milena and Dragičević, Vesna and Chachalis, Demosthenis and Dolijanović, Željko and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The effects of different measures within maize cropping technology, aimed to suppress weeds as a part of integrated weed management (IWM) system, are analysed and evaluated in this manuscript, in line with the results of long-term experiments. For sustainable maize (Zea mays L.) production, implementation of IWM system aiming to reduce reliance on chemical weed control within Europe is a key priority. This IWM system includes all possible solutions, such as preventive, direct, biological, mechanical and alternative measures. A cropping system approach is essential to manage weeds, utilize genetic potential of maize genotypes and reduce yield losses due to weed competition. Long-term experiments are nowadays rare, but they are an excellent and reliable method for comparing cropping systems regarding yield and reduction of weed infestation level. In the research program implemented at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje in Central Serbia, the effects of different cropping measures and their interactions as a part of IWMs were studied during ten years. Maize rotations with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Men.), combined with herbicide application, showed the best effect on weed biomass reduction, 92.1% and 92.2%, respectively. Winter wheat was a better preceding crop for maize than soybean, especially in combination with herbicides applied in recommended as well as in half of recommended rate. Intensification of soil tillage significantly reduced maize weed infestation, especially abundance of perennial species: Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.). Other measures, such as type of fertilizer, maize row space and crop density, cover cropping and intercropping also affected weed biomass production in maize fields. Maize growing with reduced row spacing contributed to weed biomass reduction by 27.4%, while application of slow-release urea contributed to crop competitiveness. Weed biomass in sweet maize (Zea mays L. convar. saccharata) grown with common vetch as a cover crop was significantly reduced (48.5 g m(-2)) compared with the treatment without a cover crop (564.3 g m(-2)).",
publisher = "Lithuanian Research Centre Agriculture & Forestry, Kedainiu R",
journal = "Zemdirbyste-Agriculture",
title = "Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation",
pages = "40-33",
number = "1",
volume = "107",
doi = "10.13080/z-a.2020.107.005"
Simić, M., Dragičević, V., Chachalis, D., Dolijanović, Ž.,& Brankov, M.. (2020). Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation. in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture
Lithuanian Research Centre Agriculture & Forestry, Kedainiu R., 107(1), 33-40.
Simić M, Dragičević V, Chachalis D, Dolijanović Ž, Brankov M. Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation. in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. 2020;107(1):33-40.
doi:10.13080/z-a.2020.107.005 .
Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Chachalis, Demosthenis, Dolijanović, Željko, Brankov, Milan, "Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation" in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 107, no. 1 (2020):33-40, . .

Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity

Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica; Krnjaja, Vesna; Simić, Aleksandar; Simić, Milena; Brankov, Milan; Djordjević, Snežana

(Maydica-Ist Sper Cerealicoltur, Bergamo, 2020)

AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Simić, Aleksandar
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Djordjević, Snežana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Field experiment was conducted to examine the impacts of two sowing dates (8 April - first date of sowing and 21 April - second date of sowing) and four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1)) on the productivity of maize hybrid 'ZP 434' in the Pannonian region of Serbia during 2016 and 2017 seasons. The dry period during late vegetative development and grain filling stage in 2017 decreased ear traits, grain yield, starch and oil contents, nitrogen agronomic (NAE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The highest number of grains per ear, starch and oil contents, starch and oil yields and lower rainfall use efficiency (RUE) and protein content were obtained from the early sowing date. The ear traits, grain yield, RUE, protein content, oil content and yield of starch, protein and oil significantly increased while NAE, NUE and starch content significantly decreased with increasing nitrogen rate. The results indicated a significant inverse correlation between starch and protein contents, which prevents the improvement of these two parameters simultaneously. Thus, timely sowing and nitrogen input should be used as long term management strategies for increasing maize yield and grain quality.
PB  - Maydica-Ist Sper Cerealicoltur, Bergamo
T2  - Maydica
T1  - Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity
IS  - 2
VL  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica and Krnjaja, Vesna and Simić, Aleksandar and Simić, Milena and Brankov, Milan and Djordjević, Snežana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Field experiment was conducted to examine the impacts of two sowing dates (8 April - first date of sowing and 21 April - second date of sowing) and four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1)) on the productivity of maize hybrid 'ZP 434' in the Pannonian region of Serbia during 2016 and 2017 seasons. The dry period during late vegetative development and grain filling stage in 2017 decreased ear traits, grain yield, starch and oil contents, nitrogen agronomic (NAE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The highest number of grains per ear, starch and oil contents, starch and oil yields and lower rainfall use efficiency (RUE) and protein content were obtained from the early sowing date. The ear traits, grain yield, RUE, protein content, oil content and yield of starch, protein and oil significantly increased while NAE, NUE and starch content significantly decreased with increasing nitrogen rate. The results indicated a significant inverse correlation between starch and protein contents, which prevents the improvement of these two parameters simultaneously. Thus, timely sowing and nitrogen input should be used as long term management strategies for increasing maize yield and grain quality.",
publisher = "Maydica-Ist Sper Cerealicoltur, Bergamo",
journal = "Maydica",
title = "Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity",
number = "2",
volume = "65",
url = ""
Mandić, V., Bijelić, Z., Krnjaja, V., Simić, A., Simić, M., Brankov, M.,& Djordjević, S.. (2020). Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity. in Maydica
Maydica-Ist Sper Cerealicoltur, Bergamo., 65(2).
Mandić V, Bijelić Z, Krnjaja V, Simić A, Simić M, Brankov M, Djordjević S. Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity. in Maydica. 2020;65(2). .
Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, Krnjaja, Vesna, Simić, Aleksandar, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Djordjević, Snežana, "Sowing and fertilization strategies to improve maize productivity" in Maydica, 65, no. 2 (2020), .

Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize

Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica; Krnjaja, Vesna; Djordjević, S.; Brankov, Milan; Mićić, N.; Stanojković, A.

(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2020)

AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Djordjević, S.
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Mićić, N.
AU  - Stanojković, A.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Maize silage is source of palatable and high-energy forage for ruminants. Therefore, production of high quality forage maize represents an essential strategy for stable production of milk and meat on livestock farms. This study examined the effect of harvest date (early dent, at half milk line, at three quarters milk line and black layer) on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of whole maize plant under contrasting climatic conditions in the Srem-Serbia. A 2 × 4 factorial (two years and the four cutting times) randomized blocks design was used, with three replications. The plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, forage yield, dry matter yield and dry matter content were higher in 2014 probably due to favorable weather conditions. With the delay of the harvest the forage yield, crude protein content, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) decreased, and dry matter yield, dry matter content and ear percentage increased. Sufficiently high dry matter content and ear percentage were achieved at the third harvest. However, the delay of harvested time reduces the quality parameters of the biomass, but this loss in the entire plant is moderated by grain filling.
PB  - Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum
T2  - Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
T1  - Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize
EP  - 107
IS  - 1
SP  - 103
VL  - 31
DO  - 10.36899/JAPS.2021.1.0198
ER  - 
author = "Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica and Krnjaja, Vesna and Djordjević, S. and Brankov, Milan and Mićić, N. and Stanojković, A.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Maize silage is source of palatable and high-energy forage for ruminants. Therefore, production of high quality forage maize represents an essential strategy for stable production of milk and meat on livestock farms. This study examined the effect of harvest date (early dent, at half milk line, at three quarters milk line and black layer) on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of whole maize plant under contrasting climatic conditions in the Srem-Serbia. A 2 × 4 factorial (two years and the four cutting times) randomized blocks design was used, with three replications. The plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, forage yield, dry matter yield and dry matter content were higher in 2014 probably due to favorable weather conditions. With the delay of the harvest the forage yield, crude protein content, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) decreased, and dry matter yield, dry matter content and ear percentage increased. Sufficiently high dry matter content and ear percentage were achieved at the third harvest. However, the delay of harvested time reduces the quality parameters of the biomass, but this loss in the entire plant is moderated by grain filling.",
publisher = "Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum",
journal = "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences",
title = "Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize",
pages = "107-103",
number = "1",
volume = "31",
doi = "10.36899/JAPS.2021.1.0198"
Mandić, V., Bijelić, Z., Krnjaja, V., Djordjević, S., Brankov, M., Mićić, N.,& Stanojković, A.. (2020). Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize. in Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum., 31(1), 103-107.
Mandić V, Bijelić Z, Krnjaja V, Djordjević S, Brankov M, Mićić N, Stanojković A. Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize. in Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 2020;31(1):103-107.
doi:10.36899/JAPS.2021.1.0198 .
Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, Krnjaja, Vesna, Djordjević, S., Brankov, Milan, Mićić, N., Stanojković, A., "Harvest time effect on quantitative and qualitative parameters of forage maize" in Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 31, no. 1 (2020):103-107, . .

