Kolarić, Ljubiša

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Kolarić, Ljubiša (44)
  • Коларић, Љубиша (1)
Ecoremediation of degraded areas through agri-energy crops production Interdisciplinary Approach to Development of New Soybean Varieties and Improvement of the Cultivation Practices and Seed Production
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200117 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200011 (Institute of Soil Sciences, Belgrade)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200045 (Institute of Science Application in Agriculture, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200175 (Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, Belgrade)
Sustainable agriculture and rural development in the function of accomplishing strategic objectives of the Republic of Serbia in the Danube region Development of new varieties and production technology improvement of oil crops for different purposes
Integrated field crop production: conservation of biodiversity and soil fertility Modern breeding of small grains for present and future needs
Study of the genetic basis of improving yield and quality of small grains in different environmental conditions Power Industry of Serbia

Author's Bibliography


Живановић, Љубиша; Голијан Пантовић, Јелена; Коларић, Љубиша; Икановић, Јела; Поповић, Вера

(Tehnička škola sa domom učenika "Nikola Tesla" u Kostolcu, 2022)

AU  - Живановић, Љубиша
AU  - Голијан Пантовић, Јелена
AU  - Коларић, Љубиша
AU  - Икановић, Јела
AU  - Поповић, Вера
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6738
AB  - Циљ oвог рада био је да се проучи утицај ђубрења (облика азота) и инокулације семена на
морфолошке особине, компоненте приноса и принос зрна соје. Пољски микроогледи су изведени
у агроеколошким условима Поморавља током 2019. године, на земљишту типа гајњача. Као
семенски материјал коришћена је сорта НС Зоја (00 група зрења). Примењен је метод
раздељених парцела, у четири понављања. Површина основне парцеле је износила 170,0 m2
, са

осам потпарцела, а површина обрачунске парцеле за принос зрна износила је 3,0 m2

. Примењена
агротехника на огледу била је стандардна, као за редовну производњу соје. Резултати указују
да је у просеку, за испитиване факторе, висина биљке износила 36,6 cm. У просеку за варијанте
инокулације, највећа висина прве етаже махуна (9,9 cm) измерена је на контроли (без ђубрења).
У просеку за варијанте инокулације, највећи број етажа махуна (10,6) измерен је на третману
са применом УРЕЕ. У просеку за облике азота, на третману са инокулацијом семена избројан је
већи број махуна по биљци. Највећа маса 1000 зрна (247,5 g) измерена је на третману без
ђубрења. Највећи принос (1,17 t ha-1

) био је на третману са применом КАН-а. У просеку за облике

азота, на третману са инокулацијом семена измерен је већи принос зрна за 90 kg ha-1

у поређењу

са третманом без инокулације семена.
PB  - Tehnička škola sa domom učenika "Nikola Tesla" u Kostolcu
C3  - Техничка школа са домом ученика "Никола Теса" у Костолцу
EP  - 5
SP  - 1
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6738
ER  - 
author = "Живановић, Љубиша and Голијан Пантовић, Јелена and Коларић, Љубиша and Икановић, Јела and Поповић, Вера",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Циљ oвог рада био је да се проучи утицај ђубрења (облика азота) и инокулације семена на
морфолошке особине, компоненте приноса и принос зрна соје. Пољски микроогледи су изведени
у агроеколошким условима Поморавља током 2019. године, на земљишту типа гајњача. Као
семенски материјал коришћена је сорта НС Зоја (00 група зрења). Примењен је метод
раздељених парцела, у четири понављања. Површина основне парцеле је износила 170,0 m2
, са

осам потпарцела, а површина обрачунске парцеле за принос зрна износила је 3,0 m2

. Примењена
агротехника на огледу била је стандардна, као за редовну производњу соје. Резултати указују
да је у просеку, за испитиване факторе, висина биљке износила 36,6 cm. У просеку за варијанте
инокулације, највећа висина прве етаже махуна (9,9 cm) измерена је на контроли (без ђубрења).
У просеку за варијанте инокулације, највећи број етажа махуна (10,6) измерен је на третману
са применом УРЕЕ. У просеку за облике азота, на третману са инокулацијом семена избројан је
већи број махуна по биљци. Највећа маса 1000 зрна (247,5 g) измерена је на третману без
ђубрења. Највећи принос (1,17 t ha-1

) био је на третману са применом КАН-а. У просеку за облике

азота, на третману са инокулацијом семена измерен је већи принос зрна за 90 kg ha-1

у поређењу

са третманом без инокулације семена.",
publisher = "Tehnička škola sa domom učenika "Nikola Tesla" u Kostolcu",
journal = "Техничка школа са домом ученика "Никола Теса" у Костолцу",
pages = "5-1",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6738"
Живановић, Љ., Голијан Пантовић, Ј., Коларић, Љ., Икановић, Ј.,& Поповић, В.. (2022). УТИЦАЈ ИНОКУЛАЦИЈЕ СЕМЕНА И ОБЛИКА АЗОТА НА ПРОДУКТИВНОСТ СОЈЕ. in Техничка школа са домом ученика "Никола Теса" у Костолцу
Tehnička škola sa domom učenika "Nikola Tesla" u Kostolcu., 1-5.
Живановић Љ, Голијан Пантовић Ј, Коларић Љ, Икановић Ј, Поповић В. УТИЦАЈ ИНОКУЛАЦИЈЕ СЕМЕНА И ОБЛИКА АЗОТА НА ПРОДУКТИВНОСТ СОЈЕ. in Техничка школа са домом ученика "Никола Теса" у Костолцу. 2022;:1-5.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6738 .
Живановић, Љубиша, Голијан Пантовић, Јелена, Коларић, Љубиша, Икановић, Јела, Поповић, Вера, "УТИЦАЈ ИНОКУЛАЦИЈЕ СЕМЕНА И ОБЛИКА АЗОТА НА ПРОДУКТИВНОСТ СОЈЕ" in Техничка школа са домом ученика "Никола Теса" у Костолцу (2022):1-5,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6738 .

Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Dragana; Popović, Vera; Jaćimović, Goran; Đurović, Igor; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Ćosić, Milivoje; Rakašćan, Nikola

(University of Montenegro, 2022)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Jaćimović, Goran
AU  - Đurović, Igor
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Ćosić, Milivoje
AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6073
AB  - The circular economy offers a new product-waste-product model, in this case obtaining biofuels from rye biomass. The circular economy introduces a new product design, which will enable its functionality for a longer period of use. Secale cereale L. is an economically important crop for food, feed and bioenergy. The objective of this study was to estimate productivity of rye genotypes and the possibility of obtaining biogas from rye biomass during two growing seasons, 2019-2020. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of year and genotype on rye productivity parameters, biogas, methane yield, methane proportion, and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia. The influence of the year and genotypes on the parameters of rye productivity, biogas and methane yield, methane content and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia was investigated. Genotype and year × genotype interaction had a statistically significant effect on biogas yield, methane yield and methane content in the studied rye genotypes. Genotype G1 had the mean of green biomass yield (25.73 t ha-1) significantly higher compared to genotype G2 (23.75 t ha-1) in both years of experiment. Green biomass yield (24.11 t ha-1) was better in 2019 compared to 2020. Biogas yield varied from 260.57 m3 ha-1 (genotype G1) to 214.58 m3 ha-1 (genotype G2). Biogas yield were better in 2019 (237.85 m3 ha-1) compared to 2020 (237.30 m3 ha-1). A positive statistically highly significant correlation was attained between the green biomass yield and the length of the spikes (0.82**), green biomass yield and biogas yield (0.93**), green biomass yield and methane content (0.90**).
PB  - University of Montenegro
T2  - Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy
EP  - 319
IS  - 1
SP  - 297
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Dragana and Popović, Vera and Jaćimović, Goran and Đurović, Igor and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Ćosić, Milivoje and Rakašćan, Nikola",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The circular economy offers a new product-waste-product model, in this case obtaining biofuels from rye biomass. The circular economy introduces a new product design, which will enable its functionality for a longer period of use. Secale cereale L. is an economically important crop for food, feed and bioenergy. The objective of this study was to estimate productivity of rye genotypes and the possibility of obtaining biogas from rye biomass during two growing seasons, 2019-2020. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of year and genotype on rye productivity parameters, biogas, methane yield, methane proportion, and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia. The influence of the year and genotypes on the parameters of rye productivity, biogas and methane yield, methane content and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia was investigated. Genotype and year × genotype interaction had a statistically significant effect on biogas yield, methane yield and methane content in the studied rye genotypes. Genotype G1 had the mean of green biomass yield (25.73 t ha-1) significantly higher compared to genotype G2 (23.75 t ha-1) in both years of experiment. Green biomass yield (24.11 t ha-1) was better in 2019 compared to 2020. Biogas yield varied from 260.57 m3 ha-1 (genotype G1) to 214.58 m3 ha-1 (genotype G2). Biogas yield were better in 2019 (237.85 m3 ha-1) compared to 2020 (237.30 m3 ha-1). A positive statistically highly significant correlation was attained between the green biomass yield and the length of the spikes (0.82**), green biomass yield and biogas yield (0.93**), green biomass yield and methane content (0.90**).",
publisher = "University of Montenegro",
journal = "Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy",
pages = "319-297",
number = "1",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19"
Ikanović, J., Popović, D., Popović, V., Jaćimović, G., Đurović, I., Kolarić, L., Ćosić, M.,& Rakašćan, N.. (2022). Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry
University of Montenegro., 68(1), 297-319.
Ikanović J, Popović D, Popović V, Jaćimović G, Đurović I, Kolarić L, Ćosić M, Rakašćan N. Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry. 2022;68(1):297-319.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19 .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Dragana, Popović, Vera, Jaćimović, Goran, Đurović, Igor, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Ćosić, Milivoje, Rakašćan, Nikola, "Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for secale cereale l. Productive traits and circular economy" in Agriculture and Forestry, 68, no. 1 (2022):297-319,
https://doi.org/10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19 . .

Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ljubičić, Nataša; Stevanović, Petar; Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica; Simić, Divna; Ikanović, Jela

(MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Stevanović, Petar
AU  - Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica
AU  - Simić, Divna
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5973
AB  - Buckwheat is an economically important gluten free cereal, and it is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. The field experiments with buckwheat variety “Novosadska” were set in two experimental years in Pancevo, Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine the most optimal technology for buckwheat production. The study aims were to investigate the effects of (1) row spacing: RS1-25 cm and RS2-50 cm; (2) nutrition variants: (N1) 0 kg ha−1 NPK; (N2) NPK 30 kg ha−1; (N3) NPK 60 kg ha−1; and (N4) NPK 90 kg ha−1; (3) environment: Y1-2018 and Y2-2019; and their interactions on the plant height (PH), number of lateral branches (NoLB), mass of seeds per plant (MSP), number of seeds per plant (NoSP), buckwheat grain yield (GY); and (4) the correlations among these traits. All tested parameters of buckwheat significantly varied across row spacing, environment, and nutrition. The average grain yield in the row spacing, RD1-25 cm, was significantly higher than in the wider spacing, RD2-50 cm, and in 2018 than 2019 as well as with the nutrition NPK applied in the amount of 90 kg ha−1 in relation with all the other nutrition variants. All the studied agronomic traits were positively and strongly correlated with GY.
T2  - Agronomy
T1  - Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management
IS  - 12
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy11122371
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ljubičić, Nataša and Stevanović, Petar and Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica and Simić, Divna and Ikanović, Jela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Buckwheat is an economically important gluten free cereal, and it is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. The field experiments with buckwheat variety “Novosadska” were set in two experimental years in Pancevo, Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine the most optimal technology for buckwheat production. The study aims were to investigate the effects of (1) row spacing: RS1-25 cm and RS2-50 cm; (2) nutrition variants: (N1) 0 kg ha−1 NPK; (N2) NPK 30 kg ha−1; (N3) NPK 60 kg ha−1; and (N4) NPK 90 kg ha−1; (3) environment: Y1-2018 and Y2-2019; and their interactions on the plant height (PH), number of lateral branches (NoLB), mass of seeds per plant (MSP), number of seeds per plant (NoSP), buckwheat grain yield (GY); and (4) the correlations among these traits. All tested parameters of buckwheat significantly varied across row spacing, environment, and nutrition. The average grain yield in the row spacing, RD1-25 cm, was significantly higher than in the wider spacing, RD2-50 cm, and in 2018 than 2019 as well as with the nutrition NPK applied in the amount of 90 kg ha−1 in relation with all the other nutrition variants. All the studied agronomic traits were positively and strongly correlated with GY.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Agronomy",
title = "Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management",
number = "12",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy11122371"
Kolarić, L., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Ljubičić, N., Stevanović, P., Šarčević Todosijević, L., Simić, D.,& Ikanović, J.. (2021). Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management. in Agronomy
MDPI., 11(12).
Kolarić L, Popović V, Živanović L, Ljubičić N, Stevanović P, Šarčević Todosijević L, Simić D, Ikanović J. Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management. in Agronomy. 2021;11(12).
doi:10.3390/agronomy11122371 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ljubičić, Nataša, Stevanović, Petar, Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica, Simić, Divna, Ikanović, Jela, "Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management" in Agronomy, 11, no. 12 (2021),
https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11122371 . .

Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis

Božović, Dragan; Popović, Vera; Rajicić, Vera; Kostić, Marko; Filipović, Vladimir; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Ugrenović, Vladan; Spalević, Velibor

(Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, 2020)

AU  - Božović, Dragan
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Rajicić, Vera
AU  - Kostić, Marko
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Ugrenović, Vladan
AU  - Spalević, Velibor
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5288
AB  - The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by locality, by year, by treatments (GxLxYxT) interaction using AMMI model, to identify maize genotypes with stable number of rows of grains performance in different growing seasons. The trials conducted with seven maize lines/genotypes, four treatments, two years and at the two locations. The results showed that the influence of genotype (G), year (Y), locality (L), and GxL, GxT, GxLxT, GxYxT, GxYxLxT interaction on maize number of rows of grains were significant (p lt 0.01). The genotype share in the total phenotypic variance for the grains number rows of was 53.50%, and the interaction was 21.15%. The results also show that the sums of the squares of the first and second major components (PC1 and PC2) constitute 100% of the sum of the squares of the interaction GxL. The first PC1 axis belongs to all 100%, which points to the significance of the genotype in the total variation and significance of the genotype for overall interaction with other observed sources of variability. The highest stability in terms of expression of the grains number of rows had the genotype L-6, followed by the genotypes L-4, L-5 and L-3. The lowest stability was demonstrated by the genotypes L-2 and L-1, which confirmed that these genotypes are not important for further selection in terms of this trait.
PB  - Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis
EP  - 1397
IS  - 3
SP  - 1387
VL  - 48
DO  - 10.15835/nbha48312058
ER  - 
author = "Božović, Dragan and Popović, Vera and Rajicić, Vera and Kostić, Marko and Filipović, Vladimir and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Ugrenović, Vladan and Spalević, Velibor",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by locality, by year, by treatments (GxLxYxT) interaction using AMMI model, to identify maize genotypes with stable number of rows of grains performance in different growing seasons. The trials conducted with seven maize lines/genotypes, four treatments, two years and at the two locations. The results showed that the influence of genotype (G), year (Y), locality (L), and GxL, GxT, GxLxT, GxYxT, GxYxLxT interaction on maize number of rows of grains were significant (p lt 0.01). The genotype share in the total phenotypic variance for the grains number rows of was 53.50%, and the interaction was 21.15%. The results also show that the sums of the squares of the first and second major components (PC1 and PC2) constitute 100% of the sum of the squares of the interaction GxL. The first PC1 axis belongs to all 100%, which points to the significance of the genotype in the total variation and significance of the genotype for overall interaction with other observed sources of variability. The highest stability in terms of expression of the grains number of rows had the genotype L-6, followed by the genotypes L-4, L-5 and L-3. The lowest stability was demonstrated by the genotypes L-2 and L-1, which confirmed that these genotypes are not important for further selection in terms of this trait.",
publisher = "Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis",
pages = "1397-1387",
number = "3",
volume = "48",
doi = "10.15835/nbha48312058"
Božović, D., Popović, V., Rajicić, V., Kostić, M., Filipović, V., Kolarić, L., Ugrenović, V.,& Spalević, V.. (2020). Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis. in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA
Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca., 48(3), 1387-1397.
Božović D, Popović V, Rajicić V, Kostić M, Filipović V, Kolarić L, Ugrenović V, Spalević V. Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis. in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA. 2020;48(3):1387-1397.
doi:10.15835/nbha48312058 .
Božović, Dragan, Popović, Vera, Rajicić, Vera, Kostić, Marko, Filipović, Vladimir, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Ugrenović, Vladan, Spalević, Velibor, "Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis" in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, 48, no. 3 (2020):1387-1397,
https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha48312058 . .

Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage

Rakić, Sveto; Janković, Snežana; Marcetić, Mirjana; Rajicić, Vera; Rakić, Radojica; Rakić, Vladimir; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, 2020)

AU  - Rakić, Sveto
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Marcetić, Mirjana
AU  - Rajicić, Vera
AU  - Rakić, Radojica
AU  - Rakić, Vladimir
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5387
AB  - The method of storage has, in the long run, a negative effect on the quality of wheat kernels, due to physiological ageing of its cells.The quality of the kernels was assessed during the storage, giving the predefined conditions - temperature 25 +/- 2 degrees C and the storage duration.Wheat kernel metabolites were studied during 12 and 24-month storage. Kernels of three commercial wheat cultivars - 'Simonida', 'Dragana' and 'Ljiljana', commonly grown in south-eastern Europe, were investigated. Comparing fresh samples to samples taken after 12 and 24 months of storage, it was recorded with an increase in dry matter (by 2.48% and 2.84%) and ash (by 4.09% and 15.25%), and a decrease in protein (by 8.96% and 19.81%), lipids (by 8.32% and 15.07%), starch (by 9.07% and 13.45%) and cellulose (by 22.12% and 26.35%). There were also changes in phenolics (10.51-11.82 mg GA/g). Flavonoid vitexin-glucoside (0.82-1.29 mg/g) and flavan-3-ol catechin (1.31-1.60 mg/g), total antioxidant potential and DPPH scavenging activity were not significantly different. Organic matter digestibility (OMD) decreased, but remained at 92%. These changes did not significantly affect key properties of the kernels, OMD and antioxidant activity, thus wheat kernels can be safely stored for 24 months.
PB  - Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
T2  - Journal of Stored Products Research
T1  - Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage
VL  - 87
DO  - 10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101587
ER  - 
author = "Rakić, Sveto and Janković, Snežana and Marcetić, Mirjana and Rajicić, Vera and Rakić, Radojica and Rakić, Vladimir and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The method of storage has, in the long run, a negative effect on the quality of wheat kernels, due to physiological ageing of its cells.The quality of the kernels was assessed during the storage, giving the predefined conditions - temperature 25 +/- 2 degrees C and the storage duration.Wheat kernel metabolites were studied during 12 and 24-month storage. Kernels of three commercial wheat cultivars - 'Simonida', 'Dragana' and 'Ljiljana', commonly grown in south-eastern Europe, were investigated. Comparing fresh samples to samples taken after 12 and 24 months of storage, it was recorded with an increase in dry matter (by 2.48% and 2.84%) and ash (by 4.09% and 15.25%), and a decrease in protein (by 8.96% and 19.81%), lipids (by 8.32% and 15.07%), starch (by 9.07% and 13.45%) and cellulose (by 22.12% and 26.35%). There were also changes in phenolics (10.51-11.82 mg GA/g). Flavonoid vitexin-glucoside (0.82-1.29 mg/g) and flavan-3-ol catechin (1.31-1.60 mg/g), total antioxidant potential and DPPH scavenging activity were not significantly different. Organic matter digestibility (OMD) decreased, but remained at 92%. These changes did not significantly affect key properties of the kernels, OMD and antioxidant activity, thus wheat kernels can be safely stored for 24 months.",
publisher = "Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Journal of Stored Products Research",
title = "Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage",
volume = "87",
doi = "10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101587"
Rakić, S., Janković, S., Marcetić, M., Rajicić, V., Rakić, R., Rakić, V.,& Kolarić, L.. (2020). Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage. in Journal of Stored Products Research
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford., 87.
Rakić S, Janković S, Marcetić M, Rajicić V, Rakić R, Rakić V, Kolarić L. Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage. in Journal of Stored Products Research. 2020;87.
doi:10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101587 .
Rakić, Sveto, Janković, Snežana, Marcetić, Mirjana, Rajicić, Vera, Rakić, Radojica, Rakić, Vladimir, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Functional properties of wheat kernels (Triticumaestivum L.) during storage" in Journal of Stored Products Research, 87 (2020),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101587 . .

The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia

Golijan, Jelena; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Popović, Aleksandar; Živanović, Ljubiša

(Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Golijan, Jelena
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Aleksandar
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5185
AB  - Areas used for the production of organic plants have been permanently increasing for many years, both in the world and in Serbia. This type of agricultural production in Serbia was performed in the area of 14,357.96 ha, and the leading role belonged to cereals. Since great attention has been paid to spelt wheat in the production of organic food, the organic system of agricultural production has been distributed over ever larger areas. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to present data on the areas cultivated with this type of cereals in Serbia according to regional distribution in 2012, 2015 and 2016 provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. Spelt wheat is cultivated on the area of 157.9 ha. The greatest areas are in Vojvodina (120.04 ha), followed by the areas in the south and Eastern Serbia (22.3 ha), Šumadija and western Serbia (14.1 ha), while the smallest production of organic spelt wheat is registered in Belgrade (only 1.5 ha). The varieties Nirvana and Ostro are the only spelt wheat varieties released in Serbia. Since spelt wheat has very good biological and agronomic traits, with the high nutritional and specific functional value of the grain, deserves more attention, particularly for growing within the organic farming system and production.
AB  - Površine pod organskom biljnom proizvodnjom već duži niz godina beleže kontinurano povećanje, kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji. Ovaj vid poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Srbiji se odvija na ukupno 14.357,96 ha, pri čemu vodeću ulogu zauzimaju žita. S'obzirom na to da se za krupnik beleži sve veće interesovanje u proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, on u organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje zauzima sve veće površine. U tom smislu, cilj ovog rada je bio da se prema podacima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, prikažu podaci o proizvodnji u organskom sistemu gajenja ove vrste žita u Srbiji, prema regionalnoj raspodeli za 2012, 2015 i 2016. godinu. U proseku, za ovaj vremenski period, krupnik se proizvodio na površini od 157,9 ha. Najveće površine bile su zastupljene u regionu Vojvodine (120,04 ha), a zatim slede južna i istočna Srbija (22,3 ha), Šumadija i zapadna Srbija (14,1 ha). Na područiju beogradske opštine, krupnik se proizvodio na svega 1,5 ha. Jedine dve priznate sorte u Srbiji su Nirvana i Ostro. S obzirom na to da krupnik poseduje veoma dobre biološke i agronomske osobine, to ga čini naročito pogodnim za gajenje u organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje.
PB  - Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Selekcija i semenarstvo
T1  - The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia
T1  - Proizvodnja organskog krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) u Srbiji
EP  - 32
IS  - 1
SP  - 23
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.5937/SelSem1901023G
ER  - 
author = "Golijan, Jelena and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Popović, Aleksandar and Živanović, Ljubiša",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Areas used for the production of organic plants have been permanently increasing for many years, both in the world and in Serbia. This type of agricultural production in Serbia was performed in the area of 14,357.96 ha, and the leading role belonged to cereals. Since great attention has been paid to spelt wheat in the production of organic food, the organic system of agricultural production has been distributed over ever larger areas. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to present data on the areas cultivated with this type of cereals in Serbia according to regional distribution in 2012, 2015 and 2016 provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. Spelt wheat is cultivated on the area of 157.9 ha. The greatest areas are in Vojvodina (120.04 ha), followed by the areas in the south and Eastern Serbia (22.3 ha), Šumadija and western Serbia (14.1 ha), while the smallest production of organic spelt wheat is registered in Belgrade (only 1.5 ha). The varieties Nirvana and Ostro are the only spelt wheat varieties released in Serbia. Since spelt wheat has very good biological and agronomic traits, with the high nutritional and specific functional value of the grain, deserves more attention, particularly for growing within the organic farming system and production., Površine pod organskom biljnom proizvodnjom već duži niz godina beleže kontinurano povećanje, kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji. Ovaj vid poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Srbiji se odvija na ukupno 14.357,96 ha, pri čemu vodeću ulogu zauzimaju žita. S'obzirom na to da se za krupnik beleži sve veće interesovanje u proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, on u organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje zauzima sve veće površine. U tom smislu, cilj ovog rada je bio da se prema podacima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, prikažu podaci o proizvodnji u organskom sistemu gajenja ove vrste žita u Srbiji, prema regionalnoj raspodeli za 2012, 2015 i 2016. godinu. U proseku, za ovaj vremenski period, krupnik se proizvodio na površini od 157,9 ha. Najveće površine bile su zastupljene u regionu Vojvodine (120,04 ha), a zatim slede južna i istočna Srbija (22,3 ha), Šumadija i zapadna Srbija (14,1 ha). Na područiju beogradske opštine, krupnik se proizvodio na svega 1,5 ha. Jedine dve priznate sorte u Srbiji su Nirvana i Ostro. S obzirom na to da krupnik poseduje veoma dobre biološke i agronomske osobine, to ga čini naročito pogodnim za gajenje u organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje.",
publisher = "Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Selekcija i semenarstvo",
title = "The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia, Proizvodnja organskog krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) u Srbiji",
pages = "32-23",
number = "1",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.5937/SelSem1901023G"
Golijan, J., Kolarić, L., Popović, A.,& Živanović, L.. (2019). The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia. in Selekcija i semenarstvo
Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd., 25(1), 23-32.
Golijan J, Kolarić L, Popović A, Živanović L. The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia. in Selekcija i semenarstvo. 2019;25(1):23-32.
doi:10.5937/SelSem1901023G .
Golijan, Jelena, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Popović, Aleksandar, Živanović, Ljubiša, "The production of organic spelt wheat in Serbia" in Selekcija i semenarstvo, 25, no. 1 (2019):23-32,
https://doi.org/10.5937/SelSem1901023G . .

