Radivojević, Ljiljana

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  • Radivojević, Ljiljana (22)

Author's Bibliography

Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Tojić, Teodora; Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena; Đorđević, Tijana; Đurović-Pejčev, Rada; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Božić, Dragana; Vrbničanin, Sava


AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Tojić, Teodora
AU  - Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Đorđević, Tijana
AU  - Đurović-Pejčev, Rada
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6369
AB  - This study focused on characterizing chemically and evaluating in vitro allelopathic and bioherbicidal potential of secondary metabolites extracted from the stem of Cuscuta campestris in seed germination, early seedling growth and early plant growth of Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleracea. The combined effects of stem extract and a reduced dose of herbicide metribuzin were also examined. Plant extract contained 17 phenolic compounds and the most abundant phenols were flavonoids: quercetin, (+)-catechin, daidzin, luteolin, and rutin. The seeds of P. oleracea were less sensitive than the seeds of A. retroflexus. The seed bioassay confirmed the inhibitory effect of stem extract on germination and early growth of both weed seedlings at concentrations of 0.75 % and 1 %, and a minor inhibitory effect in the plant bioassay. On the other hand, a synergy of C. campestris stem extract and metribuzin was revealed, as their combination achieved better results in the control of both weed species. Based on obtained data C. campestris stem extract could be a potential source of natural-based weed control molecules. © 2023 Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T2  - Chemistry and Biodiversity
T1  - Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L
DO  - 10.1002/cbdv.202300270
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Tojić, Teodora and Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena and Đorđević, Tijana and Đurović-Pejčev, Rada and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Božić, Dragana and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This study focused on characterizing chemically and evaluating in vitro allelopathic and bioherbicidal potential of secondary metabolites extracted from the stem of Cuscuta campestris in seed germination, early seedling growth and early plant growth of Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleracea. The combined effects of stem extract and a reduced dose of herbicide metribuzin were also examined. Plant extract contained 17 phenolic compounds and the most abundant phenols were flavonoids: quercetin, (+)-catechin, daidzin, luteolin, and rutin. The seeds of P. oleracea were less sensitive than the seeds of A. retroflexus. The seed bioassay confirmed the inhibitory effect of stem extract on germination and early growth of both weed seedlings at concentrations of 0.75 % and 1 %, and a minor inhibitory effect in the plant bioassay. On the other hand, a synergy of C. campestris stem extract and metribuzin was revealed, as their combination achieved better results in the control of both weed species. Based on obtained data C. campestris stem extract could be a potential source of natural-based weed control molecules. © 2023 Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland.",
journal = "Chemistry and Biodiversity, Chemistry and Biodiversity",
title = "Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L",
doi = "10.1002/cbdv.202300270"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Tojić, T., Gajić Umiljendić, J., Đorđević, T., Đurović-Pejčev, R., Radivojević, L., Božić, D.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2023). Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L. in Chemistry and Biodiversity.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Tojić T, Gajić Umiljendić J, Đorđević T, Đurović-Pejčev R, Radivojević L, Božić D, Vrbničanin S. Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L. in Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2023;.
doi:10.1002/cbdv.202300270 .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Tojić, Teodora, Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena, Đorđević, Tijana, Đurović-Pejčev, Rada, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Božić, Dragana, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Phytochemical Investigation of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Stem Extract and Evaluation of Its Bioherbicidal Effect on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Portulaca oleracea L" in Chemistry and Biodiversity (2023),
https://doi.org/10.1002/cbdv.202300270 . .

Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji

Janjić, Vaskrsija; Vrbničanin, Sava; Goran, Malidža; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Pavlović, Danijela; Božić, Dragana; Konstantinović, Bojan