The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats

Simić, Aleksandar; Krga, Ivan; Simić, Milena; Brankov, Milan; Vučković, Savo; Bijelić, Zorica; Mandić, Violeta

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Simić, Aleksandar
AU  - Krga, Ivan
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Field pea is a high quality fodder crop of a short vegetation period. The production of field peas as a spring crop reduces the risk of yield losses due to unfavourable winter conditions, improves soil characteristics and ensures high quality fodder at the end of the spring. Intercropping with oats is often carried out due to the fact that field pea requires support and both species have similar developmental stages. The field experiment was set up at the Institute for Animal Husbandry in Zemun in 2017, in order to study the forage yield and the possibility of weed control by cultivating the mixture of field pea and oats. Serbian varieties of field pea NS Junior and oats cultivar Dunav were included in the trial, intercropped according to the 'additive model' in two ways: 100:15% and 100:30% pea : oats, when compared to monoculture (100% pea and 100% oats). In the 100:15% intercrop model of field pea and oats , the number of weed units and their fresh and dry weight were lower than in monocultures, while the higher presence of weeds in the 100:30% model was significantly affected by the high number and biomass production of weed species Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The cultivation of oats and field pea in the mixture significantly increased the yield of fresh and dry biomass, when compared to monocultures, while there was no significant difference in yield between the different methods of peas and oats (100:15% and 100:30%) intercropping. The higher share of oats at the crop establishment stage did not increase the forage yield, indicating the dominant contribution of the field pea biomass in the mixture.
AB  - Stočni grašak predstavlja kvalitetan krmni usev kratke vegetacije. Proizvodnjom stočnog graška kao jarog useva, smanjuje se rizik gubitka prinosa usled nepovoljnih zimskih uslova, poboljšavaju karakteristike zemljišta i obezbeđuje kvalitetna krma krajem proleća. Združivanje sa ovsem se često sprovodi zbog potrebe graška za potporom i sličnih fenofaza razvića obe vrste. Poljski ogled je postavljen na Institutu za stočarstvo u Zemunu 2017. godine u cilju ispitivanja prinosa krme i mogućnosti suzbijanja korova gajenjem stočnog graška sa ovsem u smeši. U ogled su bile uključene domaća sorta graška NS Junior i ovas Dunav, koji su združeni po 'aditivnom modelu' na dva načina: 100:15% i 100:30% grašak:ovas, uz poređenje sa setvom čistih useva (100% grašak i 100% ovas). U združenom usevu stočnog graška i ovsa po modelu 100:15%, broj jedinki korova i njihova sveža i suva masa su bile manje nago u pojedinačnim usevima, dok je većoj zastupljenosti korova u modelu združivanja 100:30% veoma doprinela visoka brojnost i produkcija biomase korovske vrste Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Gajenje ovsa i stočnog graška u smeši je značajno povećalo prinos sveže i suve biomase u odnosu na pojedinačno gajene useve, dok između različitog načina združivanja graška i ovsa (100:15% i 100:30%) nije bilo značajnih razlika u prinosu. Veći udeo ovsa pri zasnivanju nije povećao prinos krme, ukazujući na dominantan doprinos biomase stočnog graška u smeši.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats
T1  - Mogućnost suzbijanja korova združenim gajenjem jarog stočnog graška sa ovsem
EP  - 119
IS  - 2
SP  - 109
VL  - 27
DO  - 10.5937/ActaHerb1802109S
