Radinović, Irena

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Radinović, Irena (15)
  • Čalić, Irena (2)
  • Radinović, Irena P. (1)

Author's Bibliography

The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Branković, Gordana; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2024)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7024
AB  - Red clover is an important fodder crop grown in all agricultural areas of the world, but is most
productive in temperate zones. It can be sown as a monoculture, but is a more often a component
of clover-grass mixtures. 46 red clover accessions were analyzed to determine the proportion of
surviving genotypes and observations were made during the second year of cultivation. The red
clover collection included accessions of different geographical origin and the trial was guided in
a randomized block design with three replicates at the testing place Rimski Šančevi in Novi Sad,
Serbia. Our results showed that the degree of ploidy had no effect on the distribution of surviving
plants. The most numerous and persistent genotypes were predominantly of southern European
and American/Australian origin. Genotypes from north-western Europe and central-eastern
Europe showed no tendency to group, but were evenly represented in terms of survival rate. The
observed phenotypic variation in the number of surviving red clover genotypes is the result of
both genetic and environmental factors, and when selecting for improved tolerance to biotic and
abiotic stress and for persistence, the origin of the parental material must be taken into account.
PB  - University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T2  - XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2024 - Book of abstracts
T1  - The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin
EP  - 181
SP  - 181
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7024
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Branković, Gordana and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Red clover is an important fodder crop grown in all agricultural areas of the world, but is most
productive in temperate zones. It can be sown as a monoculture, but is a more often a component
of clover-grass mixtures. 46 red clover accessions were analyzed to determine the proportion of
surviving genotypes and observations were made during the second year of cultivation. The red
clover collection included accessions of different geographical origin and the trial was guided in
a randomized block design with three replicates at the testing place Rimski Šančevi in Novi Sad,
Serbia. Our results showed that the degree of ploidy had no effect on the distribution of surviving
plants. The most numerous and persistent genotypes were predominantly of southern European
and American/Australian origin. Genotypes from north-western Europe and central-eastern
Europe showed no tendency to group, but were evenly represented in terms of survival rate. The
observed phenotypic variation in the number of surviving red clover genotypes is the result of
both genetic and environmental factors, and when selecting for improved tolerance to biotic and
abiotic stress and for persistence, the origin of the parental material must be taken into account.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
journal = "XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2024 - Book of abstracts",
title = "The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin",
pages = "181-181",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7024"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Branković, G., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2024). The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin. in XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2024 - Book of abstracts
University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, Bosnia and Herzegovina., 181-181.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Branković G, Živanović T, Prodanović S. The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin. in XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2024 - Book of abstracts. 2024;:181-181.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7024 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Branković, Gordana, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "The proportion of surviving genotypes of red clover in relation to their origin" in XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2024 - Book of abstracts (2024):181-181,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7024 .

Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama

Branković, Gordana; Radinović, Irena; Živanović, Tomislav; Knežević, Desimir

(Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Београду, 2023)

AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7011
AB  - Аутентичност хране је термин који се односи на подударање састава и садржаја хране и производа
од хране са декларацијом (описом). Преваре у погледу аутентичности хране се могу груписати
у три категорије: 1) замена аутентичног састојка са другим јефтинијим неаутентичним састојком
хране; 2) додавање недекларисаног неаутентичног састојка; 3) уклањање аутентичног састојка
хране. ДНК је отпорнија на индустријску прераду (висока температура, екстремни pH) у односу
на протеине и секундарне метаболите. За разлику од протеина, ДНК (или фрагменти ДНК) могу
да опстану након интензивне прераде излагањем температурама и до 120 °C (стерилизација при
конзервирању), и могу да буду детектовани методама идентификације. Профили протеина се
разликују у зависности од врсте ткива док је ДНК узета из било које ћелије организма иста, па
се било које ткиво може користити за идентификацију. За разликовањe јединки и сората (варијетета)
житарица (ДНК фингерпринтинг) служе ДНК секвенце које имају висок ниво полиморфизма
међу јединкама и популацијама, а у које спадају минисателити, SSR маркери (микросателити)
и SNP маркери. Real-time PCR методе уз коришћење анализе криве топљења служе за дискриминацију
пшенице, ражи, јечма и овса у узорцима хране на основу таргет гена за: ω-глијадин (пшеница);
ω-секалин (раж); хордеин (јечам); авенин (овас); и за дискриминацију ражи и тритикалеа на
основу таргет гена ω-секалина, и trnL интрона хлоропласта, што је важно за проверу аутентичности
прехрамбених производа који су означени да не садрже глутен. Коришћењем дуплекс PCR
методе са геном пуроиндолином b као таргетом у тестенини осушеној на високим температурама
омогућена је истовремена детекција обе врсте пшенице-T. durum и Т. aestivum ssp. aestivum са
границом детекције од 0.2% (w/w). Најчешћи скрининг таргети за Real-time PCR детекцију ГМО
су: промотор 35S мозаичног вирус карфиола, синтетички конструкт из Bacillus thuringiensis,
CryIA(b) синтетички ген, промотор 35S мозаичног вируса струпника, ген за неомицин
фосфотрансферазу II.
PB  - Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Београду
T2  - Jedanaesti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda,
T1  - Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama
EP  - 30
SP  - 29
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7011
ER  - 
author = "Branković, Gordana and Radinović, Irena and Živanović, Tomislav and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Аутентичност хране је термин који се односи на подударање састава и садржаја хране и производа
од хране са декларацијом (описом). Преваре у погледу аутентичности хране се могу груписати
у три категорије: 1) замена аутентичног састојка са другим јефтинијим неаутентичним састојком
хране; 2) додавање недекларисаног неаутентичног састојка; 3) уклањање аутентичног састојка
хране. ДНК је отпорнија на индустријску прераду (висока температура, екстремни pH) у односу
на протеине и секундарне метаболите. За разлику од протеина, ДНК (или фрагменти ДНК) могу
да опстану након интензивне прераде излагањем температурама и до 120 °C (стерилизација при
конзервирању), и могу да буду детектовани методама идентификације. Профили протеина се
разликују у зависности од врсте ткива док је ДНК узета из било које ћелије организма иста, па
се било које ткиво може користити за идентификацију. За разликовањe јединки и сората (варијетета)
житарица (ДНК фингерпринтинг) служе ДНК секвенце које имају висок ниво полиморфизма
међу јединкама и популацијама, а у које спадају минисателити, SSR маркери (микросателити)
и SNP маркери. Real-time PCR методе уз коришћење анализе криве топљења служе за дискриминацију
пшенице, ражи, јечма и овса у узорцима хране на основу таргет гена за: ω-глијадин (пшеница);
ω-секалин (раж); хордеин (јечам); авенин (овас); и за дискриминацију ражи и тритикалеа на
основу таргет гена ω-секалина, и trnL интрона хлоропласта, што је важно за проверу аутентичности
прехрамбених производа који су означени да не садрже глутен. Коришћењем дуплекс PCR
методе са геном пуроиндолином b као таргетом у тестенини осушеној на високим температурама
омогућена је истовремена детекција обе врсте пшенице-T. durum и Т. aestivum ssp. aestivum са
границом детекције од 0.2% (w/w). Најчешћи скрининг таргети за Real-time PCR детекцију ГМО
су: промотор 35S мозаичног вирус карфиола, синтетички конструкт из Bacillus thuringiensis,
CryIA(b) синтетички ген, промотор 35S мозаичног вируса струпника, ген за неомицин
фосфотрансферазу II.",
publisher = "Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Београду",
journal = "Jedanaesti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda,",
title = "Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama",
pages = "30-29",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7011"
Branković, G., Radinović, I., Živanović, T.,& Knežević, D.. (2023). Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama. in Jedanaesti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda,
Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Београду., 29-30.
Branković G, Radinović I, Živanović T, Knežević D. Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama. in Jedanaesti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda,. 2023;:29-30.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7011 .
Branković, Gordana, Radinović, Irena, Živanović, Tomislav, Knežević, Desimir, "Provera autentičnosti ratarskih proizvoda molekularno-genetičkim metodama" in Jedanaesti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda, (2023):29-30,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7011 .

Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Branković, Gordana; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2022)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7022
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) is a source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for
livestock feed. The objectives of this investigation were to: I) annotate associations of agronomic
and forage quality traits of red clover accessions; II) group accessions in relation to analyzed
traits. The plant material used included 46 cultivars and local populations, which originated from
17 countries, representing part of the red clover collection from the Institute of Field and
Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The field trial was sown during two growing seasons in
Novi Sad. The agronomic traits (plant height-PH, internodes number per stem-IN, green mass
yield-GMY, dry matter yield-DMY) were evaluated from the second cut in the nursery of the
second year of life. Forage quality traits analyzed were content of neutral detergent fibers (NDF),
acid detergent fiber (ADF), and crude protein (CP). In regard to very strong associations of PH,
GMY and DMY, and to moderately strong associations of PH and IN, it could be anticipated that
the indirect selection for higher plants with higher IN can lead to higher GMY and DMY. The
breeding of red clover for NDF and ADF and elevated CP might be successful, but can reduce
herbage yield (due to very weak positive and negative associations with GMY and DMY). The
accessions were grouped to the six clusters which can facilitate selection and breeding for
different agronomic and quality objectives.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
C3  - XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022” - Book of proceedings
T1  - Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)
EP  - 337
SP  - 332
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7022
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Branković, Gordana and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) is a source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for
livestock feed. The objectives of this investigation were to: I) annotate associations of agronomic
and forage quality traits of red clover accessions; II) group accessions in relation to analyzed
traits. The plant material used included 46 cultivars and local populations, which originated from
17 countries, representing part of the red clover collection from the Institute of Field and
Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The field trial was sown during two growing seasons in
Novi Sad. The agronomic traits (plant height-PH, internodes number per stem-IN, green mass
yield-GMY, dry matter yield-DMY) were evaluated from the second cut in the nursery of the
second year of life. Forage quality traits analyzed were content of neutral detergent fibers (NDF),
acid detergent fiber (ADF), and crude protein (CP). In regard to very strong associations of PH,
GMY and DMY, and to moderately strong associations of PH and IN, it could be anticipated that
the indirect selection for higher plants with higher IN can lead to higher GMY and DMY. The
breeding of red clover for NDF and ADF and elevated CP might be successful, but can reduce
herbage yield (due to very weak positive and negative associations with GMY and DMY). The
accessions were grouped to the six clusters which can facilitate selection and breeding for
different agronomic and quality objectives.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
journal = "XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022” - Book of proceedings",
title = "Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)",
pages = "337-332",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7022"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Branković, G., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2022). Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). in XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022” - Book of proceedings
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina., 332-337.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Branković G, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). in XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022” - Book of proceedings. 2022;:332-337.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7022 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Branković, Gordana, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Association of agronomic and forage quality traits in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)" in XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022” - Book of proceedings (2022):332-337,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7022 .

Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Branković, Gordana; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(Faculty of Agronomy Čačak, 2022)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6978
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for
animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morphoproductive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover – number of internodes, number
of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield.
The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships
between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions.
Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the
largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 red
clover accessions were separated in the dendrogram based upon UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean)
for eight morpho-productive traits. The first cluster included two subclusters, while the second cluster contained four
subclusters. The grouping of the accessions from the red clover collection by the UPGMA cluster analysis can be linked to the
geographical origin of the accessions: central and southern Europe for three subclusters and north-eastern Europe for one
PB  - Faculty of Agronomy Čačak
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits
EP  - 65
IS  - 53
SP  - 57
VL  - 27
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2253057R
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Branković, Gordana and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for
animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morphoproductive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover – number of internodes, number
of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield.
The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships
between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions.
Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the
largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 red
clover accessions were separated in the dendrogram based upon UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean)
for eight morpho-productive traits. The first cluster included two subclusters, while the second cluster contained four
subclusters. The grouping of the accessions from the red clover collection by the UPGMA cluster analysis can be linked to the
geographical origin of the accessions: central and southern Europe for three subclusters and north-eastern Europe for one
publisher = "Faculty of Agronomy Čačak",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits",
pages = "65-57",
number = "53",
volume = "27",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2253057R"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Branković, G., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2022). Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Faculty of Agronomy Čačak., 27(53), 57-65.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Branković G, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2022;27(53):57-65.
doi:10.5937/AASer2253057R .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Branković, Gordana, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Biodiversity of a red clover collection based on morpho-productive traits" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 27, no. 53 (2022):57-65,
https://doi.org/10.5937/AASer2253057R . .


Radinović, Irena P.; Vasiljević, Sanja Lj.; Branković, Gordana R.


AU  - Radinović, Irena P.
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja Lj.
AU  - Branković, Gordana R.
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6163
AB  - Red clover is an important perennial forage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for livestock feed, which is continuously improved by plant breeding efforts that rely significantly on trait correlation studies. A two-year field trial was conducted at Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. The aim of this research was to assess correlations of important morpho-agronomic traits and forage quality properties of 46 red clover accessions of diverse origins. The highest Spearman’s correlation coefficient (0.97, p<0.01) was found between the branch number and internode number per stem in the first experimental year. The green mass yield and the dry matter yield in both years had very high (0.95, p<0.01) and high (0.86, p<0.01) correlations, respectively. The stem height and internode number per stem had intermediate correlations in both years (0.68, p<0.01, and 0.50, p<0.01, respectively), and stem height exhibited an intermediate correlation with green mass yield (0.57, p<0.01, and 0.62, p<0.01, respectively) and dry matter yield (0.60, p<0.01, and 0.56, p <0.01, respectively) in both years. Thus, the indirect selection for higher plants with higher numbers of internodes per stem may contribute to accomplishing higher yield performance per plant. Although the branch number showed the highest positive correlation (p<0.01) with internode number per stem and an intermediate positive correlation (p<0.01) with stem height, this trait had a low correlation with green mass yield and dry matter yield and cannot be used as a criterion for indirect selection. © 2022 Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade). All rights reserved.
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
EP  - 151
IS  - 2
SP  - 139
VL  - 67
DO  - 10.2298/JAS2202139R
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena P. and Vasiljević, Sanja Lj. and Branković, Gordana R.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Red clover is an important perennial forage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for livestock feed, which is continuously improved by plant breeding efforts that rely significantly on trait correlation studies. A two-year field trial was conducted at Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. The aim of this research was to assess correlations of important morpho-agronomic traits and forage quality properties of 46 red clover accessions of diverse origins. The highest Spearman’s correlation coefficient (0.97, p<0.01) was found between the branch number and internode number per stem in the first experimental year. The green mass yield and the dry matter yield in both years had very high (0.95, p<0.01) and high (0.86, p<0.01) correlations, respectively. The stem height and internode number per stem had intermediate correlations in both years (0.68, p<0.01, and 0.50, p<0.01, respectively), and stem height exhibited an intermediate correlation with green mass yield (0.57, p<0.01, and 0.62, p<0.01, respectively) and dry matter yield (0.60, p<0.01, and 0.56, p <0.01, respectively) in both years. Thus, the indirect selection for higher plants with higher numbers of internodes per stem may contribute to accomplishing higher yield performance per plant. Although the branch number showed the highest positive correlation (p<0.01) with internode number per stem and an intermediate positive correlation (p<0.01) with stem height, this trait had a low correlation with green mass yield and dry matter yield and cannot be used as a criterion for indirect selection. © 2022 Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade). All rights reserved.",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)",
pages = "151-139",
number = "2",
volume = "67",
doi = "10.2298/JAS2202139R"
Radinović, I. P., Vasiljević, S. Lj.,& Branković, G. R.. (2022). CORRELATIONS OF MORPHO-AGRONOMIC TRAITS AND FORAGE QUALITY PROPERTIES IN DIVERSE RED CLOVER (TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE L.) COLLECTIONS. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67(2), 139-151.
doi:10.2298/JAS2202139R .
Radinović, Irena P., Vasiljević, Sanja Lj., Branković, Gordana R., "CORRELATIONS OF MORPHO-AGRONOMIC TRAITS AND FORAGE QUALITY PROPERTIES IN DIVERSE RED CLOVER (TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE L.) COLLECTIONS" in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67, no. 2 (2022):139-151,
https://doi.org/10.2298/JAS2202139R . .

Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity

Vasiljević, Sanja; Radinović, Irena; Branković, Gordana; Krstić, Sanja; Prodanović, Slaven; Živanović, Tomislav; Katanski, Snežana


AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Krstić, Sanja
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6231
AB  - Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses of a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collected and preserved in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The following traits were determined from the two-year field trial at Rimski Šančevi, Serbia: plant height (PH), internodes number (IN), green mass yield (GMY), dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV) and antioxidant activity. All accessions were characterized in the second cut of the second year of life when 20-25% of flowers appeared. Results. The cultivars had higher values for PH, IN, GMY, DMY, DDM, DMI, and RFV. The tetraploid accessions had higher values for IN, GMY, DMY, CP, NDF and DDM. The natural populations and diploid accessions had 39.9% and 21.9% smaller antioxidant capacity, respectively. The antioxidant capacity was positively associated with RFV, DDM, DMI, PH, IN, GMY and DMY, but negatively with ADF and NDF. Conclusions. The grouping of red clover accessions based on forage quality parameters and antioxidant activity was represented by five clusters. High-quality cultivars had a shorter length of internodes and a good leaf to stem ratio with a high leaf proportion. © 2022, University of Liege Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. All rights reserved.
T2  - Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment
T2  - Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment
T1  - Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity
EP  - 223
IS  - 4
SP  - 210
VL  - 26
DO  - 10.25518/1780-4507.19967
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Sanja and Radinović, Irena and Branković, Gordana and Krstić, Sanja and Prodanović, Slaven and Živanović, Tomislav and Katanski, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses of a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collected and preserved in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The following traits were determined from the two-year field trial at Rimski Šančevi, Serbia: plant height (PH), internodes number (IN), green mass yield (GMY), dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV) and antioxidant activity. All accessions were characterized in the second cut of the second year of life when 20-25% of flowers appeared. Results. The cultivars had higher values for PH, IN, GMY, DMY, DDM, DMI, and RFV. The tetraploid accessions had higher values for IN, GMY, DMY, CP, NDF and DDM. The natural populations and diploid accessions had 39.9% and 21.9% smaller antioxidant capacity, respectively. The antioxidant capacity was positively associated with RFV, DDM, DMI, PH, IN, GMY and DMY, but negatively with ADF and NDF. Conclusions. The grouping of red clover accessions based on forage quality parameters and antioxidant activity was represented by five clusters. High-quality cultivars had a shorter length of internodes and a good leaf to stem ratio with a high leaf proportion. © 2022, University of Liege Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment",
title = "Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity",
pages = "223-210",
number = "4",
volume = "26",
doi = "10.25518/1780-4507.19967"
Vasiljević, S., Radinović, I., Branković, G., Krstić, S., Prodanović, S., Živanović, T.,& Katanski, S.. (2022). Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity. in Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment, 26(4), 210-223.
Vasiljević S, Radinović I, Branković G, Krstić S, Prodanović S, Živanović T, Katanski S. Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity. in Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment. 2022;26(4):210-223.
doi:10.25518/1780-4507.19967 .
Vasiljević, Sanja, Radinović, Irena, Branković, Gordana, Krstić, Sanja, Prodanović, Slaven, Živanović, Tomislav, Katanski, Snežana, "Evaluation of a diverse collection of red clover for forage quality and antioxidant activity" in Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment, 26, no. 4 (2022):210-223,
https://doi.org/10.25518/1780-4507.19967 . .

Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial

Branković, Gordana; Dodig, Dejan; Knežević, Desimir; Đurić, Nenad; Vasiljević, Sanja; Radinović, Irena; Pavlov, Jovan

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021)

AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Pavlov, Jovan
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7023
AB  - The Zeleny sedimentation volume (ZS) is lean upon the ability of the endosperm storage proteins
to swell and flocculate in a lactic acid and propan-2-ol solution in the presence of the dye,
manifesting positive correlations with gluten strength, bread-making quality, the cooking quality
of pasta, bread-loaf volume. The aims of this study were to assess variability and components of
phenotypic variation using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for ZS of 30 genotypes
(G) of bread wheat and durum wheat. The field trials were conducted during 2010-2011 and
2011-2012 vegetation seasons (S) at the three locations (L) in Serbia: Rimski Šančevi, Zemun
Polje, and Padinska Skela. ZS was determined by Near infrared spectrometry with the Infraneo
analyser (Chopin Technologies, France), with calibration NF ISO 5529. ZS content varied from
39.41 ml to 67.12 ml for bread wheat, and from 37.40 ml to 48.33 ml for durum wheat. The
Tukey (HSD) test showed 11 and 8 homogenic sub-groups for ZS in bread wheat and durum
wheat, respectively. The descending sources of variation by its contribution to ZS were: G > L >
G × L > L × S × G > G × S > S > L × S for bread wheat, and S > G > G × L > L > L × S × G > G
× S > L × S for durum wheat. The relation genetic component of variance/component of variance
genotype × environment interaction was 1.0 for bread wheat, and 0.48 for durum wheat.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T2  - XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2021” - Book of abstracts
T1  - Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial
EP  - 203
SP  - 203
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7023
ER  - 
author = "Branković, Gordana and Dodig, Dejan and Knežević, Desimir and Đurić, Nenad and Vasiljević, Sanja and Radinović, Irena and Pavlov, Jovan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The Zeleny sedimentation volume (ZS) is lean upon the ability of the endosperm storage proteins
to swell and flocculate in a lactic acid and propan-2-ol solution in the presence of the dye,
manifesting positive correlations with gluten strength, bread-making quality, the cooking quality
of pasta, bread-loaf volume. The aims of this study were to assess variability and components of
phenotypic variation using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for ZS of 30 genotypes
(G) of bread wheat and durum wheat. The field trials were conducted during 2010-2011 and
2011-2012 vegetation seasons (S) at the three locations (L) in Serbia: Rimski Šančevi, Zemun
Polje, and Padinska Skela. ZS was determined by Near infrared spectrometry with the Infraneo
analyser (Chopin Technologies, France), with calibration NF ISO 5529. ZS content varied from
39.41 ml to 67.12 ml for bread wheat, and from 37.40 ml to 48.33 ml for durum wheat. The
Tukey (HSD) test showed 11 and 8 homogenic sub-groups for ZS in bread wheat and durum
wheat, respectively. The descending sources of variation by its contribution to ZS were: G > L >
G × L > L × S × G > G × S > S > L × S for bread wheat, and S > G > G × L > L > L × S × G > G
× S > L × S for durum wheat. The relation genetic component of variance/component of variance
genotype × environment interaction was 1.0 for bread wheat, and 0.48 for durum wheat.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
journal = "XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2021” - Book of abstracts",
title = "Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial",
pages = "203-203",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7023"
Branković, G., Dodig, D., Knežević, D., Đurić, N., Vasiljević, S., Radinović, I.,& Pavlov, J.. (2021). Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2021” - Book of abstracts
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina., 203-203.
Branković G, Dodig D, Knežević D, Đurić N, Vasiljević S, Radinović I, Pavlov J. Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial. in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2021” - Book of abstracts. 2021;:203-203.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7023 .
Branković, Gordana, Dodig, Dejan, Knežević, Desimir, Đurić, Nenad, Vasiljević, Sanja, Radinović, Irena, Pavlov, Jovan, "Variability of Zeleny sedimentation volume in bread wheat and durum wheat from multi-environment trial" in XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2021” - Book of abstracts (2021):203-203,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7023 .

Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице

Branković, Gordana; Dodig, Dejan; Knežević, Desimir; Đurić, Nenad; Vasiljević, Sanja; Radinović, Irena; Pavlov, Jovan

(Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021)

AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Pavlov, Jovan
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7018
AB  - Глутен је протеински комплекс брашна пшенице изграђен од резервних протеина зрна
глутенина и глијадина, који остаје након испирања теста водом у циљу уклањања
скробних гранула и састојака растворљивих у води. Пекарска индустрија прописује да
брашно поседује дефинисане особине квалитета за садржај протеина, влажног и сувог
глутена, реолошкe особинe. Однос за садржај влажног глутена и протеина од 2,7 до 3
поседује тесто са оптималним пекарским карактеристикама. Циљеви овог рада су били:
мултиваријациона анализа варијансе, одређивање компоненти фенотипске варијансе,
херитабилности у ширем смислу (h2
b), очекиване генетичке добити (GAM) za садржај
влажног глутена (WG) код 30 генотипова (G) хлебне и дурум пшенице.
Пољски огледи су вршени током 2010-2011. и 2011-2012 вегетационе сезоне (S) на три
локалитета (L): Римски Шанчеви, Земун Поље, и Падинска Скела. Садржај WG је
одређен NIR спектрометријoм на анализатору Infraneo (Chopin Technologies,
Француска) стандардном методoм калибрацијe NF EN ISO 21415-2. Варијабилност
садржаја WG је била у опсегу 22,83%-30,31% код хлебне пшенице, и 28,87%-36,33%
код дурум пшенице. Број хомогених подгрупа за WG утврђених на основу Tukey (HSD)
теста је био 9 код хлебне пшенице и 7 код дурум пшенице. Утврђена је хијерархија
значајности извора варирања за WG: S > L > G > L × S > G × S > L × S × G > G × L за
хлебну пшеницу, и S > L × S > G > G × L > L > G × S > L × S × G за дурум пшеницу.
Количник генетичке компоненте варијансе и компоненте варијансе услед интеракције
генотип × средина је износио 2,9 код хлебне пшенице, и 0,7 код дурум пшенице.
Квантитативно генетички параметри h2
b и GAM су имали веома високе, и високе
вредности 93,6% и 18,4%, код хлебне пшенице, и средње високе вредности 79,7% и
10,2% код дурум пшенице, антиципирајући успех у селекцији хлебне пшенице на
висок WG.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
T1  - Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице
EP  - 34
SP  - 33
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7018
ER  - 
author = "Branković, Gordana and Dodig, Dejan and Knežević, Desimir and Đurić, Nenad and Vasiljević, Sanja and Radinović, Irena and Pavlov, Jovan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Глутен је протеински комплекс брашна пшенице изграђен од резервних протеина зрна
глутенина и глијадина, који остаје након испирања теста водом у циљу уклањања
скробних гранула и састојака растворљивих у води. Пекарска индустрија прописује да
брашно поседује дефинисане особине квалитета за садржај протеина, влажног и сувог
глутена, реолошкe особинe. Однос за садржај влажног глутена и протеина од 2,7 до 3
поседује тесто са оптималним пекарским карактеристикама. Циљеви овог рада су били:
мултиваријациона анализа варијансе, одређивање компоненти фенотипске варијансе,
херитабилности у ширем смислу (h2
b), очекиване генетичке добити (GAM) za садржај
влажног глутена (WG) код 30 генотипова (G) хлебне и дурум пшенице.
Пољски огледи су вршени током 2010-2011. и 2011-2012 вегетационе сезоне (S) на три
локалитета (L): Римски Шанчеви, Земун Поље, и Падинска Скела. Садржај WG је
одређен NIR спектрометријoм на анализатору Infraneo (Chopin Technologies,
Француска) стандардном методoм калибрацијe NF EN ISO 21415-2. Варијабилност
садржаја WG је била у опсегу 22,83%-30,31% код хлебне пшенице, и 28,87%-36,33%
код дурум пшенице. Број хомогених подгрупа за WG утврђених на основу Tukey (HSD)
теста је био 9 код хлебне пшенице и 7 код дурум пшенице. Утврђена је хијерархија
значајности извора варирања за WG: S > L > G > L × S > G × S > L × S × G > G × L за
хлебну пшеницу, и S > L × S > G > G × L > L > G × S > L × S × G за дурум пшеницу.
Количник генетичке компоненте варијансе и компоненте варијансе услед интеракције
генотип × средина је износио 2,9 код хлебне пшенице, и 0,7 код дурум пшенице.
Квантитативно генетички параметри h2
b и GAM су имали веома високе, и високе
вредности 93,6% и 18,4%, код хлебне пшенице, и средње високе вредности 79,7% и
10,2% код дурум пшенице, антиципирајући успех у селекцији хлебне пшенице на
висок WG.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda",
title = "Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице",
pages = "34-33",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7018"
Branković, G., Dodig, D., Knežević, D., Đurić, N., Vasiljević, S., Radinović, I.,& Pavlov, J.. (2021). Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице. in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu., 33-34.
Branković G, Dodig D, Knežević D, Đurić N, Vasiljević S, Radinović I, Pavlov J. Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице. in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda. 2021;:33-34.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7018 .
Branković, Gordana, Dodig, Dejan, Knežević, Desimir, Đurić, Nenad, Vasiljević, Sanja, Radinović, Irena, Pavlov, Jovan, "Квантитативно-генетички параметри за садржај влажног глутена код хлебне и дурум пшенице" in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda (2021):33-34,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7018 .

Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice

Branković, Gordana; Dodig, Dejan; Knežević, Desimir; Đurić, Nenad; Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Pavlov, Jovan

(Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021)

AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Pavlov, Jovan
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7013
AB  - Протеини су важни у детерминисању нутритивне вредности пшенице, а међу њима је
најважнији глутен јер одређује пекарски квалитет хлебне пшенице и технолошке
особине тестенине дурум пшенице. Садржај протеина је важан фактор за одређивање
цене пшенице на тржишту, и обично је виша цена тврде пшенице са већим садржајем
протеина и меке пшенице са нижим садржајем протеина. Од значаја је одређивање
генетичких параметара за садржај протеина, јер указују на могућност побољшања
селекцијом. Циљеви овог истраживања су обухватали: утврђивање варијабилности
садржаја протеина (PC), одређивање компоненти фенотипске варијансе,
херитабилности у ширем смислу (h2
b), очекиване генетичке добити (GAM) код 30
генотипова хлебне и дурум пшенице. Пољски експерименти су постављени током
вегетационих сезона 2010-2011. и 2011-2012. на три локалитета: Римски Шанчеви,
Земун Поље, и Падинска Скела. Садржај PC је одређен NIR спектрометријoм на
анализатору Infraneo (Chopin Technologies, Француска) стандардном методoм
калибрацијe ISO 16634-1. Варијабилност садржаја PC је била у интервалу од 12,35% до
15,40% код хлебне пшенице, и од 14,33% до 17,07% код дурум пшенице. Број
хомогених подгрупа за PC утврђених на основу Tukey (HSD) теста је био 10 код хлебне
пшенице и 11 код дурум пшенице. Коефицијент генетичке варијације (CVg) и
коефицијент фенотипске варијације (CVp) су износили 6,28% и 6,44% код хлебне
пшенице, и 4,12% и 4,58% код дурум пшенице. Количник генетичке компоненте
варијансе и компоненте варијансе услед интеракције генотип × средина за садржај PC
је износио 3,2 код хлебне пшенице, и 0,7 код дурум пшенице. Вредност h2
b (94,9%) и
GAM (12,6%) за садржај PC је била веома висока, и средња, код хлебне пшенице, са
предвиђеним умереним побољшањем селекцијом. Вредност h2
b (80,7%) и GAM (7,6%)
за садржај PC је била умерено висока, и ниска, код дурум пшенице.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
T1  - Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice
EP  - 43
SP  - 42
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7013
ER  - 
author = "Branković, Gordana and Dodig, Dejan and Knežević, Desimir and Đurić, Nenad and Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Pavlov, Jovan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Протеини су важни у детерминисању нутритивне вредности пшенице, а међу њима је
најважнији глутен јер одређује пекарски квалитет хлебне пшенице и технолошке
особине тестенине дурум пшенице. Садржај протеина је важан фактор за одређивање
цене пшенице на тржишту, и обично је виша цена тврде пшенице са већим садржајем
протеина и меке пшенице са нижим садржајем протеина. Од значаја је одређивање
генетичких параметара за садржај протеина, јер указују на могућност побољшања
селекцијом. Циљеви овог истраживања су обухватали: утврђивање варијабилности
садржаја протеина (PC), одређивање компоненти фенотипске варијансе,
херитабилности у ширем смислу (h2
b), очекиване генетичке добити (GAM) код 30
генотипова хлебне и дурум пшенице. Пољски експерименти су постављени током
вегетационих сезона 2010-2011. и 2011-2012. на три локалитета: Римски Шанчеви,
Земун Поље, и Падинска Скела. Садржај PC је одређен NIR спектрометријoм на
анализатору Infraneo (Chopin Technologies, Француска) стандардном методoм
калибрацијe ISO 16634-1. Варијабилност садржаја PC је била у интервалу од 12,35% до
15,40% код хлебне пшенице, и од 14,33% до 17,07% код дурум пшенице. Број
хомогених подгрупа за PC утврђених на основу Tukey (HSD) теста је био 10 код хлебне
пшенице и 11 код дурум пшенице. Коефицијент генетичке варијације (CVg) и
коефицијент фенотипске варијације (CVp) су износили 6,28% и 6,44% код хлебне
пшенице, и 4,12% и 4,58% код дурум пшенице. Количник генетичке компоненте
варијансе и компоненте варијансе услед интеракције генотип × средина за садржај PC
је износио 3,2 код хлебне пшенице, и 0,7 код дурум пшенице. Вредност h2
b (94,9%) и
GAM (12,6%) за садржај PC је била веома висока, и средња, код хлебне пшенице, са
предвиђеним умереним побољшањем селекцијом. Вредност h2
b (80,7%) и GAM (7,6%)
за садржај PC је била умерено висока, и ниска, код дурум пшенице.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda",
title = "Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice",
pages = "43-42",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7013"
Branković, G., Dodig, D., Knežević, D., Đurić, N., Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S.,& Pavlov, J.. (2021). Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice. in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu., 42-43.
Branković G, Dodig D, Knežević D, Đurić N, Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Pavlov J. Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice. in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda. 2021;:42-43.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7013 .
Branković, Gordana, Dodig, Dejan, Knežević, Desimir, Đurić, Nenad, Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Pavlov, Jovan, "Komponente fenotipske varijanse i očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj proteina kod hlebne i durum pšenice" in Deseti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda (2021):42-43,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7013 .

Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Branković, Gordana; Milošević, Branko; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2019)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7004
AB  - Црвена детелина (Trifolium pratense L.) је важна крмна легуминоза адаптирана за гајење широм света. Корисна је врста у фиксирању азота и у системима ротације усева за обогаћивање тла. Црвена детелина се гаји као чист усев или у смешама са другим врстама дајући висококвалитетно сено или силажу. Унапређене перзистентне сорте се могу користити за испашу. Црвена детелина је алогамна врста и високо је значајна у привлачењу корисних опрашивача. У овом истраживању коришћено је 46 генотипова црвене детелине који су део колекције Института за ратарство и повртарство у Новом Саду. Морфолошка својства су била окарактерисана према протоколу УПОВ (2001): форма раста, време цветања, боја листа, маљавост стабљике и интензитет обојености пеге на листу. Истих 46 генотипова црвене детелине који су коришћени за морфолошку карактеризацију испитано је коришћењем 14 SSR (SSR-simple sequence repeats) маркера. Анализа молекуларне варијансе (АМОVА) је извршена да би се уочила расподела генетичка варијансе између и унутар четири кластера која су добијена на основу морфолошких особина генотипова. SSR aнализа молекуларне варијансе за 46 генотипова црвене детелине груписаних према морфолошким особинама није указала на постојање статистички значајне међугрупне диференцијације и такође је показала ниску генетичку диференцијацију између група, што сугерише да је већина укупне генетичке варијабилости била присутна унутар популација. Такође, одабрани SSR маркери нису били адекватни маркери за селектоване морфолошке особине, али неки други маркери могу бити кориснији за те намене.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Deveti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
T1  - Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes
EP  - 63
SP  - 62
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7004
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Branković, Gordana and Milošević, Branko and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Црвена детелина (Trifolium pratense L.) је важна крмна легуминоза адаптирана за гајење широм света. Корисна је врста у фиксирању азота и у системима ротације усева за обогаћивање тла. Црвена детелина се гаји као чист усев или у смешама са другим врстама дајући висококвалитетно сено или силажу. Унапређене перзистентне сорте се могу користити за испашу. Црвена детелина је алогамна врста и високо је значајна у привлачењу корисних опрашивача. У овом истраживању коришћено је 46 генотипова црвене детелине који су део колекције Института за ратарство и повртарство у Новом Саду. Морфолошка својства су била окарактерисана према протоколу УПОВ (2001): форма раста, време цветања, боја листа, маљавост стабљике и интензитет обојености пеге на листу. Истих 46 генотипова црвене детелине који су коришћени за морфолошку карактеризацију испитано је коришћењем 14 SSR (SSR-simple sequence repeats) маркера. Анализа молекуларне варијансе (АМОVА) је извршена да би се уочила расподела генетичка варијансе између и унутар четири кластера која су добијена на основу морфолошких особина генотипова. SSR aнализа молекуларне варијансе за 46 генотипова црвене детелине груписаних према морфолошким особинама није указала на постојање статистички значајне међугрупне диференцијације и такође је показала ниску генетичку диференцијацију између група, што сугерише да је већина укупне генетичке варијабилости била присутна унутар популација. Такође, одабрани SSR маркери нису били адекватни маркери за селектоване морфолошке особине, али неки други маркери могу бити кориснији за те намене.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Deveti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda",
title = "Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes",
pages = "63-62",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7004"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Branković, G., Milošević, B., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes. in Deveti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda
Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu., 62-63.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Branković G, Milošević B, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes. in Deveti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda. 2019;:62-63.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7004 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Branković, Gordana, Milošević, Branko, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Relationship between SSR molecular and morphological variation of red clover genotypes" in Deveti simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji“ - Zbornik izvoda (2019):62-63,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7004 .

SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Perović, Dragan; Branković, Gordana; Milošević, Branko; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2019)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Perović, Dragan
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6992
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is forage legume with multipurpose value and evaluation
of its genetic diversity is fundamental for its breeding. Plant material in this investigation
consisted of 46 red clover accessions that came from throughout the world and our
experiment was evaluated based on a trial that was set up in a randomized block design with
three replications according to the UPOV descriptor (2001). The traits of interest were
following agronomical and quality properties: number of internodes (NOI), stem length
(STL), yield of green mass (YGM), yield of dry matter (YDM), crude protein (CP), acid
detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF). In the evaluation of red clover
genotypes that were grouped according to the agronomical and chemical traits, the genotypes
were separated into four clusters. The determined sample segregation was tried to
interconnect with DNA level variation. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on
14 Simple sequence repeats (SSR) was performed to assess genetic variation within and
between red clover populations that were previously clustered. AMOVA did not show
statistically significant intergroup differentiation. The index of genetic differentiation (ΦST)
among groups was also estimated using the AMOVA procedure and it revealed weak genetic
differentiation between these four clusters. As in many other marker supported experiments,
in this investigation, AMOVA showed that the larger proportion of variation resided within
population level.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T2  - X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019”
T1  - SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes
EP  - 221
SP  - 221
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6992
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Perović, Dragan and Branković, Gordana and Milošević, Branko and Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is forage legume with multipurpose value and evaluation
of its genetic diversity is fundamental for its breeding. Plant material in this investigation
consisted of 46 red clover accessions that came from throughout the world and our
experiment was evaluated based on a trial that was set up in a randomized block design with
three replications according to the UPOV descriptor (2001). The traits of interest were
following agronomical and quality properties: number of internodes (NOI), stem length
(STL), yield of green mass (YGM), yield of dry matter (YDM), crude protein (CP), acid
detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF). In the evaluation of red clover
genotypes that were grouped according to the agronomical and chemical traits, the genotypes
were separated into four clusters. The determined sample segregation was tried to
interconnect with DNA level variation. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on
14 Simple sequence repeats (SSR) was performed to assess genetic variation within and
between red clover populations that were previously clustered. AMOVA did not show
statistically significant intergroup differentiation. The index of genetic differentiation (ΦST)
among groups was also estimated using the AMOVA procedure and it revealed weak genetic
differentiation between these four clusters. As in many other marker supported experiments,
in this investigation, AMOVA showed that the larger proportion of variation resided within
population level.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
journal = "X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019”",
title = "SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes",
pages = "221-221",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6992"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Perović, D., Branković, G., Milošević, B.,& Šurlan-Momirović, G.. (2019). SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes. in X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019”
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina., 221-221.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Perović D, Branković G, Milošević B, Šurlan-Momirović G. SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes. in X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019”. 2019;:221-221.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6992 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Perović, Dragan, Branković, Gordana, Milošević, Branko, Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana, "SSR analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for red clover genotypes" in X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2019” (2019):221-221,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6992 .

Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera

Vasiljević, Sanja; Radinović, Irena; Zorić, Miroslav; Branković, Gordana; Milošević, Branko; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Zorić, Miroslav
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7001
AB  - Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.), izrazito stranooplodna biljna vrsta, koja se odlikuje gametofitskim sistemom inkompatibilnosti, a populacije su heterogene i sastoje se od heterozigotnih genotipova. Da bi biljni genetiĉki resursi mogli biti korišćeni u programima oplemenjivanja, neophodno je izvršiti prethodnu karakterizaciju i evaluaciju uzoraka, koji se nalaze u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan i sveobuhvatan opis germplazme crvene deteline je jedan od osnovnih preduslova u ostvarivanju uspešnog oplemenjivanja. Cilj ovog istraţivanja je bio da se  posredstvom analize homogenosti (HOMALS) oceni fenotipska varijabilnosti 46 genotipova crvene deteline koji su deo kolekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Analiza homogenosti ("Homogeneity analysis-HOMALS"), poznata i kao višestruka korespodentna analiza ("Multiple correspondence analysis-MCA"), omogućava prouĉavanje povezanosti većeg broja kvalitativnih varijabli, tj. kategoriĉkih, nominalnih podataka. Na osnovu HOMALS analize ĉetiri morfološke osobine (forma rasta, maljavost stabljike, boja lista i intenzitet obojenosti pege na listu) i jedne fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja), prisutne kod 46 genotipova crvene deteline konstruisan je HOMALS grafikon, pri ĉemu je prvom osom objašnjeno 38,4%, a drugom osom 32,8% ukupne varijabilnosti podataka morfoloških deskriptora (i jednog fenološkog). Distanca izmeĊu dva genotipa na grafikonu je odraz sliĉnosti njihovih profila. Analizirani genotipovi crvene deteline su na osnovu sliĉnosti njihovih morfološko-fenoloških profila grupisani u 7 homogenih grupa. HOMALS analiza je omogućila da se jasno izdvoje oni genotipovi crvene deteline koji su bili sa jedinstvenim profilima u odnosu na homogene grupe, a takvi genotipovi nisu bili jasno uoĉljivi pri primeni UPGMA klaster metode. HOMALS metoda se pokazala kao informativnija, jer je jasnije prikazala morfološku varijabilnost ispitivanog materijala.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
T2  - Šesti simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i Deveti simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije - Knjiga apstrakata
T1  - Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera
EP  - 18
SP  - 17
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7001
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Sanja and Radinović, Irena and Zorić, Miroslav and Branković, Gordana and Milošević, Branko and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.), izrazito stranooplodna biljna vrsta, koja se odlikuje gametofitskim sistemom inkompatibilnosti, a populacije su heterogene i sastoje se od heterozigotnih genotipova. Da bi biljni genetiĉki resursi mogli biti korišćeni u programima oplemenjivanja, neophodno je izvršiti prethodnu karakterizaciju i evaluaciju uzoraka, koji se nalaze u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan i sveobuhvatan opis germplazme crvene deteline je jedan od osnovnih preduslova u ostvarivanju uspešnog oplemenjivanja. Cilj ovog istraţivanja je bio da se  posredstvom analize homogenosti (HOMALS) oceni fenotipska varijabilnosti 46 genotipova crvene deteline koji su deo kolekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Analiza homogenosti ("Homogeneity analysis-HOMALS"), poznata i kao višestruka korespodentna analiza ("Multiple correspondence analysis-MCA"), omogućava prouĉavanje povezanosti većeg broja kvalitativnih varijabli, tj. kategoriĉkih, nominalnih podataka. Na osnovu HOMALS analize ĉetiri morfološke osobine (forma rasta, maljavost stabljike, boja lista i intenzitet obojenosti pege na listu) i jedne fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja), prisutne kod 46 genotipova crvene deteline konstruisan je HOMALS grafikon, pri ĉemu je prvom osom objašnjeno 38,4%, a drugom osom 32,8% ukupne varijabilnosti podataka morfoloških deskriptora (i jednog fenološkog). Distanca izmeĊu dva genotipa na grafikonu je odraz sliĉnosti njihovih profila. Analizirani genotipovi crvene deteline su na osnovu sliĉnosti njihovih morfološko-fenoloških profila grupisani u 7 homogenih grupa. HOMALS analiza je omogućila da se jasno izdvoje oni genotipovi crvene deteline koji su bili sa jedinstvenim profilima u odnosu na homogene grupe, a takvi genotipovi nisu bili jasno uoĉljivi pri primeni UPGMA klaster metode. HOMALS metoda se pokazala kao informativnija, jer je jasnije prikazala morfološku varijabilnost ispitivanog materijala.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Šesti simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i Deveti simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije - Knjiga apstrakata",
title = "Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera",
pages = "18-17",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7001"
Vasiljević, S., Radinović, I., Zorić, M., Branković, G., Milošević, B., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2018). Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera. in Šesti simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i Deveti simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije - Knjiga apstrakata
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije., 17-18.
Vasiljević S, Radinović I, Zorić M, Branković G, Milošević B, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera. in Šesti simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i Deveti simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije - Knjiga apstrakata. 2018;:17-18.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7001 .
Vasiljević, Sanja, Radinović, Irena, Zorić, Miroslav, Branković, Gordana, Milošević, Branko, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Fenotipska varijabilnost crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) korišćenjem morfoloških markera" in Šesti simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i Deveti simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije - Knjiga apstrakata (2018):17-18,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7001 .

Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Zorić, Miroslav; Branković, Gordana; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Zorić, Miroslav
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4670
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly used as a source of animal food. The present research aimed at assessment of genetic diversity based on morphological markers, through the analyses of five morphological markers in a collection of 46 red clover genotypes. These morphological markers were screened according to the UPOV descriptor (2001) in the trial laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The traits analyzed and investigated were: time of flowering, growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks. The average value of Shannon's diversity index for five morphological markers amounted 0.711. Homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) of the same five descriptors accounted for 71.2% of the total variation of the standardized data, with the first and second axis explaining 38.4% and 32.8% of the morphological variability, respectively. Based on this analyses all red clover genotypes were grouped into seven homogeneous groups in two-dimensional space, thus providing visualization of genotypes diversity based on their morphological traits. UPGMA cluster analysis of the same morphological markers allowed the description of four groups with genetic distances represented by the simple matching coefficient of similarity ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. Observed results achieved by these two analyses were compared and although both of analyses were successful in grouping and discrimination of red clover genotypes with some similarities and differences, priority in future breeding programs was given to the HOMALS.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers
EP  - 906
IS  - 3
SP  - 895
VL  - 50
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1803895R
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Zorić, Miroslav and Branković, Gordana and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly used as a source of animal food. The present research aimed at assessment of genetic diversity based on morphological markers, through the analyses of five morphological markers in a collection of 46 red clover genotypes. These morphological markers were screened according to the UPOV descriptor (2001) in the trial laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The traits analyzed and investigated were: time of flowering, growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks. The average value of Shannon's diversity index for five morphological markers amounted 0.711. Homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) of the same five descriptors accounted for 71.2% of the total variation of the standardized data, with the first and second axis explaining 38.4% and 32.8% of the morphological variability, respectively. Based on this analyses all red clover genotypes were grouped into seven homogeneous groups in two-dimensional space, thus providing visualization of genotypes diversity based on their morphological traits. UPGMA cluster analysis of the same morphological markers allowed the description of four groups with genetic distances represented by the simple matching coefficient of similarity ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. Observed results achieved by these two analyses were compared and although both of analyses were successful in grouping and discrimination of red clover genotypes with some similarities and differences, priority in future breeding programs was given to the HOMALS.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers",
pages = "906-895",
number = "3",
volume = "50",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1803895R"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Zorić, M., Branković, G., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2018). Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 50(3), 895-906.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Zorić M, Branković G, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers. in Genetika. 2018;50(3):895-906.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1803895R .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Zorić, Miroslav, Branković, Gordana, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers" in Genetika, 50, no. 3 (2018):895-906,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR1803895R . .

Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Aleksić, Jordan; Radović, Jasmina; Salem Ahsyee, Ramadan; Branković, Gordana

(Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2017)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Aleksić, Jordan
AU  - Radović, Jasmina
AU  - Salem Ahsyee, Ramadan
AU  - Branković, Gordana
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6991
AB  - Red clover breeding is usually directed at improving productive traits, but recently it is also
oriented to the quality traits, including the content and the stability of proteins, content of
soluble carbohydrates and digestibility of cell wall. Th e main part of the structural carbohydrates
is found in the plant cell walls, and it is defi ned through the concept of fi ber. Th e parameters ADF
(acid detergent fi ber) and NDF (neutral detergent fi ber) represent fi ber fractions that are only
partially available to animals and which are indicators of the consumption and digestibility of the
dry matter. Th e aim of this study was determination of the crude protein, ADF and NDF content
for 46 red clover varieties and populations, classifi cation of genotypes based on the estimated
quality parameters and selection of the most promising genotypes for further breeding. On the
basis of these three parameters, the analyzed red clover genotypes were clearly grouped into
two clusters, while one cluster was without subclusters and the another one was composed of
two subclusters. Classifi cation of genotypes, as well as group composition based on the analysis
of quality parameters, may be important for understanding the variability of genotypes at the
quality level and for future breeding programs for quality improvement.
PB  - Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
T2  - 52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture
T1  - Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality
EP  - 103
SP  - 103
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6991
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Aleksić, Jordan and Radović, Jasmina and Salem Ahsyee, Ramadan and Branković, Gordana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Red clover breeding is usually directed at improving productive traits, but recently it is also
oriented to the quality traits, including the content and the stability of proteins, content of
soluble carbohydrates and digestibility of cell wall. Th e main part of the structural carbohydrates
is found in the plant cell walls, and it is defi ned through the concept of fi ber. Th e parameters ADF
(acid detergent fi ber) and NDF (neutral detergent fi ber) represent fi ber fractions that are only
partially available to animals and which are indicators of the consumption and digestibility of the
dry matter. Th e aim of this study was determination of the crude protein, ADF and NDF content
for 46 red clover varieties and populations, classifi cation of genotypes based on the estimated
quality parameters and selection of the most promising genotypes for further breeding. On the
basis of these three parameters, the analyzed red clover genotypes were clearly grouped into
two clusters, while one cluster was without subclusters and the another one was composed of
two subclusters. Classifi cation of genotypes, as well as group composition based on the analysis
of quality parameters, may be important for understanding the variability of genotypes at the
quality level and for future breeding programs for quality improvement.",
publisher = "Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek",
journal = "52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture",
title = "Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality",
pages = "103-103",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6991"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Aleksić, J., Radović, J., Salem Ahsyee, R.,& Branković, G.. (2017). Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality. in 52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek., 103-103.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Aleksić J, Radović J, Salem Ahsyee R, Branković G. Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality. in 52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture. 2017;:103-103.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6991 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Aleksić, Jordan, Radović, Jasmina, Salem Ahsyee, Ramadan, Branković, Gordana, "Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality" in 52nd Croatian and 12th International Symposium on Agriculture (2017):103-103,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6991 .

Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers

Radinović, Irena

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2017)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/49
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is cross-pollinated plant species which is characterized by gametophytic self-incompatibility, and its populations are heterogeneous with heterozygous genotypes. The prior characterization and evaluation of samples that are in the collections of germplasm are important for using plant genetic resources in breeding programs. A thorough and comprehensive description of red clover germplasm is one of the main prerequisites for achieving a successful breeding. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to evaluate the phenotype variability of 46 genotypes of red clover as part of the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, on the basis of agronomically important traits and morphological markers by UPOV. Molecular characterization of 46 genotypes of red clover was performed by applying the set of 15 microsatellite markers in order to establish the genetic variability of selected materials and its importance in breeding for certain agronomically important traits. In addition, in the tested material were determined certain important quality parameters: crude protein (CP) content, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Through the analysis of four morphological traits (growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks) and one phenological trait) it was determined a high level of diversity of red clover genotypes and time of flowering is defined as the descriptor of the greatest discriminatory power. There was some degree of consensus in grouping genotypes using the analysis of homogeneity in relation to cluster analysis. In determining the morphological similarities and determining the qualities that contribute most to the discrimination of genotypes of red clover, homogeneity analysis has proven to be better compared to the cluster method...
AB  - Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je izrazito stranooplodna biljna vrsta koja se odlikuje gametofitskim sistemom inkompatibilnosti, a populacije su heterogene i sastoje se od heterozigotnih genotipova. Da bi biljni genetički resursi mogli biti korišćeni u programima oplemenjivanja, neophodno je izvršiti prethodnu karakterizaciju i evaluaciju uzoraka, koji se nalaze u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan i sveobuhvatan opis germplazme crvene deteline je jedan od osnovnih preduslova u ostvarivanju uspešnog oplemenjivanja. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je obuhvatao evaluaciju fenotipske varijabilnosti 46 genotipova crvene deteline koji su deo kolekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a na osnovu agronomski značajnih osobina i morfoloških markera po UPOV-u. Primenom odabranog seta od 15 mikrosatelitskih markera izvršena je molekularna karakterizacija 46 genotipova crvene deteline, kako bi se ustanovila genetička varijabilnost materijala i njegov značaj za oplemenjivanje na određene agronomski važne osobine. Osim toga, kod ispitivanih genotipova crvene deteline su određeni i značajni parametri kvaliteta: sadržaj sirovih proteina, vlakna nerastvorljiva u kiselom deterdžentu (ADF-acid detergent fiber) i vlakna nerastvorljiva u neutralnom deterdžentu (NDF- neutral detergent fiber). Na osnovu analize četiri morfološke osobine (forma rasta, maljavost stabljike, boja lista i intenzitet obojenosti pege na listu) i jedne fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja), utvrđen je visok nivo diverziteta ispitivanih genotipova crvene deteline, a vreme cvetanja je određeno kao deskriptor najveće diskriminacione moći. Postignut je određeni stepen saglasnosti u grupisanju genotipova primenom analize homogenosti u odnosu na klaster analizu. Pri utvrđivanju morfološke sličnosti i određivanju osobina koje najviše doprinose diskriminaciji genotipova crvene deteline metod analize homogenosti se pokazao kao bolji u odnosu na klaster metod...
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T1  - Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers
T1  - Varijabilnost genotipova crvene deteline na osnovu agronomskih osobina, morfoloških i mikrosatelitskih markera
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_8109
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is cross-pollinated plant species which is characterized by gametophytic self-incompatibility, and its populations are heterogeneous with heterozygous genotypes. The prior characterization and evaluation of samples that are in the collections of germplasm are important for using plant genetic resources in breeding programs. A thorough and comprehensive description of red clover germplasm is one of the main prerequisites for achieving a successful breeding. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to evaluate the phenotype variability of 46 genotypes of red clover as part of the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, on the basis of agronomically important traits and morphological markers by UPOV. Molecular characterization of 46 genotypes of red clover was performed by applying the set of 15 microsatellite markers in order to establish the genetic variability of selected materials and its importance in breeding for certain agronomically important traits. In addition, in the tested material were determined certain important quality parameters: crude protein (CP) content, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Through the analysis of four morphological traits (growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks) and one phenological trait) it was determined a high level of diversity of red clover genotypes and time of flowering is defined as the descriptor of the greatest discriminatory power. There was some degree of consensus in grouping genotypes using the analysis of homogeneity in relation to cluster analysis. In determining the morphological similarities and determining the qualities that contribute most to the discrimination of genotypes of red clover, homogeneity analysis has proven to be better compared to the cluster method..., Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je izrazito stranooplodna biljna vrsta koja se odlikuje gametofitskim sistemom inkompatibilnosti, a populacije su heterogene i sastoje se od heterozigotnih genotipova. Da bi biljni genetički resursi mogli biti korišćeni u programima oplemenjivanja, neophodno je izvršiti prethodnu karakterizaciju i evaluaciju uzoraka, koji se nalaze u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan i sveobuhvatan opis germplazme crvene deteline je jedan od osnovnih preduslova u ostvarivanju uspešnog oplemenjivanja. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je obuhvatao evaluaciju fenotipske varijabilnosti 46 genotipova crvene deteline koji su deo kolekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a na osnovu agronomski značajnih osobina i morfoloških markera po UPOV-u. Primenom odabranog seta od 15 mikrosatelitskih markera izvršena je molekularna karakterizacija 46 genotipova crvene deteline, kako bi se ustanovila genetička varijabilnost materijala i njegov značaj za oplemenjivanje na određene agronomski važne osobine. Osim toga, kod ispitivanih genotipova crvene deteline su određeni i značajni parametri kvaliteta: sadržaj sirovih proteina, vlakna nerastvorljiva u kiselom deterdžentu (ADF-acid detergent fiber) i vlakna nerastvorljiva u neutralnom deterdžentu (NDF- neutral detergent fiber). Na osnovu analize četiri morfološke osobine (forma rasta, maljavost stabljike, boja lista i intenzitet obojenosti pege na listu) i jedne fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja), utvrđen je visok nivo diverziteta ispitivanih genotipova crvene deteline, a vreme cvetanja je određeno kao deskriptor najveće diskriminacione moći. Postignut je određeni stepen saglasnosti u grupisanju genotipova primenom analize homogenosti u odnosu na klaster analizu. Pri utvrđivanju morfološke sličnosti i određivanju osobina koje najviše doprinose diskriminaciji genotipova crvene deteline metod analize homogenosti se pokazao kao bolji u odnosu na klaster metod...",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
title = "Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers, Varijabilnost genotipova crvene deteline na osnovu agronomskih osobina, morfoloških i mikrosatelitskih markera",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_8109"
Radinović, I.. (2017). Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet..
Radinović I. Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers. 2017;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_8109 .
Radinović, Irena, "Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of agronomic traits, morphological and microsatellite markers" (2017),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_8109 .

Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers

Radinović, Irena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Branković, Gordana; Ahsyee, Ramadan Salem; Momirović, Una; Perović, Dragan; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana

(Inst Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chillan, 2017)

AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Ahsyee, Ramadan Salem
AU  - Momirović, Una
AU  - Perović, Dragan
AU  - Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4331
AB  - Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm.
PB  - Inst Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chillan
T2  - Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research
T1  - Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers
EP  - 47
IS  - 1
SP  - 41
VL  - 77
DO  - 10.4067/S0718-58392017000100005
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Irena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Branković, Gordana and Ahsyee, Ramadan Salem and Momirović, Una and Perović, Dragan and Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm.",
publisher = "Inst Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chillan",
journal = "Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research",
title = "Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers",
pages = "47-41",
number = "1",
volume = "77",
doi = "10.4067/S0718-58392017000100005"
Radinović, I., Vasiljević, S., Branković, G., Ahsyee, R. S., Momirović, U., Perović, D.,& Šurlan-Momirović, G.. (2017). Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers. in Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research
Inst Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chillan., 77(1), 41-47.
Radinović I, Vasiljević S, Branković G, Ahsyee RS, Momirović U, Perović D, Šurlan-Momirović G. Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers. in Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 2017;77(1):41-47.
doi:10.4067/S0718-58392017000100005 .
Radinović, Irena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Branković, Gordana, Ahsyee, Ramadan Salem, Momirović, Una, Perović, Dragan, Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana, "Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers" in Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 77, no. 1 (2017):41-47,
https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-58392017000100005 . .

Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes

Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana; Katić, Slobodan; Vasiljević, Sanja; Nikolić, Zorica; Branković, Gordana; Čalić, Irena; Milić, Dragan; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana
AU  - Katić, Slobodan
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Nikolić, Zorica
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Čalić, Irena
AU  - Milić, Dragan
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2010
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2284
AB  - Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, longevity, resistance to diseases and pests, resistance to limiting abiotic conditions and polyploidy is more efficient and precise if genetic markers are used. Estimates based on isozyme polymorphism may underestimate overall levels of genetic variation because they are sampling only coding regions of DNA that may be conserved to maintain the function of the enzymes. The complete coverage of a genome can be achieved only by the use of molecular variability indicators (DNA polymorphism), i.e. molecular markers. Molecular markers are independent of environmental influences and can be detected in all plant development stages. The main aspects of genetic markers use in perennial legumes breeding are: germplasm characterisation, genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, marker assisted selection (MAS), variety identification and protection of plant breeders' rights.
AB  - Oplemenjivanje višegodišnjih leguminoza za mnoge agronomski značajne osobine kao što su prinos semena, perzistentnost, dugovečnost, otpornost na bolesti i štetočine, otpornost na limitirajuće abiotičke uslove i pojavu poliploidije efikasnije je i preciznije ako se u radu primenjuju i genetički markeri. Polimorfi zam genotipova zasnovan na profi lima izoenzima može da potceni ukupan nivo genetičke varijanse jer se odnosi na kodirajuće regione DNK koji su bili konzervirani kroz evoluciju da bi se očuvala funkcija enzima. Kompletna pokrivenost genoma može se ostvariti samo primenom pokazatelja molekularne varijabilnosti (DNK polimorfizam) tj. molekularnim markerima. Pored toga, molekularni markeri ne zavise od uslova spoljašnje sredine i mogu se detektovati u svim stadijumima fazama razvića biljaka. Glavni aspekti primene genetičkih markera u oplemenjivanju višegodišnjih leguminoza se odnose na: karakterizaciju germplazme, mapiranje vezanih gena, QTL analizu, selekciju uz pomoć markera (MAS), identifikaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes
T1  - Primena genetičkih markera u oplemenjivanju višegodišnjih leguminoza
EP  - 424
IS  - 2
SP  - 417
VL  - 47
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2284
ER  - 
author = "Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana and Katić, Slobodan and Vasiljević, Sanja and Nikolić, Zorica and Branković, Gordana and Čalić, Irena and Milić, Dragan and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, longevity, resistance to diseases and pests, resistance to limiting abiotic conditions and polyploidy is more efficient and precise if genetic markers are used. Estimates based on isozyme polymorphism may underestimate overall levels of genetic variation because they are sampling only coding regions of DNA that may be conserved to maintain the function of the enzymes. The complete coverage of a genome can be achieved only by the use of molecular variability indicators (DNA polymorphism), i.e. molecular markers. Molecular markers are independent of environmental influences and can be detected in all plant development stages. The main aspects of genetic markers use in perennial legumes breeding are: germplasm characterisation, genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, marker assisted selection (MAS), variety identification and protection of plant breeders' rights., Oplemenjivanje višegodišnjih leguminoza za mnoge agronomski značajne osobine kao što su prinos semena, perzistentnost, dugovečnost, otpornost na bolesti i štetočine, otpornost na limitirajuće abiotičke uslove i pojavu poliploidije efikasnije je i preciznije ako se u radu primenjuju i genetički markeri. Polimorfi zam genotipova zasnovan na profi lima izoenzima može da potceni ukupan nivo genetičke varijanse jer se odnosi na kodirajuće regione DNK koji su bili konzervirani kroz evoluciju da bi se očuvala funkcija enzima. Kompletna pokrivenost genoma može se ostvariti samo primenom pokazatelja molekularne varijabilnosti (DNK polimorfizam) tj. molekularnim markerima. Pored toga, molekularni markeri ne zavise od uslova spoljašnje sredine i mogu se detektovati u svim stadijumima fazama razvića biljaka. Glavni aspekti primene genetičkih markera u oplemenjivanju višegodišnjih leguminoza se odnose na: karakterizaciju germplazme, mapiranje vezanih gena, QTL analizu, selekciju uz pomoć markera (MAS), identifikaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes, Primena genetičkih markera u oplemenjivanju višegodišnjih leguminoza",
pages = "424-417",
number = "2",
volume = "47",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2284"
Šurlan-Momirović, G., Katić, S., Vasiljević, S., Nikolić, Z., Branković, G., Čalić, I., Milić, D.,& Mikić, A.. (2010). Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 47(2), 417-424.
Šurlan-Momirović G, Katić S, Vasiljević S, Nikolić Z, Branković G, Čalić I, Milić D, Mikić A. Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2010;47(2):417-424.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2284 .
Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana, Katić, Slobodan, Vasiljević, Sanja, Nikolić, Zorica, Branković, Gordana, Čalić, Irena, Milić, Dragan, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Use of genetic markers in breeding of perennial legumes" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 47, no. 2 (2010):417-424,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2284 .

Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids

Čvarković, Radomir; Branković, Gordana; Čalić, Irena; Delić, Nenad; Živanović, Tomislav; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Čvarković, Radomir
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Čalić, Irena
AU  - Delić, Nenad
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2054
AB  - Two-year grain yield and 1000-grains mass data of 24 maize hybrids of FAO maturity groups 400, 500, 600, 700 were analyzed. Investigations were performed at the two environments in two years. Nonparametric methods of the Kubinger and the van der Laan-de Kroon showed genotype x environment interaction for both investigated features, and method of Hildebrand showed interaction for 1000-grains mass. Maize hybrids stability was estimated with stability parameters: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments, Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks, Si(3).and Si(6): the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks, respectively. On the basis of the stability parametar values, the most stable and the most unstable hybrids were estimated for each FAO maturity group, for both investigated features. Correlation coefficients between both investigated features and stability parameters and for all pairs of stability parameters were computed. In spite of the positive correlations estimated between all four stability parameters, we can make two groups: the first group formed: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments and Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks and the second group formed: Si(3) and Si(6)- the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks respectively.
AB  - Analizirani su dvogodišnji podaci prinosa i mase 1000 semena kod 24 hibrida kukuruza FAO grupe zrenja 400, 500, 600 i 700. Istraživanja su izvršena na dva lokaliteta tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda. Primenom neparametrijskih metoda: Kubingerove i van der Laana i de Kroona, utvrđeno je postojanje interakcije genotip × spoljašnja sredina za obe ispitivane osobine a metoda Hildebranda je utvrdila postojanje interakcije za masu 1000 zrna. Stabilnost hibrida procenjena je pomoću neparametrijskih parametara stabilnosti: Si(1)- prosečne razlike rangova u različitim sredinama; Si(2)- varijanse rangova; Si(3) i Si(6)- relativnog odstupanja u odnosu na prosečan rang. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti parametara stabilnosti utvrđeni su najstabilniji i najnestabilniji hibridi za svaku FAO grupu zrenja, kod obe ispitivane osobine. Izračunati su koeficijenti korelacije između obe ispitivane osobine i parametara stabilnosti kao i između samih parametara stabilnosti. Iako je između sva četiri parametra stabilnosti utvrđena jaka povezanost, ipak se može govoriti o dve grupe parametara stabilnosti: u prvu grupu spadaju prosečna razlika rangova u različitim sredinama i varijansa rangova, a u drugu grupu relativno odstupanje u odnosu na prosečan rang.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids
T1  - Stabilnost prinosa i komponenti prinosa hibrida kukuruza
EP  - 224
IS  - 2
SP  - 215
VL  - 41
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR0902215C
ER  - 
author = "Čvarković, Radomir and Branković, Gordana and Čalić, Irena and Delić, Nenad and Živanović, Tomislav and Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Two-year grain yield and 1000-grains mass data of 24 maize hybrids of FAO maturity groups 400, 500, 600, 700 were analyzed. Investigations were performed at the two environments in two years. Nonparametric methods of the Kubinger and the van der Laan-de Kroon showed genotype x environment interaction for both investigated features, and method of Hildebrand showed interaction for 1000-grains mass. Maize hybrids stability was estimated with stability parameters: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments, Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks, Si(3).and Si(6): the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks, respectively. On the basis of the stability parametar values, the most stable and the most unstable hybrids were estimated for each FAO maturity group, for both investigated features. Correlation coefficients between both investigated features and stability parameters and for all pairs of stability parameters were computed. In spite of the positive correlations estimated between all four stability parameters, we can make two groups: the first group formed: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments and Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks and the second group formed: Si(3) and Si(6)- the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks respectively., Analizirani su dvogodišnji podaci prinosa i mase 1000 semena kod 24 hibrida kukuruza FAO grupe zrenja 400, 500, 600 i 700. Istraživanja su izvršena na dva lokaliteta tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda. Primenom neparametrijskih metoda: Kubingerove i van der Laana i de Kroona, utvrđeno je postojanje interakcije genotip × spoljašnja sredina za obe ispitivane osobine a metoda Hildebranda je utvrdila postojanje interakcije za masu 1000 zrna. Stabilnost hibrida procenjena je pomoću neparametrijskih parametara stabilnosti: Si(1)- prosečne razlike rangova u različitim sredinama; Si(2)- varijanse rangova; Si(3) i Si(6)- relativnog odstupanja u odnosu na prosečan rang. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti parametara stabilnosti utvrđeni su najstabilniji i najnestabilniji hibridi za svaku FAO grupu zrenja, kod obe ispitivane osobine. Izračunati su koeficijenti korelacije između obe ispitivane osobine i parametara stabilnosti kao i između samih parametara stabilnosti. Iako je između sva četiri parametra stabilnosti utvrđena jaka povezanost, ipak se može govoriti o dve grupe parametara stabilnosti: u prvu grupu spadaju prosečna razlika rangova u različitim sredinama i varijansa rangova, a u drugu grupu relativno odstupanje u odnosu na prosečan rang.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids, Stabilnost prinosa i komponenti prinosa hibrida kukuruza",
pages = "224-215",
number = "2",
volume = "41",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR0902215C"
Čvarković, R., Branković, G., Čalić, I., Delić, N., Živanović, T.,& Šurlan-Momirović, G.. (2009). Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 41(2), 215-224.
Čvarković R, Branković G, Čalić I, Delić N, Živanović T, Šurlan-Momirović G. Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids. in Genetika. 2009;41(2):215-224.
doi:10.2298/GENSR0902215C .
Čvarković, Radomir, Branković, Gordana, Čalić, Irena, Delić, Nenad, Živanović, Tomislav, Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana, "Stability of yield and yield components in maize hybrids" in Genetika, 41, no. 2 (2009):215-224,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR0902215C . .