The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn

Srdić, Jelena; Perić, Vesna; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Kravić, Natalija; Babić, Vojka; Simić, Milena

(Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Srdić, Jelena
AU  - Perić, Vesna
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Kravić, Natalija
AU  - Babić, Vojka
AU  - Simić, Milena
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4906
AB  - The influence of grain moisture content at harvest and at the moment of popping on popping volume and percentage of unpopped kernels was analysed. Four popcorn hybrids were studied. Hybrids were harvested when grain moisture content was: above 25%, between 20 - 25%, and below 18%. Each sample was popped at 20%, 18%, 16%, 14%, 12%, and 10% of grain moisture. All examined factors and their interactions significantly influenced both popping volume and percentage of unpopped kernels. The highest popping volume and the lowest percentage of unpopped kernels were observed at 14% grain moisture content. Hybrid ZP 608k had the highest popping volume and the lowest percentage of unpopped kernels at all treatments and overall. The lowest popping volume and the highest percentage of unpopped kernels were noticed for ZP 501k. The lowest percentage of unpopped kernels was observed in the last harvest term when grain moisture content was below 18%.
AB  - Zapremina kokičavosti je pored potencijala rodnosti najvažnija osobina hibrida kokičara. Više faktora utiče na nju: genotip, uslovi proizvodnje, dorade i čuvanja zrna, kao i metode kokanja. Maksimalan potencijal zapremine kokičavosti postiže se samo ako je hibrid dostigao punu zrelost. Ipak, najvažniji je uticaj sadržaja vlage u trenutku kokanja. Sadržaj vlage od oko 14% je optimalan i pri njemu se ostvaruju najviše zapremine kokičavosti. U radu je ispitivan uticaj sadržaja vlage u zrnu prilikom berbe i u trenutku kokanja na osobine kokičavosti: zapremina kokičavosti i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Ove osobine proučavane su na na četiri hibrida kukuruza kokičara. Hibridi su brani u tri termina pri sadržaju vlage: preko 25%, između 20 - 25%, i nižoj od 18%. Zatim je svaki od uzoraka kokan pri sadržaju vlage od 20%, 18%, 16%, 14%, 12%, i 10%. Analiza varijanse ukazala je na značajan uticaj genotipa, sadržaja vlage prilikom berbe, kao i interakcija na zapreminu kokičavosti i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Najviša zapremina kokičavosti ostvarena je pri sadržaju vlage od 14%, a takođe pri ovom sadržaju vlage najmanji je bio i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Hibrid ZP 608k je imao najvišu zapreminu kokičavosti i najmanji procenat neiskokanog zrna, kako u proseku svih tretmana, tako i po proučavanim tretmanima, dok je najamnju zapreminu kokičavosti i najveći procenat neiskokanog zrna imao hibrid ZP 501k. Najmanji procenat neiskokanog zrna utvrđen je u zadnjem terminu berbe, kada je sadržaj vlage u zrnu bio ispod 18%.
PB  - Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad
T2  - Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture
T1  - The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn
T1  - Uticaj sadržaja vlage na osobine kokanja kod kukuruza kokičara
EP  - 187
IS  - 4
SP  - 184
VL  - 22
DO  - 10.5937/jpea1804184S
ER  - 
author = "Srdić, Jelena and Perić, Vesna and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Kravić, Natalija and Babić, Vojka and Simić, Milena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The influence of grain moisture content at harvest and at the moment of popping on popping volume and percentage of unpopped kernels was analysed. Four popcorn hybrids were studied. Hybrids were harvested when grain moisture content was: above 25%, between 20 - 25%, and below 18%. Each sample was popped at 20%, 18%, 16%, 14%, 12%, and 10% of grain moisture. All examined factors and their interactions significantly influenced both popping volume and percentage of unpopped kernels. The highest popping volume and the lowest percentage of unpopped kernels were observed at 14% grain moisture content. Hybrid ZP 608k had the highest popping volume and the lowest percentage of unpopped kernels at all treatments and overall. The lowest popping volume and the highest percentage of unpopped kernels were noticed for ZP 501k. The lowest percentage of unpopped kernels was observed in the last harvest term when grain moisture content was below 18%., Zapremina kokičavosti je pored potencijala rodnosti najvažnija osobina hibrida kokičara. Više faktora utiče na nju: genotip, uslovi proizvodnje, dorade i čuvanja zrna, kao i metode kokanja. Maksimalan potencijal zapremine kokičavosti postiže se samo ako je hibrid dostigao punu zrelost. Ipak, najvažniji je uticaj sadržaja vlage u trenutku kokanja. Sadržaj vlage od oko 14% je optimalan i pri njemu se ostvaruju najviše zapremine kokičavosti. U radu je ispitivan uticaj sadržaja vlage u zrnu prilikom berbe i u trenutku kokanja na osobine kokičavosti: zapremina kokičavosti i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Ove osobine proučavane su na na četiri hibrida kukuruza kokičara. Hibridi su brani u tri termina pri sadržaju vlage: preko 25%, između 20 - 25%, i nižoj od 18%. Zatim je svaki od uzoraka kokan pri sadržaju vlage od 20%, 18%, 16%, 14%, 12%, i 10%. Analiza varijanse ukazala je na značajan uticaj genotipa, sadržaja vlage prilikom berbe, kao i interakcija na zapreminu kokičavosti i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Najviša zapremina kokičavosti ostvarena je pri sadržaju vlage od 14%, a takođe pri ovom sadržaju vlage najmanji je bio i procenat neiskokanog zrna. Hibrid ZP 608k je imao najvišu zapreminu kokičavosti i najmanji procenat neiskokanog zrna, kako u proseku svih tretmana, tako i po proučavanim tretmanima, dok je najamnju zapreminu kokičavosti i najveći procenat neiskokanog zrna imao hibrid ZP 501k. Najmanji procenat neiskokanog zrna utvrđen je u zadnjem terminu berbe, kada je sadržaj vlage u zrnu bio ispod 18%.",
publisher = "Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad",
journal = "Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture",
title = "The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn, Uticaj sadržaja vlage na osobine kokanja kod kukuruza kokičara",
pages = "187-184",
number = "4",
volume = "22",
doi = "10.5937/jpea1804184S"
Srdić, J., Perić, V., Kolarić, L., Kravić, N., Babić, V.,& Simić, M.. (2018). The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn. in Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture
Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad., 22(4), 184-187.
Srdić J, Perić V, Kolarić L, Kravić N, Babić V, Simić M. The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn. in Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture. 2018;22(4):184-187.
doi:10.5937/jpea1804184S .
Srdić, Jelena, Perić, Vesna, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Kravić, Natalija, Babić, Vojka, Simić, Milena, "The influence of moisture content on popping traits in popcorn" in Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 22, no. 4 (2018):184-187,
https://doi.org/10.5937/jpea1804184S . .

Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia

Golijan, Jelena; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2017)

AU  - Golijan, Jelena
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4609
AB  - Organic production is a form of sustainable agriculture which protects human health and agro-ecosystems, and provides a significant economic profit. Since the area under this type of agricultural production increases throughout the world, the production of organic industrial plants records a trend of permanent increase. The aim of this study was to show the production status and production areas in Serbia for the period of 2013-2015. During the analyzed period, the area under this type of production increased by 75%. The highest organic production of industrial plants is concentrated in Vojvodina. The area increased twofold in 2014, while in 2015 a threefold increase of area was recorded (compared to 2013 data). Serbia has very favorable conditions for organic crop production, as well as an additional investment to support producers, facilitate greater dissemination of their products to foreign markets, which have unlimited demand.
AB  - Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja predstavlja vid održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje, štiteći zdravlje ljudi, agro- i ekosistem, a pri tome osigurava značajan ekonomski profit. Kako se površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje uvećavaju širom sveta, tako i proizvodnja organskog industrijskog bilja beleži trend permanentnog rasta. U tom cilju, želeli smo da prikažemo stanje proizvodnih površina u Srbiji za period od 2013 - 2015. godine. U analiziranom periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine površine pod ovim vidom proizvodnje uvećane su za 75%. Najveća organska proizvodnja industrijskog bilja skoncentrisana je u Vojvodini. U odnosu na 2013. godinu, u 2014. godini površine su dvostruko uvećane, dok je u 2015. godini zabeleženo trostruko uvećanje površina (u poređenju sa podacima iz 2013. godine). Srbija poseduje izuzetno povoljne uslove za organsku proizvodnju industrijskog bilja, te bi uz dodatnu investicionu podršku proizvođačima omogućila veće širenje njihovih proizvoda na inostrana tržišta, koja imaju neograničenu potražnju.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia
T1  - Organska proizvodnja industrijskog bilja u Srbiji
EP  - 72
IS  - 2
SP  - 68
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.5937/ratpov54-13251
ER  - 
author = "Golijan, Jelena and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Organic production is a form of sustainable agriculture which protects human health and agro-ecosystems, and provides a significant economic profit. Since the area under this type of agricultural production increases throughout the world, the production of organic industrial plants records a trend of permanent increase. The aim of this study was to show the production status and production areas in Serbia for the period of 2013-2015. During the analyzed period, the area under this type of production increased by 75%. The highest organic production of industrial plants is concentrated in Vojvodina. The area increased twofold in 2014, while in 2015 a threefold increase of area was recorded (compared to 2013 data). Serbia has very favorable conditions for organic crop production, as well as an additional investment to support producers, facilitate greater dissemination of their products to foreign markets, which have unlimited demand., Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja predstavlja vid održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje, štiteći zdravlje ljudi, agro- i ekosistem, a pri tome osigurava značajan ekonomski profit. Kako se površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje uvećavaju širom sveta, tako i proizvodnja organskog industrijskog bilja beleži trend permanentnog rasta. U tom cilju, želeli smo da prikažemo stanje proizvodnih površina u Srbiji za period od 2013 - 2015. godine. U analiziranom periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine površine pod ovim vidom proizvodnje uvećane su za 75%. Najveća organska proizvodnja industrijskog bilja skoncentrisana je u Vojvodini. U odnosu na 2013. godinu, u 2014. godini površine su dvostruko uvećane, dok je u 2015. godini zabeleženo trostruko uvećanje površina (u poređenju sa podacima iz 2013. godine). Srbija poseduje izuzetno povoljne uslove za organsku proizvodnju industrijskog bilja, te bi uz dodatnu investicionu podršku proizvođačima omogućila veće širenje njihovih proizvoda na inostrana tržišta, koja imaju neograničenu potražnju.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia, Organska proizvodnja industrijskog bilja u Srbiji",
pages = "72-68",
number = "2",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.5937/ratpov54-13251"
Golijan, J., Živanović, L.,& Kolarić, L.. (2017). Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 54(2), 68-72.
Golijan J, Živanović L, Kolarić L. Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2017;54(2):68-72.
doi:10.5937/ratpov54-13251 .
Golijan, Jelena, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Organic production of industrial crops in Serbia" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 54, no. 2 (2017):68-72,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ratpov54-13251 . .

California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage

Živanović, Ljubiša; Curović, Milic; Terzić, Dragan; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Rajicić, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Sikora, Vladimir


AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Curović, Milic
AU  - Terzić, Dragan
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Rajicić, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5637
AB  - California bluebell (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) is a hardy plant forage. It is grown for seed production, for obtaining green forage, silage, hay, as well as crop protection, crop of green fertilizers and as bee pasture. 
The experiment the new variety California bluebell, NS Priora, was carried out in four replications on plots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Backi Petrovac (φN 45 ° 20 ', λE 19 ° 40', m.s.l. 89), in 2016. Cellulose content in the grain of variety NS Priora was 4.91%, while the average yield of raw biomass was 25,000 kg ha-1. NS Priora has achieved high yields of raw biomass and good grain quality and proved to be a good feedstock for the production of seeds and roughage.
AB  - Facelija (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) je jednogodišnja krmna biljka. Koristi se za proizvodnju semena, za dobijanje zelene krme, silaže, sena, kao zaštitni usev, usev za zelenišno đubrenje i kao pčelinja paša. 
Ogled sa novom sortom facelije, NS Priora, izveden je u četiri ponavljanja na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu (φN 45°20', λE 19°40', m.s.l. 89), u 2016. godini. Sadržaj celuloze u zrnu sorte NS Priora iznosio je 4,91% dok je prosečan prinos sirove biomase iznosio 25.000 kg ha-1. NS Priora je ostvarila visoke prinose sirove biomase i dobar kvalitet zrna i pokazala se kao dobra sirovina za proizvodnju semena i voluminozne stočne hrane.
C3  - 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.
T1  - California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage
T1  - Sorta facelije NS priora za proizvodnju biomase u cilju dobijanja voluminozne stočne hrane
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5637
ER  - 
author = "Živanović, Ljubiša and Curović, Milic and Terzić, Dragan and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Rajicić, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Sikora, Vladimir",
year = "2017",
abstract = "California bluebell (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) is a hardy plant forage. It is grown for seed production, for obtaining green forage, silage, hay, as well as crop protection, crop of green fertilizers and as bee pasture. 
The experiment the new variety California bluebell, NS Priora, was carried out in four replications on plots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Backi Petrovac (φN 45 ° 20 ', λE 19 ° 40', m.s.l. 89), in 2016. Cellulose content in the grain of variety NS Priora was 4.91%, while the average yield of raw biomass was 25,000 kg ha-1. NS Priora has achieved high yields of raw biomass and good grain quality and proved to be a good feedstock for the production of seeds and roughage., Facelija (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) je jednogodišnja krmna biljka. Koristi se za proizvodnju semena, za dobijanje zelene krme, silaže, sena, kao zaštitni usev, usev za zelenišno đubrenje i kao pčelinja paša. 
Ogled sa novom sortom facelije, NS Priora, izveden je u četiri ponavljanja na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu (φN 45°20', λE 19°40', m.s.l. 89), u 2016. godini. Sadržaj celuloze u zrnu sorte NS Priora iznosio je 4,91% dok je prosečan prinos sirove biomase iznosio 25.000 kg ha-1. NS Priora je ostvarila visoke prinose sirove biomase i dobar kvalitet zrna i pokazala se kao dobra sirovina za proizvodnju semena i voluminozne stočne hrane.",
journal = "22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.",
title = "California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage, Sorta facelije NS priora za proizvodnju biomase u cilju dobijanja voluminozne stočne hrane",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5637"
Živanović, L., Curović, M., Terzić, D., Kolarić, L., Rajicić, V., Ikanović, J., Popović, V.,& Sikora, V.. (2017). California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017..
Živanović L, Curović M, Terzić D, Kolarić L, Rajicić V, Ikanović J, Popović V, Sikora V. California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.. 2017;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5637 .
Živanović, Ljubiša, Curović, Milic, Terzić, Dragan, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Rajicić, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Sikora, Vladimir, "California Bluebell. Ns Priora for Biomass Production for Obtaining the Roughage" in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017. (2017),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5637 .