AU  - Janjić, Vaskrsija
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Goran, Malidža
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Konstantinović, Bojan
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6789
AB  - Развој Хербологије (биологија, екологија и сузбијање корова) као научне и стручне дисциплине, код нас и у свету, везује се за прву половину XX века. Појава хербицида за сузбијање корова представља прекретницу у развоју знања о проблемима корова, посебно о мерама за њихово сузбијање. То се десило четрдесетих година прошлог века (1938. године) када је Irvin открио β-нафта сирћетну киселину, као физиолошки активно хемијско једињење, што је допринело да Pokorni 1941. године синтетише први хербицид 2,4-D. Југословенска комисија за корове, у оквиру Савезне привредне коморе, формирана је 1955. године. Чланови те комисјије су били истакнути стручњаци тога доба са простора бивше СФРЈ: Војислав Новаковић, Стојан Чутурило, Момчило Којић, Александар Станковић и други. Године, 1956. године, у Српској академији наука и уметности, одржано је Прво саветовање о борби против корова (прво такве врсте у Европи) под покровитељством Савета Академија наука ФНРЈ. У периоду од 1955 до 1975. године одржано је 11 југословенских саветовања о борби против корова. Поред саветовања општег типа организовано је и успешно спроведено седам специфичних саветовања и симпозијума. Југословенско друштво за проучавање и сузбијање корова иницирало је и организовало Први конгрес о коровима 1980. године. Након тога одржан је значајан број конгреса, симпозијума и саветовања са различитим тематикама из области биолошко-еколошких проучавања корова и њиховог сузбијања. Са распадом Југославије, односно од 1992. године активности Југословенског друштва за проучавање и сузбијање корова преузело је новоформирано Херболошко друштво Србије. До сада је организовано десет конгреса о коровима и три међународна симпозијума. Наши истраживачи своје резултате из различитих сегмената херболошке проблематике публикују у више домаћих часописа: Acta herbologica, Pesticide & Phytomedicina, Заштита биља, Биљни лекар и др. У Србији научна и стручна активност херболога реализује се у оквиру пројеката које финансира МПНТР и МПШВ Р. Србије. Тренутно и у скоријој прошлости наши истраживачи укључени су у више међународних пројеката (TEMPUS, FP7-REGPOT, IPA, COST акција, билатерални пројеки, ERASMUS+). На универзитетима тематика о коровима предаје се у оквиру више предмета на основним, мастер и докторским студијама. Поред великог броја дипломских и мастер радова такође и значајан број докторских дисертација је одбрањен са темама из области: коровдске вегетације, инвазивни корови, резистентност корова и толерантност усева на хербициде, интеракција усев-коров, ефикасност и селективност хербицида, нехемијске мере сузбијања корова, итд. Такође, наши истакнути херболози су објавили значајан број монографија, уџбеника, приручника и практикума, а међу њима посебно су се истакли М. Којић и В. Јањић. Претходна, актуелна као и будућа истраживања из хербологије фокусирана су на: проучавања у области диверзитета коровске флоре и вегетације, као и популационе екологије са циљем очувања генофонда и развоја нових биотехнологија у заштити биља; мапирање економски штетних и инвазивних корова и развој софтвера у циљу предвиђања појаве и њиховог ширења; мултидисциплинарни приступ у анализи и разумевању толерантности усева и резистентности корова на хербициде и њихов утицај на глобалну производњу хране; развој модела за процену појаве корова на основу процењених резерви семена и вегетативних репродуктивних органа у земљишту; критично време за сузбијање корова и прагови штетности у циљу унапређење система сузбијања корова у различитим системима биљне произодње; рационализација у примени хербицида, побољшање формулација које се тичу висококвалитетне и сигурне производње хране; истраживања у области биохербицида као будуће генерације средстава за сузбијање корова чија примена треба да буде одржива са аспекта здравља биља и животне средине; развој, унапређење и имплементација нехемијских мера у сузбијању корова као важног сегемента интегралног система сузбијања корова, односно јединог прихватљивог у органској производњи; побољшање интегрисаног управљања коровима у конвенционалној биљној производњи итд.
C3  - Zaštita zdravlja biljaka
T1  - Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji
EP  - 170
SP  - 155
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6789
ER  - 
