Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina (46)
  • Mačukanović- Jocić, M. (1)
  • Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina P. (1)
  • Mačukanović, Marina (1)
  • Мачукановић-Јоцић, Марина (1)
Improvement and development of hygienic and technological procedures in production of animal originating foodstuffs with the aim of producing high-quality and safe products competetive on the global market Ecophysiological adaptive strategies of plants in conditions of multiple stress
Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ekofiziološke karakteristike biljaka i njihov potencijal u obnavljanju biodiverziteta narušenih ekosistema Utilization of plant sources of protein, dietary fiber and antioxidants in food production
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200007 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research 'Siniša Stanković') Selekcija medonosne pčele, određivanje kvaliteta i geografskog porekla meda u Srbiji
Conservation of European Biodiversity through Exploitation of Traditional Herbal Knowledge for the Development of Innovative Products Structure-properties relationships of natural and synthetic molecules and their metal complexes
Evolution in Heterogeneous Environments: Adaptation Mechanisms, Biomonitoring and Conservation of Biodiversity Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200043 (Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade)
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/inst-2020/200116/RS//" Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200216 (Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka)
Development of integrated management of harmful organisms in plant production in order to overcome resistance and to improve food quality and safety Unapređenje genetičkog potencijala krmnih biljaka i tehnologija proizvodnje i iskorišćavanja stočne hrane u funkciji razvoja stočarstva
Biotechnological approaches for overcoming effects of drought on agricultural production in Serbia

Author's Bibliography

Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Rančić, Dragana; Terzić, Maja

(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Terzić, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In order to contribute to palynological studies of cultivated plants in Serbia, micromorphological
features of pollen grains of Lactuca sativa L. (Asteraceae) were examined by both, light microscopy
(LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Morphological parameters, such as grain size and
shape, apertures and exine ornamentation were described. The morphometric data such as length of
polar axis (P), length of equatorial axis (E), P/E ratio, lacunae diameter, echinae size, and thickness
of exine excluding echinae were noted. Pollen grain were found to be isopolar, radially symmetrical,
medium-sized, oblate-spheroidal in shape (P/E = 0.94), sub-circular in equatorial view, and hexagonal
in polar view with straight sides in outline. The length of the polar axis (P) is 32.6 ± 3.7 μm and of the
equatorial diameter (E) 34.8 ± 2.7 μm. The pollen grain is 3-zonocolporate. Each compound aperture
consists of ectoaperture which is a meridionally elongated colpus with rounded ends, and pore-shaped
endoaperture. Exine ornamentation is echinolophate. Lophate (fenestrate) pollen grains, typical for
Asteraceae, are characterized by number of lacunae that appear as large window-like spaces, a depressed
area lacking ectexine. Each lacuna is surrounded by a system of echinate ridges. Lettuce pollen grains
have 15 lacunae, 3 poral, 6 abporal and 6 paraporal (polar regions are without lacunae, small, reduced
to triradiate ridge). The poral lacuna communicating with adjacent abporal lacunae via interlacunar
gaps is observed rounded in shape. Paraporal lacunae, lying in the mesocolpial region adjacent to one
side of an equatorial ridge, are pentagonal. Abporal lacunae are rounded or angular, broad towards the
pole. Average lacuna diameter is 10.8 ± 2.5 μm. Lophae (ridges) are with one row of echines that are
1.9 ± 0.3 μm long, pointed and some are curved. The еctexine thickness excluding echines, measured
under LM, averaged 5.7 ± 0.7 µm.
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
C3  - XI Симпозијум сa међунaродним учешћем "Иновaције у рaтaрској и повртaрској производњи"
T1  - Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains
EP  - 91
SP  - 90
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Rančić, Dragana and Terzić, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In order to contribute to palynological studies of cultivated plants in Serbia, micromorphological
features of pollen grains of Lactuca sativa L. (Asteraceae) were examined by both, light microscopy
(LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Morphological parameters, such as grain size and
shape, apertures and exine ornamentation were described. The morphometric data such as length of
polar axis (P), length of equatorial axis (E), P/E ratio, lacunae diameter, echinae size, and thickness
of exine excluding echinae were noted. Pollen grain were found to be isopolar, radially symmetrical,
medium-sized, oblate-spheroidal in shape (P/E = 0.94), sub-circular in equatorial view, and hexagonal
in polar view with straight sides in outline. The length of the polar axis (P) is 32.6 ± 3.7 μm and of the
equatorial diameter (E) 34.8 ± 2.7 μm. The pollen grain is 3-zonocolporate. Each compound aperture
consists of ectoaperture which is a meridionally elongated colpus with rounded ends, and pore-shaped
endoaperture. Exine ornamentation is echinolophate. Lophate (fenestrate) pollen grains, typical for
Asteraceae, are characterized by number of lacunae that appear as large window-like spaces, a depressed
area lacking ectexine. Each lacuna is surrounded by a system of echinate ridges. Lettuce pollen grains
have 15 lacunae, 3 poral, 6 abporal and 6 paraporal (polar regions are without lacunae, small, reduced
to triradiate ridge). The poral lacuna communicating with adjacent abporal lacunae via interlacunar
gaps is observed rounded in shape. Paraporal lacunae, lying in the mesocolpial region adjacent to one
side of an equatorial ridge, are pentagonal. Abporal lacunae are rounded or angular, broad towards the
pole. Average lacuna diameter is 10.8 ± 2.5 μm. Lophae (ridges) are with one row of echines that are
1.9 ± 0.3 μm long, pointed and some are curved. The еctexine thickness excluding echines, measured
under LM, averaged 5.7 ± 0.7 µm.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia",
journal = "XI Симпозијум сa међунaродним учешћем "Иновaције у рaтaрској и повртaрској производњи"",
title = "Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains",
pages = "91-90",
url = ""
Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Rančić, D.,& Terzić, M.. (2023). Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains. in XI Симпозијум сa међунaродним учешћем "Иновaције у рaтaрској и повртaрској производњи"
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia., 90-91.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Rančić D, Terzić M. Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains. in XI Симпозијум сa међунaродним учешћем "Иновaције у рaтaрској и повртaрској производњи". 2023;:90-91. .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Rančić, Dragana, Terzić, Maja, "Micromorphology of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) pollen grains" in XI Симпозијум сa међунaродним учешћем "Иновaције у рaтaрској и повртaрској производњи" (2023):90-91, .

Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.)

Rančić, Dragana; Pećinar, Ilinka; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina


AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Pećinar, Ilinka
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Испарљива једињења која емитују цветови, привлаче опрашиваче који
посредују у полном размножавању цветница. Viola odorata (Violaceae) је зељаста,
вишегодишња врста чије хазмогамне цветове карактерише специфичан јак мирис.
Круница се састоји од пет плавољубичастих листића. У основи бочних круничних
листића јавља се групацијa дугих белих трихома, док је преостала унутрашња
површина крунице глатка. Мирис цветова љубичице се обично приписује
епидермалним папилама присутним на горњим круничним листићима, док улога ових
трихома у емитовању мирисних једињења до сада није забележена. Истраживања су
обављена у циљу утврђивања микроморфолошких и анатомских особина бочних
круничних листића, док су хистохемијска анализа и Раманска спектроскопија
искоришћене за добијање брзе информације о хемијском саставу трихома, ради
процене њихове потенцијалне улоге у емисији мирисних супстанци. Анатомска
истраживања су обављена помоћу светлосног микроскопа. Трајни микросопски
препарати припремљени су према стандардној парафинској процедури. Хистохемијска
истраживања су урађена на свежем биљном материјалу. Крунични листићи су ручно
исечени, након чега су пресеци ткива третирани следећим реагенсима: Луголовим
раствором ради детекције скроба; бојом судан III ради детекције липида; боја толуидин
плаво (Toluidin blue) је коришћенa као полихроматска боја, a примењен је и
специфичан TIOFH протокол који се користи за детекцију осмофора. Према овом
протоколу прво се ради обезбојавање узорака етанолом и натријум хипохлоритом, а
потом следи бојење Луголовим раствором и бојама уљно црвено (Oil Red O) и
неутрално црвено (Neutral Red). Рамански спектри су снимљени коришћењем XploRA
спектрометра у спектралном опсегу од 200 до 3200 cm−1
. Раманско расејање је
побуђено ласером на таласној дужини од 532 nm. Трихоме присутне на унутрашњој
страни латералних круничних листића су у просеку дуге 671±170 µm, а широке 76±32
µm. Ове трихоме могу бити различите дужине али су истог цилиндричног облика, и
благо се сужавају према врховима. Њихова површина је прекривена кутикулом са
пругастом орнаментацијом. Хистохемијска реакција није показала присуство скробних
зрна, бојење липида је било слабо позитивно и обојила се само кутикула на површини
трихома, док је TIOFH бојење било изразито позитивно. Рамански спектар
појединачних трихома је показао да најдоминантнији пикови указују на присуство
глукозидних веза, као најважније компоненете једињења ћелијског зида. Пикови
уочени на 1515, 1147 и 996 cm−1 потичу од вибрација C=C, C–C веза, као и метил групе
(C–CH3) везане за коњуговане полиенске прстенове. Пикови средњег и нижег
интензитета на 1648, 1596, 1557, 1057 и 1021 cm−1 указују на присуство фенолних
једињења. Већина моноцикличних терпена показује снажну вибрацију деформације
прстена између 730 и 780 cm−1 и на око 1756 cm−1
. Резултати хистохемијске анализе и
Раманске спектроскопије указују на присуство супстанци које су обично повезане са
цветним мирисом, попут метил фенола. Ови резултати нису довољан доказ да се
утврди да ли су ове трихоме директно укључене у процес емитовања мириса, па би ову
претпоставку требало потврдити додатним хемијским анализама.
C3  - Drugi botanički simpozijum  – „Treći vek botanike u Vojvodini”
T1  - Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.)
SP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rančić, Dragana and Pećinar, Ilinka and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Испарљива једињења која емитују цветови, привлаче опрашиваче који
посредују у полном размножавању цветница. Viola odorata (Violaceae) је зељаста,
вишегодишња врста чије хазмогамне цветове карактерише специфичан јак мирис.
Круница се састоји од пет плавољубичастих листића. У основи бочних круничних
листића јавља се групацијa дугих белих трихома, док је преостала унутрашња
површина крунице глатка. Мирис цветова љубичице се обично приписује
епидермалним папилама присутним на горњим круничним листићима, док улога ових
трихома у емитовању мирисних једињења до сада није забележена. Истраживања су
обављена у циљу утврђивања микроморфолошких и анатомских особина бочних
круничних листића, док су хистохемијска анализа и Раманска спектроскопија
искоришћене за добијање брзе информације о хемијском саставу трихома, ради
процене њихове потенцијалне улоге у емисији мирисних супстанци. Анатомска
истраживања су обављена помоћу светлосног микроскопа. Трајни микросопски
препарати припремљени су према стандардној парафинској процедури. Хистохемијска
истраживања су урађена на свежем биљном материјалу. Крунични листићи су ручно
исечени, након чега су пресеци ткива третирани следећим реагенсима: Луголовим
раствором ради детекције скроба; бојом судан III ради детекције липида; боја толуидин
плаво (Toluidin blue) је коришћенa као полихроматска боја, a примењен је и
специфичан TIOFH протокол који се користи за детекцију осмофора. Према овом
протоколу прво се ради обезбојавање узорака етанолом и натријум хипохлоритом, а
потом следи бојење Луголовим раствором и бојама уљно црвено (Oil Red O) и
неутрално црвено (Neutral Red). Рамански спектри су снимљени коришћењем XploRA
спектрометра у спектралном опсегу од 200 до 3200 cm−1
. Раманско расејање је
побуђено ласером на таласној дужини од 532 nm. Трихоме присутне на унутрашњој
страни латералних круничних листића су у просеку дуге 671±170 µm, а широке 76±32
µm. Ове трихоме могу бити различите дужине али су истог цилиндричног облика, и
благо се сужавају према врховима. Њихова површина је прекривена кутикулом са
пругастом орнаментацијом. Хистохемијска реакција није показала присуство скробних
зрна, бојење липида је било слабо позитивно и обојила се само кутикула на површини
трихома, док је TIOFH бојење било изразито позитивно. Рамански спектар
појединачних трихома је показао да најдоминантнији пикови указују на присуство
глукозидних веза, као најважније компоненете једињења ћелијског зида. Пикови
уочени на 1515, 1147 и 996 cm−1 потичу од вибрација C=C, C–C веза, као и метил групе
(C–CH3) везане за коњуговане полиенске прстенове. Пикови средњег и нижег
интензитета на 1648, 1596, 1557, 1057 и 1021 cm−1 указују на присуство фенолних
једињења. Већина моноцикличних терпена показује снажну вибрацију деформације
прстена између 730 и 780 cm−1 и на око 1756 cm−1
. Резултати хистохемијске анализе и
Раманске спектроскопије указују на присуство супстанци које су обично повезане са
цветним мирисом, попут метил фенола. Ови резултати нису довољан доказ да се
утврди да ли су ове трихоме директно укључене у процес емитовања мириса, па би ову
претпоставку требало потврдити додатним хемијским анализама.",
journal = "Drugi botanički simpozijum  – „Treći vek botanike u Vojvodini”",
title = "Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.)",
pages = "52",
url = ""
Rančić, D., Pećinar, I.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2023). Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.). in Drugi botanički simpozijum  – „Treći vek botanike u Vojvodini”, 52.
Rančić D, Pećinar I, Mačukanović-Jocić M. Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.). in Drugi botanički simpozijum  – „Treći vek botanike u Vojvodini”. 2023;:52. .
Rančić, Dragana, Pećinar, Ilinka, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "Morfo-anatomska i ramanska analiza trihoma krunice ljubičice (Viola odorata L.)" in Drugi botanički simpozijum  – „Treći vek botanike u Vojvodini” (2023):52, .

Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Stešević, Danijela; Rančić, Dragana; Šundić, Miloje


AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Stešević, Danijela
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Šundić, Miloje
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The pollen grains of Leiotulus aureus (syn. Malabaila aurea (Sm.) Boiss.) were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to the taxonomical and melissopalynological studies of the species. Flower visitors have also been observed and analyzed aiming at the clarification of some pollination aspects including the species contribution to bee pasture. The pollen grains of L. aureus are isopolar, radially symmetrical, medium to large in size, tri-colporate and perprolate. They are slightly equatorially constricted with obtuse polar caps and triangular in polar view. The sculpturing pattern is rugulate–microperforate. With regard to flower visitors, the following pollination types oc-curred: melittophily, myophily and sapromyophily and cantharophily. Some insects attracted by L. aureus cannot be con-sidered pollinators but casual visitors. The flowers were the most frequently visited by honey bees during midday. © 2023, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. All rights reserved.
T2  - Acta Botanica Croatica
T2  - Acta Botanica Croatica
T1  - Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae)
EP  - 51
IS  - 1
SP  - 44
VL  - 82
DO  - 10.37427/botcro-2023-003
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Stešević, Danijela and Rančić, Dragana and Šundić, Miloje",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The pollen grains of Leiotulus aureus (syn. Malabaila aurea (Sm.) Boiss.) were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to the taxonomical and melissopalynological studies of the species. Flower visitors have also been observed and analyzed aiming at the clarification of some pollination aspects including the species contribution to bee pasture. The pollen grains of L. aureus are isopolar, radially symmetrical, medium to large in size, tri-colporate and perprolate. They are slightly equatorially constricted with obtuse polar caps and triangular in polar view. The sculpturing pattern is rugulate–microperforate. With regard to flower visitors, the following pollination types oc-curred: melittophily, myophily and sapromyophily and cantharophily. Some insects attracted by L. aureus cannot be con-sidered pollinators but casual visitors. The flowers were the most frequently visited by honey bees during midday. © 2023, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Acta Botanica Croatica, Acta Botanica Croatica",
title = "Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae)",
pages = "51-44",
number = "1",
volume = "82",
doi = "10.37427/botcro-2023-003"
Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Stešević, D., Rančić, D.,& Šundić, M.. (2023). Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae). in Acta Botanica Croatica, 82(1), 44-51.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Stešević D, Rančić D, Šundić M. Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae). in Acta Botanica Croatica. 2023;82(1):44-51.
doi:10.37427/botcro-2023-003 .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Stešević, Danijela, Rančić, Dragana, Šundić, Miloje, "Pollen morphology and flower visitors of Leiotulus aureus (Sm.) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae)" in Acta Botanica Croatica, 82, no. 1 (2023):44-51, . .

The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora

Fotirić Akšić, Milica; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Radošević, Radenko; Nedić, Nebojša; Gašić, Uroš; Tosti, Tomislav; Tešić, Živoslav; Meland, Mekjell


AU  - Fotirić Akšić, Milica
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Radošević, Radenko
AU  - Nedić, Nebojša
AU  - Gašić, Uroš
AU  - Tosti, Tomislav
AU  - Tešić, Živoslav
AU  - Meland, Mekjell
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The topography and morpho-anatomical characteristics of floral nectaries and the chemical analysis of nectar have been studied in seven pear cultivars with different susceptibility to Erwinia amylovora. The susceptible cultivar Williams, the moderately resistant cultivars Bella di guigno, Poire de Cure and the low susceptible cultivar Alexander Lucas originated from Pyrus communis, while highly resistant cultivars Chojuro and Nijisseiki from P. pyraster and Kieffer as interspecies hybrid P. communis × P. pyraster were included in this experiment and studied for the first time. Large differences in size and structure of the nectaries were observed in these seven pear cultivars. The epidermal cells were with cuticle being more or less striated in Alexander Lucas, Kieffer and Williams. Resistant cultivars had a narrow, elongated cell shape of epidermal cells while those susceptible had an isodiametric. Stomata were mesomorphic in all cultivars except in Poire de Cure and Williams, being slightly xeromorphic since they were situated in deep hollows. Guard cells of the modified stomata were much larger in resistant cultivars. Hypanthium cells were larger in resistant compared to susceptible cultivars. The most abundant sugars were glucose, fructose, sorbitol and sucrose in nectar of all studied pear cultivars. The resistant cultivars (Chojuro, Kieffer and Nijisseiki) had a ~2-fold higher level of sorbitol and galactose, ~2.2-fold higher isomaltose, ~2.7-fold turanose, ~3.35-fold maltose, ~4.4-fold melibiose and ~12.7-fold higher melesitose compared to susceptible cultivars. The sum of quantified phenolic acids varied from 0.049 (Williams) up to 4.074 µg CAE/mL (Kieffer), while flavonoid glycosides levels ranged from 1.224 (Williams) up to 11.686 µg RE/mL (Nijisseiki). In the nectar of the resistant cultivars, rutin, apigetrin, together with patuletin and luteolin glycosides were detected but not in susceptible cultivars, which could be considered as the markers of resistance. © 2023 by the authors.
T2  - Horticulturae
T2  - Horticulturae
T1  - The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora
IS  - 4
VL  - 9
DO  - 10.3390/horticulturae9040424
ER  - 
author = "Fotirić Akšić, Milica and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Radošević, Radenko and Nedić, Nebojša and Gašić, Uroš and Tosti, Tomislav and Tešić, Živoslav and Meland, Mekjell",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The topography and morpho-anatomical characteristics of floral nectaries and the chemical analysis of nectar have been studied in seven pear cultivars with different susceptibility to Erwinia amylovora. The susceptible cultivar Williams, the moderately resistant cultivars Bella di guigno, Poire de Cure and the low susceptible cultivar Alexander Lucas originated from Pyrus communis, while highly resistant cultivars Chojuro and Nijisseiki from P. pyraster and Kieffer as interspecies hybrid P. communis × P. pyraster were included in this experiment and studied for the first time. Large differences in size and structure of the nectaries were observed in these seven pear cultivars. The epidermal cells were with cuticle being more or less striated in Alexander Lucas, Kieffer and Williams. Resistant cultivars had a narrow, elongated cell shape of epidermal cells while those susceptible had an isodiametric. Stomata were mesomorphic in all cultivars except in Poire de Cure and Williams, being slightly xeromorphic since they were situated in deep hollows. Guard cells of the modified stomata were much larger in resistant cultivars. Hypanthium cells were larger in resistant compared to susceptible cultivars. The most abundant sugars were glucose, fructose, sorbitol and sucrose in nectar of all studied pear cultivars. The resistant cultivars (Chojuro, Kieffer and Nijisseiki) had a ~2-fold higher level of sorbitol and galactose, ~2.2-fold higher isomaltose, ~2.7-fold turanose, ~3.35-fold maltose, ~4.4-fold melibiose and ~12.7-fold higher melesitose compared to susceptible cultivars. The sum of quantified phenolic acids varied from 0.049 (Williams) up to 4.074 µg CAE/mL (Kieffer), while flavonoid glycosides levels ranged from 1.224 (Williams) up to 11.686 µg RE/mL (Nijisseiki). In the nectar of the resistant cultivars, rutin, apigetrin, together with patuletin and luteolin glycosides were detected but not in susceptible cultivars, which could be considered as the markers of resistance. © 2023 by the authors.",
journal = "Horticulturae, Horticulturae",
title = "The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora",
number = "4",
volume = "9",
doi = "10.3390/horticulturae9040424"
Fotirić Akšić, M., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Radošević, R., Nedić, N., Gašić, U., Tosti, T., Tešić, Ž.,& Meland, M.. (2023). The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora. in Horticulturae, 9(4).
Fotirić Akšić M, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Radošević R, Nedić N, Gašić U, Tosti T, Tešić Ž, Meland M. The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora. in Horticulturae. 2023;9(4).
doi:10.3390/horticulturae9040424 .
Fotirić Akšić, Milica, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Radošević, Radenko, Nedić, Nebojša, Gašić, Uroš, Tosti, Tomislav, Tešić, Živoslav, Meland, Mekjell, "The Morpho-Anatomy of Nectaries and Chemical Composition of Nectar in Pear Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Erwinia amlylovora" in Horticulturae, 9, no. 4 (2023), . .

Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula

Kilibarda, S.; Mačukanović- Jocić, M.; Rančić, D.; Pećinar, I.; Šoštarić, I.; Aćić, S.; Kolašinac, S.; Veljović, M.; Pajić-Lijaković, I.


AU  - Kilibarda, S.
AU  - Mačukanović- Jocić, M.
AU  - Rančić, D.
AU  - Pećinar, I.
AU  - Šoštarić, I.
AU  - Aćić, S.
AU  - Kolašinac, S.
AU  - Veljović, M.
AU  - Pajić-Lijaković, I.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The Balkan Peninsula is characterized by a great diversity of flora and vegetation. Moreover, it is native to
a large number of wild plant species containing carotenoids, biologically active compounds, beneficial for
human health. Carotenoid pigments exhibit a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, in addition to
beneficial impact on eye health, heart, blood vessels, cognitive function and antiaging. Nevertheless, their
role has been scientifically proven in prevention and treatment of cancer.
The aim of the research was to form a database on carotenoid plants of Serbia and the Balkans that is
set up electronically for easy access, management and updating. The research included the analysis and
organization of information on collected plants, as well as literature data related to the traditional use and
storage of plants and plant parts and products rich in carotenoids in fresh, dried or canned state.
Sixty wild plants from more than ten plant families were registered to contain these antioxidant pigments.
Among them three endemic species namely Lilium bosniacum (Beck) Fritsch (lily native to Bosnia and
Herzegovina), Ramonda nathaliae Pančić & Petrović and R. serbica Pančić were inscribed, of which the last
two are Tertiary relicts. The type and level of carotenoids varied depending on the plant species and organs
including leaves, petals, immature and ripe fruits, pulp, seeds, etc. According to database, fruits were the
richest source of these pigments. Reported carotenoid content, included both xanthophylls and carotenes,
whereas lutein and β-carotene were predominantly major compounds in berries and flowers respectively.
Total carotenoid content, determined by HPLC method, was the highest in fresh berries of Rubus fruticosus L.
(440 μg/100g)
C3  - 8th Balkan Botanical Congress
T1  - Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula
EP  - 84
SP  - 84
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kilibarda, S. and Mačukanović- Jocić, M. and Rančić, D. and Pećinar, I. and Šoštarić, I. and Aćić, S. and Kolašinac, S. and Veljović, M. and Pajić-Lijaković, I.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The Balkan Peninsula is characterized by a great diversity of flora and vegetation. Moreover, it is native to
a large number of wild plant species containing carotenoids, biologically active compounds, beneficial for
human health. Carotenoid pigments exhibit a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, in addition to
beneficial impact on eye health, heart, blood vessels, cognitive function and antiaging. Nevertheless, their
role has been scientifically proven in prevention and treatment of cancer.
The aim of the research was to form a database on carotenoid plants of Serbia and the Balkans that is
set up electronically for easy access, management and updating. The research included the analysis and
organization of information on collected plants, as well as literature data related to the traditional use and
storage of plants and plant parts and products rich in carotenoids in fresh, dried or canned state.
Sixty wild plants from more than ten plant families were registered to contain these antioxidant pigments.
Among them three endemic species namely Lilium bosniacum (Beck) Fritsch (lily native to Bosnia and
Herzegovina), Ramonda nathaliae Pančić & Petrović and R. serbica Pančić were inscribed, of which the last
two are Tertiary relicts. The type and level of carotenoids varied depending on the plant species and organs
including leaves, petals, immature and ripe fruits, pulp, seeds, etc. According to database, fruits were the
richest source of these pigments. Reported carotenoid content, included both xanthophylls and carotenes,
whereas lutein and β-carotene were predominantly major compounds in berries and flowers respectively.
Total carotenoid content, determined by HPLC method, was the highest in fresh berries of Rubus fruticosus L.
(440 μg/100g)",
journal = "8th Balkan Botanical Congress",
title = "Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula",
pages = "84-84",
url = ""
Kilibarda, S., Mačukanović- Jocić, M., Rančić, D., Pećinar, I., Šoštarić, I., Aćić, S., Kolašinac, S., Veljović, M.,& Pajić-Lijaković, I.. (2022). Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula. in 8th Balkan Botanical Congress, 84-84.
Kilibarda S, Mačukanović- Jocić M, Rančić D, Pećinar I, Šoštarić I, Aćić S, Kolašinac S, Veljović M, Pajić-Lijaković I. Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula. in 8th Balkan Botanical Congress. 2022;:84-84. .
Kilibarda, S., Mačukanović- Jocić, M., Rančić, D., Pećinar, I., Šoštarić, I., Aćić, S., Kolašinac, S., Veljović, M., Pajić-Lijaković, I., "Overview of carotenoids distribution among wild plant species of the Balkan Peninsula" in 8th Balkan Botanical Congress (2022):84-84, .

Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant

Kilibarda, Sofija; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Milinčić, Danijel; Vuković, Sandra; Jarić, Snežana; Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.

(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Milinčić, Danijel
AU  - Vuković, Sandra
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The Balkan Peninsula is characterized by the great biodiversity, and it is native to extensive 
number of plant families and species. Moreover, some plants are endemic to certain region 
such as Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd (syn. Lactuca pancicii) from the Asteraceae 
family. This perennial plant can be found in mountainous areas, growing among tall-herb 
vegetation, as it prefers humid mild limestone slopes along streams [1]. During spring 
months, C. pancicii develops upright steam with lyrate leaves which are composed of broad 
terminal lobe and several smaller lateral ones. Pollination is occurring as insect are attracted 
to the decorative lilac-purple flowers, arranged in capitula. 
The aim of this study was to perform phytochemical analysis of three distinct plant parts of 
this endemic species: stem, leaf and inflorescence. For this purpose, plants are collected from 
Rudinice village, nearby Komarnica canyon in the Montenegro. Furthermore, extraction of 
plant material was performed in 80% acetone as solvent and content of chlorophyll a and b, as 
well as total carotenoid (TCC), total phenolic (TPC) and total flavonoid (TFC) content were 
determined using spectrophotometric methods. The leaves possessed the highest amount of 
both chlorophylls a (611.52 μg/g d.w.) and b (993.38 μg/g d.w.), whereas the lowest values 
were registered in steam (113.27 μg/g i.e. 45.92 μg/g d.w.). Moreover, TCC was the most 
abundant in inflorescence (65.71 μg/g d.w.), while in leaves carotenoids were not detected. 
Analysis of TPC and TFC exhibited the highest distribution of phenolic and flavonoid 
compounds in leaves of C. pancicii (12.51 mg/g GAE and 18.19 mg/g CE d.w.), followed by 
content in inflorescence (8.23 mg/g GAE and 10.42 mg/g CE d.w.). As the result of this 
study, the dispersal of mentioned bioactive compounds within plant organs has been 
recognized and determined.
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
T2  - 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF)
T1  - Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant
EP  - 36
SP  - 36
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kilibarda, Sofija and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Milinčić, Danijel and Vuković, Sandra and Jarić, Snežana and Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The Balkan Peninsula is characterized by the great biodiversity, and it is native to extensive 
number of plant families and species. Moreover, some plants are endemic to certain region 
such as Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd (syn. Lactuca pancicii) from the Asteraceae 
family. This perennial plant can be found in mountainous areas, growing among tall-herb 
vegetation, as it prefers humid mild limestone slopes along streams [1]. During spring 
months, C. pancicii develops upright steam with lyrate leaves which are composed of broad 
terminal lobe and several smaller lateral ones. Pollination is occurring as insect are attracted 
to the decorative lilac-purple flowers, arranged in capitula. 
The aim of this study was to perform phytochemical analysis of three distinct plant parts of 
this endemic species: stem, leaf and inflorescence. For this purpose, plants are collected from 
Rudinice village, nearby Komarnica canyon in the Montenegro. Furthermore, extraction of 
plant material was performed in 80% acetone as solvent and content of chlorophyll a and b, as 
well as total carotenoid (TCC), total phenolic (TPC) and total flavonoid (TFC) content were 
determined using spectrophotometric methods. The leaves possessed the highest amount of 
both chlorophylls a (611.52 μg/g d.w.) and b (993.38 μg/g d.w.), whereas the lowest values 
were registered in steam (113.27 μg/g i.e. 45.92 μg/g d.w.). Moreover, TCC was the most 
abundant in inflorescence (65.71 μg/g d.w.), while in leaves carotenoids were not detected. 
Analysis of TPC and TFC exhibited the highest distribution of phenolic and flavonoid 
compounds in leaves of C. pancicii (12.51 mg/g GAE and 18.19 mg/g CE d.w.), followed by 
content in inflorescence (8.23 mg/g GAE and 10.42 mg/g CE d.w.). As the result of this 
study, the dispersal of mentioned bioactive compounds within plant organs has been 
recognized and determined.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia",
journal = "1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF)",
title = "Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant",
pages = "36-36",
url = ""
Kilibarda, S., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Milinčić, D., Vuković, S., Jarić, S.,& Kostić, A. Ž.. (2022). Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant. in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia., 36-36.
Kilibarda S, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Milinčić D, Vuković S, Jarić S, Kostić AŽ. Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant. in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF). 2022;:36-36. .
Kilibarda, Sofija, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Milinčić, Danijel, Vuković, Sandra, Jarić, Snežana, Kostić, Aleksandar Ž., "Phytochemical analysis of Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauverd­the Balkan’s endemic plant" in 1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (1-EuSPMF) (2022):36-36, .

Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents

Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina P.; Milinčić, Danijel D.; Petrović, Jovana D.; Gašić, Uroš M.; Gligorijević, Nevenka N.; Jarić, Snežana V.; Soković, Marina D.; Tešić, Živoslav Lj.; Pešić, Mirjana B.

(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2022)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina P.
AU  - Milinčić, Danijel D.
AU  - Petrović, Jovana D.
AU  - Gašić, Uroš M.
AU  - Gligorijević, Nevenka N.
AU  - Jarić, Snežana V.
AU  - Soković, Marina D.
AU  - Tešić, Živoslav Lj.
AU  - Pešić, Mirjana B.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The current study aimed to phytochemically characterize (including a detailed phenolic profile) two endemic Balkan's species (Hieracium waldsteinii and Onosma stellulata) and determine their possible application as a source of natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. The main phenolic compound in both species (in all examined parts) was chlorogenic acid. Eriodictyol, genistein and naringenin were quantified only in H. waldsteinii while isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside and sinapic acid were characteristic for O. stellulata. The highest antioxidant activity (98 mg AAE/g dry weight for TAC assay) was ascribed to the flower extract of H. waldsteinii while the lowest results (∼4.3 mg AAE/g dry weight for FRP assay) were exhibited by the extracts obtained from the plant's stem. Antimicrobial assays showed moderate antibacterial, i. e., moderate/strong activity against several tested fungi (in particular Trichoderma viride). Correlation analysis revealed strong positive connection between phenolic compounds and reducing power of extracts as well as between total phenolic and flavonoid content and the obtained minimal inhibitory concentration recorded in antibacterial assays.
PB  - John Wiley and Sons Inc
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T1  - Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents
VL  - N/A
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.202200069
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar Ž. and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina P. and Milinčić, Danijel D. and Petrović, Jovana D. and Gašić, Uroš M. and Gligorijević, Nevenka N. and Jarić, Snežana V. and Soković, Marina D. and Tešić, Živoslav Lj. and Pešić, Mirjana B.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The current study aimed to phytochemically characterize (including a detailed phenolic profile) two endemic Balkan's species (Hieracium waldsteinii and Onosma stellulata) and determine their possible application as a source of natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. The main phenolic compound in both species (in all examined parts) was chlorogenic acid. Eriodictyol, genistein and naringenin were quantified only in H. waldsteinii while isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside and sinapic acid were characteristic for O. stellulata. The highest antioxidant activity (98 mg AAE/g dry weight for TAC assay) was ascribed to the flower extract of H. waldsteinii while the lowest results (∼4.3 mg AAE/g dry weight for FRP assay) were exhibited by the extracts obtained from the plant's stem. Antimicrobial assays showed moderate antibacterial, i. e., moderate/strong activity against several tested fungi (in particular Trichoderma viride). Correlation analysis revealed strong positive connection between phenolic compounds and reducing power of extracts as well as between total phenolic and flavonoid content and the obtained minimal inhibitory concentration recorded in antibacterial assays.",
publisher = "John Wiley and Sons Inc",
journal = "Chemistry and Biodiversity",
title = "Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents",
volume = "N/A",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.202200069"
Kostić, A. Ž., Mačukanović-Jocić, M. P., Milinčić, D. D., Petrović, J. D., Gašić, U. M., Gligorijević, N. N., Jarić, S. V., Soković, M. D., Tešić, Ž. Lj.,& Pešić, M. B.. (2022). Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents. in Chemistry and Biodiversity
John Wiley and Sons Inc., N/A.
Kostić AŽ, Mačukanović-Jocić MP, Milinčić DD, Petrović JD, Gašić UM, Gligorijević NN, Jarić SV, Soković MD, Tešić ŽL, Pešić MB. Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents. in Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2022;N/A.
doi:10.1002/cbdv.202200069 .
Kostić, Aleksandar Ž., Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina P., Milinčić, Danijel D., Petrović, Jovana D., Gašić, Uroš M., Gligorijević, Nevenka N., Jarić, Snežana V., Soković, Marina D., Tešić, Živoslav Lj., Pešić, Mirjana B., "Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents" in Chemistry and Biodiversity, N/A (2022), . .

The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca

Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.; Kilibarda, Sofija; Jarić, Snežana; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society, 2021)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar Ž.
AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Phytochemical analysis with determination of the content of secondary plant metabolites is still very
popular research topic. The aim of present study was to determine the content of selected bioactive
compounds in rhizome and aerial vegetative parts of the plant Corydalis ochroleuca. Plant material
was collected in Derventa river canyon (Serbia). Extraction (1.5 g) was performed with 80%
methanol (15 mL) as solvent for 3 h. Extracts were stored at cold and dark place until further
analysis. The content of total phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), and hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives (THD) was determined via standard spectrophotometric methods and expressed as mg/g
per dry weights of galic acid (GAE), quercetin (QE) and chlorogenic acid (CGAE) equivalents,
respectively. It was observed that TPC, TFC and THD values were higher in vegetative part (3.45
mg/g GAE; 1.18 mg/g QE; 1.50 mg/g CGAE) compared to rhizome (2.54 mg/g GAE; 0.28 mg/g
QE; 1.28 mg/g CGAE). It can be concluded that aerial vegetative parts of C. ochroleuca are better
source of secondary metabolites compared to rhizome.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - 57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca
SP  - 31
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar Ž. and Kilibarda, Sofija and Jarić, Snežana and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Phytochemical analysis with determination of the content of secondary plant metabolites is still very
popular research topic. The aim of present study was to determine the content of selected bioactive
compounds in rhizome and aerial vegetative parts of the plant Corydalis ochroleuca. Plant material
was collected in Derventa river canyon (Serbia). Extraction (1.5 g) was performed with 80%
methanol (15 mL) as solvent for 3 h. Extracts were stored at cold and dark place until further
analysis. The content of total phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), and hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives (THD) was determined via standard spectrophotometric methods and expressed as mg/g
per dry weights of galic acid (GAE), quercetin (QE) and chlorogenic acid (CGAE) equivalents,
respectively. It was observed that TPC, TFC and THD values were higher in vegetative part (3.45
mg/g GAE; 1.18 mg/g QE; 1.50 mg/g CGAE) compared to rhizome (2.54 mg/g GAE; 0.28 mg/g
QE; 1.28 mg/g CGAE). It can be concluded that aerial vegetative parts of C. ochroleuca are better
source of secondary metabolites compared to rhizome.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca",
pages = "31",
url = ""
Kostić, A. Ž., Kilibarda, S., Jarić, S.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2021). The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca. in 57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society
Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society., 31.
Kostić AŽ, Kilibarda S, Jarić S, Mačukanović-Jocić M. The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca. in 57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2021;:31. .
Kostić, Aleksandar Ž., Kilibarda, Sofija, Jarić, Snežana, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rhizome and vegetative parts of Corydalis ochroleuca" in 57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society (2021):31, .

Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca

Kostić, Aleksandar; Kilibarda, Sofija; Jarić, Snežana; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

(Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society, 2021)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar
AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava biljaka i određivanje sadržaja odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u
njima predstavlja i dalje veoma aktuelnu oblast istraživanja. U okviru ovog rada izvršeno je
ispitivanje sadržaja odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u rizomu i nadzemnom vegetativnom delu
biljke Corydalis ochroleuca. Biljni materijal je sakupljen u kanjonu reke Dervente (Srbija).
Ekstrakcija (1,5 g) je izvršena pomoću 80% metanola (15 mL) u trajanju od 3h, a dobijeni ekstrakti
su čuvani na hladnom i tamnom mestu. Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola (TPC), flavonoida (TFC) i
derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline (THD) je utvrđen standardnim spektrofotometrijskim metodama
i izražen kao mg/g ekvivalenata galne kiseline (GAE), kvercetina (QE) i hlorogenske kiseline
(CGAE) na suvu masu uzorka. Utvrđeno je da nadzemni deo biljke sadrži više bioaktivnih
jedinjenja (3,45 mg/g GAE; 1,18 mg/g QE; 1,50 mg/g CGAE) u odnosu na rizom biljke (2,54 mg/g
GAE; 0,28 mg/g QE; 1,28 mg/g CGAE). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se reći da je nadzemni
vegetativni deo biljke C. ochroleuca bolji izvor odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u odnosu na
AB  - Phytochemical analysis with determination of the content of secondary plant metabolites is still very
popular research topic. The aim of present study was to determine the content of selected bioactive
compounds in rhizome and aerial vegetative parts of the plant Corydalis ochroleuca. Plant material
was collected in Derventa river canyon (Serbia). Extraction (1.5 g) was performed with 80%
methanol (15 mL) as solvent for 3 h. Extracts were stored at cold and dark place until further
analysis. The content of total phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), and hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives (THD) was determined via standard spectrophotometric methods and expressed as mg/g
per dry weights of galic acid (GAE), quercetin (QE) and chlorogenic acid (CGAE) equivalents,
respectively. It was observed that TPC, TFC and THD values were higher in vegetative part (3.45
mg/g GAE; 1.18 mg/g QE; 1.50 mg/g CGAE) compared to rhizome (2.54 mg/g GAE; 0.28 mg/g
QE; 1.28 mg/g CGAE). It can be concluded that aerial vegetative parts of C. ochroleuca are better
source of secondary metabolites compared to rhizome.
PB  - Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva
T1  - Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar and Kilibarda, Sofija and Jarić, Snežana and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava biljaka i određivanje sadržaja odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u
njima predstavlja i dalje veoma aktuelnu oblast istraživanja. U okviru ovog rada izvršeno je
ispitivanje sadržaja odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u rizomu i nadzemnom vegetativnom delu
biljke Corydalis ochroleuca. Biljni materijal je sakupljen u kanjonu reke Dervente (Srbija).
Ekstrakcija (1,5 g) je izvršena pomoću 80% metanola (15 mL) u trajanju od 3h, a dobijeni ekstrakti
su čuvani na hladnom i tamnom mestu. Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola (TPC), flavonoida (TFC) i
derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline (THD) je utvrđen standardnim spektrofotometrijskim metodama
i izražen kao mg/g ekvivalenata galne kiseline (GAE), kvercetina (QE) i hlorogenske kiseline
(CGAE) na suvu masu uzorka. Utvrđeno je da nadzemni deo biljke sadrži više bioaktivnih
jedinjenja (3,45 mg/g GAE; 1,18 mg/g QE; 1,50 mg/g CGAE) u odnosu na rizom biljke (2,54 mg/g
GAE; 0,28 mg/g QE; 1,28 mg/g CGAE). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se reći da je nadzemni
vegetativni deo biljke C. ochroleuca bolji izvor odabranih sekundarnih metabolita u odnosu na
rizom., Phytochemical analysis with determination of the content of secondary plant metabolites is still very
popular research topic. The aim of present study was to determine the content of selected bioactive
compounds in rhizome and aerial vegetative parts of the plant Corydalis ochroleuca. Plant material
was collected in Derventa river canyon (Serbia). Extraction (1.5 g) was performed with 80%
methanol (15 mL) as solvent for 3 h. Extracts were stored at cold and dark place until further
analysis. The content of total phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), and hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives (THD) was determined via standard spectrophotometric methods and expressed as mg/g
per dry weights of galic acid (GAE), quercetin (QE) and chlorogenic acid (CGAE) equivalents,
respectively. It was observed that TPC, TFC and THD values were higher in vegetative part (3.45
mg/g GAE; 1.18 mg/g QE; 1.50 mg/g CGAE) compared to rhizome (2.54 mg/g GAE; 0.28 mg/g
QE; 1.28 mg/g CGAE). It can be concluded that aerial vegetative parts of C. ochroleuca are better
source of secondary metabolites compared to rhizome.",
publisher = "Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva",
title = "Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca",
url = ""
Kostić, A., Kilibarda, S., Jarić, S.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2021). Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca. in 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva
Srpsko hemijsko društvo / Serbian Chemical Society..
Kostić A, Kilibarda S, Jarić S, Mačukanović-Jocić M. Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca. in 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva. 2021;. .
Kostić, Aleksandar, Kilibarda, Sofija, Jarić, Snežana, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonoida i derivata dihidroksicimetne kiseline u rizomu i vegetativnom delu biljke Corydalis ochroleuca" in 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva (2021), .

Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine

Jarić, Snežana; Mataruga, Zorana; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Sekulić, Dimitrije; Kostić, Olga; Mitrović, Miroslava; Pavlović, Pavle

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Jarić, Snežana
AU  - Mataruga, Zorana
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Sekulić, Dimitrije
AU  - Kostić, Olga
AU  - Mitrović, Miroslava
AU  - Pavlović, Pavle
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U ruralnim regionima Srbije kao što je područje Suve planine postoji snažno
verovanje u moć lekovitog bilja, što je u vezi sa narodnom tradicijom stvaranom
tokom proteklih vekova. Visok stepen upotrebe korovskih biljaka u narodnoj medicini
proučavane oblasti, objašnjava se njihovom relativno lakom dostupnošću u prirodi, ali
i mogućnostima gajenja. Etnobotanička istraživanja su obavljena tokom 2019. godine,
metodom otvorenog i polustruktuiranog intervjua sa lokalnim stanovništvom.
Intervjuisano je 66 ljudi. Etnobotaničkom analizom tradicionalne upotrebe lekovitih
biljaka u regionu Suve planine ustanovljeno je da lokalno stanovništvo tradicionalno
koristi 128 vrsta biljaka svrstanih u 48 familija. Od ukupnog broja zabeleženih vrsta,
62 (48,4%) pripadaju korovima u užem i širem smislu. Korovske vrste su
klasifikovane u 26 biljnih familija, među kojima su najzastupljenije Asteraceae
(19,35%), Lamiaceae (16,13%) i Rosaceae (6,45%). U biološkom spektru dominiraju
hemikriptofite (51,6%), geofite (16,1%), terofite (6,5%) i prelazna grupa između
terofita i hemikriptofita (6,5%), dok su ostale životne forme znatno manje zastupljene.
Korovske vrste su cenobionti segetalnih i ruderalnih biljnih zajednica i njihovo
prisustvo je direktno uslovljeno antropogenim uticajem. Analiza rezultata je pokazala
da među zabeleženim vrstama maksimalnu upotrebnu vrednost (UV=1) imaju
Achillea millefolium L., Gentiana lutea L., Hypericum perforatum L., Matricaria
chamomilla L., Plantago lanceolata L., Plantago major L. i Thymus serpyllum L. U
odnosu na način primene, 36 vrsta korovskih biljaka (58%) se upotrebljava interno, u
formi čajeva ili u ishrani, 9 (14,5%) se primenjuje eksterno, najčešće u formi obloga,
dok 17 korovskih vrsta (27,5%) ima i internu i eksternu primenu. Sprovedena
etnobotanička istraživanja na području Suve planine pokazuju da korovske biljke
imaju veliki značaj za etnomedicinu lokalnog stanovništva, što potvrđuje čitav spektar
zdravstvenih problema i bolesti za koje se koriste: respiratorne, gastrointestinalne,
urogenitalne, kožne, bolesti srca i krvnih sudova, metabolički poremećaji, upalni
procesi, kao i za poboljšanje imuniteta i jačanje skeletno-mišićnog sistema.
Generalno, poznavanje korovskih lekovitih biljaka i njihovog genetičkog potencijala na
istraživanom području, omogućava sprovođenje ekoloških aktivnosti, koje uključuju
održivi razvoj i ekološko upravljanje prirodnim resursima, kao što je lekovito bilje.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
C3  - XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
T1  - Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine
SP  - 26
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jarić, Snežana and Mataruga, Zorana and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Sekulić, Dimitrije and Kostić, Olga and Mitrović, Miroslava and Pavlović, Pavle",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U ruralnim regionima Srbije kao što je područje Suve planine postoji snažno
verovanje u moć lekovitog bilja, što je u vezi sa narodnom tradicijom stvaranom
tokom proteklih vekova. Visok stepen upotrebe korovskih biljaka u narodnoj medicini
proučavane oblasti, objašnjava se njihovom relativno lakom dostupnošću u prirodi, ali
i mogućnostima gajenja. Etnobotanička istraživanja su obavljena tokom 2019. godine,
metodom otvorenog i polustruktuiranog intervjua sa lokalnim stanovništvom.
Intervjuisano je 66 ljudi. Etnobotaničkom analizom tradicionalne upotrebe lekovitih
biljaka u regionu Suve planine ustanovljeno je da lokalno stanovništvo tradicionalno
koristi 128 vrsta biljaka svrstanih u 48 familija. Od ukupnog broja zabeleženih vrsta,
62 (48,4%) pripadaju korovima u užem i širem smislu. Korovske vrste su
klasifikovane u 26 biljnih familija, među kojima su najzastupljenije Asteraceae
(19,35%), Lamiaceae (16,13%) i Rosaceae (6,45%). U biološkom spektru dominiraju
hemikriptofite (51,6%), geofite (16,1%), terofite (6,5%) i prelazna grupa između
terofita i hemikriptofita (6,5%), dok su ostale životne forme znatno manje zastupljene.
Korovske vrste su cenobionti segetalnih i ruderalnih biljnih zajednica i njihovo
prisustvo je direktno uslovljeno antropogenim uticajem. Analiza rezultata je pokazala
da među zabeleženim vrstama maksimalnu upotrebnu vrednost (UV=1) imaju
Achillea millefolium L., Gentiana lutea L., Hypericum perforatum L., Matricaria
chamomilla L., Plantago lanceolata L., Plantago major L. i Thymus serpyllum L. U
odnosu na način primene, 36 vrsta korovskih biljaka (58%) se upotrebljava interno, u
formi čajeva ili u ishrani, 9 (14,5%) se primenjuje eksterno, najčešće u formi obloga,
dok 17 korovskih vrsta (27,5%) ima i internu i eksternu primenu. Sprovedena
etnobotanička istraživanja na području Suve planine pokazuju da korovske biljke
imaju veliki značaj za etnomedicinu lokalnog stanovništva, što potvrđuje čitav spektar
zdravstvenih problema i bolesti za koje se koriste: respiratorne, gastrointestinalne,
urogenitalne, kožne, bolesti srca i krvnih sudova, metabolički poremećaji, upalni
procesi, kao i za poboljšanje imuniteta i jačanje skeletno-mišićnog sistema.
Generalno, poznavanje korovskih lekovitih biljaka i njihovog genetičkog potencijala na
istraživanom području, omogućava sprovođenje ekoloških aktivnosti, koje uključuju
održivi razvoj i ekološko upravljanje prirodnim resursima, kao što je lekovito bilje.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta",
title = "Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine",
pages = "26",
url = ""
Jarić, S., Mataruga, Z., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Sekulić, D., Kostić, O., Mitrović, M.,& Pavlović, P.. (2021). Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine. in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 26.
Jarić S, Mataruga Z, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Sekulić D, Kostić O, Mitrović M, Pavlović P. Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine. in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta. 2021;:26. .
Jarić, Snežana, Mataruga, Zorana, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Sekulić, Dimitrije, Kostić, Olga, Mitrović, Miroslava, Pavlović, Pavle, "Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine" in XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta (2021):26, .

Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae)

Rančić, Dragana; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Kilibarda, Sofija; Radošević, Radenko

(MCM, 2021)

AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Radošević, Radenko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: Potentilla indica (Jacks.) Th. Wolf commonly known as Indian Mock Strawberry or false strawberry, is
native to eastern and southern Asia (Himalayas, China, and Japan), but has been introduced worldwide and
commonly grown as ornamental. P. indica is very tolerant to different environmental conditions including high-altitude
habitat, areas with low/high temperatures, sun/ shade or drought.
Objectives: The aim of the research is to contribute to the ecophysiological study of the plant by analyzing the
anatomical characteristics that could be involved in response of plants to environmental stimuli and the adaptation to
abiotic stress.
Materials & methods: For light microscopy fixed plant material (petiole, leaf blade, stem, stolons, rhizome and
adventitious root) was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut by sliding microtome and stained with
Alcian Blue-Safranin. Observation and photographs were done using a light microscope (Leica DM2000).
Results: Leaves are dorsiventral and amphistomatic (Fig 1a). Two types of trichomes are identified, non-glandular and
glandular present on both leaf surfaces. Non-glandular trichomes are unicellular, while glandular ones have uniseriate
stalk and globular head, usually made up of four cells each (Fig 1b). Palisade parenchyma is composed of two or
three layers of elongated cells while spongy parenchyma is composed of a few layers of cells with prominent
intercellular spaces.
In stolons subepidermal collenchyma is followed by one or two chlorenchyma layers and large cortical parenchyma
cells (Fig 1c). Pericycle is composed of continuous ring of sclerenchyma cells (Fig 1d). Vascular bundles are open
collateral, separated by parenchyma rays between.
Peridermis, cortical parenchyma and collateral vascular bundles are observed in the cross section of the rhizome and
pith parenchyma occupying the large area in the central part (Fig 2a, b, c).
In adventitious roots diarch, triarch, tetrarch or polyarch radial vascular bundles occur depending on the stage of
development (Fig 2d, e). Older roots have typically developed secondary xylem and phloem, and in external parts of
roots are visible rings of secondary meristem (Fig 2f).
Cubic crystals, probably of calcium oxalate, are randomly scattered predominantly in pith region of stem and in leaf
Conclusion: Some of anatomical features of P. indica are quite common but it also has some specific performances,
especially in roots, what will be discussed. Considering the ability to withstand high-temperature and low-temperature
stress, additional physiological studies are also required.
C3  - Microscopy Conference 2021
T1  - Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae)
EP  - 335
SP  - 334
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rančić, Dragana and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Kilibarda, Sofija and Radošević, Radenko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Introduction: Potentilla indica (Jacks.) Th. Wolf commonly known as Indian Mock Strawberry or false strawberry, is
native to eastern and southern Asia (Himalayas, China, and Japan), but has been introduced worldwide and
commonly grown as ornamental. P. indica is very tolerant to different environmental conditions including high-altitude
habitat, areas with low/high temperatures, sun/ shade or drought.
Objectives: The aim of the research is to contribute to the ecophysiological study of the plant by analyzing the
anatomical characteristics that could be involved in response of plants to environmental stimuli and the adaptation to
abiotic stress.
Materials & methods: For light microscopy fixed plant material (petiole, leaf blade, stem, stolons, rhizome and
adventitious root) was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut by sliding microtome and stained with
Alcian Blue-Safranin. Observation and photographs were done using a light microscope (Leica DM2000).
Results: Leaves are dorsiventral and amphistomatic (Fig 1a). Two types of trichomes are identified, non-glandular and
glandular present on both leaf surfaces. Non-glandular trichomes are unicellular, while glandular ones have uniseriate
stalk and globular head, usually made up of four cells each (Fig 1b). Palisade parenchyma is composed of two or
three layers of elongated cells while spongy parenchyma is composed of a few layers of cells with prominent
intercellular spaces.
In stolons subepidermal collenchyma is followed by one or two chlorenchyma layers and large cortical parenchyma
cells (Fig 1c). Pericycle is composed of continuous ring of sclerenchyma cells (Fig 1d). Vascular bundles are open
collateral, separated by parenchyma rays between.
Peridermis, cortical parenchyma and collateral vascular bundles are observed in the cross section of the rhizome and
pith parenchyma occupying the large area in the central part (Fig 2a, b, c).
In adventitious roots diarch, triarch, tetrarch or polyarch radial vascular bundles occur depending on the stage of
development (Fig 2d, e). Older roots have typically developed secondary xylem and phloem, and in external parts of
roots are visible rings of secondary meristem (Fig 2f).
Cubic crystals, probably of calcium oxalate, are randomly scattered predominantly in pith region of stem and in leaf
Conclusion: Some of anatomical features of P. indica are quite common but it also has some specific performances,
especially in roots, what will be discussed. Considering the ability to withstand high-temperature and low-temperature
stress, additional physiological studies are also required.",
publisher = "MCM",
journal = "Microscopy Conference 2021",
title = "Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae)",
pages = "335-334",
url = ""
Rančić, D., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Kilibarda, S.,& Radošević, R.. (2021). Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae). in Microscopy Conference 2021
MCM., 334-335.
Rančić D, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Kilibarda S, Radošević R. Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae). in Microscopy Conference 2021. 2021;:334-335. .
Rančić, Dragana, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Kilibarda, Sofija, Radošević, Radenko, "Anatomical research on Potentilla indica (Rosaceae)" in Microscopy Conference 2021 (2021):334-335, .

Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Rančić, Dragana; Kilibarda, Sofija; Bekić, Bojana

(MCM, 2021)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Bekić, Bojana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: Pimpinella serbica (Vis.) Benth. & Hook., belonging to the Apiaceae, is native to the central and western
parts of Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) and Albania. It prefers limestone
habitat at an average altitude of about 1300 m forming plant communities with other mountainous species, such as
spruce and Greek maple (Pancicii-Aceri heldreichii-Piceetum). In Serbia it inhabits mountains such as Kopaonik, Stara
planina, Zlatar, Javor, etc.
Objective: The pollen morphology of P. serbica, Balkan endemic species distributed in Serbia, were examined by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to contribute the morphological, taxonomic and melissopalynological
Materials & methods: The umbels were collected from wild plant populations at full flowering stage. A set of three
mounted and labelled voucher specimens were processed in standardized way and deposited in the herbarium
collection of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade.
For SEM study the pollen grains were covered with gold (in BAL-TEC SCD 005 Sputter Coater, 100 seconds in 30
mA) and observed using JEOL JSM- 6390 LV electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV. Pollen grains
were imaged in polar and equatorial view, and observations and measurements were done on a sample of 30 grains
for each morphological character. The following taxonomically significant features describing pollen grains were
examined: size, shape, exine sculpture, apertures, polarity, symmetry, equatorial (E) and polar (P) axes length, and
apocolpium index.
Results: The pollen grains of P. serbica are isopolar, radially symmetrical and small-sized (Figure 1a). The ratio
between the polar axis length (P = 21.5 ± 0.8 μm) and the equatorial diameter (E = 12.9 ± 0.9 μm) of 1.7 ± 0.2
indicates prolate shape (Figure 1b). The grains are slightly equatorially expanded with obtuse polar caps, and
triangular in polar view with interangular furrows (Fig 1c). The grains have tricolporate apertures with three straight
sunken ectocolpi arranged regularly meridionally, of mean length 17.7±0.9 μm, each one with endopore positioned in
the indentations between the mesocolpial lobes. Mesocolpial width is 7.3±1.8 μm. Apocolpium index amounts
0.39±0.04. The exine was found to have rugulate sculpture (Figure 1d).
Conclusion: Polen grains of P. serbica have typical form for Apiaceae family, but some fine details provided by the
current study could help in intrageneric differentiation contributing to taxonomic research. The analyzed
palynomorphological characteristics may be of special importance for estimating geographical origin of honey,
considering this species limited distribution area. The results revealed that exine ornamentation could be a diagnostic
trait taxonomically significant and useful for identification to species level
C3  - Microscopy Conference 2021
T1  - Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae)
SP  - 336
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Rančić, Dragana and Kilibarda, Sofija and Bekić, Bojana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Introduction: Pimpinella serbica (Vis.) Benth. & Hook., belonging to the Apiaceae, is native to the central and western
parts of Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) and Albania. It prefers limestone
habitat at an average altitude of about 1300 m forming plant communities with other mountainous species, such as
spruce and Greek maple (Pancicii-Aceri heldreichii-Piceetum). In Serbia it inhabits mountains such as Kopaonik, Stara
planina, Zlatar, Javor, etc.
Objective: The pollen morphology of P. serbica, Balkan endemic species distributed in Serbia, were examined by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to contribute the morphological, taxonomic and melissopalynological
Materials & methods: The umbels were collected from wild plant populations at full flowering stage. A set of three
mounted and labelled voucher specimens were processed in standardized way and deposited in the herbarium
collection of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade.
For SEM study the pollen grains were covered with gold (in BAL-TEC SCD 005 Sputter Coater, 100 seconds in 30
mA) and observed using JEOL JSM- 6390 LV electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV. Pollen grains
were imaged in polar and equatorial view, and observations and measurements were done on a sample of 30 grains
for each morphological character. The following taxonomically significant features describing pollen grains were
examined: size, shape, exine sculpture, apertures, polarity, symmetry, equatorial (E) and polar (P) axes length, and
apocolpium index.
Results: The pollen grains of P. serbica are isopolar, radially symmetrical and small-sized (Figure 1a). The ratio
between the polar axis length (P = 21.5 ± 0.8 μm) and the equatorial diameter (E = 12.9 ± 0.9 μm) of 1.7 ± 0.2
indicates prolate shape (Figure 1b). The grains are slightly equatorially expanded with obtuse polar caps, and
triangular in polar view with interangular furrows (Fig 1c). The grains have tricolporate apertures with three straight
sunken ectocolpi arranged regularly meridionally, of mean length 17.7±0.9 μm, each one with endopore positioned in
the indentations between the mesocolpial lobes. Mesocolpial width is 7.3±1.8 μm. Apocolpium index amounts
0.39±0.04. The exine was found to have rugulate sculpture (Figure 1d).
Conclusion: Polen grains of P. serbica have typical form for Apiaceae family, but some fine details provided by the
current study could help in intrageneric differentiation contributing to taxonomic research. The analyzed
palynomorphological characteristics may be of special importance for estimating geographical origin of honey,
considering this species limited distribution area. The results revealed that exine ornamentation could be a diagnostic
trait taxonomically significant and useful for identification to species level",
publisher = "MCM",
journal = "Microscopy Conference 2021",
title = "Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae)",
pages = "336",
url = ""
Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Rančić, D., Kilibarda, S.,& Bekić, B.. (2021). Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae). in Microscopy Conference 2021
MCM., 336.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Rančić D, Kilibarda S, Bekić B. Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae). in Microscopy Conference 2021. 2021;:336. .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Rančić, Dragana, Kilibarda, Sofija, Bekić, Bojana, "Pollen morphology of endemic species Pimpinella serbica (family Apiaceae)" in Microscopy Conference 2021 (2021):336, .

Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey

Pećinar, Ilinka; Rančić, Dragana; Lević, Steva; Kilibarda, Sofija; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

(MCM, 2021)

AU  - Pećinar, Ilinka
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Lević, Steva
AU  - Kilibarda, Sofija
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: Raman spectroscopy, as a powerful diagnostic technique for molecular analysis of food samples, was
used as a rapid and reliable method for the discrimination of honey according to their source, as well as for faster
detection of honey counterfeits. Since honey contains different proportions of sugars as the dominant components, the
certain characteristic vibrational mode is useful to differentiate structural-based changes in these carbohydrates.
Objective: In order to contribute to a comprehensive database of Raman bands obtained from food samples, the
present study aimed to detect and confirm differences in chemical composition between homemade and commercial
honey using Raman spectroscopy as a fast tool combined with multivariate analysis (PCA).
Materials & methods: Raman scattering was excited by a laser at a wavelength of 532 nm equipped with 1200
lines/mm grating. The spectra preprocessing was realized using Spectragryph software, version 1.2.13. Principal
component analysis (PCA) was performed using PAST software. Multivariate analysis, based on PCA, was applied in
order to detect a possible difference in the chemical composition of honey samples.
Results: Raman spectra of honey show bands at 334, 420, 517, 624, 702, 816, 863, 915, 1070 and 1123 cm-1, which
can be attributed to the sugars expected to occur in honey (glucose, fructose and sucrose). Glucose and fructose
have dominant vibrational modes of C–C–C, C–C–O, C–O and C–C reported in the range of 200–500 cm-1. The
higher intensity band at ~417 cm-1 and its shoulder at 448 cm-1 are probably attributed to the C–C–O vibration of α-
and β- glucose, respectively. The glucose band at 417 cm-1 and band at 420 cm-1 of fructose band overlap, while 624
cm-1 is related to ring deformation of fructose. The band at 517 cm-1 could be assigned to the skeletal vibration of
glucose. The medium intensity bands in the range from 816 to 975 cm-1 are related to vibrations of glucose and
fructose. The band at 1123 cm-1 is assigned to the C-OH deformation of the glucose and sucrose, while a lower
intensity band at 1370 cm-1 is assigned to the CH and OH bending mode of sucrose.
The minor contribution of other carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and organic acids were confirmed by Raman
spectroscopy by the bands at 334, 1077, 1266 cm-1 and 1460 cm-1.
The PCA analysis was performed using about forty Raman spectra. The score plot of PC1 versus PC2 shows a
reasonably good separation between the samples, where the first and second principal components described
86.21% of data variance. The score plot suggests the clear existence of separation between traditional and
commercial honey samples along PC1 axis. The loading plot shows that the variables with the highest positive
contribution along PC1 axis corresponded to the signals at 284, 392, 682, 795, 890, 1118 and 1198 cm-1, while
signals at 436 and 1026 cm-1 have the highest negative effects. Traditional honey comparing with commercial differs
in a higher amount in β-glucose and fructose (assigned to pyranoid ring) content.
Conclusion: This study confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be applied for the determination of chemical
composition and combined with chemometric methods could confirm the differentiation of honey samples.
Spectroscopic methods, comparing with standard analytical tools, are especially suitable for this kind of evaluation
since they are fast, non-destructive and require a small amount of sample for analysis.
C3  - Microscopy Conference 2021
T1  - Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey
SP  - 395
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pećinar, Ilinka and Rančić, Dragana and Lević, Steva and Kilibarda, Sofija and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Introduction: Raman spectroscopy, as a powerful diagnostic technique for molecular analysis of food samples, was
used as a rapid and reliable method for the discrimination of honey according to their source, as well as for faster
detection of honey counterfeits. Since honey contains different proportions of sugars as the dominant components, the
certain characteristic vibrational mode is useful to differentiate structural-based changes in these carbohydrates.
Objective: In order to contribute to a comprehensive database of Raman bands obtained from food samples, the
present study aimed to detect and confirm differences in chemical composition between homemade and commercial
honey using Raman spectroscopy as a fast tool combined with multivariate analysis (PCA).
Materials & methods: Raman scattering was excited by a laser at a wavelength of 532 nm equipped with 1200
lines/mm grating. The spectra preprocessing was realized using Spectragryph software, version 1.2.13. Principal
component analysis (PCA) was performed using PAST software. Multivariate analysis, based on PCA, was applied in
order to detect a possible difference in the chemical composition of honey samples.
Results: Raman spectra of honey show bands at 334, 420, 517, 624, 702, 816, 863, 915, 1070 and 1123 cm-1, which
can be attributed to the sugars expected to occur in honey (glucose, fructose and sucrose). Glucose and fructose
have dominant vibrational modes of C–C–C, C–C–O, C–O and C–C reported in the range of 200–500 cm-1. The
higher intensity band at ~417 cm-1 and its shoulder at 448 cm-1 are probably attributed to the C–C–O vibration of α-
and β- glucose, respectively. The glucose band at 417 cm-1 and band at 420 cm-1 of fructose band overlap, while 624
cm-1 is related to ring deformation of fructose. The band at 517 cm-1 could be assigned to the skeletal vibration of
glucose. The medium intensity bands in the range from 816 to 975 cm-1 are related to vibrations of glucose and
fructose. The band at 1123 cm-1 is assigned to the C-OH deformation of the glucose and sucrose, while a lower
intensity band at 1370 cm-1 is assigned to the CH and OH bending mode of sucrose.
The minor contribution of other carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and organic acids were confirmed by Raman
spectroscopy by the bands at 334, 1077, 1266 cm-1 and 1460 cm-1.
The PCA analysis was performed using about forty Raman spectra. The score plot of PC1 versus PC2 shows a
reasonably good separation between the samples, where the first and second principal components described
86.21% of data variance. The score plot suggests the clear existence of separation between traditional and
commercial honey samples along PC1 axis. The loading plot shows that the variables with the highest positive
contribution along PC1 axis corresponded to the signals at 284, 392, 682, 795, 890, 1118 and 1198 cm-1, while
signals at 436 and 1026 cm-1 have the highest negative effects. Traditional honey comparing with commercial differs
in a higher amount in β-glucose and fructose (assigned to pyranoid ring) content.
Conclusion: This study confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be applied for the determination of chemical
composition and combined with chemometric methods could confirm the differentiation of honey samples.
Spectroscopic methods, comparing with standard analytical tools, are especially suitable for this kind of evaluation
since they are fast, non-destructive and require a small amount of sample for analysis.",
publisher = "MCM",
journal = "Microscopy Conference 2021",
title = "Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey",
pages = "395",
url = ""
Pećinar, I., Rančić, D., Lević, S., Kilibarda, S.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2021). Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey. in Microscopy Conference 2021
MCM., 395.
Pećinar I, Rančić D, Lević S, Kilibarda S, Mačukanović-Jocić M. Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey. in Microscopy Conference 2021. 2021;:395. .
Pećinar, Ilinka, Rančić, Dragana, Lević, Steva, Kilibarda, Sofija, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis of homemade and commercial honey" in Microscopy Conference 2021 (2021):395, .

Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia)

Pećinar, Ilinka; Rančić, Dragana; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021)

AU  - Pećinar, Ilinka
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Monofloral sunflower honey was harvested from the enchanting vast sunflower fields in the
vicinity of Cestereg (Central Banat) serving as a rich source of floral nectar collected by honey
bees. The aim of the study was to detect predominant sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose
and maltose in sunflower honeyof known origin using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra
were recorded with XploRA Raman spectrometer from Horiba JobinYvon, on laser at a wave
length of 785 nm. Several vibrational bands at 415, 514, 564, 622, 703, 769, 815 cm-1
, followed
by 856, 914, 964, 1021, 1067 and 1123, 1260, 1360 and 1455 cm-1
could be identified as
fingerprints of the major sugar constituents of honey, fructose and glucose, whereas sucrose and
maltose bands have been suppressed. The highest intensity bandat 415 and its shoulder at 446 cm1
are attributed to the C–C–O vibration of α- and β- glucose, respectively. The higher intensity
signals at 514cm-1
could be assigned to the skeletal vibration of glucose and 622 cm-1
to the ring
deformation of fructose, due to its highest content in the honey sample. Finally, the bands at
1123, 1260, 1360 and 1455 cm-1 were related to the C-O-H deformation of the glucose and
sucrose, C-O-C cyclic alkyl ethers of the fructose, CH and OH bending modes of the glucose and
sucrose and the symmetric deformation mode of CH2 in fructose, respectively. This study
confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be applied for rapid determination of sugar contents of
commercial honey.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
PB  - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM - IAMB) Italy
PB  - ...
C3  - 12th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021"
T1  - Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia)
SP  - 206
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pećinar, Ilinka and Rančić, Dragana and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Monofloral sunflower honey was harvested from the enchanting vast sunflower fields in the
vicinity of Cestereg (Central Banat) serving as a rich source of floral nectar collected by honey
bees. The aim of the study was to detect predominant sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose
and maltose in sunflower honeyof known origin using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra
were recorded with XploRA Raman spectrometer from Horiba JobinYvon, on laser at a wave
length of 785 nm. Several vibrational bands at 415, 514, 564, 622, 703, 769, 815 cm-1
, followed
by 856, 914, 964, 1021, 1067 and 1123, 1260, 1360 and 1455 cm-1
could be identified as
fingerprints of the major sugar constituents of honey, fructose and glucose, whereas sucrose and
maltose bands have been suppressed. The highest intensity bandat 415 and its shoulder at 446 cm1
are attributed to the C–C–O vibration of α- and β- glucose, respectively. The higher intensity
signals at 514cm-1
could be assigned to the skeletal vibration of glucose and 622 cm-1
to the ring
deformation of fructose, due to its highest content in the honey sample. Finally, the bands at
1123, 1260, 1360 and 1455 cm-1 were related to the C-O-H deformation of the glucose and
sucrose, C-O-C cyclic alkyl ethers of the fructose, CH and OH bending modes of the glucose and
sucrose and the symmetric deformation mode of CH2 in fructose, respectively. This study
confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be applied for rapid determination of sugar contents of
commercial honey.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM - IAMB) Italy, ...",
journal = "12th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021"",
title = "Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia)",
pages = "206",
url = ""
Pećinar, I., Rančić, D.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2021). Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia). in 12th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021"
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia., 206.
Pećinar I, Rančić D, Mačukanović-Jocić M. Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia). in 12th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021". 2021;:206. .
Pećinar, Ilinka, Rančić, Dragana, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "Raman spectroscopic study of sugars in sunflower honey samples from Čestereg (Vojvodina, Serbia)" in 12th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021" (2021):206, .

Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Terzić, Maja; Rančić, Dragana

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Terzić, Maja
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Proučavanje morfologije polena je važan izvor informacija u taksonomskim
istraživanjima i utvrđivanju srodnosti na nivou familije, roda ili vrste, pa je postalo deo
multidisciplinarnog pristupa u sistematici i evoluciji biljaka. Palinolomorfološka
istraživanja imaju značajnu ulogu i u primenjenim naukama kao što su
melisopalinologija, aeropalinologija, entomopalinologija, paleopalinologija, itd. U tu
svrhu neophodno je formirati atlas polena kojeg čine mikrofotografije koje detaljno
prikazuju osnovne morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna biljaka nekog regiona.
Kao doprinos atlasu polena flore Srbije cilj ovog istraživanja bio je palinomorfološko
proučavanje korovske vrste Malva sylvestris L. (fam. Malvaceae) uz pomoć svetlosne
mikroskopije (SM) i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Za SM analizu
polenova zrna iz antera cvetnih pupoljaka posmatrana su u glicerinskom gelu. Za
SEM analizu suva polenova zrna su naparena zlatom (u aparatu BAL-TEC SCD 005
Sputter Coater, 100 sekundi na 30 mA) i posmatrana mikroskopom JEOL JSM-6390
LV (napon 20 kV). Merenja su izvršena na uzorku od 30 zrna za svaki morfološki
karakter. Ispitivane su sledeće palinomorfološke karakteristike: simetrija, polarnost,
veličina, oblik, ornamentacija, aperturacija i debljina egzine. Polenova zrna M.
sylvestris su radijalno simetrična, apolarna i sferična. Prečnik zrna prosečno iznosi
111,3±11,1 µm, što ih svrstava u klasu veoma velikih. Egzina je debljine oko 2,8±0,7
µm. Aperture su tipa pora, a s obzirom na njihov broj i položaj, tj. raspored, zrna su
polipantoporatna. Pore su manje-više kružnog oblika, prečnika 3,6±0,7 µm.
Ornamentacija egzine je ehinatna. Tektum je prekriven konusnim zašiljenim ehinama,
koje su ravnomerno raspoređene po površini. Ehine su monomorfne, ali veoma
varijabilne dužine, pri čemu je prosečna veličina najdužih 6,8±1,0 µm. Broj ehina na
površini od 40x40 µm iznosi u proseku 23,8±2,8. Osim doprinosa taksonomiji,
palinomorfološki podaci ove korovske vrste mogu biti korisni i u ispitivanjima ekološke
uloge i efikasnosti oprašivača, utvrđivanju botaničkog i geografskog porekla kao i
XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
11th Weed Science Congress and Symposium on Herbicides and Growth Regulators
autentičnosti meda, otkrivanju prisustva i determinaciji alergenog polena u cilju
određivanje kvaliteta vazduha, itd.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
C3  - XI Kongres o korovima i Savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
T1  - Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.)
SP  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Terzić, Maja and Rančić, Dragana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Proučavanje morfologije polena je važan izvor informacija u taksonomskim
istraživanjima i utvrđivanju srodnosti na nivou familije, roda ili vrste, pa je postalo deo
multidisciplinarnog pristupa u sistematici i evoluciji biljaka. Palinolomorfološka
istraživanja imaju značajnu ulogu i u primenjenim naukama kao što su
melisopalinologija, aeropalinologija, entomopalinologija, paleopalinologija, itd. U tu
svrhu neophodno je formirati atlas polena kojeg čine mikrofotografije koje detaljno
prikazuju osnovne morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna biljaka nekog regiona.
Kao doprinos atlasu polena flore Srbije cilj ovog istraživanja bio je palinomorfološko
proučavanje korovske vrste Malva sylvestris L. (fam. Malvaceae) uz pomoć svetlosne
mikroskopije (SM) i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Za SM analizu
polenova zrna iz antera cvetnih pupoljaka posmatrana su u glicerinskom gelu. Za
SEM analizu suva polenova zrna su naparena zlatom (u aparatu BAL-TEC SCD 005
Sputter Coater, 100 sekundi na 30 mA) i posmatrana mikroskopom JEOL JSM-6390
LV (napon 20 kV). Merenja su izvršena na uzorku od 30 zrna za svaki morfološki
karakter. Ispitivane su sledeće palinomorfološke karakteristike: simetrija, polarnost,
veličina, oblik, ornamentacija, aperturacija i debljina egzine. Polenova zrna M.
sylvestris su radijalno simetrična, apolarna i sferična. Prečnik zrna prosečno iznosi
111,3±11,1 µm, što ih svrstava u klasu veoma velikih. Egzina je debljine oko 2,8±0,7
µm. Aperture su tipa pora, a s obzirom na njihov broj i položaj, tj. raspored, zrna su
polipantoporatna. Pore su manje-više kružnog oblika, prečnika 3,6±0,7 µm.
Ornamentacija egzine je ehinatna. Tektum je prekriven konusnim zašiljenim ehinama,
koje su ravnomerno raspoređene po površini. Ehine su monomorfne, ali veoma
varijabilne dužine, pri čemu je prosečna veličina najdužih 6,8±1,0 µm. Broj ehina na
površini od 40x40 µm iznosi u proseku 23,8±2,8. Osim doprinosa taksonomiji,
palinomorfološki podaci ove korovske vrste mogu biti korisni i u ispitivanjima ekološke
uloge i efikasnosti oprašivača, utvrđivanju botaničkog i geografskog porekla kao i
XI Kongres o korovima i savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
11th Weed Science Congress and Symposium on Herbicides and Growth Regulators
autentičnosti meda, otkrivanju prisustva i determinaciji alergenog polena u cilju
određivanje kvaliteta vazduha, itd.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "XI Kongres o korovima i Savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta",
title = "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.)",
pages = "65",
url = ""
Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Terzić, M.,& Rančić, D.. (2021). Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.). in XI Kongres o korovima i Savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 65.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Terzić M, Rančić D. Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.). in XI Kongres o korovima i Savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta. 2021;:65. .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Terzić, Maja, Rančić, Dragana, "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna crnog sleza (Malva sylvestris L.)" in XI Kongres o korovima i Savetovanje o herbicidima i regulatorima rasta (2021):65, .

Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Rančić, Dragana

(Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, варијетет познат као слатки грашак, за разлику од
сточног и обичног грашка, има јестиве махуне у чијим зидовима недостаје влакнасти
слој богат лигнином и које се у исхрани користе целе, незреле, сирове или благо
Основне морфолошке карактеристике поленових зрна слатког грашка су анализирана
уз помоћ светлосног (LM) и скенирајућег електронског микроскопа (SEM), у циљу
доприноса палинолошким проучавањима гајених биљака Србије.
Анализом СЕМ микрографија, установљено је да су поленова зрна монадна,
изополарна и радијално симетрична, а с обзиром на величину, на граници између
класе средњих и великих. Дужина поларне осе (P) просечно износи 50,8±1,2 µm, а
екваторијалног пречника (Е) 22,5±1,8 µm. Однос (P/Е) у просеку износи 2,3±0,2
указујући на перпролатни облик. Екваторијално посматрано, зрна су скоро
правоугаоног облика, затупасто-конвексна на половима, док је њихов облик, поларно
посматрано, мање-више округласто-трорежњевит. Према броју, типу и положају
апертура, зрна су 3-зоноколпоратна. Апертуре типа ектоколпи (просечне дужине
38,3±2,0 µm) са уско-зашиљеним крајевима распоређене су меридионално, а такође су
јасно видљиве, често крупне, мање или више истакнуте ендопоре кружног облика.
Орнаментација егзине на мезокопијуму је ретикулатно-перфоратна, а на апоколпијуму
псилатна. Лумине ретикулума су полигоналне, округласте или неправилног облика,
различите величине, од 1,1 до 3,4 µm у пречнику, са танким мурима (0,71±0,12 µm).
Перфорације лумине су различите величине, округле или овалне, просечно 0,19±0,05
µm у пречнику. Ретко или густо зрнасти елементи присутни су на мембрани колпи.
Просечна дебљина егзине, снимане и мерене помоћу светлосног микроскопа износи
1,2±0,4 µm.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
C3  - X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem” Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”
T1  - Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae)
SP  - 50
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Rančić, Dragana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, варијетет познат као слатки грашак, за разлику од
сточног и обичног грашка, има јестиве махуне у чијим зидовима недостаје влакнасти
слој богат лигнином и које се у исхрани користе целе, незреле, сирове или благо
Основне морфолошке карактеристике поленових зрна слатког грашка су анализирана
уз помоћ светлосног (LM) и скенирајућег електронског микроскопа (SEM), у циљу
доприноса палинолошким проучавањима гајених биљака Србије.
Анализом СЕМ микрографија, установљено је да су поленова зрна монадна,
изополарна и радијално симетрична, а с обзиром на величину, на граници између
класе средњих и великих. Дужина поларне осе (P) просечно износи 50,8±1,2 µm, а
екваторијалног пречника (Е) 22,5±1,8 µm. Однос (P/Е) у просеку износи 2,3±0,2
указујући на перпролатни облик. Екваторијално посматрано, зрна су скоро
правоугаоног облика, затупасто-конвексна на половима, док је њихов облик, поларно
посматрано, мање-више округласто-трорежњевит. Према броју, типу и положају
апертура, зрна су 3-зоноколпоратна. Апертуре типа ектоколпи (просечне дужине
38,3±2,0 µm) са уско-зашиљеним крајевима распоређене су меридионално, а такође су
јасно видљиве, често крупне, мање или више истакнуте ендопоре кружног облика.
Орнаментација егзине на мезокопијуму је ретикулатно-перфоратна, а на апоколпијуму
псилатна. Лумине ретикулума су полигоналне, округласте или неправилног облика,
различите величине, од 1,1 до 3,4 µm у пречнику, са танким мурима (0,71±0,12 µm).
Перфорације лумине су различите величине, округле или овалне, просечно 0,19±0,05
µm у пречнику. Ретко или густо зрнасти елементи присутни су на мембрани колпи.
Просечна дебљина егзине, снимане и мерене помоћу светлосног микроскопа износи
1,2±0,4 µm.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem” Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”",
title = "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae)",
pages = "50",
url = ""
Mačukanović-Jocić, M.,& Rančić, D.. (2021). Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae). in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem” Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”
Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd., 50.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Rančić D. Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae). in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem” Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”. 2021;:50. .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Rančić, Dragana, "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna slatkog graška (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, Fabaceae)" in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem” Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji” (2021):50, .

Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Rančić, Dragana

(Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Истраживање је обухватило анализу морфологије полена сорте парадајза (Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill.) познате под називом „Воловско срце“, у циљу доприноса
палинолошкој збирци гајених биљака Србије. С обзиром на то да формира плод масе
500 g или више, ово је једна од најкрупнијих сорти парадајза која се у Србији гаји већ
дуги низ година. Парадајз је самооплодна биљка, али ради ефикаснијег оплођења и
плодоношења, цветови захтевају вибрационо опрашивање, тј. соникацију коју обављају
бумбари (Bombus sp.) или неке солитарне пчеле (Xylocopa sp.). Ови инсекти имају
способност да, приликом сакупљања флоралног нектара, вибрирају унутар цвета на
одређеној фреквенцији што изазива ослобађање поленовог праха из антера.
Поленова зрна су анализирана уз помоћ светлосног (SМ) и скенирајућег електронског
микроскопа (SЕМ). Истраживање је обухватило описивање и мерење основних
морфолошких карактеристика као што су: величина, облик, орнаментација,
апертурација, поларност, симетрија, дужина поларне и екваторијалне осе, дужина
колпи, ширина мезоколпијума и дебљина егзине.
Поленова зрна су монадна, у класи средње великих, изополарна и радијално
симетрична. У погледу апертурације су триколпоратна, са 3 узане меридионално
распоређене ектоколпе (просечне дужине 26,1±1,9 μm) и 3 слабо уочљиве ендопоре.
Мембрана колпе је гранулисана. Дужина поларне осе (P) износи 30,1±1,2 μm, а
екваторијалног дијаметра (Е) 15,9±1,1 μm. Однос ове две осе (P/Е) износи 1,9±0,1, што
указује на пролатни облик. Поларно посматрано, поленова зрна су округласта и
трорежњевита, а екваторијално посматрано су елиптична са зашиљеним половима.
Ширина мезоколпијума у екваторијалној зони просечно износи 11,0±0,3 μm.
Орманентација егзине је скабратна. Скулптурни елементи су неправилно распоређени,
са пречником у базалном делу мањим од 1 µm (0,12±0,03 µm), а њихов број по
јединици површине износи 12,1±1,2 по μm2
. Дебљина егзине, код екваторијално
постављених зрна посматраних светлосним микроскопом, измерена у средини
мезоколпијума, износи у просеку 0,9 ± 0,2 μm.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
C3  - X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem “Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”
T1  - Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae)
SP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Rančić, Dragana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Истраживање је обухватило анализу морфологије полена сорте парадајза (Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill.) познате под називом „Воловско срце“, у циљу доприноса
палинолошкој збирци гајених биљака Србије. С обзиром на то да формира плод масе
500 g или више, ово је једна од најкрупнијих сорти парадајза која се у Србији гаји већ
дуги низ година. Парадајз је самооплодна биљка, али ради ефикаснијег оплођења и
плодоношења, цветови захтевају вибрационо опрашивање, тј. соникацију коју обављају
бумбари (Bombus sp.) или неке солитарне пчеле (Xylocopa sp.). Ови инсекти имају
способност да, приликом сакупљања флоралног нектара, вибрирају унутар цвета на
одређеној фреквенцији што изазива ослобађање поленовог праха из антера.
Поленова зрна су анализирана уз помоћ светлосног (SМ) и скенирајућег електронског
микроскопа (SЕМ). Истраживање је обухватило описивање и мерење основних
морфолошких карактеристика као што су: величина, облик, орнаментација,
апертурација, поларност, симетрија, дужина поларне и екваторијалне осе, дужина
колпи, ширина мезоколпијума и дебљина егзине.
Поленова зрна су монадна, у класи средње великих, изополарна и радијално
симетрична. У погледу апертурације су триколпоратна, са 3 узане меридионално
распоређене ектоколпе (просечне дужине 26,1±1,9 μm) и 3 слабо уочљиве ендопоре.
Мембрана колпе је гранулисана. Дужина поларне осе (P) износи 30,1±1,2 μm, а
екваторијалног дијаметра (Е) 15,9±1,1 μm. Однос ове две осе (P/Е) износи 1,9±0,1, што
указује на пролатни облик. Поларно посматрано, поленова зрна су округласта и
трорежњевита, а екваторијално посматрано су елиптична са зашиљеним половима.
Ширина мезоколпијума у екваторијалној зони просечно износи 11,0±0,3 μm.
Орманентација егзине је скабратна. Скулптурни елементи су неправилно распоређени,
са пречником у базалном делу мањим од 1 µm (0,12±0,03 µm), а њихов број по
јединици површине износи 12,1±1,2 по μm2
. Дебљина егзине, код екваторијално
постављених зрна посматраних светлосним микроскопом, измерена у средини
мезоколпијума, износи у просеку 0,9 ± 0,2 μm.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem “Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”",
title = "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae)",
pages = "52",
url = ""
Mačukanović-Jocić, M.,& Rančić, D.. (2021). Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae). in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem “Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”
Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd., 52.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Rančić D. Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae). in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem “Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji”. 2021;:52. .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Rančić, Dragana, "Morfološke karakteristike polenovih zrna paradajza sorte “Volovsko srce” (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanaceae)" in X Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem “Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji” (2021):52, .

Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Savić, Jelena; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Jarić, Snežana

(Elsevier Science Inc, New York, 2019)

AU  - Savić, Jelena
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: The study provides significant ethnobotanical information on plant resources traditionally used in the Javor Mountain region (eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina), aiming at identifying medicinal plants and collecting information concerning the specific methods of their therapeutic application. Methods: A qualitative anthropological method using a semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview 70 people. The relative importance of wild plant species, as reported by the informants, was assessed by the quantitative methods: use-value (UV), cultural importance value (CIV) and Shannon-Wiener index. Also, the level of homogeneity among information provided by different informants was calculated by the Informants' Consensus Factor (FIC). Results: 73 plant species with medicinal properties were collected, identified and their methods of preparation and uses were recorded. Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae have the greatest species diversity. The most commonly used are Hypericum perforatum, Mentha x piperita, Sambucus nigra and Achillea millefolium, with UV over 0.9. The most frequently used plant parts are the aerial part (29%) and the leaf (26%), while infusion being the most common way of preparing herbal remedies (57%). The plant most appreciated by the people interviewed was Hypericum perforatum used to treat skin complaints, haemorrhoids, moderate depression, gastrointestinal ailments and respiratory infections. Also, phytotherapeutic use of Veronica officinalis rhizome in jaundice treatment, as well as utilization of Prunus domestica bark for cavity protection were noted. Conclusion: The results of the current study may be significant in rural development programs in the Javor Mountain region, in aiming to foster community-based strategies of management of natural resources.
PB  - Elsevier Science Inc, New York
T2  - European Journal of Integrative Medicine
T1  - Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
EP  - 64
SP  - 52
VL  - 27
DO  - 10.1016/j.eujim.2019.02.007
ER  - 
author = "Savić, Jelena and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Jarić, Snežana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Introduction: The study provides significant ethnobotanical information on plant resources traditionally used in the Javor Mountain region (eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina), aiming at identifying medicinal plants and collecting information concerning the specific methods of their therapeutic application. Methods: A qualitative anthropological method using a semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview 70 people. The relative importance of wild plant species, as reported by the informants, was assessed by the quantitative methods: use-value (UV), cultural importance value (CIV) and Shannon-Wiener index. Also, the level of homogeneity among information provided by different informants was calculated by the Informants' Consensus Factor (FIC). Results: 73 plant species with medicinal properties were collected, identified and their methods of preparation and uses were recorded. Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae have the greatest species diversity. The most commonly used are Hypericum perforatum, Mentha x piperita, Sambucus nigra and Achillea millefolium, with UV over 0.9. The most frequently used plant parts are the aerial part (29%) and the leaf (26%), while infusion being the most common way of preparing herbal remedies (57%). The plant most appreciated by the people interviewed was Hypericum perforatum used to treat skin complaints, haemorrhoids, moderate depression, gastrointestinal ailments and respiratory infections. Also, phytotherapeutic use of Veronica officinalis rhizome in jaundice treatment, as well as utilization of Prunus domestica bark for cavity protection were noted. Conclusion: The results of the current study may be significant in rural development programs in the Javor Mountain region, in aiming to foster community-based strategies of management of natural resources.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Inc, New York",
journal = "European Journal of Integrative Medicine",
title = "Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
pages = "64-52",
volume = "27",
doi = "10.1016/j.eujim.2019.02.007"
Savić, J., Mačukanović-Jocić, M.,& Jarić, S.. (2019). Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina). in European Journal of Integrative Medicine
Elsevier Science Inc, New York., 27, 52-64.
Savić J, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Jarić S. Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina). in European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2019;27:52-64.
doi:10.1016/j.eujim.2019.02.007 .
Savić, Jelena, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Jarić, Snežana, "Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 27 (2019):52-64, . .

Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species

Kostić, Aleksandar; Gašić, Uroš M.; Pešić, Mirjana; Stanojević, Sladjana; Barać, Miroljub; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Avramov, Stevan N.; Tešić, Živoslav

(Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim, 2019)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar
AU  - Gašić, Uroš M.
AU  - Pešić, Mirjana
AU  - Stanojević, Sladjana
AU  - Barać, Miroljub
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Avramov, Stevan N.
AU  - Tešić, Živoslav
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This study was aimed at investigating the phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of rhizomes, above-ground vegetative parts and flowers of three Iris species: Iris humilis Georgi, Iris pumila L. and Iris variegata L. UHPLC-Orbitrap MS analysis was used for determination of phytochemical profile. Total pigments, phenolics, flavonoids, soluble sugars and starch content as well as ABTS antioxidant capacity were also determined. In total, 52 phenolics compounds were identified with 9 compounds (derivatives of iriflophenone, apigenin C-glycosides, luteolin O-glycoside, isoflavones derivatives of iristectorigenin, dichotomitin, nigracin and irilone) never reported before in Iris spp. Differences in phenolic composition profile, pigments, soluble sugar, starch, total phenolics and flavonoids content and total antioxidant capacity were found among Iris species and different part of plants. Significant correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity was determined. The obtained results are comparable with those obtained for medical plants. These findings could be useful for fingerprinting characterization of Iris species and estimation of possible use in pharmaceutical industries.
PB  - Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim
T2  - Chemistry & Biodiversity
T1  - Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species
IS  - 3
VL  - 16
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.201800565
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar and Gašić, Uroš M. and Pešić, Mirjana and Stanojević, Sladjana and Barać, Miroljub and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Avramov, Stevan N. and Tešić, Živoslav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This study was aimed at investigating the phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of rhizomes, above-ground vegetative parts and flowers of three Iris species: Iris humilis Georgi, Iris pumila L. and Iris variegata L. UHPLC-Orbitrap MS analysis was used for determination of phytochemical profile. Total pigments, phenolics, flavonoids, soluble sugars and starch content as well as ABTS antioxidant capacity were also determined. In total, 52 phenolics compounds were identified with 9 compounds (derivatives of iriflophenone, apigenin C-glycosides, luteolin O-glycoside, isoflavones derivatives of iristectorigenin, dichotomitin, nigracin and irilone) never reported before in Iris spp. Differences in phenolic composition profile, pigments, soluble sugar, starch, total phenolics and flavonoids content and total antioxidant capacity were found among Iris species and different part of plants. Significant correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity was determined. The obtained results are comparable with those obtained for medical plants. These findings could be useful for fingerprinting characterization of Iris species and estimation of possible use in pharmaceutical industries.",
publisher = "Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim",
journal = "Chemistry & Biodiversity",
title = "Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species",
number = "3",
volume = "16",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.201800565"
Kostić, A., Gašić, U. M., Pešić, M., Stanojević, S., Barać, M., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Avramov, S. N.,& Tešić, Ž.. (2019). Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species. in Chemistry & Biodiversity
Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim., 16(3).
Kostić A, Gašić UM, Pešić M, Stanojević S, Barać M, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Avramov SN, Tešić Ž. Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species. in Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2019;16(3).
doi:10.1002/cbdv.201800565 .
Kostić, Aleksandar, Gašić, Uroš M., Pešić, Mirjana, Stanojević, Sladjana, Barać, Miroljub, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Avramov, Stevan N., Tešić, Živoslav, "Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species" in Chemistry & Biodiversity, 16, no. 3 (2019), . .

Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?

Kostić, Aleksandar; Kaludjerović, Lazar; Dojčinović, Biljana; Barać, Miroljub; Babić, Vojka; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2017)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar
AU  - Kaludjerović, Lazar
AU  - Dojčinović, Biljana
AU  - Barać, Miroljub
AU  - Babić, Vojka
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - BACKGROUND: Bee pollen has already proved to be a good supplement rich in iron and zinc. Studies on the application of flower pollen in the food industry and medicine have begun. Bearing in mind the prevalence of maize as a crop culture, its pollen will be easily available. The mineral composition of pollen of seven Serbian maize hybrids was analyzed in order to establish its nutritional value and the benefits of its implementation in the human diet using the inductively coupled plasma method. RESULTSThe presence of twenty four different macro- (nine) and micronutrients (fifteen) was detected. The most common minerals were phosphorus and potassium, while arsenic, cobalt, lead, nickel and molybdenum were found in some samples. CONCLUSIONComparing the results obtained with recommended or tolerable dietary intake references for adults, it was found that maize pollen can be used as a very good source of zinc, iron, chromium and manganese for humans. With regard to selenium content, pollen samples proved to be moderately good source of this important micronutrient. Contents of some elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, Se, Al and V) showed significant differences depending on hybrid type. In some samples increased concentrations of aluminum and vanadium were recorded, which may pose a potential problem due to their toxicity.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
T1  - Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?
EP  - 2809
IS  - 9
SP  - 2803
VL  - 97
DO  - 10.1002/jsfa.8108
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar and Kaludjerović, Lazar and Dojčinović, Biljana and Barać, Miroljub and Babić, Vojka and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina",
year = "2017",
abstract = "BACKGROUND: Bee pollen has already proved to be a good supplement rich in iron and zinc. Studies on the application of flower pollen in the food industry and medicine have begun. Bearing in mind the prevalence of maize as a crop culture, its pollen will be easily available. The mineral composition of pollen of seven Serbian maize hybrids was analyzed in order to establish its nutritional value and the benefits of its implementation in the human diet using the inductively coupled plasma method. RESULTSThe presence of twenty four different macro- (nine) and micronutrients (fifteen) was detected. The most common minerals were phosphorus and potassium, while arsenic, cobalt, lead, nickel and molybdenum were found in some samples. CONCLUSIONComparing the results obtained with recommended or tolerable dietary intake references for adults, it was found that maize pollen can be used as a very good source of zinc, iron, chromium and manganese for humans. With regard to selenium content, pollen samples proved to be moderately good source of this important micronutrient. Contents of some elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, Se, Al and V) showed significant differences depending on hybrid type. In some samples increased concentrations of aluminum and vanadium were recorded, which may pose a potential problem due to their toxicity.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture",
title = "Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?",
pages = "2809-2803",
number = "9",
volume = "97",
doi = "10.1002/jsfa.8108"
Kostić, A., Kaludjerović, L., Dojčinović, B., Barać, M., Babić, V.,& Mačukanović-Jocić, M.. (2017). Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?. in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Wiley, Hoboken., 97(9), 2803-2809.
Kostić A, Kaludjerović L, Dojčinović B, Barać M, Babić V, Mačukanović-Jocić M. Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?. in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017;97(9):2803-2809.
doi:10.1002/jsfa.8108 .
Kostić, Aleksandar, Kaludjerović, Lazar, Dojčinović, Biljana, Barać, Miroljub, Babić, Vojka, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, "Preliminary investigation of mineral content of pollen collected from different Serbian maize hybrids - is there any potential nutritional value?" in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97, no. 9 (2017):2803-2809, . .

Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation

Kostić, Aleksandar; Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Špirović-Trifunović, Bojana; Vukašinović, Ivana; Pavlović, Vladimir; Pešić, Mirjana

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2017)

AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar
AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Špirović-Trifunović, Bojana
AU  - Vukašinović, Ivana
AU  - Pavlović, Vladimir
AU  - Pešić, Mirjana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this work was to identify and quantify fatty acids presented in pollen samples collected from six different Serbian maize hybrids by GC capillary method. Due to great importance of fatty acids as food component potential nutritional value of maize pollen as food supplement in human diet was determined. It has been shown that pollen is a great source of different fatty acids, especially unsaturated fatty acids. In total, twenty eight fatty acids were quantify - the most abundant saturated FAs were palmitic and henicosanoic acid; the most prevalent monounsaturated FAs were oleic, elaidic and cis-10-heptadecenoic acid. Linoleic and cis-11,14-eicosadienoic acid were the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid. Also, it was found that FAs composition was significantly influenced by the type of maize hybrids. According to nutritional recommendations, four of six pollen samples had good nutritional quality with unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio higher than 1.6, but there is unsatisfied distribution of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids as the most important type of unsaturated fatty acids.
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Cereal Science
T1  - Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation
EP  - 185
SP  - 180
VL  - 77
DO  - 10.1016/j.jcs.2017.08.004
ER  - 
author = "Kostić, Aleksandar and Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Špirović-Trifunović, Bojana and Vukašinović, Ivana and Pavlović, Vladimir and Pešić, Mirjana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of this work was to identify and quantify fatty acids presented in pollen samples collected from six different Serbian maize hybrids by GC capillary method. Due to great importance of fatty acids as food component potential nutritional value of maize pollen as food supplement in human diet was determined. It has been shown that pollen is a great source of different fatty acids, especially unsaturated fatty acids. In total, twenty eight fatty acids were quantify - the most abundant saturated FAs were palmitic and henicosanoic acid; the most prevalent monounsaturated FAs were oleic, elaidic and cis-10-heptadecenoic acid. Linoleic and cis-11,14-eicosadienoic acid were the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid. Also, it was found that FAs composition was significantly influenced by the type of maize hybrids. According to nutritional recommendations, four of six pollen samples had good nutritional quality with unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio higher than 1.6, but there is unsatisfied distribution of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids as the most important type of unsaturated fatty acids.",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Cereal Science",
title = "Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation",
pages = "185-180",
volume = "77",
doi = "10.1016/j.jcs.2017.08.004"
Kostić, A., Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Špirović-Trifunović, B., Vukašinović, I., Pavlović, V.,& Pešić, M.. (2017). Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation. in Journal of Cereal Science
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 77, 180-185.
Kostić A, Mačukanović-Jocić M, Špirović-Trifunović B, Vukašinović I, Pavlović V, Pešić M. Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation. in Journal of Cereal Science. 2017;77:180-185.
doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2017.08.004 .
Kostić, Aleksandar, Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Špirović-Trifunović, Bojana, Vukašinović, Ivana, Pavlović, Vladimir, Pešić, Mirjana, "Fatty acids of maize pollen - Quantification, nutritional and morphological evaluation" in Journal of Cereal Science, 77 (2017):180-185, . .

Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Stesević, Danijela; Rančić, Dragana; Dajić-Stevanović, Zora

(Univ Zagreb, Fac Science, Div Biology, Zagreb, 2017)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Stesević, Danijela
AU  - Rančić, Dragana
AU  - Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The pollen features of Chaerophyllum coloratum L., endemic to the Dinaric Alps, have been examined by both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to a better understanding of the taxonomic status of the species. Flower visitors have also been observed and analyzed with the aim of clarifying certain pollination aspects of the species including flower attractiveness especially to honeybees, and also in order to ascertain its contribution to the bee pasture. The pollen grains of C. coloratum are isopolar, radially symmetrical and medium sized. Polar axis (P) is 26.83 +/- 1.77 mu m length, and equatorial diameter (E) is 9.17 +/- 0.57 mu m length. P/E ratio amounts 2.90 +/- 0.10 indicating a perprolate shape. In an equatorial view, the grains are constricted in the equatorial region (bone-shaped), with obtuse polar caps. In polar view, they are triangular with obtuse angles and furrows in the sides of the triangle (interangular). The grains are tricolporate with three straight ectocolpi arranged regularly meridionally, of mean length 14.43 +/- 2.17 mu m, each of which has one endopore. The characteristic internal thickenings around the protruding, clearly visible endopores (costae) in the constricted equatorial region are obvious in light microscopy. The ornamentation is psilate, irregularly rugulate ("cerebroid"), the exine surface is rather undulating. With regard to the observed flower visitors, the following pollination types occurred: melittophily, myophily, sapromyophily, cantharophily, and phalaenophily, and the most frequent pollinator was the honeybee.
PB  - Univ Zagreb, Fac Science, Div Biology, Zagreb
T2  - Acta Botanica Croatica
T1  - Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae)
EP  - 8
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
VL  - 76
DO  - 10.1515/botcro-2016-0039
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Stesević, Danijela and Rančić, Dragana and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The pollen features of Chaerophyllum coloratum L., endemic to the Dinaric Alps, have been examined by both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to a better understanding of the taxonomic status of the species. Flower visitors have also been observed and analyzed with the aim of clarifying certain pollination aspects of the species including flower attractiveness especially to honeybees, and also in order to ascertain its contribution to the bee pasture. The pollen grains of C. coloratum are isopolar, radially symmetrical and medium sized. Polar axis (P) is 26.83 +/- 1.77 mu m length, and equatorial diameter (E) is 9.17 +/- 0.57 mu m length. P/E ratio amounts 2.90 +/- 0.10 indicating a perprolate shape. In an equatorial view, the grains are constricted in the equatorial region (bone-shaped), with obtuse polar caps. In polar view, they are triangular with obtuse angles and furrows in the sides of the triangle (interangular). The grains are tricolporate with three straight ectocolpi arranged regularly meridionally, of mean length 14.43 +/- 2.17 mu m, each of which has one endopore. The characteristic internal thickenings around the protruding, clearly visible endopores (costae) in the constricted equatorial region are obvious in light microscopy. The ornamentation is psilate, irregularly rugulate ("cerebroid"), the exine surface is rather undulating. With regard to the observed flower visitors, the following pollination types occurred: melittophily, myophily, sapromyophily, cantharophily, and phalaenophily, and the most frequent pollinator was the honeybee.",
publisher = "Univ Zagreb, Fac Science, Div Biology, Zagreb",
journal = "Acta Botanica Croatica",
title = "Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae)",
pages = "8-1",
number = "1",
volume = "76",
doi = "10.1515/botcro-2016-0039"
Mačukanović-Jocić, M., Stesević, D., Rančić, D.,& Dajić-Stevanović, Z.. (2017). Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae). in Acta Botanica Croatica
Univ Zagreb, Fac Science, Div Biology, Zagreb., 76(1), 1-8.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Stesević D, Rančić D, Dajić-Stevanović Z. Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae). in Acta Botanica Croatica. 2017;76(1):1-8.
doi:10.1515/botcro-2016-0039 .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Stesević, Danijela, Rančić, Dragana, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, "Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae)" in Acta Botanica Croatica, 76, no. 1 (2017):1-8, . .

Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Jarić, Snežana

(Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2016)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Palynomorphological characteristics of Campanula lingulata, the Balkan-Carpathian endemic species growing in Serbia, have been investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for the first time, in order to provide some information helpful for a better understanding of the taxonomic position of this species within the genus, as well as to contribute to the pollen atlas of Serbian apiflora. The pollen grains are radially symmetrical, isopolar, 3-zonoporate and medium-sized monads oblate-sphaeroidal in shape. Mean of the polar axis (P) is 27.6±1.9 μm, while the average length of the equatorial axis (E) is 28.8±1.6 μm. The apertures are operculate. The sculpturing pattern of the exine is microre­ticulate-microechinatae. The exine surface is covered with evenly distributed supratectal spinules of variable length and sparse granules. The longest supratectal spinules are 0.64±0.05 μm in length and the smallest sculptural elements are less than 0.2 μm high. The microechinae density per sample area of 5 μm x 5 μm averages 17.4±2.4.
AB  - Palinomorfološke karakteristike Campanula lingulata, balkan­sko-karpatske endemične vrste proučene su uz pomoć svetlosne i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije, u cilju boljeg razumevanja taksonomske pozicije vrste unutar roda, kao i doprinosa atlasu polena apiflore Srbije. Polenova zrna su srednje veličine, oblatno-sferoidnog oblika, radijalno simetrična, izopolarna i 3-zonoporatna. Na porama se uočava operkulum. Prosečna dužina polarne ose (P) iznosi 27,6±1,9 μm, a ekvatorijalne (E) 28,8±1,6 μm. Površina tektuma je mikroretikulatna sa mikroehinatnom ornamentacijom. Površina egzine je prekrivena ravnomerno raspoređenim supratektalnim spinulama varijabilne dužine, kao i retkim granulama. Najduži supratektalni elementi iznose 0,64±0,05 μm, a najkraći su dužine do 0,2 μm. Broj mikroehina po jedinici površine 5 μm x 5 μm iznosi 17,4±2,4.
PB  - Matica srpska, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
T1  - Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae)
T1  - Morfologija polena Balkansko-Karpatskog endemita Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae)
EP  - 84
IS  - 130
SP  - 75
DO  - 10.2298/zmspn1630075M
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Jarić, Snežana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Palynomorphological characteristics of Campanula lingulata, the Balkan-Carpathian endemic species growing in Serbia, have been investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for the first time, in order to provide some information helpful for a better understanding of the taxonomic position of this species within the genus, as well as to contribute to the pollen atlas of Serbian apiflora. The pollen grains are radially symmetrical, isopolar, 3-zonoporate and medium-sized monads oblate-sphaeroidal in shape. Mean of the polar axis (P) is 27.6±1.9 μm, while the average length of the equatorial axis (E) is 28.8±1.6 μm. The apertures are operculate. The sculpturing pattern of the exine is microre­ticulate-microechinatae. The exine surface is covered with evenly distributed supratectal spinules of variable length and sparse granules. The longest supratectal spinules are 0.64±0.05 μm in length and the smallest sculptural elements are less than 0.2 μm high. The microechinae density per sample area of 5 μm x 5 μm averages 17.4±2.4., Palinomorfološke karakteristike Campanula lingulata, balkan­sko-karpatske endemične vrste proučene su uz pomoć svetlosne i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije, u cilju boljeg razumevanja taksonomske pozicije vrste unutar roda, kao i doprinosa atlasu polena apiflore Srbije. Polenova zrna su srednje veličine, oblatno-sferoidnog oblika, radijalno simetrična, izopolarna i 3-zonoporatna. Na porama se uočava operkulum. Prosečna dužina polarne ose (P) iznosi 27,6±1,9 μm, a ekvatorijalne (E) 28,8±1,6 μm. Površina tektuma je mikroretikulatna sa mikroehinatnom ornamentacijom. Površina egzine je prekrivena ravnomerno raspoređenim supratektalnim spinulama varijabilne dužine, kao i retkim granulama. Najduži supratektalni elementi iznose 0,64±0,05 μm, a najkraći su dužine do 0,2 μm. Broj mikroehina po jedinici površine 5 μm x 5 μm iznosi 17,4±2,4.",
publisher = "Matica srpska, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke",
title = "Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae), Morfologija polena Balkansko-Karpatskog endemita Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae)",
pages = "84-75",
number = "130",
doi = "10.2298/zmspn1630075M"
Mačukanović-Jocić, M.,& Jarić, S.. (2016). Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae). in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
Matica srpska, Novi Sad.(130), 75-84.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Jarić S. Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae). in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke. 2016;(130):75-84.
doi:10.2298/zmspn1630075M .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Jarić, Snežana, "Pollen morphology of the Balkan-Carpathian endemic Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit. (Campanulaceae)" in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, no. 130 (2016):75-84, . .

The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia)

Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina; Jarić, Snežana

(Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr., 2016)

AU  - Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina
AU  - Jarić, Snežana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The individual and community-level melliferous potential of apiflora was evaluated in southwestern Vojvodina in order to assess its significance and contribution to the bee pasture. Seven plant communities belonging to ruderal, segetal and floodplain type of vegetation, with a total of 279 plant species were registered. Apifloristic and phytocoenological investigations included the determination and analysis of honey plants using the following parameters: total number, percentage, abundance and frequency of these species in the communities, as well as their intensity of pollen and nectar production. The coenotic coefficient of melliferousness (CCm) indicating the melliferous potential of each community, was calculated based on the above parameters. Although the greatest number of melliferous species was found in the ass. Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae (132), the highest percentage (80%) of them was registered in the ass. Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis. Considering the coefficients of nectar and pollen production, the most valuable honey plants commonly present in the majority of communities were: Cirsium arvense, Rubus caesius, Lythrum salicaria, Daucus carota, Trifolium pratense, Dipsacus laciniatus, Medicago sativa, Asclepias syriaca, Cichorium intybus and Taraxacum officinale. The low abundance and frequency of melliferous species within the Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis, Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularis and Populetum nigrae-albae communities indicated their poor contribution to the bee pasture. Within ruderal vegetation, the highest CCm was registered in Amorpho-Typhaetum, providing, theoretically, the richest food resource for the honeybees in the investigated area.
PB  - Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.
T2  - Archives of Biological Sciences
T1  - The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia)
EP  - 91
IS  - 1
SP  - 81
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.2298/ABS150427130M
ER  - 
author = "Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina and Jarić, Snežana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The individual and community-level melliferous potential of apiflora was evaluated in southwestern Vojvodina in order to assess its significance and contribution to the bee pasture. Seven plant communities belonging to ruderal, segetal and floodplain type of vegetation, with a total of 279 plant species were registered. Apifloristic and phytocoenological investigations included the determination and analysis of honey plants using the following parameters: total number, percentage, abundance and frequency of these species in the communities, as well as their intensity of pollen and nectar production. The coenotic coefficient of melliferousness (CCm) indicating the melliferous potential of each community, was calculated based on the above parameters. Although the greatest number of melliferous species was found in the ass. Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae (132), the highest percentage (80%) of them was registered in the ass. Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis. Considering the coefficients of nectar and pollen production, the most valuable honey plants commonly present in the majority of communities were: Cirsium arvense, Rubus caesius, Lythrum salicaria, Daucus carota, Trifolium pratense, Dipsacus laciniatus, Medicago sativa, Asclepias syriaca, Cichorium intybus and Taraxacum officinale. The low abundance and frequency of melliferous species within the Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis, Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularis and Populetum nigrae-albae communities indicated their poor contribution to the bee pasture. Within ruderal vegetation, the highest CCm was registered in Amorpho-Typhaetum, providing, theoretically, the richest food resource for the honeybees in the investigated area.",
publisher = "Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.",
journal = "Archives of Biological Sciences",
title = "The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia)",
pages = "91-81",
number = "1",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.2298/ABS150427130M"
Mačukanović-Jocić, M.,& Jarić, S.. (2016). The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia). in Archives of Biological Sciences
Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr.., 68(1), 81-91.
Mačukanović-Jocić M, Jarić S. The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia). in Archives of Biological Sciences. 2016;68(1):81-91.
doi:10.2298/ABS150427130M .
Mačukanović-Jocić, Marina, Jarić, Snežana, "The melliferous potential of apiflora of southwestern Vojvodina (Serbia)" in Archives of Biological Sciences, 68, no. 1 (2016):81-91, . .

Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje

Дајић-Стевановић, Зора; Мачукановић-Јоцић, Марина; Ранчић, Драгана; Аћић, Светлана; Šoštarić, Ivan; Пећинар, Илинка

(Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 2016)

AU  - Дајић-Стевановић, Зора
AU  - Мачукановић-Јоцић, Марина
AU  - Ранчић, Драгана
AU  - Аћић, Светлана
AU  - Šoštarić, Ivan
AU  - Пећинар, Илинка
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Апстракт. Сунчево зрачење и периодичност његовог деловања су од пре- ног значаја за биљке. Поред свог основног и најважнијег значаја као извора енер- е у процесу фотосинтезе, светлост утиче на растење, развиће и структурну орга- зацију биљног тела, односно на испољавање морфолошких и анатомских особина льних вегетативних и генеративних органа. Биљке поседују фоторецепторне пиг- енте (хлорофил, каротеноиди, фитохроми, криптохроми и други), захваљујући којима у да осете сезонске промене у дужини трајања дана, као и да реагују на различите Ветлосне надражаје и различите светлосне спектре. Адаптације биљака на светлост - веома комплексне и регулисане су на генском и фитохормонском нивоу, као и преко женог система ћелијске и међућелијске сигнализације. У случају вишка апсорбо- светлости у односу на потребе фотосинтезе, јавља се фототоксични стрес, чији - ефекти ублажавају синтезом антиоксидативних једињења, ензима и секундарних стаболита. Биљне врсте које изазивају различите промене на кожи и друге негативне екте код људи и животиња изложених светлости, означавају се као фототоксичне ке. У савременим системима пољопривреде, користе се додатни извори светлости облику асимилационих лампи или специјалне покривке ради постизања већих при- и бољег квалитета гајених биљака.
PB  - Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
T2  - monografija
T1  - Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje
SP  - 55
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Дајић-Стевановић, Зора and Мачукановић-Јоцић, Марина and Ранчић, Драгана and Аћић, Светлана and Šoštarić, Ivan and Пећинар, Илинка",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Апстракт. Сунчево зрачење и периодичност његовог деловања су од пре- ног значаја за биљке. Поред свог основног и најважнијег значаја као извора енер- е у процесу фотосинтезе, светлост утиче на растење, развиће и структурну орга- зацију биљног тела, односно на испољавање морфолошких и анатомских особина льних вегетативних и генеративних органа. Биљке поседују фоторецепторне пиг- енте (хлорофил, каротеноиди, фитохроми, криптохроми и други), захваљујући којима у да осете сезонске промене у дужини трајања дана, као и да реагују на различите Ветлосне надражаје и различите светлосне спектре. Адаптације биљака на светлост - веома комплексне и регулисане су на генском и фитохормонском нивоу, као и преко женог система ћелијске и међућелијске сигнализације. У случају вишка апсорбо- светлости у односу на потребе фотосинтезе, јавља се фототоксични стрес, чији - ефекти ублажавају синтезом антиоксидативних једињења, ензима и секундарних стаболита. Биљне врсте које изазивају различите промене на кожи и друге негативне екте код људи и животиња изложених светлости, означавају се као фототоксичне ке. У савременим системима пољопривреде, користе се додатни извори светлости облику асимилационих лампи или специјалне покривке ради постизања већих при- и бољег квалитета гајених биљака.",
publisher = "Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti",
journal = "monografija",
booktitle = "Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje",
pages = "55",
url = ""
Дајић-Стевановић, З., Мачукановић-Јоцић, М., Ранчић, Д., Аћић, С., Šoštarić, I.,& Пећинар, И.. (2016). Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje. in monografija
Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti., 55.
Дајић-Стевановић З, Мачукановић-Јоцић М, Ранчић Д, Аћић С, Šoštarić I, Пећинар И. Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje. in monografija. 2016;:55. .
Дајић-Стевановић, Зора, Мачукановић-Јоцић, Марина, Ранчић, Драгана, Аћић, Светлана, Šoštarić, Ivan, Пећинар, Илинка, "Biljke i svetlost: rasvetljavanje" in monografija (2016):55, .