The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Gujanicić, Tihomir; Jaćimović, Goran; Popović, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša


AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Gujanicić, Tihomir
AU  - Jaćimović, Goran
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5639
AB  - In this  work the influence of crop density and sugar beet varieties of different types  (Alfonsa- E type, Marianka KWS- Z type and Serenade KWS EPD - N type) on the yield and quality of sugar beet roots was achieved. Field micro experiments were carried out in agroecological conditions of Central Banat using split plot method in five replications, on a calcareous chernozem soil type.
The results showed statistically significant differences in root yield between the genotypes in both years. On the sugar content in root statistically significant effect demonstrated the tested varieties only in 2014. The highest root yield was obtained in crop density of 120,000 plants ha-1 (75.55 t ha-1). Alfonsa variety is determined by the highest root yield (76.35 t ha-1), and the lowest sugar content in root (13.64%).
AB  - U radu je proučavan uticaj  gustine useva i sorti šećerne repe različitog tipa (Alfonsa- E tip, Marianka KWS- Z tip i Serenada KWS EPD – N tip) na prinos i kvalitet korena šećerne repe. Poljski mikroogledi su izvedeni u agroekološkim uslovima srednjeg Banata po metodu razdeljenih parcela (split plot) u pet ponavljanja, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem.
Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali statistički vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu korena između ispitivanih genotipova u obe godine istraživanja. Na sadržaj šećera u korenu statistički vrlo značajan uticaj ispoljile su ispitivane sorte samo u 2014. godini. Najveći prinos korena dobijen je u gustini useva od 120.000 biljaka/ha (75,55 t ha-1). U prinosne sorte Alfonsa utvrđen je najveći prinos korena (76,35 t ha-1), a najmanji sadržaj šećera u korenu (13,64%).
C3  - 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.
T1  - The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality
T1  - Uticaj gustine useva na prinos i kvalitet korena šećerne repe
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5639
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Gujanicić, Tihomir and Jaćimović, Goran and Popović, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In this  work the influence of crop density and sugar beet varieties of different types  (Alfonsa- E type, Marianka KWS- Z type and Serenade KWS EPD - N type) on the yield and quality of sugar beet roots was achieved. Field micro experiments were carried out in agroecological conditions of Central Banat using split plot method in five replications, on a calcareous chernozem soil type.
The results showed statistically significant differences in root yield between the genotypes in both years. On the sugar content in root statistically significant effect demonstrated the tested varieties only in 2014. The highest root yield was obtained in crop density of 120,000 plants ha-1 (75.55 t ha-1). Alfonsa variety is determined by the highest root yield (76.35 t ha-1), and the lowest sugar content in root (13.64%)., U radu je proučavan uticaj  gustine useva i sorti šećerne repe različitog tipa (Alfonsa- E tip, Marianka KWS- Z tip i Serenada KWS EPD – N tip) na prinos i kvalitet korena šećerne repe. Poljski mikroogledi su izvedeni u agroekološkim uslovima srednjeg Banata po metodu razdeljenih parcela (split plot) u pet ponavljanja, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem.
Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali statistički vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu korena između ispitivanih genotipova u obe godine istraživanja. Na sadržaj šećera u korenu statistički vrlo značajan uticaj ispoljile su ispitivane sorte samo u 2014. godini. Najveći prinos korena dobijen je u gustini useva od 120.000 biljaka/ha (75,55 t ha-1). U prinosne sorte Alfonsa utvrđen je najveći prinos korena (76,35 t ha-1), a najmanji sadržaj šećera u korenu (13,64%).",
journal = "22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.",
title = "The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality, Uticaj gustine useva na prinos i kvalitet korena šećerne repe",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5639"
Kolarić, L., Gujanicić, T., Jaćimović, G., Popović, V., Ikanović, J.,& Živanović, L.. (2017). The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017..
Kolarić L, Gujanicić T, Jaćimović G, Popović V, Ikanović J, Živanović L. The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.. 2017;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5639 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Gujanicić, Tihomir, Jaćimović, Goran, Popović, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, "The Influence of Plant Density and Variety on Sugar Beet Root Yield and Quality" in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017. (2017),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5639 .

The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat

Živanović, Ljubiša; Popović, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Kolarić, Ljubiša


AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5644
AB  - This paper examined the influence of the quantity and form of nitrogen on the important parameters of productivity of winter wheat. Field microexperiments were conducted in agroecological conditions of Central Serbia and loam soil type (vertisol).
The results showed significant differences in the spike length, number of spikelets, grain yield and hectoliter weight between examined quantities of nitrogen. On the contrary, a form of nitrogen had not a significant effect on the observed parameters of productivity of wheat.
AB  - U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj količine i oblika azota na važnije parametre produktivnosti ozime pšenice. Poljski mikroogled je postavljen u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije i na zemljištu tipa smonica (vertisol).
Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajne razlike u dužini klasa, broju klasića, prinosu zrna i hektolitarskoj masi između ispitivanih količina azota. Suprotno tome, oblik azota nije ispoljio značajan uticaj na posmatrane parametre produktivnosti pšenice.
C3  - 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.
T1  - The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat
T1  - Uticaj količine i oblika azota na produktivnost ozime pšenice
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5644
ER  - 
author = "Živanović, Ljubiša and Popović, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper examined the influence of the quantity and form of nitrogen on the important parameters of productivity of winter wheat. Field microexperiments were conducted in agroecological conditions of Central Serbia and loam soil type (vertisol).
The results showed significant differences in the spike length, number of spikelets, grain yield and hectoliter weight between examined quantities of nitrogen. On the contrary, a form of nitrogen had not a significant effect on the observed parameters of productivity of wheat., U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj količine i oblika azota na važnije parametre produktivnosti ozime pšenice. Poljski mikroogled je postavljen u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije i na zemljištu tipa smonica (vertisol).
Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajne razlike u dužini klasa, broju klasića, prinosu zrna i hektolitarskoj masi između ispitivanih količina azota. Suprotno tome, oblik azota nije ispoljio značajan uticaj na posmatrane parametre produktivnosti pšenice.",
journal = "22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.",
title = "The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat, Uticaj količine i oblika azota na produktivnost ozime pšenice",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5644"
Živanović, L., Popović, V., Ikanović, J.,& Kolarić, L.. (2017). The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017..
Živanović L, Popović V, Ikanović J, Kolarić L. The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat. in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017.. 2017;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5644 .
Živanović, Ljubiša, Popović, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "The Influence of the Quantity and Form of Nitrogen on Productivity of Winter Wheat" in 22. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 10.-11. 03. 2017. (2017),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_5644 .

The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Paunović, Jelena; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša

(Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Paunović, Jelena
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4252
AB  - The influence of different amounts of nitrogen (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) on important soybean yield components (number of fertile nodes, number of pods per plant and weight of 1.000 grains), was examined in this paper. Experiment was carried out at two different localities (Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje and the village Kloka-lower Jasenica) in 2009. Experiments were carried out through field plot trials, using split-plot in 4 replications. The results show that, on average, for both soil types, number of pods per plant and weight of 1000 grains increased using nitrogen dose of 60 kg ha-1 for 5.2 and 3.8% and the number of fertile nodes to the variant of fertilization with 30 kg ha-1 of nitrogen for 3.8%. The amount of 90 kg ha-1 N gave lower values of the number of pods per plant compared to the control.
AB  - U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih količina azota (30; 60 i 90 kg ha-1) na neke značajnije komponente prinosa soje (broj etaža mahuna po biljci, broj mahuna po biljci i masa 1.000 zrna). Istraživanja su obavljena na dva različita lokaliteta, Institut za kukuruz u Zemun Polju i selo Kloka-donja Jasenica u 2009. godini. Eksperimenti su izvedeni putem poljskih mikroogleda, metodom razdvojenih parcela (split-plot) u 3 ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su se, u proseku za oba tipa zemljišta, broj mahuna po biljci i masa 1.000 zrna povećavali upotrebom azota do 60 kg ha-1 za 5,2 odnosno 3,8%, a broj etaža mahuna po biljci do varijante đubrenja sa 30 kg ha-1 za 3,8%. Varijanta đubrenja sa 90 kg ha-1 dala je niže vrednosti broja mahuna po biljci u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu.
PB  - Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Selekcija i semenarstvo
T1  - The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics
T1  - Uticaj đubrenja azotom na značajnija agronomska svojstva soje
EP  - 90
IS  - 1
SP  - 81
VL  - 22
DO  - 10.5937/SelSem1601081K
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Paunović, Jelena and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The influence of different amounts of nitrogen (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) on important soybean yield components (number of fertile nodes, number of pods per plant and weight of 1.000 grains), was examined in this paper. Experiment was carried out at two different localities (Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje and the village Kloka-lower Jasenica) in 2009. Experiments were carried out through field plot trials, using split-plot in 4 replications. The results show that, on average, for both soil types, number of pods per plant and weight of 1000 grains increased using nitrogen dose of 60 kg ha-1 for 5.2 and 3.8% and the number of fertile nodes to the variant of fertilization with 30 kg ha-1 of nitrogen for 3.8%. The amount of 90 kg ha-1 N gave lower values of the number of pods per plant compared to the control., U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih količina azota (30; 60 i 90 kg ha-1) na neke značajnije komponente prinosa soje (broj etaža mahuna po biljci, broj mahuna po biljci i masa 1.000 zrna). Istraživanja su obavljena na dva različita lokaliteta, Institut za kukuruz u Zemun Polju i selo Kloka-donja Jasenica u 2009. godini. Eksperimenti su izvedeni putem poljskih mikroogleda, metodom razdvojenih parcela (split-plot) u 3 ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su se, u proseku za oba tipa zemljišta, broj mahuna po biljci i masa 1.000 zrna povećavali upotrebom azota do 60 kg ha-1 za 5,2 odnosno 3,8%, a broj etaža mahuna po biljci do varijante đubrenja sa 30 kg ha-1 za 3,8%. Varijanta đubrenja sa 90 kg ha-1 dala je niže vrednosti broja mahuna po biljci u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu.",
publisher = "Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Selekcija i semenarstvo",
title = "The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics, Uticaj đubrenja azotom na značajnija agronomska svojstva soje",
pages = "90-81",
number = "1",
volume = "22",
doi = "10.5937/SelSem1601081K"
Kolarić, L., Paunović, J., Ikanović, J.,& Živanović, L.. (2016). The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics. in Selekcija i semenarstvo
Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd., 22(1), 81-90.
Kolarić L, Paunović J, Ikanović J, Živanović L. The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics. in Selekcija i semenarstvo. 2016;22(1):81-90.
doi:10.5937/SelSem1601081K .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Paunović, Jelena, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, "The influence of nitrogen fertilization on soybean important agronomic characteristics" in Selekcija i semenarstvo, 22, no. 1 (2016):81-90,
https://doi.org/10.5937/SelSem1601081K . .

Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)

Knežević, Desimir; Maklenović, Violeta; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Mićanović, Danica; Sekularac, Andrej; Knežević, Jasmina

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Maklenović, Violeta
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Sekularac, Andrej
AU  - Knežević, Jasmina
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4057
AB  - In diallel crosses (without reciprocals) of four genetically divergent wheat cultivars (Jugoslavija, Osijecanka, Zitnica, and NS Rana 2) produced seed of hybrids which planted on experimental field. F-2 hybrids plants used for harvest and source of F-3 seeds which used for nitrogen content analysis. The mode of inheritance, gene effect, heritability in parent cultivars and F-3 hybrids were studied for nitrogen content in seed. On the base of obtained results, different mode of inheritance: dominance, intermediate and overdominance for content of N in seed was established. Among parent cultivars, the highest nitrogen contents had Novosadska Rana 2 (3.50%). The combination Osijecanka/NS Rana 2 in F-3 grain generation was the best for nitrogen content (3.70%).
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)
EP  - 586
IS  - 2
SP  - 579
VL  - 48
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1602579K
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Maklenović, Violeta and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Mićanović, Danica and Sekularac, Andrej and Knežević, Jasmina",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In diallel crosses (without reciprocals) of four genetically divergent wheat cultivars (Jugoslavija, Osijecanka, Zitnica, and NS Rana 2) produced seed of hybrids which planted on experimental field. F-2 hybrids plants used for harvest and source of F-3 seeds which used for nitrogen content analysis. The mode of inheritance, gene effect, heritability in parent cultivars and F-3 hybrids were studied for nitrogen content in seed. On the base of obtained results, different mode of inheritance: dominance, intermediate and overdominance for content of N in seed was established. Among parent cultivars, the highest nitrogen contents had Novosadska Rana 2 (3.50%). The combination Osijecanka/NS Rana 2 in F-3 grain generation was the best for nitrogen content (3.70%).",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)",
pages = "586-579",
number = "2",
volume = "48",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1602579K"
Knežević, D., Maklenović, V., Kolarić, L., Mićanović, D., Sekularac, A.,& Knežević, J.. (2016). Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.). in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 48(2), 579-586.
Knežević D, Maklenović V, Kolarić L, Mićanović D, Sekularac A, Knežević J. Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.). in Genetika. 2016;48(2):579-586.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1602579K .
Knežević, Desimir, Maklenović, Violeta, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Mićanović, Danica, Sekularac, Andrej, Knežević, Jasmina, "Variation and inheritance of nitrogen content in seed of wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)" in Genetika, 48, no. 2 (2016):579-586,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR1602579K . .

Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta)

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Janković, Snežana; Dražić, Gordana; Pavlović, Slobodanka; Tatić, Mladen; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Sikora, Vladimir; Živanović, Ljubiša

(Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
AU  - Pavlović, Slobodanka
AU  - Tatić, Mladen
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4251
AB  - Technological quality of wheat is defined by physical and chemical indicators of quality and its baking properties. To make wheat a commodity, there are certain requirements to be met, defined by minimum values of trade quality indicators. As hexaploid wheat, spelt (Triticum spelta L.) belongs to a group of alternative cereal grains high in gluten, and its flour is therefore used for making most pastries. Due to its high nutritional value, spelt flour is used to enhance the quality or flavour of wheat bread and other bakery products. Two-year research was conducted during 2011 and 2012 to investigate protein content in crops grown on the Eutric Cambisol soil type. The research was conducted on two spelt cultivars: Hungarian Ekö 10 and Serbian NS Nirvana. The results showed that NS Nirvana averaged a statistically significantly higher proteins content (16.76%) than Hungarian cultivar Ekö 10 (15.65%). Climatic factors, temperatures, the intensity of light and duration of seed filling had an impact on the investigated parameter.
AB  - Tehnološki kvalitet pšenice definisan je fizičkim i hemijskim pokazateljima kvaliteta i pecivnim osobinama. Da bi pšenica bila predmet trgovine potrebno je da zadovoljava određene uslove koji su definisani minimalnim vrednostima pokazatelja prometnog kvaliteta. Heksaploidna pšenica krupnik (Triticum spelta L.) pripada grupi alternativnih žita koja ima visok sadržaj glutena, te se od njegovog brašna uspešno pravi većina peciva. Zahvaljujući visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti brašno krupnika koristi se kao poboljšavač kvaliteta i ukusa pšeničnog hleba i drugih hlebno-pekarskih proizvoda. Dvogodišnja istraživanja izvedena su tokom 2011. i 2012. godine u cilju ispitivanja sadržaja proteina na zemljištu tipa gajnjača. Ispitivane su dve sorte krupnika: mađarske sorta Ekö 10 i srpska NS sorta Nirvana. Rezultati su pokazali da je NS sorta Nirvana imala u proseku statistički značajno veći sadržaj proteina (16.76 %) u odnosu na mađarsku sortu Ekö 10 (15.65 %). Klimatski faktori temperatura, intenzitet svetlosti i dužina trajanja faze nalivanja zrna imali su uticaj na ovaj ispitivani parametar.
PB  - Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta)
T1  - Uticaj agroekoloških uslova na sintezu proteina hehaploidne pšenice krupnik - Triticum spelta L.
EP  - 100
IS  - 1
SP  - 91
VL  - 32
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1601091I
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Janković, Snežana and Dražić, Gordana and Pavlović, Slobodanka and Tatić, Mladen and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Sikora, Vladimir and Živanović, Ljubiša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Technological quality of wheat is defined by physical and chemical indicators of quality and its baking properties. To make wheat a commodity, there are certain requirements to be met, defined by minimum values of trade quality indicators. As hexaploid wheat, spelt (Triticum spelta L.) belongs to a group of alternative cereal grains high in gluten, and its flour is therefore used for making most pastries. Due to its high nutritional value, spelt flour is used to enhance the quality or flavour of wheat bread and other bakery products. Two-year research was conducted during 2011 and 2012 to investigate protein content in crops grown on the Eutric Cambisol soil type. The research was conducted on two spelt cultivars: Hungarian Ekö 10 and Serbian NS Nirvana. The results showed that NS Nirvana averaged a statistically significantly higher proteins content (16.76%) than Hungarian cultivar Ekö 10 (15.65%). Climatic factors, temperatures, the intensity of light and duration of seed filling had an impact on the investigated parameter., Tehnološki kvalitet pšenice definisan je fizičkim i hemijskim pokazateljima kvaliteta i pecivnim osobinama. Da bi pšenica bila predmet trgovine potrebno je da zadovoljava određene uslove koji su definisani minimalnim vrednostima pokazatelja prometnog kvaliteta. Heksaploidna pšenica krupnik (Triticum spelta L.) pripada grupi alternativnih žita koja ima visok sadržaj glutena, te se od njegovog brašna uspešno pravi većina peciva. Zahvaljujući visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti brašno krupnika koristi se kao poboljšavač kvaliteta i ukusa pšeničnog hleba i drugih hlebno-pekarskih proizvoda. Dvogodišnja istraživanja izvedena su tokom 2011. i 2012. godine u cilju ispitivanja sadržaja proteina na zemljištu tipa gajnjača. Ispitivane su dve sorte krupnika: mađarske sorta Ekö 10 i srpska NS sorta Nirvana. Rezultati su pokazali da je NS sorta Nirvana imala u proseku statistički značajno veći sadržaj proteina (16.76 %) u odnosu na mađarsku sortu Ekö 10 (15.65 %). Klimatski faktori temperatura, intenzitet svetlosti i dužina trajanja faze nalivanja zrna imali su uticaj na ovaj ispitivani parametar.",
publisher = "Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta), Uticaj agroekoloških uslova na sintezu proteina hehaploidne pšenice krupnik - Triticum spelta L.",
pages = "100-91",
number = "1",
volume = "32",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1601091I"
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Janković, S., Dražić, G., Pavlović, S., Tatić, M., Kolarić, L., Sikora, V.,& Živanović, L.. (2016). Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta). in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd., 32(1), 91-100.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Janković S, Dražić G, Pavlović S, Tatić M, Kolarić L, Sikora V, Živanović L. Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta). in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2016;32(1):91-100.
doi:10.2298/BAH1601091I .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Janković, Snežana, Dražić, Gordana, Pavlović, Slobodanka, Tatić, Mladen, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Sikora, Vladimir, Živanović, Ljubiša, "Impact of agro-ecological conditions on protein synthesis in hexaploid wheat: Spelt (Triticum spelta)" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 32, no. 1 (2016):91-100,
https://doi.org/10.2298/BAH1601091I . .

Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types

Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/46
AB  - U trogodišnjem periodu (2009-2011. godine) vršena su istraţivanja uticaja tipa zemljišta (černozem i gajnjača), količine azota (kontrola, P60K60 - osnova, N30P60K60, N60P60K60 i N90P60K60) i sorti različitih grupa zrenja (Laura i Galeb – I grupa zrenja i Lana i VojvoĎanka - II grupa zrenja) na morfološke osobine, osobine rodnosti, prinos zrna, kvalitet zrna (sadrţaj proteina i ulja) kao i prinos proteina i ulja. Osim toga, u periodu pre setve soje, kao i u fazama formiranja mahuna (R3) i u punoj zrelosti (R8) praćeno je kretanje pristupačnog i ukupnog azota u zemljištu do dubine od 60 cm. Ispitivanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima istočnog srema (Zemun Polje) i centralne Šumadije (selo Kloka), metodom razdeljenih parcela (split-plot). U trogodišnjem proseku, najveću visinu biljke i visinu prve etaţe, soja je imala na varijanti ishrane sa 60 kg azota po hektaru. Najveći broj etaţa mahuna kao i bočnih grana bio je na varijanti ishrane sa 30 kg azota po hektaru. Veće vrednosti svih morfoloških osobina su bile na černozemu, osim bočnih grana (gajnjača). Sve ispitivane osobine rodnosti (broj mahuna po biljci, masa zrna po biljci, masa 1.000 zrna) imale su najveće vrednosti na varijanti ishrane sa 60 kg azota po hektaru. Veće vrednosti svih osobina rodnosti, slično morfološkim, bile su na zemljištu tipa černozem. Prinos zrna soje je najviše zavisio od tipa zemljišta, manje od sorte, a najmanje od ishrane azotom. Na zemljištu tipa černozem ostvaren je veći prinos zrna soje za 49,1% u odnosu na gajnaču. Najveći prinos dala je kasnostasna sorta VojvoĎanka (6.173 kg ha-1), na černozemu upotrebom 60 kg ha-1 azota. Kvalitet zrna soje, odnosno sadrţaj proteina i ulja u zrnu su najviše zavisili od godine, zatim od tipa zemljišta i sorte, a najmanje od količine azota. Najveći sadrţaj proteina utvrĎen je ishranom sa najvećom količinom azota (90 kg ha-1), na oba tipa zemljišta. Veći sadrţaj ulja je utvrĎen na zemljištu gajnjača. Prosečan sadrţaj proteina je bio 30,6%, a ulja 21,5%. Prinos proteina i ulja imao je isti trend kao i prinos zrna. U svim godinama istraţivanja, u černozemu je utvrĎena veća količina pristupačnog azota u zemljištu u odnosu na gajnjaču. Najmanja količina je bila na kontrolnoj varijanti i pod ugarom i pod usevom soje. Sa povećavanjem količine azota iz Ďubriva povećavao se sadrţaj pristupačnog azota, kao i usvajanje od strane biljaka.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T1  - Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types
T1  - Produktivne osobine sorti soje u zavisnosti od količine azota i tipa zemljišta
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_7396
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "U trogodišnjem periodu (2009-2011. godine) vršena su istraţivanja uticaja tipa zemljišta (černozem i gajnjača), količine azota (kontrola, P60K60 - osnova, N30P60K60, N60P60K60 i N90P60K60) i sorti različitih grupa zrenja (Laura i Galeb – I grupa zrenja i Lana i VojvoĎanka - II grupa zrenja) na morfološke osobine, osobine rodnosti, prinos zrna, kvalitet zrna (sadrţaj proteina i ulja) kao i prinos proteina i ulja. Osim toga, u periodu pre setve soje, kao i u fazama formiranja mahuna (R3) i u punoj zrelosti (R8) praćeno je kretanje pristupačnog i ukupnog azota u zemljištu do dubine od 60 cm. Ispitivanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima istočnog srema (Zemun Polje) i centralne Šumadije (selo Kloka), metodom razdeljenih parcela (split-plot). U trogodišnjem proseku, najveću visinu biljke i visinu prve etaţe, soja je imala na varijanti ishrane sa 60 kg azota po hektaru. Najveći broj etaţa mahuna kao i bočnih grana bio je na varijanti ishrane sa 30 kg azota po hektaru. Veće vrednosti svih morfoloških osobina su bile na černozemu, osim bočnih grana (gajnjača). Sve ispitivane osobine rodnosti (broj mahuna po biljci, masa zrna po biljci, masa 1.000 zrna) imale su najveće vrednosti na varijanti ishrane sa 60 kg azota po hektaru. Veće vrednosti svih osobina rodnosti, slično morfološkim, bile su na zemljištu tipa černozem. Prinos zrna soje je najviše zavisio od tipa zemljišta, manje od sorte, a najmanje od ishrane azotom. Na zemljištu tipa černozem ostvaren je veći prinos zrna soje za 49,1% u odnosu na gajnaču. Najveći prinos dala je kasnostasna sorta VojvoĎanka (6.173 kg ha-1), na černozemu upotrebom 60 kg ha-1 azota. Kvalitet zrna soje, odnosno sadrţaj proteina i ulja u zrnu su najviše zavisili od godine, zatim od tipa zemljišta i sorte, a najmanje od količine azota. Najveći sadrţaj proteina utvrĎen je ishranom sa najvećom količinom azota (90 kg ha-1), na oba tipa zemljišta. Veći sadrţaj ulja je utvrĎen na zemljištu gajnjača. Prosečan sadrţaj proteina je bio 30,6%, a ulja 21,5%. Prinos proteina i ulja imao je isti trend kao i prinos zrna. U svim godinama istraţivanja, u černozemu je utvrĎena veća količina pristupačnog azota u zemljištu u odnosu na gajnjaču. Najmanja količina je bila na kontrolnoj varijanti i pod ugarom i pod usevom soje. Sa povećavanjem količine azota iz Ďubriva povećavao se sadrţaj pristupačnog azota, kao i usvajanje od strane biljaka.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
title = "Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types, Produktivne osobine sorti soje u zavisnosti od količine azota i tipa zemljišta",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_7396"
Kolarić, L.. (2016). Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet..
Kolarić L. Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types. 2016;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_7396 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Productive characteristics of soybeans cultivars depending on the amount of nitrogen and soil types" (2016),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_7396 .

Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Paunović, Jelena; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ranković, Dejan

(Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Paunović, Jelena
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ranković, Dejan
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3920
AB  - The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of increasing amounts of nitrogen on productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions. The investigations were conducted on two locations: Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje (tchernozem soil type) and Kloka village (private property, brown forest soil type). Field micro experiments were conducted by split-plot method in four replications. Given results show, on average for both soil types, increasing values of grain mass per plant and yield using 30 and 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen for 7.1% and 7.5%, respectively. Fertilization variant using 90 kg ha-1 of nitrogen gave lower values of examined parameters compared to the fon (P60K60) for 5.4% and 5.7% respectively.
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja rastućih količina azota na produktivnost genotipova soje u različitim agroekološkim uslovima. Istraživanja su obavljena na dva lokaliteta, u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' (zemljište tipa černozem) i u selu Kloka (privatan posed, zemljište tipa gajnjača) - donja Jasenica 2009. godine. Poljski mikroogledi izvedeni su metodom razdeljenih parcela (split plot), u četiri ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su se, u proseku za oba tipa zemljišta, masa zrna po biljci i prinos povećavali upotrebom do 60 kg ha-1 za 7,1 odnosno 7,5%. Varijanta đubrenja sa 90 kg ha-1 dala je niže vrednosti ispitivanih parametara u odnosu na osnovu-fon (P60K60) za 5,4% odnosno 5,7%.
PB  - Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Selekcija i semenarstvo
T1  - Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions
T1  - Produktivnost genotipova soje u različitim agroekološkim uslovima
EP  - 61
IS  - 2
SP  - 51
VL  - 21
DO  - 10.5937/SelSem1502051K
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Paunović, Jelena and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ranković, Dejan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of increasing amounts of nitrogen on productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions. The investigations were conducted on two locations: Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje (tchernozem soil type) and Kloka village (private property, brown forest soil type). Field micro experiments were conducted by split-plot method in four replications. Given results show, on average for both soil types, increasing values of grain mass per plant and yield using 30 and 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen for 7.1% and 7.5%, respectively. Fertilization variant using 90 kg ha-1 of nitrogen gave lower values of examined parameters compared to the fon (P60K60) for 5.4% and 5.7% respectively., U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja rastućih količina azota na produktivnost genotipova soje u različitim agroekološkim uslovima. Istraživanja su obavljena na dva lokaliteta, u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' (zemljište tipa černozem) i u selu Kloka (privatan posed, zemljište tipa gajnjača) - donja Jasenica 2009. godine. Poljski mikroogledi izvedeni su metodom razdeljenih parcela (split plot), u četiri ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su se, u proseku za oba tipa zemljišta, masa zrna po biljci i prinos povećavali upotrebom do 60 kg ha-1 za 7,1 odnosno 7,5%. Varijanta đubrenja sa 90 kg ha-1 dala je niže vrednosti ispitivanih parametara u odnosu na osnovu-fon (P60K60) za 5,4% odnosno 5,7%.",
publisher = "Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Selekcija i semenarstvo",
title = "Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions, Produktivnost genotipova soje u različitim agroekološkim uslovima",
pages = "61-51",
number = "2",
volume = "21",
doi = "10.5937/SelSem1502051K"
Kolarić, L., Paunović, J., Ikanović, J., Živanović, L.,& Ranković, D.. (2015). Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions. in Selekcija i semenarstvo
Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd., 21(2), 51-61.
Kolarić L, Paunović J, Ikanović J, Živanović L, Ranković D. Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions. in Selekcija i semenarstvo. 2015;21(2):51-61.
doi:10.5937/SelSem1502051K .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Paunović, Jelena, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ranković, Dejan, "Productivity of soybean genotypes under different agroecological conditions" in Selekcija i semenarstvo, 21, no. 2 (2015):51-61,
https://doi.org/10.5937/SelSem1502051K . .

Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Janković, Snežana; Rakić, Sveto; Dražić, Gordana; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Lakić, Željko

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Rakić, Sveto
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Lakić, Željko
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3983
AB  - Miscantus giganteus is a perennial highly productive grasst hat is grown as a agro- energetic crop because it has a large annual biomass production. The overall strategy of growing agro-energetic crops is that the specific surface area receives more energy with less production costs and that the cultivation of energy crops is not in competition with food production. In recent decades due to the increase in demand fore new able energy and rehabilitation of degraded lands, there is great interest in plant species that have large annual biomass production, which are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress and requires minimal investment in agricultural technology. The paper presents the results of the productivity parameter miscan thus in the two study years, 2012 and2013, fromearly spring harvest. The average yield of miscanthus in the studied period amounted	to 5.78t/ha. Data analysis evidenceda statistically significant difference in the yield of biomass between these years. Miscanthus biomass yield was statistically significantly higher in 2013 than In 2012 for 5.90t/ha, respectively 209.54%.
AB  - Miscantus giganteus je višegodišnja visokoproduktivna trava koja se gaji kao agroenergetski usev jer ima veliku godišnju produkciju biomase. Opšta strategija gajenja agroenergetskih useva ja da se sa određene površine zemljišta dobije što više energije uz što manje troškove proizvodnje i da gajenje energetskih useva ne bude u kompeticiji sa proizvodnjom hrane. Poslednjih decenija zbog porasta potražnje za obnovljivim izvorima energije i sanacija degradiranih zemljišta, vlada veliko interesovanje za biljne vrste koje imaju veliku godišnju produkciju biomase, koje su tolerantne na biotički i abiotički stres i za koje su potrebna minimalna ulaganja u agrotehniku. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja parametra produktivnosti miskantusa u dve ispitivane godine i to u 2012. i 2013 iz rano prolećne žetve. Prosečni prinosi miskantusa u istraživanom period iznosili su 5,78 t/ha. Analizom dobijenih podataka evidentna je statistički značajna razlika u prinosu biomase između istraživanih godina. U 2013. godini prinos biomase miskantusa bio je statistički značajno viši u odnosu na 2012. godinu i to za 5,90 t/ha odnosno za 209,54%.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land
T1  - Produkcija biomase miskantusa gajenog na degradiranom zemljištu
EP  - 123
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 115
VL  - 21
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3983
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Janković, Snežana and Rakić, Sveto and Dražić, Gordana and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Lakić, Željko",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Miscantus giganteus is a perennial highly productive grasst hat is grown as a agro- energetic crop because it has a large annual biomass production. The overall strategy of growing agro-energetic crops is that the specific surface area receives more energy with less production costs and that the cultivation of energy crops is not in competition with food production. In recent decades due to the increase in demand fore new able energy and rehabilitation of degraded lands, there is great interest in plant species that have large annual biomass production, which are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress and requires minimal investment in agricultural technology. The paper presents the results of the productivity parameter miscan thus in the two study years, 2012 and2013, fromearly spring harvest. The average yield of miscanthus in the studied period amounted	to 5.78t/ha. Data analysis evidenceda statistically significant difference in the yield of biomass between these years. Miscanthus biomass yield was statistically significantly higher in 2013 than In 2012 for 5.90t/ha, respectively 209.54%., Miscantus giganteus je višegodišnja visokoproduktivna trava koja se gaji kao agroenergetski usev jer ima veliku godišnju produkciju biomase. Opšta strategija gajenja agroenergetskih useva ja da se sa određene površine zemljišta dobije što više energije uz što manje troškove proizvodnje i da gajenje energetskih useva ne bude u kompeticiji sa proizvodnjom hrane. Poslednjih decenija zbog porasta potražnje za obnovljivim izvorima energije i sanacija degradiranih zemljišta, vlada veliko interesovanje za biljne vrste koje imaju veliku godišnju produkciju biomase, koje su tolerantne na biotički i abiotički stres i za koje su potrebna minimalna ulaganja u agrotehniku. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja parametra produktivnosti miskantusa u dve ispitivane godine i to u 2012. i 2013 iz rano prolećne žetve. Prosečni prinosi miskantusa u istraživanom period iznosili su 5,78 t/ha. Analizom dobijenih podataka evidentna je statistički značajna razlika u prinosu biomase između istraživanih godina. U 2013. godini prinos biomase miskantusa bio je statistički značajno viši u odnosu na 2012. godinu i to za 5,90 t/ha odnosno za 209,54%.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land, Produkcija biomase miskantusa gajenog na degradiranom zemljištu",
pages = "123-115",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3983"
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Janković, S., Rakić, S., Dražić, G., Živanović, L., Kolarić, L.,& Lakić, Ž.. (2015). Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 115-123.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Janković S, Rakić S, Dražić G, Živanović L, Kolarić L, Lakić Ž. Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):115-123.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3983 .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Janković, Snežana, Rakić, Sveto, Dražić, Gordana, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Lakić, Željko, "Miscanthus biomass production growth on degraded land" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):115-123,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3983 .

Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max

Popović, Vera; Miladinović, Jegor; Vidić, Miloš; Vučković, Savo; Dolijanović, Željko; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Vidić, Miloš
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3985
AB  - Stress caused by the drought is the most serious limiting factor in soybean production. Abiotic stress in soybeans cause: water deficit and nutrition and high temperature. The effects of adverse climatic factors, temperature extremes and deficit of precipitation on crop production can be reduced by selecting tolerant varieties, early planting and proper production technology. In the experimental study, the soybean grain yield and protein yield and oil cultivars Galina were examined, in an organic cropping system, the natural water regime and irrigation conditions. Average yields of soybeans ranged from 3,560 kg ha-1 (natural water regime) up to 4502 kg ha-1 (irrigation). In irrigated conditions, grain yield and protein yield was significantly higher than in the variant without irrigation. Research shows that the average increase in grain yield (26.46%) and protein yield (26.18%) in the variant with irrigation were achieved. Oil yield was higher in varieties with irrigation compared to natural water regime but the difference was not significant. Irrigation is desirable effective measure in soybean production in drought years and is a prerequisite for economically profitable soybean production.
AB  - Stres izazvan sušom je najozbiljniji limitirajući faktor u proizvodnji soje. Abiotički stres kod soje izazivaju: deficit vode i ishrane i visoke temperature. Efekti nepovoljnih klimatskih faktora, temperatura i njenih ekstrema i deficit padavina, na biljnu proizvodnju mogu se ublažiti izborom tolerantnih sorti, ranijom setvom i pravilnom tehnologijom proizvodnje. U eksperimentalnim istraživanjima ispitivan je prinosi zrna soje i prinosi proteina i ulja, NS sorte Galina, u organskom sistemu gajenja, u prirodnom vodnom režimu i u uslovima navodnjavanja. Prosečni prinosi zrna soje varirali su od 3.560 kg ha-1 (prirodni vodni režim) do 4.502 kg ha-1 (u navodnjavanju). U uslovima navodnjavanja, prinos zrna i prinos proteina bio je signifikantno viši u odnosu na varijantu bez navodnjavanja. Istraživanja pokazuju da je ostvareno prosečno povećanje prinosa zrna od 26,46 % i prinosa proteina od 26,18 % u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem. Prinos ulja bio viši u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem u odnosu na prirodni vodni režim ali razlika nije bila signifikantna. Navodnjavanje je poželjna agrotehnička mera u proizvodnji soje u sušnoj godini i preduslov je za ekonomski isplativu proizvodnju soje.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max
T1  - Suša - limitirajući faktoru proizvodnji soje; efekat navodnjavanja na prinos soje - Glycine max
EP  - 20
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 11
VL  - 21
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3985
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Miladinović, Jegor and Vidić, Miloš and Vučković, Savo and Dolijanović, Željko and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Stress caused by the drought is the most serious limiting factor in soybean production. Abiotic stress in soybeans cause: water deficit and nutrition and high temperature. The effects of adverse climatic factors, temperature extremes and deficit of precipitation on crop production can be reduced by selecting tolerant varieties, early planting and proper production technology. In the experimental study, the soybean grain yield and protein yield and oil cultivars Galina were examined, in an organic cropping system, the natural water regime and irrigation conditions. Average yields of soybeans ranged from 3,560 kg ha-1 (natural water regime) up to 4502 kg ha-1 (irrigation). In irrigated conditions, grain yield and protein yield was significantly higher than in the variant without irrigation. Research shows that the average increase in grain yield (26.46%) and protein yield (26.18%) in the variant with irrigation were achieved. Oil yield was higher in varieties with irrigation compared to natural water regime but the difference was not significant. Irrigation is desirable effective measure in soybean production in drought years and is a prerequisite for economically profitable soybean production., Stres izazvan sušom je najozbiljniji limitirajući faktor u proizvodnji soje. Abiotički stres kod soje izazivaju: deficit vode i ishrane i visoke temperature. Efekti nepovoljnih klimatskih faktora, temperatura i njenih ekstrema i deficit padavina, na biljnu proizvodnju mogu se ublažiti izborom tolerantnih sorti, ranijom setvom i pravilnom tehnologijom proizvodnje. U eksperimentalnim istraživanjima ispitivan je prinosi zrna soje i prinosi proteina i ulja, NS sorte Galina, u organskom sistemu gajenja, u prirodnom vodnom režimu i u uslovima navodnjavanja. Prosečni prinosi zrna soje varirali su od 3.560 kg ha-1 (prirodni vodni režim) do 4.502 kg ha-1 (u navodnjavanju). U uslovima navodnjavanja, prinos zrna i prinos proteina bio je signifikantno viši u odnosu na varijantu bez navodnjavanja. Istraživanja pokazuju da je ostvareno prosečno povećanje prinosa zrna od 26,46 % i prinosa proteina od 26,18 % u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem. Prinos ulja bio viši u varijanti sa navodnjavanjem u odnosu na prirodni vodni režim ali razlika nije bila signifikantna. Navodnjavanje je poželjna agrotehnička mera u proizvodnji soje u sušnoj godini i preduslov je za ekonomski isplativu proizvodnju soje.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max, Suša - limitirajući faktoru proizvodnji soje; efekat navodnjavanja na prinos soje - Glycine max",
pages = "20-11",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3985"
Popović, V., Miladinović, J., Vidić, M., Vučković, S., Dolijanović, Ž., Ikanović, J., Živanović, L.,& Kolarić, L.. (2015). Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 11-20.
Popović V, Miladinović J, Vidić M, Vučković S, Dolijanović Ž, Ikanović J, Živanović L, Kolarić L. Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):11-20.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3985 .
Popović, Vera, Miladinović, Jegor, Vidić, Miloš, Vučković, Savo, Dolijanović, Željko, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Drought: Limiting factor in soybean production; the effect of irrigation on yield of soybean: Glycine max" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):11-20,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3985 .

The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Gujaničić, Tihomir; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Gujaničić, Tihomir
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3991
AB  - During two-year period (20013 and 2014), the influence of different harvest dates (25.8-1.9. and 28.10-10.11) on sugar beet yield and quality of selected genotypes was conducted. Research was carried out by field micro experiments in agroecological conditions of Midle Banat (Zlatica, Zrenjanin) on chernozem soil type. Experiments were conducted by total random block system method in five replications. The obtained results show that higher root yield was given by the later-second harvest date, and sugar content by the earlier-first harvest date. Statistical differences were at very high level. The highest root yield was given by cv. Alfonsa and the sugar content by cv. Jasmina EPD.
AB  - U dvogodišnjem periodu (2013-2014) ispitivan je uticaj različitih rokova vadenja (25.8-1.9. i 28.10-10.11) na prinos i kvalitet odabranih genotipova šećerne repe. Istraživanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima srednjeg Banata (lokaliet “Zlatica’’) na zemljištu karbonatni cernozem. Ogledi su postavljeni po metodi potpuno slučajnog blok sistema u pet ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je veći prinos korena šećerne repe dobijen u drugom roku vadenja, a veći sadržaj šećera u prvom roku vadenja. Ove razlike su statisticki vrlo značajne. Najveći prinos koren dala je prinosna sorta Alfonsa, a najveći sadržaj šećera zabeležen je u genotipa Jasmina EPD.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality
T1  - Uticaj sorte i roka vađenja na prinos i kvalitet šećerne repe
EP  - 70
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 65
VL  - 21
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3991
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Gujaničić, Tihomir and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera",
year = "2015",
abstract = "During two-year period (20013 and 2014), the influence of different harvest dates (25.8-1.9. and 28.10-10.11) on sugar beet yield and quality of selected genotypes was conducted. Research was carried out by field micro experiments in agroecological conditions of Midle Banat (Zlatica, Zrenjanin) on chernozem soil type. Experiments were conducted by total random block system method in five replications. The obtained results show that higher root yield was given by the later-second harvest date, and sugar content by the earlier-first harvest date. Statistical differences were at very high level. The highest root yield was given by cv. Alfonsa and the sugar content by cv. Jasmina EPD., U dvogodišnjem periodu (2013-2014) ispitivan je uticaj različitih rokova vadenja (25.8-1.9. i 28.10-10.11) na prinos i kvalitet odabranih genotipova šećerne repe. Istraživanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima srednjeg Banata (lokaliet “Zlatica’’) na zemljištu karbonatni cernozem. Ogledi su postavljeni po metodi potpuno slučajnog blok sistema u pet ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je veći prinos korena šećerne repe dobijen u drugom roku vadenja, a veći sadržaj šećera u prvom roku vadenja. Ove razlike su statisticki vrlo značajne. Najveći prinos koren dala je prinosna sorta Alfonsa, a najveći sadržaj šećera zabeležen je u genotipa Jasmina EPD.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality, Uticaj sorte i roka vađenja na prinos i kvalitet šećerne repe",
pages = "70-65",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3991"
Kolarić, L., Gujaničić, T., Živanović, L., Ikanović, J.,& Popović, V.. (2015). The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 65-70.
Kolarić L, Gujaničić T, Živanović L, Ikanović J, Popović V. The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):65-70.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3991 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Gujaničić, Tihomir, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, "The influence of cultivar and harvest date on sugar beet yield and quality" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):65-70,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3991 .

Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants

Popović, Vera; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ikanović, Jela; Srebrić, Mirjana; Simić, Divna; Djekić, Vera; Sikora, Vladimir

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Srebrić, Mirjana
AU  - Simić, Divna
AU  - Djekić, Vera
AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3997
AB  - The aim of soybean production is to achieve high and stable yields of good quality per unit area. An important role in high yields achieving has a proper arrangement of plants. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of row spacing and variety on increase of dry mass per unit time and the productivity of soybean. The paper analyzes three soybean cultivars and three row spacing. The analysis of the results showed a higher number of leaves in favorable weather conditions of second investigated year, to an average of row spacing included studies, and by varieties, which caused the development of a greater leaf area and thus directly and higher grain yield of soybean. In the first, dry year, in average for row spacing, the highest number of leaves had the seed formation stage (R5) cultivars Bosa and the Balkans in the fourth measurement, 18.0 and 18.7, respectively in the fifth measurement variety Dragana, 23.6. On average for the varieties included in the study, the largest number of leaves was in the fifth measurement (20.8) and in the square sowing (20 cm between rows). In the cultivars, largest number of leaves was observed in sowing in narrow rows (20 cm). Relative growth rate (RGR) is one of the most important parameters of the analysis of growth and represents a relative increase of dry mass per unit time. In the first, dry year the highest value of RGR were established in the first two intervals and amounted to 0.07 and 0.05 g/day. The largest soybean grain yield (4868 kg ha-1) was achieved at the narrow row sowing (at 20cm). Yields were decreased with increasing distance between the rows to 45 cm and 70 cm.
AB  - Cilj proizvodnje soje je ostvarenje visokih i stabilnih prinosa po jedinici površine kvalitetnog zrna. Značajnu ulogu u ostvarenju visokih prinosa ima i pravilan raspored biljaka. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita uticaj međurednog rastojanja i sorte na povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena i na produktivnost soje. U radu su analizirane, tri sorte soje i tri međuredna rastojanja. Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđen je veći broj listova u meteorološki povoljnijoj drugoj istraživanoj godini, kako u proseku za međuredna rastojanja obuhvaćena istraživanjima, tako i po sortama, što je uslovilo razvoj veće lisne površine a time neposredno i veći prinos zrna soje. U prvoj, sušnoj godini, u proseku za međuredna rastojanja, najveći broj listova imale su, u fazi formiranja semena (R5), sorte Bosa i Balkan u četvrtom merenju, 18,0 i 18,7, odnosno u petom merenju sorta Dragana, 23,6. U proseku za sorte obuhvaćene istraživanjima, najveći broj listova bio je u petom merenju (20,8) i to pri kvadratnoj setvi (20 cm između redova). Kod ispitivanih sorti najveći broj listova utvrđen kod uskoredne setve, 20 cm. Relativna brzina rastenja (RGR) je jedan od najznačajnijih parametara analize rastenja i predstavlja relativno povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena. U prvoj, sušnoj godini najveće vrednosti RGR-a utvrđene su u prva dva intervala i iznosile su 0,07 i 0,05 g/dan. Uskorednom setvom, 20 cm, ostvaren je i najveći prinos zrna soje (4.868 kg ha-1). Prinosi su se smanjivali sa povećanjem rastojanja između redova na 45 cm i 70 cm.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants
T1  - Uticaj vegetacionog prostora na povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena - relativnu brzinu rasta (RGR) biljaka soje
EP  - 31
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 21
VL  - 21
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3997
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ikanović, Jela and Srebrić, Mirjana and Simić, Divna and Djekić, Vera and Sikora, Vladimir",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The aim of soybean production is to achieve high and stable yields of good quality per unit area. An important role in high yields achieving has a proper arrangement of plants. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of row spacing and variety on increase of dry mass per unit time and the productivity of soybean. The paper analyzes three soybean cultivars and three row spacing. The analysis of the results showed a higher number of leaves in favorable weather conditions of second investigated year, to an average of row spacing included studies, and by varieties, which caused the development of a greater leaf area and thus directly and higher grain yield of soybean. In the first, dry year, in average for row spacing, the highest number of leaves had the seed formation stage (R5) cultivars Bosa and the Balkans in the fourth measurement, 18.0 and 18.7, respectively in the fifth measurement variety Dragana, 23.6. On average for the varieties included in the study, the largest number of leaves was in the fifth measurement (20.8) and in the square sowing (20 cm between rows). In the cultivars, largest number of leaves was observed in sowing in narrow rows (20 cm). Relative growth rate (RGR) is one of the most important parameters of the analysis of growth and represents a relative increase of dry mass per unit time. In the first, dry year the highest value of RGR were established in the first two intervals and amounted to 0.07 and 0.05 g/day. The largest soybean grain yield (4868 kg ha-1) was achieved at the narrow row sowing (at 20cm). Yields were decreased with increasing distance between the rows to 45 cm and 70 cm., Cilj proizvodnje soje je ostvarenje visokih i stabilnih prinosa po jedinici površine kvalitetnog zrna. Značajnu ulogu u ostvarenju visokih prinosa ima i pravilan raspored biljaka. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita uticaj međurednog rastojanja i sorte na povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena i na produktivnost soje. U radu su analizirane, tri sorte soje i tri međuredna rastojanja. Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđen je veći broj listova u meteorološki povoljnijoj drugoj istraživanoj godini, kako u proseku za međuredna rastojanja obuhvaćena istraživanjima, tako i po sortama, što je uslovilo razvoj veće lisne površine a time neposredno i veći prinos zrna soje. U prvoj, sušnoj godini, u proseku za međuredna rastojanja, najveći broj listova imale su, u fazi formiranja semena (R5), sorte Bosa i Balkan u četvrtom merenju, 18,0 i 18,7, odnosno u petom merenju sorta Dragana, 23,6. U proseku za sorte obuhvaćene istraživanjima, najveći broj listova bio je u petom merenju (20,8) i to pri kvadratnoj setvi (20 cm između redova). Kod ispitivanih sorti najveći broj listova utvrđen kod uskoredne setve, 20 cm. Relativna brzina rastenja (RGR) je jedan od najznačajnijih parametara analize rastenja i predstavlja relativno povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena. U prvoj, sušnoj godini najveće vrednosti RGR-a utvrđene su u prva dva intervala i iznosile su 0,07 i 0,05 g/dan. Uskorednom setvom, 20 cm, ostvaren je i najveći prinos zrna soje (4.868 kg ha-1). Prinosi su se smanjivali sa povećanjem rastojanja između redova na 45 cm i 70 cm.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants, Uticaj vegetacionog prostora na povećanje suve mase u jedinici vremena - relativnu brzinu rasta (RGR) biljaka soje",
pages = "31-21",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3997"
Popović, V., Kolarić, L., Živanović, L., Ikanović, J., Srebrić, M., Simić, D., Djekić, V.,& Sikora, V.. (2015). Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 21-31.
Popović V, Kolarić L, Živanović L, Ikanović J, Srebrić M, Simić D, Djekić V, Sikora V. Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):21-31.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3997 .
Popović, Vera, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ikanović, Jela, Srebrić, Mirjana, Simić, Divna, Djekić, Vera, Sikora, Vladimir, "Effect of on of vegetation spacing: Increase in dry weight units of time - relative growth (RGR) of soybean plants" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):21-31,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3997 .

Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus

Živanović, Ljubiša; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Simić, Divna; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Maklenović, Violeta; Bojović, Radmila; Stevanović, Petar

(National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea., 2014)

AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Simić, Divna
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Maklenović, Violeta
AU  - Bojović, Radmila
AU  - Stevanović, Petar
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3517
AB  - Variability of Miscanthus morphological traits were the subject of two-year study (2010 and 2011). Plant height, stem number and number of developed leaves per plant was studied in dependence of the applied rhizomes planting density (2 and 3 per m(2)), as well as of applied nitrogen amount used for supplemental plant nutrition. The results showed that planting density had an impact on the investigated morphological characteristics of Miscanthus, while the affect of nitrogen was dependent on the weather conditions and distribution of rainfall, and was stronger during the first year at a maximum rate of this nutrient. In the second year, rhizomes planting density showed a stronger effect on the number of developed leaves per plant. Variation in number of stems per rhizome was evident in the planting year or in the second year, as well as among treatments. The number of leaves was increased by increasing nitrogen amounts, so in both years it was the largest at the maximum applied nitrogen amount of 100 kg ha(-1). Usage of 100 kg ha(-1) of nitrogen in the first year, produced plants with significantlly higher outgrowths number per rhizome compared to other applied variants. In the second year rhizomes planting density had a strong affect on the outgrowths number.
PB  - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea.
T2  - Romanian Agricultural Research
T1  - Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus
IS  - 31
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3517
ER  - 
author = "Živanović, Ljubiša and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Simić, Divna and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Maklenović, Violeta and Bojović, Radmila and Stevanović, Petar",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Variability of Miscanthus morphological traits were the subject of two-year study (2010 and 2011). Plant height, stem number and number of developed leaves per plant was studied in dependence of the applied rhizomes planting density (2 and 3 per m(2)), as well as of applied nitrogen amount used for supplemental plant nutrition. The results showed that planting density had an impact on the investigated morphological characteristics of Miscanthus, while the affect of nitrogen was dependent on the weather conditions and distribution of rainfall, and was stronger during the first year at a maximum rate of this nutrient. In the second year, rhizomes planting density showed a stronger effect on the number of developed leaves per plant. Variation in number of stems per rhizome was evident in the planting year or in the second year, as well as among treatments. The number of leaves was increased by increasing nitrogen amounts, so in both years it was the largest at the maximum applied nitrogen amount of 100 kg ha(-1). Usage of 100 kg ha(-1) of nitrogen in the first year, produced plants with significantlly higher outgrowths number per rhizome compared to other applied variants. In the second year rhizomes planting density had a strong affect on the outgrowths number.",
publisher = "National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea.",
journal = "Romanian Agricultural Research",
title = "Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus",
number = "31",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3517"
Živanović, L., Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Simić, D., Kolarić, L., Maklenović, V., Bojović, R.,& Stevanović, P.. (2014). Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus. in Romanian Agricultural Research
National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea..(31).
Živanović L, Ikanović J, Popović V, Simić D, Kolarić L, Maklenović V, Bojović R, Stevanović P. Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus. in Romanian Agricultural Research. 2014;(31).
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3517 .
Živanović, Ljubiša, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Simić, Divna, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Maklenović, Violeta, Bojović, Radmila, Stevanović, Petar, "Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of miscanthus" in Romanian Agricultural Research, no. 31 (2014),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3517 .

Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Živanović, Ljubiša; Popović, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Srebrić, M.

(Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Srebrić, M.
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3579
AB  - Influence of inter-row spacing on a productivity of soybean yield was studied on the experimental field on low carbonate chernozem soil. The greatest grain weight per plant (13.22 g) was achieved at the smallest row spacing. It decreased at higher row spacing, except for cultivar Balkan, where value of these parameters was the highest (13.09 g). The highest grain yield (4,868 kg ha-1) was determined at the 20 cm inter-row width. It decreased equally at bigger row spacing for 7.0-12.9%. The highest grain yield was achieved with Balkan cultivar (4,773 kg ha-1), and the lowest with Dragana cultivar (4,284 kg ha-1).
AB  - Istraživanja uticaja međurednog rastojanja i sorte na produktivnost soje obavljena su na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz u Zemun Polju. Najveća masa zrna po biljci (13,22 g) zabeležena je pri najmanjem međurednom rastojanju. Ravnomerno se smanjivala sa povećanjem međurednog rastojanja, izuzev sorte Balkan. Kod ove sorte ujedno je zabeležena i najveća vrednost ovog parametra, 13,09 g. Uskorednom setvom ostvaren je i najveći prinos zrna soje (4.868 kg/ha). Sa povećanjem rastojanja između redova skoro ravnomerno se smanjivao za 7,0 do 12,9%. Najveći prinos dala je sorta Balkan (4.773 kg/ha), a najmanji sorta Dragana (4.284 kg/ha).
PB  - Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean
T1  - Uticaj međurednog rastojanja i sorte na produktivnost soje
EP  - 528
IS  - 3
SP  - 517
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1403517K
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Živanović, Ljubiša and Popović, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Srebrić, M.",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Influence of inter-row spacing on a productivity of soybean yield was studied on the experimental field on low carbonate chernozem soil. The greatest grain weight per plant (13.22 g) was achieved at the smallest row spacing. It decreased at higher row spacing, except for cultivar Balkan, where value of these parameters was the highest (13.09 g). The highest grain yield (4,868 kg ha-1) was determined at the 20 cm inter-row width. It decreased equally at bigger row spacing for 7.0-12.9%. The highest grain yield was achieved with Balkan cultivar (4,773 kg ha-1), and the lowest with Dragana cultivar (4,284 kg ha-1)., Istraživanja uticaja međurednog rastojanja i sorte na produktivnost soje obavljena su na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz u Zemun Polju. Najveća masa zrna po biljci (13,22 g) zabeležena je pri najmanjem međurednom rastojanju. Ravnomerno se smanjivala sa povećanjem međurednog rastojanja, izuzev sorte Balkan. Kod ove sorte ujedno je zabeležena i najveća vrednost ovog parametra, 13,09 g. Uskorednom setvom ostvaren je i najveći prinos zrna soje (4.868 kg/ha). Sa povećanjem rastojanja između redova skoro ravnomerno se smanjivao za 7,0 do 12,9%. Najveći prinos dala je sorta Balkan (4.773 kg/ha), a najmanji sorta Dragana (4.284 kg/ha).",
publisher = "Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean, Uticaj međurednog rastojanja i sorte na produktivnost soje",
pages = "528-517",
number = "3",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1403517K"
Kolarić, L., Živanović, L., Popović, V., Ikanović, J.,& Srebrić, M.. (2014). Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd., 30(3), 517-528.
Kolarić L, Živanović L, Popović V, Ikanović J, Srebrić M. Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2014;30(3):517-528.
doi:10.2298/BAH1403517K .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Živanović, Ljubiša, Popović, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Srebrić, M., "Influence of inter-row spacing and cultivar on the productivity of soybean" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 30, no. 3 (2014):517-528,
https://doi.org/10.2298/BAH1403517K . .