author = "Janjić, Vaskrsija and Vrbničanin, Sava and Goran, Malidža and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Pavlović, Danijela and Božić, Dragana and Konstantinović, Bojan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Развој Хербологије (биологија, екологија и сузбијање корова) као научне и стручне дисциплине, код нас и у свету, везује се за прву половину XX века. Појава хербицида за сузбијање корова представља прекретницу у развоју знања о проблемима корова, посебно о мерама за њихово сузбијање. То се десило четрдесетих година прошлог века (1938. године) када је Irvin открио β-нафта сирћетну киселину, као физиолошки активно хемијско једињење, што је допринело да Pokorni 1941. године синтетише први хербицид 2,4-D. Југословенска комисија за корове, у оквиру Савезне привредне коморе, формирана је 1955. године. Чланови те комисјије су били истакнути стручњаци тога доба са простора бивше СФРЈ: Војислав Новаковић, Стојан Чутурило, Момчило Којић, Александар Станковић и други. Године, 1956. године, у Српској академији наука и уметности, одржано је Прво саветовање о борби против корова (прво такве врсте у Европи) под покровитељством Савета Академија наука ФНРЈ. У периоду од 1955 до 1975. године одржано је 11 југословенских саветовања о борби против корова. Поред саветовања општег типа организовано је и успешно спроведено седам специфичних саветовања и симпозијума. Југословенско друштво за проучавање и сузбијање корова иницирало је и организовало Први конгрес о коровима 1980. године. Након тога одржан је значајан број конгреса, симпозијума и саветовања са различитим тематикама из области биолошко-еколошких проучавања корова и њиховог сузбијања. Са распадом Југославије, односно од 1992. године активности Југословенског друштва за проучавање и сузбијање корова преузело је новоформирано Херболошко друштво Србије. До сада је организовано десет конгреса о коровима и три међународна симпозијума. Наши истраживачи своје резултате из различитих сегмената херболошке проблематике публикују у више домаћих часописа: Acta herbologica, Pesticide & Phytomedicina, Заштита биља, Биљни лекар и др. У Србији научна и стручна активност херболога реализује се у оквиру пројеката које финансира МПНТР и МПШВ Р. Србије. Тренутно и у скоријој прошлости наши истраживачи укључени су у више међународних пројеката (TEMPUS, FP7-REGPOT, IPA, COST акција, билатерални пројеки, ERASMUS+). На универзитетима тематика о коровима предаје се у оквиру више предмета на основним, мастер и докторским студијама. Поред великог броја дипломских и мастер радова такође и значајан број докторских дисертација је одбрањен са темама из области: коровдске вегетације, инвазивни корови, резистентност корова и толерантност усева на хербициде, интеракција усев-коров, ефикасност и селективност хербицида, нехемијске мере сузбијања корова, итд. Такође, наши истакнути херболози су објавили значајан број монографија, уџбеника, приручника и практикума, а међу њима посебно су се истакли М. Којић и В. Јањић. Претходна, актуелна као и будућа истраживања из хербологије фокусирана су на: проучавања у области диверзитета коровске флоре и вегетације, као и популационе екологије са циљем очувања генофонда и развоја нових биотехнологија у заштити биља; мапирање економски штетних и инвазивних корова и развој софтвера у циљу предвиђања појаве и њиховог ширења; мултидисциплинарни приступ у анализи и разумевању толерантности усева и резистентности корова на хербициде и њихов утицај на глобалну производњу хране; развој модела за процену појаве корова на основу процењених резерви семена и вегетативних репродуктивних органа у земљишту; критично време за сузбијање корова и прагови штетности у циљу унапређење система сузбијања корова у различитим системима биљне произодње; рационализација у примени хербицида, побољшање формулација које се тичу висококвалитетне и сигурне производње хране; истраживања у области биохербицида као будуће генерације средстава за сузбијање корова чија примена треба да буде одржива са аспекта здравља биља и животне средине; развој, унапређење и имплементација нехемијских мера у сузбијању корова као важног сегемента интегралног система сузбијања корова, односно јединог прихватљивог у органској производњи; побољшање интегрисаног управљања коровима у конвенционалној биљној производњи итд.",
journal = "Zaštita zdravlja biljaka",
title = "Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji",
pages = "170-155",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6789"
Janjić, V., Vrbničanin, S., Goran, M., Radivojević, L., Pavlović, D., Božić, D.,& Konstantinović, B.. (2022). Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji. in Zaštita zdravlja biljaka
Janjić V, Vrbničanin S, Goran M, Radivojević L, Pavlović D, Božić D, Konstantinović B. Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji. in Zaštita zdravlja biljaka. 2022;:155-170.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6789 .
Janjić, Vaskrsija, Vrbničanin, Sava, Goran, Malidža, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Pavlović, Danijela, Božić, Dragana, Konstantinović, Bojan, "Razvoj i značaj herbologije u očuvanju zdravlja biljaka u Srbiji" in Zaštita zdravlja biljaka (2022):155-170,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_6789 .

Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Zagorchev, Lyuben; Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena; Rajković, Miloš; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Teofanova, Denitsa; Božić, Dragana; Vrbničanin, Sava

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Zagorchev, Lyuben
AU  - Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Rajković, Miloš
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Teofanova, Denitsa
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6038
AB  - Efficient approaches aimed at restricting Cuscuta campestris distribution can be based on the control of seed germination. Thus, data on effects of environmental factors, seed age, seed longevity and viability, and hosts on C. campestris seed germination and emergence would provide valuable information in that context. Seeds of 26 populations of C. campestris were collected from different locations in Serbia during the field season August–October between 2005 and 2019. Seeds were collected in three major agronomic regions in Serbia: Banat (13 populations), Srem (11 populations), and Macva (2 populations). The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different temperatures and light on seed germination and seedling growth of populations of C. campestris, determine possible correlations between seed age or hosts and total germination and seedling growth, and survey the morphological diversity and genetic variability of seeds of this parasitic plant. Large variability of germination patterns was observed within each agronomic region, and the high variance of seed germination patterns within regions reflects the ability of C. campestris to adapt to local agricultural management practices. For practical purposes, populations that start and complete their emergence earlier are considered harder to control. Thus, farmers should implement effective mechanical and chemical management measures for early-germinating populations.
T2  - Agronomy
T1  - Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance
IS  - 3
SP  - 559
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy12030559
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Zagorchev, Lyuben and Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena and Rajković, Miloš and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Teofanova, Denitsa and Božić, Dragana and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Efficient approaches aimed at restricting Cuscuta campestris distribution can be based on the control of seed germination. Thus, data on effects of environmental factors, seed age, seed longevity and viability, and hosts on C. campestris seed germination and emergence would provide valuable information in that context. Seeds of 26 populations of C. campestris were collected from different locations in Serbia during the field season August–October between 2005 and 2019. Seeds were collected in three major agronomic regions in Serbia: Banat (13 populations), Srem (11 populations), and Macva (2 populations). The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different temperatures and light on seed germination and seedling growth of populations of C. campestris, determine possible correlations between seed age or hosts and total germination and seedling growth, and survey the morphological diversity and genetic variability of seeds of this parasitic plant. Large variability of germination patterns was observed within each agronomic region, and the high variance of seed germination patterns within regions reflects the ability of C. campestris to adapt to local agricultural management practices. For practical purposes, populations that start and complete their emergence earlier are considered harder to control. Thus, farmers should implement effective mechanical and chemical management measures for early-germinating populations.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Agronomy",
title = "Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance",
number = "3",
pages = "559",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy12030559"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Zagorchev, L., Gajić Umiljendić, J., Rajković, M., Radivojević, L., Teofanova, D., Božić, D.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2022). Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance. in Agronomy
MDPI., 12(3), 559.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Zagorchev L, Gajić Umiljendić J, Rajković M, Radivojević L, Teofanova D, Božić D, Vrbničanin S. Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance. in Agronomy. 2022;12(3):559.
doi:10.3390/agronomy12030559 .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Zagorchev, Lyuben, Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena, Rajković, Miloš, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Teofanova, Denitsa, Božić, Dragana, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Variability in Early Seed Development of 26 Populations of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.: The Significance of Host, Seed Age, Morphological Trait, Light, Temperature, and Genetic Variance" in Agronomy, 12, no. 3 (2022):559,
https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12030559 . .

Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth

Šćepanović, Maja; Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Šoštarčić, Valentina; Brijačak, Ema; Lakić, Josip; Špirović Trifunović, Bojana; Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena; Radivojević, Ljiljana

(MDPI AG, 2021)