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Aleksandar and Krga, Ivan and Simić, Milena and Brankov, Milan and Vučković, Savo and Bijelić, Zorica and Mandić, Violeta",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Field pea is a high quality fodder crop of a short vegetation period. The production of field peas as a spring crop reduces the risk of yield losses due to unfavourable winter conditions, improves soil characteristics and ensures high quality fodder at the end of the spring. Intercropping with oats is often carried out due to the fact that field pea requires support and both species have similar developmental stages. The field experiment was set up at the Institute for Animal Husbandry in Zemun in 2017, in order to study the forage yield and the possibility of weed control by cultivating the mixture of field pea and oats. Serbian varieties of field pea NS Junior and oats cultivar Dunav were included in the trial, intercropped according to the 'additive model' in two ways: 100:15% and 100:30% pea : oats, when compared to monoculture (100% pea and 100% oats). In the 100:15% intercrop model of field pea and oats , the number of weed units and their fresh and dry weight were lower than in monocultures, while the higher presence of weeds in the 100:30% model was significantly affected by the high number and biomass production of weed species Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The cultivation of oats and field pea in the mixture significantly increased the yield of fresh and dry biomass, when compared to monocultures, while there was no significant difference in yield between the different methods of peas and oats (100:15% and 100:30%) intercropping. The higher share of oats at the crop establishment stage did not increase the forage yield, indicating the dominant contribution of the field pea biomass in the mixture., Stočni grašak predstavlja kvalitetan krmni usev kratke vegetacije. Proizvodnjom stočnog graška kao jarog useva, smanjuje se rizik gubitka prinosa usled nepovoljnih zimskih uslova, poboljšavaju karakteristike zemljišta i obezbeđuje kvalitetna krma krajem proleća. Združivanje sa ovsem se često sprovodi zbog potrebe graška za potporom i sličnih fenofaza razvića obe vrste. Poljski ogled je postavljen na Institutu za stočarstvo u Zemunu 2017. godine u cilju ispitivanja prinosa krme i mogućnosti suzbijanja korova gajenjem stočnog graška sa ovsem u smeši. U ogled su bile uključene domaća sorta graška NS Junior i ovas Dunav, koji su združeni po 'aditivnom modelu' na dva načina: 100:15% i 100:30% grašak:ovas, uz poređenje sa setvom čistih useva (100% grašak i 100% ovas). U združenom usevu stočnog graška i ovsa po modelu 100:15%, broj jedinki korova i njihova sveža i suva masa su bile manje nago u pojedinačnim usevima, dok je većoj zastupljenosti korova u modelu združivanja 100:30% veoma doprinela visoka brojnost i produkcija biomase korovske vrste Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Gajenje ovsa i stočnog graška u smeši je značajno povećalo prinos sveže i suve biomase u odnosu na pojedinačno gajene useve, dok između različitog načina združivanja graška i ovsa (100:15% i 100:30%) nije bilo značajnih razlika u prinosu. Veći udeo ovsa pri zasnivanju nije povećao prinos krme, ukazujući na dominantan doprinos biomase stočnog graška u smeši.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats, Mogućnost suzbijanja korova združenim gajenjem jarog stočnog graška sa ovsem",
pages = "119-109",
number = "2",
volume = "27",
doi = "10.5937/ActaHerb1802109S"
Simić, A., Krga, I., Simić, M., Brankov, M., Vučković, S., Bijelić, Z.,& Mandić, V.. (2018). The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 27(2), 109-119.
Simić A, Krga I, Simić M, Brankov M, Vučković S, Bijelić Z, Mandić V. The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats. in Acta herbologica. 2018;27(2):109-119.
doi:10.5937/ActaHerb1802109S .
Simić, Aleksandar, Krga, Ivan, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Vučković, Savo, Bijelić, Zorica, Mandić, Violeta, "The possibilities of weed control in the intercroping system of field pea and oats" in Acta herbologica, 27, no. 2 (2018):109-119, . .

Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain

Dragičević, Vesna; Oljača, Snežana; Simić, Milena; Dolijanović, Željko; Kresović, Branka; Brankov, Milan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Kresović, Branka
AU  - Brankov, Milan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Intercropping, as a combination of different crops at the same time and the same field, enables interaction of their roots, improving plant growth and stress tolerance, thus improving nutritional quality of produced grains. The investigation was aimed to examine the effect of different cropping systems: intercropping in combination with alternating rows and alternating strips of maize and soybean, as well as single cropping, combined with different fertilization regimes (conventional, application of organic fertilizer, bio-fertilizer and control) on the antioxidant content (glutathione [GSH], phenolics and yellow pigment [YP]) in red maize and black soybean grain. Black soybean is richer in antioxidants than red maize. Season expressed the highest influence on the level of GSH, phenolics and YP in maize and soybean, while cropping system and fertilization regime influenced GSH and phenolics. The antioxidant level in grains with greater weight corresponded with an increased GSH level for maize, as well as an increased GSH and phenolic level for soybean, while smaller grains were characterised by the increased YP content. Generally, antioxidant content was increased mainly by alternating strips in maize grain and by alternating rows in soybean grain. Bio-fertilizer had the highest impact on an increase in GSH in maize grain and YP in soybean grain, while organic fertilizer was important for acquiring of GSH and phenolics in soybean grain.
AB  - Združeni usev, kao kombinacija različitih useva, koji se gaje u isto vreme i na istom polju, omogućava interakciju njihovih korenova, poboljšava rast i tolerantnost na stres, poboljšavajući tako nutritivni kvalitet proizvedenog zrna. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat različitih sistema gajenja: združeni usev kombinujući naizmenične redove i naizmenične trake kukuruza i soje, kao i pojedinačne useve, zajedno sa različitim režimima đubrenja (konvencionalni, upotreba organskog đubriva, bio-đubriva i kontrola) na sadržaj antioksidanta (glutationa [GSH], fenola i žutog pigmenta [YP]) u zrnu crvenog kukuruza i crne soje. Zrno crne soje je bogatije antioksidantima od crvenog kukuruza. Sezona je pokazala najveći uticaj na sadržaj GSH, fenola i YP kod kukuruza i soje, dok su sistem gajenja i đubrenje uticali na promene u sadržaju GSH i fenola. Sadržaj antioksidanata u zrnima sa većom masom je odgovarao povećanom nivou GSH kod kukurza, kao i povećanju nivoa GSH i fenola kod soje, dok su zrna manje mase imala već i sadržaj YP. Uopšteno, sadržaj antioksidanata je uglavnom bio povećan u zrnu kukuruza pri gajenju u naizmeničnim trakama, a u zrnu soje pri gajenju u naizmeničnim redovima. Bio-đubrivo je pokazalo najveći uticaj na povećanje sadržaja GSH u zrnu kukuruza i YP u zrnu soje, dok je organsko đubrivo ispoljilo uticaj na nakupljanje GSH i fenola u zrnu soje.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
T1  - Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain
T1  - Sadržaj nekih antioksidanata u zrnu kukuruza i soje iz združenog useva
EP  - 40
IS  - 1
SP  - 31
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.2298/JAS1701031D
ER  - 
author = "Dragičević, Vesna and Oljača, Snežana and Simić, Milena and Dolijanović, Željko and Kresović, Branka and Brankov, Milan",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Intercropping, as a combination of different crops at the same time and the same field, enables interaction of their roots, improving plant growth and stress tolerance, thus improving nutritional quality of produced grains. The investigation was aimed to examine the effect of different cropping systems: intercropping in combination with alternating rows and alternating strips of maize and soybean, as well as single cropping, combined with different fertilization regimes (conventional, application of organic fertilizer, bio-fertilizer and control) on the antioxidant content (glutathione [GSH], phenolics and yellow pigment [YP]) in red maize and black soybean grain. Black soybean is richer in antioxidants than red maize. Season expressed the highest influence on the level of GSH, phenolics and YP in maize and soybean, while cropping system and fertilization regime influenced GSH and phenolics. The antioxidant level in grains with greater weight corresponded with an increased GSH level for maize, as well as an increased GSH and phenolic level for soybean, while smaller grains were characterised by the increased YP content. Generally, antioxidant content was increased mainly by alternating strips in maize grain and by alternating rows in soybean grain. Bio-fertilizer had the highest impact on an increase in GSH in maize grain and YP in soybean grain, while organic fertilizer was important for acquiring of GSH and phenolics in soybean grain., Združeni usev, kao kombinacija različitih useva, koji se gaje u isto vreme i na istom polju, omogućava interakciju njihovih korenova, poboljšava rast i tolerantnost na stres, poboljšavajući tako nutritivni kvalitet proizvedenog zrna. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat različitih sistema gajenja: združeni usev kombinujući naizmenične redove i naizmenične trake kukuruza i soje, kao i pojedinačne useve, zajedno sa različitim režimima đubrenja (konvencionalni, upotreba organskog đubriva, bio-đubriva i kontrola) na sadržaj antioksidanta (glutationa [GSH], fenola i žutog pigmenta [YP]) u zrnu crvenog kukuruza i crne soje. Zrno crne soje je bogatije antioksidantima od crvenog kukuruza. Sezona je pokazala najveći uticaj na sadržaj GSH, fenola i YP kod kukuruza i soje, dok su sistem gajenja i đubrenje uticali na promene u sadržaju GSH i fenola. Sadržaj antioksidanata u zrnima sa većom masom je odgovarao povećanom nivou GSH kod kukurza, kao i povećanju nivoa GSH i fenola kod soje, dok su zrna manje mase imala već i sadržaj YP. Uopšteno, sadržaj antioksidanata je uglavnom bio povećan u zrnu kukuruza pri gajenju u naizmeničnim trakama, a u zrnu soje pri gajenju u naizmeničnim redovima. Bio-đubrivo je pokazalo najveći uticaj na povećanje sadržaja GSH u zrnu kukuruza i YP u zrnu soje, dok je organsko đubrivo ispoljilo uticaj na nakupljanje GSH i fenola u zrnu soje.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)",
title = "Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain, Sadržaj nekih antioksidanata u zrnu kukuruza i soje iz združenog useva",
pages = "40-31",
number = "1",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.2298/JAS1701031D"
Dragičević, V., Oljača, S., Simić, M., Dolijanović, Ž., Kresović, B.,& Brankov, M.. (2017). Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd., 62(1), 31-40.
Dragičević V, Oljača S, Simić M, Dolijanović Ž, Kresović B, Brankov M. Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade). 2017;62(1):31-40.
doi:10.2298/JAS1701031D .
Dragičević, Vesna, Oljača, Snežana, Simić, Milena, Dolijanović, Željko, Kresović, Branka, Brankov, Milan, "Content of some antioxidants in intercropped maize and soybean grain" in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 62, no. 1 (2017):31-40, . .

Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser

Brankov, Milan; Dragičević, Vesna; Simić, M.; Filipović, Milomir; Kresović, Mirjana; Mandić, Violeta

(Scibulcom Ltd, Sofia, 2017)

AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Simić, M.
AU  - Filipović, Milomir
AU  - Kresović, Mirjana
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Dominance of grass weeds in maize crop occurs due to a lack of selective herbicides for their control. With sulphonylurea herbicides this problem became under control, but a problem with selectivity was developed, particularly in maize seed crop. The effect of sulphonylureas and foliar fertiliser on maize lines was evaluated by visual estimation, grain yield, as well as the alterations in the content of antioxidants: free thiolic groups, phenolics and soluble proteins in the leaves. The proteins content did not vary significantly under the influence of herbicides, compared to the control, opposite to free thiolic groups and phenolics. The differences in the content of phenolics and thiolic groups in the treatments with herbicides plus foliar fertiliser indicated that herbicide stress was more rapidly overcome. Most of the genotypes expressed significant increase of grain yield in the treatments with foliar fertiliser, compared to control and analogous treatments with herbicides.
PB  - Scibulcom Ltd, Sofia
T2  - Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
T1  - Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser
EP  - 1449
IS  - 4
SP  - 1440
VL  - 18
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Milan and Dragičević, Vesna and Simić, M. and Filipović, Milomir and Kresović, Mirjana and Mandić, Violeta",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Dominance of grass weeds in maize crop occurs due to a lack of selective herbicides for their control. With sulphonylurea herbicides this problem became under control, but a problem with selectivity was developed, particularly in maize seed crop. The effect of sulphonylureas and foliar fertiliser on maize lines was evaluated by visual estimation, grain yield, as well as the alterations in the content of antioxidants: free thiolic groups, phenolics and soluble proteins in the leaves. The proteins content did not vary significantly under the influence of herbicides, compared to the control, opposite to free thiolic groups and phenolics. The differences in the content of phenolics and thiolic groups in the treatments with herbicides plus foliar fertiliser indicated that herbicide stress was more rapidly overcome. Most of the genotypes expressed significant increase of grain yield in the treatments with foliar fertiliser, compared to control and analogous treatments with herbicides.",
publisher = "Scibulcom Ltd, Sofia",
journal = "Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology",
title = "Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser",
pages = "1449-1440",
number = "4",
volume = "18",
url = ""
Brankov, M., Dragičević, V., Simić, M., Filipović, M., Kresović, M.,& Mandić, V.. (2017). Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser. in Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
Scibulcom Ltd, Sofia., 18(4), 1440-1449.
Brankov M, Dragičević V, Simić M, Filipović M, Kresović M, Mandić V. Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser. in Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 2017;18(4):1440-1449. .
Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, M., Filipović, Milomir, Kresović, Mirjana, Mandić, Violeta, "Diminishing herbicide stress in maize inbred lines by application of foliar fertiliser" in Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18, no. 4 (2017):1440-1449, .

Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides

Dragičević, Vesna; Simić, Milena; Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina; Brankov, Milan; Srdić, Jelena

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina
AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Srdić, Jelena
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Maize production is inconceivable without herbicide application, and certainly depends on crop susceptibility. Some injuries could be induced by herbicides, what could result in yield losses. This is especially prominent in maize seed production, due to the lines susceptibility to various stressful conditions, including herbicides. Crop response to herbicide application could include whole range of different biochemical reactions such as alterations in content of various metabolites and antioxidants. The experiment was conducted to examine the response of three sensitive maize lines (sugary, popcorn and white kernel maize) to herbicides from sulfonylurea and triketone groups, during the period after herbicide application, when visual injuries are the most obvious and in correlation with grain yield. Variations in soluble proteins, phytic and inorganic phosphorus content, as important metabolites, were followed. The variations in soluble proteins and particularly phytic and inorganic phosphorus content are linked to the expression of susceptibility to herbicides in examined maize lines. Growing season had significant influence on susceptibility. In 2015, as unfavourable season, line ZPT165b expressed the highest susceptibility, having the highest values of examined metabolites at the beginning of experiment. All applied herbicides increased grain yield in 2014, but in 2015 nicosulfuron expressed the lowest selectivity, by decreasing grain yield and soluble proteins up to the 21th day after herbicide application, when compared to control.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides
EP  - 774
IS  - 3
SP  - 765
VL  - 49
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1703765D
ER  - 
author = "Dragičević, Vesna and Simić, Milena and Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina and Brankov, Milan and Srdić, Jelena",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Maize production is inconceivable without herbicide application, and certainly depends on crop susceptibility. Some injuries could be induced by herbicides, what could result in yield losses. This is especially prominent in maize seed production, due to the lines susceptibility to various stressful conditions, including herbicides. Crop response to herbicide application could include whole range of different biochemical reactions such as alterations in content of various metabolites and antioxidants. The experiment was conducted to examine the response of three sensitive maize lines (sugary, popcorn and white kernel maize) to herbicides from sulfonylurea and triketone groups, during the period after herbicide application, when visual injuries are the most obvious and in correlation with grain yield. Variations in soluble proteins, phytic and inorganic phosphorus content, as important metabolites, were followed. The variations in soluble proteins and particularly phytic and inorganic phosphorus content are linked to the expression of susceptibility to herbicides in examined maize lines. Growing season had significant influence on susceptibility. In 2015, as unfavourable season, line ZPT165b expressed the highest susceptibility, having the highest values of examined metabolites at the beginning of experiment. All applied herbicides increased grain yield in 2014, but in 2015 nicosulfuron expressed the lowest selectivity, by decreasing grain yield and soluble proteins up to the 21th day after herbicide application, when compared to control.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides",
pages = "774-765",
number = "3",
volume = "49",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1703765D"
Dragičević, V., Simić, M., Jovanović-Radovanov, K., Brankov, M.,& Srdić, J.. (2017). Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 49(3), 765-774.
Dragičević V, Simić M, Jovanović-Radovanov K, Brankov M, Srdić J. Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides. in Genetika. 2017;49(3):765-774.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1703765D .
Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Brankov, Milan, Srdić, Jelena, "Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides" in Genetika, 49, no. 3 (2017):765-774, . .

Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines

Brankov, Milan; Simić, Milena; Dragičević, Vesna; Vrbničanin, Sava; Spasojević, Igor

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Spasojević, Igor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Herbicide application in seed maize requires special attention due to their larger sensitivity than hybrid maize. The aim of study was to examine and define the sensitivity/tolerance of the five maize inbred lines with different susceptibility to herbicides (belonging to different heterotic groups), based on alterations of secondary metabolites (phenolics, protein sulfhydryl groups, phytic and inorganic phosphorus). Two groups of herbicides: triketons (mesotrione and topramezone) and sulfonylureas (rimsulfuron and foramsulfuron) were tested. Lines from independent heterotic group, which were sensitive to herbicides expressed visible damages together with significant reduce in grain yield, mainly induced by sulfonylurea herbicides. Parallel with that, significant increase in phenolics, phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as drop in protein sulfhydryl groups were observed in their leaves. Tolerant lines (belonging to Lancaster group) had mainly insignificant grain yield reduce, also with lesser variations in sulfhydryl groups, content of phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as increase in phenolics content. Among examined secondary metabolites, phytate is the main factor, contributing to herbicide tolerance in maize lines. Owing to lesser yield decrease and variation in content of examined secondary metabolites, expressed in treatments with triketone herbicides, they usage could be safe in maize lines.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines
EP  - 106
IS  - 1
SP  - 97
VL  - 47
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1501097B
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Milan and Simić, Milena and Dragičević, Vesna and Vrbničanin, Sava and Spasojević, Igor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Herbicide application in seed maize requires special attention due to their larger sensitivity than hybrid maize. The aim of study was to examine and define the sensitivity/tolerance of the five maize inbred lines with different susceptibility to herbicides (belonging to different heterotic groups), based on alterations of secondary metabolites (phenolics, protein sulfhydryl groups, phytic and inorganic phosphorus). Two groups of herbicides: triketons (mesotrione and topramezone) and sulfonylureas (rimsulfuron and foramsulfuron) were tested. Lines from independent heterotic group, which were sensitive to herbicides expressed visible damages together with significant reduce in grain yield, mainly induced by sulfonylurea herbicides. Parallel with that, significant increase in phenolics, phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as drop in protein sulfhydryl groups were observed in their leaves. Tolerant lines (belonging to Lancaster group) had mainly insignificant grain yield reduce, also with lesser variations in sulfhydryl groups, content of phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as increase in phenolics content. Among examined secondary metabolites, phytate is the main factor, contributing to herbicide tolerance in maize lines. Owing to lesser yield decrease and variation in content of examined secondary metabolites, expressed in treatments with triketone herbicides, they usage could be safe in maize lines.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines",
pages = "106-97",
number = "1",
volume = "47",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1501097B"
Brankov, M., Simić, M., Dragičević, V., Vrbničanin, S.,& Spasojević, I.. (2015). Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 47(1), 97-106.
Brankov M, Simić M, Dragičević V, Vrbničanin S, Spasojević I. Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines. in Genetika. 2015;47(1):97-106.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1501097B .
Brankov, Milan, Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Vrbničanin, Sava, Spasojević, Igor, "Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (zea mays, l) inbred lines" in Genetika, 47, no. 1 (2015):97-106, . .

Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines

Brankov, Milan; Simić, Milena; Vrbničanin, Sava; Dragičević, Vesna; Spasojević, Igor

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Brankov, Milan
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Spasojević, Igor
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Herbicide efficacy is one of the most important herbicide properties. In addition to efficacy, the herbicide should possess certain selectivity for the crops. If there is not selectivity, it is possible to damage the plants after herbicide application, which can lead to loss of yield. The growing technology of broad row crops, such as maize, involves the application of herbicides as a measure of weed control. The aim of this study was to examine the selectivity of sulfonylurea and triketons herbicides applied in five lines, following visual plant changes (EWRC) and grain yield. Herbicides were applied at recommended doses for the production of hybrid maize, as well as in double doses. The applied triketons (mesotrione and topramezone) did not cause significant damage to the lines tested, unlike sulfonylureas (rimsulfuron and foramsulfuron). Sulfonylureas significantly influence of grain yield, the highest in early maturity group lines. Triketons had no effect on grain yield of maize lines examined.
AB  - Efikasnost prema korovima je jedna od najbitnijih osobina herbicida. Pored efikasnosti, herbicid bi trebalo da poseduje i odgovarajuću selektivnost prema usevu u kome se primenjuje. Ukoliko se selektivnost herbicida nedovoljno poznaje moguće je da dođe do oštećenja useva posle primene, što može dovesti i do gubitka prinosa. Tehnologija gajenja širokorednih useva, kakav je kukuruz, podrazumeva primenu herbicida, kao meru suzbijanja korova. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita selektivnost sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu pet linija kukuruza, praćenjem vizuelnih promena na samim gajenim biljakama (EWRC) i prinosa zrna. Herbicidi su primenjeni u količinama preporučenim za proizvodnju hibridnog kukuruza, kao i u dvostruko većim. Triketonski herbicidi (mezotrion i topramezon) nisu izazvali značajna oštećenja na ispitivanim linijama, za razliku od sulfonilurea herbicida (rimsulfuron i foramsulfuron). Prinos zrna linija kukuruza pod uticajem sulfonilurea je značajno varirao, najviše kod linija ranih grupa zrenja. Triketonski herbicidi nisu imali uticaja na prinos zrna ispitivanih linija kukuruza.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines
T1  - Mogućnosti primene sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu samooplodnih linija kukuruza
EP  - 117
IS  - 2
SP  - 111
VL  - 23
DO  - 10.5937/ActaHerb1402111B
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Milan and Simić, Milena and Vrbničanin, Sava and Dragičević, Vesna and Spasojević, Igor",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Herbicide efficacy is one of the most important herbicide properties. In addition to efficacy, the herbicide should possess certain selectivity for the crops. If there is not selectivity, it is possible to damage the plants after herbicide application, which can lead to loss of yield. The growing technology of broad row crops, such as maize, involves the application of herbicides as a measure of weed control. The aim of this study was to examine the selectivity of sulfonylurea and triketons herbicides applied in five lines, following visual plant changes (EWRC) and grain yield. Herbicides were applied at recommended doses for the production of hybrid maize, as well as in double doses. The applied triketons (mesotrione and topramezone) did not cause significant damage to the lines tested, unlike sulfonylureas (rimsulfuron and foramsulfuron). Sulfonylureas significantly influence of grain yield, the highest in early maturity group lines. Triketons had no effect on grain yield of maize lines examined., Efikasnost prema korovima je jedna od najbitnijih osobina herbicida. Pored efikasnosti, herbicid bi trebalo da poseduje i odgovarajuću selektivnost prema usevu u kome se primenjuje. Ukoliko se selektivnost herbicida nedovoljno poznaje moguće je da dođe do oštećenja useva posle primene, što može dovesti i do gubitka prinosa. Tehnologija gajenja širokorednih useva, kakav je kukuruz, podrazumeva primenu herbicida, kao meru suzbijanja korova. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita selektivnost sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu pet linija kukuruza, praćenjem vizuelnih promena na samim gajenim biljakama (EWRC) i prinosa zrna. Herbicidi su primenjeni u količinama preporučenim za proizvodnju hibridnog kukuruza, kao i u dvostruko većim. Triketonski herbicidi (mezotrion i topramezon) nisu izazvali značajna oštećenja na ispitivanim linijama, za razliku od sulfonilurea herbicida (rimsulfuron i foramsulfuron). Prinos zrna linija kukuruza pod uticajem sulfonilurea je značajno varirao, najviše kod linija ranih grupa zrenja. Triketonski herbicidi nisu imali uticaja na prinos zrna ispitivanih linija kukuruza.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines, Mogućnosti primene sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu samooplodnih linija kukuruza",
pages = "117-111",
number = "2",
volume = "23",
doi = "10.5937/ActaHerb1402111B"
Brankov, M., Simić, M., Vrbničanin, S., Dragičević, V.,& Spasojević, I.. (2014). Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 23(2), 111-117.
Brankov M, Simić M, Vrbničanin S, Dragičević V, Spasojević I. Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines. in Acta herbologica. 2014;23(2):111-117.
doi:10.5937/ActaHerb1402111B .
Brankov, Milan, Simić, Milena, Vrbničanin, Sava, Dragičević, Vesna, Spasojević, Igor, "Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines" in Acta herbologica, 23, no. 2 (2014):111-117, . .