The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages

Ikanović, Jela; Janković, Snežana; Popović, V.; Rakić, Sveto; Dražić, G.; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Popović, V.
AU  - Rakić, Sveto
AU  - Dražić, G.
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3597
AB  - The paper investigated the production properties of three sorghum genotypes: NS-Džin (forage sorghum), Zora (Sudan grass) and Siloking (interspecies hybrid) in terms of different nitrogen rates used in side dressing in 2009 and 2010. The subject of study was green biomass and dry matter yield in the stages of intensive growth and tasseling. The results have shown that there have been significant fluctuations in production indicators between the genotypes. In the total average, the lowest yield was recorded for the Sudan grass (85.41 t ha-1). Significantly higher yields were recorded for the interspecies hybrid (90.22 t ha-1) and the forage sorghum (93.51 t ha-1). Although the effect of nitrogen rates depended on weather conditions, i.e. rainfall distribution, the optimal nitrogen rate in both years was 180 kg ha-1.
AB  - U radu su proučavane produktivne osobine tri genotipa sirka i to: NS-Džin (krmni sirak), Zora (sudanska trava) i Siloking (interspecijes hibrid) u zavisnosti od upotrebljenih količina azota za dopunsku ishranu biljaka tokom 2009. i 2010. godine. Ispitivani su prinos zelene mase u fazama intezivnog porasta i metličenja. Između ispitivanih genotipova postoje značajna variranja u pokazateljima produktivnosti. U ukupnom proseku najmanji prinos dala je sudanska trava 85,41 t ha-1. Značajno viši prinos bio je kod interspecijes hibrida (90,22 t ha-1) i krmnog sirka (93,51 t ha-1). Iako je efekat upotrebljenog azota zavisio od vremenskih uslova, odnosno od rasporeda padavina, u obe godine optimalna količina azota bila je 180 kg ha-1.
PB  - Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages
T1  - Uticaj azota na prinos zelene biomase i suve materije Sorghum sp. vrsta po fazama rastenja
EP  - 749
IS  - 4
SP  - 743
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1404743I
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Janković, Snežana and Popović, V. and Rakić, Sveto and Dražić, G. and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The paper investigated the production properties of three sorghum genotypes: NS-Džin (forage sorghum), Zora (Sudan grass) and Siloking (interspecies hybrid) in terms of different nitrogen rates used in side dressing in 2009 and 2010. The subject of study was green biomass and dry matter yield in the stages of intensive growth and tasseling. The results have shown that there have been significant fluctuations in production indicators between the genotypes. In the total average, the lowest yield was recorded for the Sudan grass (85.41 t ha-1). Significantly higher yields were recorded for the interspecies hybrid (90.22 t ha-1) and the forage sorghum (93.51 t ha-1). Although the effect of nitrogen rates depended on weather conditions, i.e. rainfall distribution, the optimal nitrogen rate in both years was 180 kg ha-1., U radu su proučavane produktivne osobine tri genotipa sirka i to: NS-Džin (krmni sirak), Zora (sudanska trava) i Siloking (interspecijes hibrid) u zavisnosti od upotrebljenih količina azota za dopunsku ishranu biljaka tokom 2009. i 2010. godine. Ispitivani su prinos zelene mase u fazama intezivnog porasta i metličenja. Između ispitivanih genotipova postoje značajna variranja u pokazateljima produktivnosti. U ukupnom proseku najmanji prinos dala je sudanska trava 85,41 t ha-1. Značajno viši prinos bio je kod interspecijes hibrida (90,22 t ha-1) i krmnog sirka (93,51 t ha-1). Iako je efekat upotrebljenog azota zavisio od vremenskih uslova, odnosno od rasporeda padavina, u obe godine optimalna količina azota bila je 180 kg ha-1.",
publisher = "Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages, Uticaj azota na prinos zelene biomase i suve materije Sorghum sp. vrsta po fazama rastenja",
pages = "749-743",
number = "4",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1404743I"
Ikanović, J., Janković, S., Popović, V., Rakić, S., Dražić, G., Živanović, L.,& Kolarić, L.. (2014). The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd., 30(4), 743-749.
Ikanović J, Janković S, Popović V, Rakić S, Dražić G, Živanović L, Kolarić L. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2014;30(4):743-749.
doi:10.2298/BAH1404743I .
Ikanović, Jela, Janković, Snežana, Popović, V., Rakić, Sveto, Dražić, G., Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "The effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on green biomass and dry matter yield of Sorghum sp. at different growth stages" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 30, no. 4 (2014):743-749,
https://doi.org/10.2298/BAH1404743I . .

The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Glamočlija, Djordje; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ikanović, Jela

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2013)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Glamočlija, Djordje
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3375
AB  - During two-year period (2003 and 2004), the influence of plant density (30,40 and 50.000 plants per ha) on NS hybrid sunflower seed yield of different length of vegetation period (NS-Velja, NS-H-111 and NS-H-45). Research was carried out by field micro experiments in agroecological conditions of North Backa (Apatin) on carbonate humogley soil type. Experiments were conducted by split plot method in four replications. The results show that, by examining the plant density and hybrids, significant differences in seed yield of sunflower were made. In years with more favorable weather conditions (2003) during the growing period, increased plant density showed a stronger effect on seed yield in comparison with 2004 year which had the adverse weather conditions.
AB  - U dvogodišnjem periodu (2003. i 2004. godine) ispitivan je uticaj različitih gustina useva (30, 40 i 50.000 biljaka po ha) na prinos semena NS hibrida suncokreta različite dužine vegetacionog perioda (NS-Velja, NS-H-111 i NS-H-45). Istraživanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima severne Bačke (DPP "Jedinstvo Apatin") na zemljištu tipa karbonatna ritska crnica. Ogledi su postavljeni po metodi razdeljenih parcela (split plot) u četiri ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su, u godinama proučavanja, između ispitivanih gustina useva i hibrida ostvarene značajne razlike u prinosu semena suncokreta. U godini sa povoljnijim meteorološkim uslovima (2003) tokom vegetacionog perioda suncokreta, povećana gustina useva ispoljila je snažniji uticaj na prinos zrna u poređenju sa 2004. godinom koja se odlikovala nepovoljnijim vremenskim uslovima.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield
T1  - Uticaj gustine useva na prinos semena hibrida suncokreta
EP  - 154
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 149
VL  - 19
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3375
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Glamočlija, Djordje and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ikanović, Jela",
year = "2013",
abstract = "During two-year period (2003 and 2004), the influence of plant density (30,40 and 50.000 plants per ha) on NS hybrid sunflower seed yield of different length of vegetation period (NS-Velja, NS-H-111 and NS-H-45). Research was carried out by field micro experiments in agroecological conditions of North Backa (Apatin) on carbonate humogley soil type. Experiments were conducted by split plot method in four replications. The results show that, by examining the plant density and hybrids, significant differences in seed yield of sunflower were made. In years with more favorable weather conditions (2003) during the growing period, increased plant density showed a stronger effect on seed yield in comparison with 2004 year which had the adverse weather conditions., U dvogodišnjem periodu (2003. i 2004. godine) ispitivan je uticaj različitih gustina useva (30, 40 i 50.000 biljaka po ha) na prinos semena NS hibrida suncokreta različite dužine vegetacionog perioda (NS-Velja, NS-H-111 i NS-H-45). Istraživanja su obavljena putem poljskih mikroogleda u agroekološkim uslovima severne Bačke (DPP "Jedinstvo Apatin") na zemljištu tipa karbonatna ritska crnica. Ogledi su postavljeni po metodi razdeljenih parcela (split plot) u četiri ponavljanja. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su, u godinama proučavanja, između ispitivanih gustina useva i hibrida ostvarene značajne razlike u prinosu semena suncokreta. U godini sa povoljnijim meteorološkim uslovima (2003) tokom vegetacionog perioda suncokreta, povećana gustina useva ispoljila je snažniji uticaj na prinos zrna u poređenju sa 2004. godinom koja se odlikovala nepovoljnijim vremenskim uslovima.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield, Uticaj gustine useva na prinos semena hibrida suncokreta",
pages = "154-149",
number = "1-2",
volume = "19",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3375"
Kolarić, L., Glamočlija, D., Živanović, L.,& Ikanović, J.. (2013). The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 19(1-2), 149-154.
Kolarić L, Glamočlija D, Živanović L, Ikanović J. The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2013;19(1-2):149-154.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3375 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Glamočlija, Djordje, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ikanović, Jela, "The influence of plant density on hybrid sunflower seed yield" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 19, no. 1-2 (2013):149-154,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3375 .

Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups

Randjelović, Violeta; Prodanović, Slaven; Sabovljević, Radovan; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Randjelović, Violeta
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Sabovljević, Radovan
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2010
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2362
AB  - The aim of the present study was to estimate the effects of the foliar application of fertilisers under stress conditions on the grain yield in two hybrids maize (ZP 580 and ZP 735). Studied hybrids belong to different maturity groups (ZP 580 - FAO 500 and ZP 735 - FAO 700). Both hybrids belong to a stay-green type and they can also serve as silage. Two foliar fertilisers were applied in experiment (Humikal univerzal and Ferticare I). Field trails were carried out under rainfed conditions at the location of Surduk during 2002 and 2003. The method of foliar application of fertilisers proved as an efficient tool for increasing the grain yield in both hybrids. However, Ferticare I is more effective than Humikal univerzal in maize. The hybrid ZP 735 was more productive in more favourable year (2002), while the hybrid ZP 580, with a shorter growing season, produced a higher grain yield in more arid year (2003). It was also observed that the foliar application of fertilisers contributed to the grain yield stability in the genotype ZP 580. .
AB  - Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj folijarne ishrane u stresnim uslovima na prinos zrna dva hibrida kukuruza (ZP 580 i ZP 735). Ispitivani hibridi pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (ZP 580 - FAO 500 i ZP 735 - FAO 700). Hibridi su stay-green tipa, te su pogodni i za spremanje visokokvalitetne silaže. Za tretiranje su korišćena dva folijarna hraniva (humikal univerzal i ferticare I). Ogled je izveden u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima, na lokaciji Surduk, tokom 2002. i 2003. godine. Folijarna ishrana pokazala se kao uspešan metod za poboljšanje prinosa zrna kod oba hibrida kukuruza u obe godine istraživanja. Viši prinosi postignuti su primenom ferticare I nego primenom humikal univerzala. Hibrid ZP 735 ispoljio je veću produktivnost u povoljnijoj 2002. godini, dok je hibrid ZP 580, sa kraćim vegetacionim periodom, obrazovao viši prinos zrna u sušnoj 2003. godini. Folijarna ishrana doprinela je stabilnosti prinosa zrna hibrida ZP 580. .
PB  - Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
T2  - Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
T1  - Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups
T1  - Uticaj folijarne ishrane u stresnim uslovima na dva hibrida kukuruza različitih FAO grupa zrenja
EP  - 42
IS  - 2
SP  - 37
VL  - 71
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2362
ER  - 
author = "Randjelović, Violeta and Prodanović, Slaven and Sabovljević, Radovan and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The aim of the present study was to estimate the effects of the foliar application of fertilisers under stress conditions on the grain yield in two hybrids maize (ZP 580 and ZP 735). Studied hybrids belong to different maturity groups (ZP 580 - FAO 500 and ZP 735 - FAO 700). Both hybrids belong to a stay-green type and they can also serve as silage. Two foliar fertilisers were applied in experiment (Humikal univerzal and Ferticare I). Field trails were carried out under rainfed conditions at the location of Surduk during 2002 and 2003. The method of foliar application of fertilisers proved as an efficient tool for increasing the grain yield in both hybrids. However, Ferticare I is more effective than Humikal univerzal in maize. The hybrid ZP 735 was more productive in more favourable year (2002), while the hybrid ZP 580, with a shorter growing season, produced a higher grain yield in more arid year (2003). It was also observed that the foliar application of fertilisers contributed to the grain yield stability in the genotype ZP 580. ., Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj folijarne ishrane u stresnim uslovima na prinos zrna dva hibrida kukuruza (ZP 580 i ZP 735). Ispitivani hibridi pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (ZP 580 - FAO 500 i ZP 735 - FAO 700). Hibridi su stay-green tipa, te su pogodni i za spremanje visokokvalitetne silaže. Za tretiranje su korišćena dva folijarna hraniva (humikal univerzal i ferticare I). Ogled je izveden u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima, na lokaciji Surduk, tokom 2002. i 2003. godine. Folijarna ishrana pokazala se kao uspešan metod za poboljšanje prinosa zrna kod oba hibrida kukuruza u obe godine istraživanja. Viši prinosi postignuti su primenom ferticare I nego primenom humikal univerzala. Hibrid ZP 735 ispoljio je veću produktivnost u povoljnijoj 2002. godini, dok je hibrid ZP 580, sa kraćim vegetacionim periodom, obrazovao viši prinos zrna u sušnoj 2003. godini. Folijarna ishrana doprinela je stabilnosti prinosa zrna hibrida ZP 580. .",
publisher = "Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd",
journal = "Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research",
title = "Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups, Uticaj folijarne ishrane u stresnim uslovima na dva hibrida kukuruza različitih FAO grupa zrenja",
pages = "42-37",
number = "2",
volume = "71",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2362"
Randjelović, V., Prodanović, S., Sabovljević, R., Živanović, L.,& Kolarić, L.. (2010). Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups. in Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd., 71(2), 37-42.
Randjelović V, Prodanović S, Sabovljević R, Živanović L, Kolarić L. Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups. in Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research. 2010;71(2):37-42.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2362 .
Randjelović, Violeta, Prodanović, Slaven, Sabovljević, Radovan, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Effects of the foliar application of fertilisations under stress conditions on two maize hybrids of different maturity groups" in Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research, 71, no. 2 (2010):37-42,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2362 .