AU  - Šćepanović, Maja
AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Šoštarčić, Valentina
AU  - Brijačak, Ema
AU  - Lakić, Josip
AU  - Špirović Trifunović, Bojana
AU  - Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5839
AB  - Several cover crops (CCs) exert allelopathic effects that suppress weed growth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extracts containing different concentrations [0, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% (w/v)] of Brassicaceae CCs (Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus, Camellina sativa) and of the CCs Fagopyrum esculentum and Guizotia abyssinica on germination and early growth of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. The allelopathic effects were species and concentration-dependent. C. sativa, for example, caused the greatest potential to inhibit germination, shoot, radicle length and fresh seedling weight, whereas S. alba and R. sativus inhibited germination and early growth of A. artemisiifolia only at concentrations ≥ 7.5%. In contrast, no inhibition was observed when aqueous extracts of F. escultneum and G. abyssinica were added at any of tested concentration. Liquid chro-matography-tandem mass spectrometry detected 15 phenolic compounds in Brassicaceae CCs with the highest content (µg/g) of vanillin (48.8), chlorogenic acid (1057), vanilic acid (79), caffeic acid (102.5) and syringic acid (27.3) in C. sativa. Our results suggest that C. sativa is the most allelopathic CCs and that the fruits of C. sativa are the plant organs richest in allelochemicals.
T2  - Plants
T1  - Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth
IS  - 4
SP  - 794
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.3390/plants10040794
ER  - 
author = "Šćepanović, Maja and Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Šoštarčić, Valentina and Brijačak, Ema and Lakić, Josip and Špirović Trifunović, Bojana and Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena and Radivojević, Ljiljana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Several cover crops (CCs) exert allelopathic effects that suppress weed growth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extracts containing different concentrations [0, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% (w/v)] of Brassicaceae CCs (Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus, Camellina sativa) and of the CCs Fagopyrum esculentum and Guizotia abyssinica on germination and early growth of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. The allelopathic effects were species and concentration-dependent. C. sativa, for example, caused the greatest potential to inhibit germination, shoot, radicle length and fresh seedling weight, whereas S. alba and R. sativus inhibited germination and early growth of A. artemisiifolia only at concentrations ≥ 7.5%. In contrast, no inhibition was observed when aqueous extracts of F. escultneum and G. abyssinica were added at any of tested concentration. Liquid chro-matography-tandem mass spectrometry detected 15 phenolic compounds in Brassicaceae CCs with the highest content (µg/g) of vanillin (48.8), chlorogenic acid (1057), vanilic acid (79), caffeic acid (102.5) and syringic acid (27.3) in C. sativa. Our results suggest that C. sativa is the most allelopathic CCs and that the fruits of C. sativa are the plant organs richest in allelochemicals.",
publisher = "MDPI AG",
journal = "Plants",
title = "Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth",
number = "4",
pages = "794",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.3390/plants10040794"
Šćepanović, M., Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Šoštarčić, V., Brijačak, E., Lakić, J., Špirović Trifunović, B., Gajić Umiljendić, J.,& Radivojević, L.. (2021). Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth. in Plants
MDPI AG., 10(4), 794.
Šćepanović M, Sarić-Krsmanović M, Šoštarčić V, Brijačak E, Lakić J, Špirović Trifunović B, Gajić Umiljendić J, Radivojević L. Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth. in Plants. 2021;10(4):794.
doi:10.3390/plants10040794 .
Šćepanović, Maja, Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Šoštarčić, Valentina, Brijačak, Ema, Lakić, Josip, Špirović Trifunović, Bojana, Gajić Umiljendić, Jelena, Radivojević, Ljiljana, "Inhibitory Effects of Brassicaceae Cover Crop on Ambrosia artemisiifolia Germination and Early Growth" in Plants, 10, no. 4 (2021):794,
https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040794 . .

The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Uludag, Ahmet; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Ankara Univ, Fac Agr, Diskapi, 2020)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Uludag, Ahmet
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5385
AB  - Field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) is a very harmful parasitic weed species worldwide which infests many crops, including alfalfa as a foremost forage crop. Glyphosate has been an effective herbicide for field dodder control even though side effects occasionally occur in alfalfa plants. To find out and quantify the effects of glyphosate (288 and 360 g a.i. ha(-1)) on field dodder control, alfalfa forage yield, and physiological and anatomical features of alfalfa plants under controlled conditions were aims of the study. Physiologic (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); and anatomic parameters were measured. Leaf anatomic parameters were thicknesses of upper epidermis, palisade and spongy tissues, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells. Stem anatomic parameters were thicknesses of epidermis and cortex, and diameters of stem and central cylinder (pith). Both rates of glyphosate caused recovery of the harmful effects of field dodder on alfalfa, which shows that glyphosate can control field dodder at early stages of infestation on alfalfa.
PB  - Ankara Univ, Fac Agr, Diskapi
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi
T1  - The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)
EP  - 189
IS  - 2
SP  - 181
VL  - 26
DO  - 10.15832/ankutbd.478686
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Uludag, Ahmet and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) is a very harmful parasitic weed species worldwide which infests many crops, including alfalfa as a foremost forage crop. Glyphosate has been an effective herbicide for field dodder control even though side effects occasionally occur in alfalfa plants. To find out and quantify the effects of glyphosate (288 and 360 g a.i. ha(-1)) on field dodder control, alfalfa forage yield, and physiological and anatomical features of alfalfa plants under controlled conditions were aims of the study. Physiologic (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); and anatomic parameters were measured. Leaf anatomic parameters were thicknesses of upper epidermis, palisade and spongy tissues, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells. Stem anatomic parameters were thicknesses of epidermis and cortex, and diameters of stem and central cylinder (pith). Both rates of glyphosate caused recovery of the harmful effects of field dodder on alfalfa, which shows that glyphosate can control field dodder at early stages of infestation on alfalfa.",
publisher = "Ankara Univ, Fac Agr, Diskapi",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi",
title = "The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)",
pages = "189-181",
number = "2",
volume = "26",
doi = "10.15832/ankutbd.478686"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Uludag, A., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2020). The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.). in Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi
Ankara Univ, Fac Agr, Diskapi., 26(2), 181-189.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Uludag A, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.). in Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;26(2):181-189.
doi:10.15832/ankutbd.478686 .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Uludag, Ahmet, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "The Effect of Glyphosate on Anatomical and Physiological Features of Alfalfa Infested with Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)" in Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi, 26, no. 2 (2020):181-189,
https://doi.org/10.15832/ankutbd.478686 . .

Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Canadian Science Publishing, Nrc Research Press, Ottawa, 2019)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5087
AB  - The physiological and anatomical impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on alfalfa and sugar beet was examined under controlled conditions. The following parameters were checked: physiological content of pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids) and mineral nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and percent of organic and mineral nutrients; and anatomical thickness of the epidermis and cortex, diameter of the stem and central cylinder of alfalfa plants, diameter of tracheids and phloem cells, area of xylem and phloem, and hydraulic conductance of petiole bundles in petiole vascular bundles of sugar beet plants. Leaf parameters were also measured on both host plants: thickness of upper and underside leaf epidermis, thickness of palisade, spongy and mesophyll tissue, and diameter of vascular bundle cells. Pigments content and anatomical parameters were measured 7,14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 d after infestation (DAI), while mineral nutrient contents were determined 20 and 40 DAI. Field dodder caused a significant reduction in pigments content in infested alfalfa (15%-68%) and sugar beet plants (1%-54%). The results obtained in this study confirmed that this parasitic flowering plant has a strong effect on most anatomical parameters of the stem and leaf of alfalfa and leaf and petiole of sugar beet. Also, it was revealed that field dodder increased the contents of N, P2O5, K2O, and organic nutrients in infested alfalfa plants, while infested sugar beet plants had higher contents of N and organic nutrients compared with non-infested plants.
PB  - Canadian Science Publishing, Nrc Research Press, Ottawa
T2  - Canadian Journal of Plant Science
T1  - Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach
EP  - 209
IS  - 2
SP  - 199
VL  - 99
DO  - 10.1139/cjps-2018-0050
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The physiological and anatomical impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on alfalfa and sugar beet was examined under controlled conditions. The following parameters were checked: physiological content of pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids) and mineral nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and percent of organic and mineral nutrients; and anatomical thickness of the epidermis and cortex, diameter of the stem and central cylinder of alfalfa plants, diameter of tracheids and phloem cells, area of xylem and phloem, and hydraulic conductance of petiole bundles in petiole vascular bundles of sugar beet plants. Leaf parameters were also measured on both host plants: thickness of upper and underside leaf epidermis, thickness of palisade, spongy and mesophyll tissue, and diameter of vascular bundle cells. Pigments content and anatomical parameters were measured 7,14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 d after infestation (DAI), while mineral nutrient contents were determined 20 and 40 DAI. Field dodder caused a significant reduction in pigments content in infested alfalfa (15%-68%) and sugar beet plants (1%-54%). The results obtained in this study confirmed that this parasitic flowering plant has a strong effect on most anatomical parameters of the stem and leaf of alfalfa and leaf and petiole of sugar beet. Also, it was revealed that field dodder increased the contents of N, P2O5, K2O, and organic nutrients in infested alfalfa plants, while infested sugar beet plants had higher contents of N and organic nutrients compared with non-infested plants.",
publisher = "Canadian Science Publishing, Nrc Research Press, Ottawa",
journal = "Canadian Journal of Plant Science",
title = "Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach",
pages = "209-199",
number = "2",
volume = "99",
doi = "10.1139/cjps-2018-0050"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2019). Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach. in Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Canadian Science Publishing, Nrc Research Press, Ottawa., 99(2), 199-209.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach. in Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2019;99(2):199-209.
doi:10.1139/cjps-2018-0050 .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Response of alfalfa and sugar beet to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) parasitism: a physiological and anatomical approach" in Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 99, no. 2 (2019):199-209,
https://doi.org/10.1139/cjps-2018-0050 . .

Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5179
AB  - The effects of field dodder on the anatomical changes in alfalfa plants were examined under controlled conditions. Experiment included the following variants: non-infested alfalfa plants (control); infested alfalfa plants (untreated) and infested plants treated with propizamyde. Propizamyde application rates were 3000 g A.I. ha-1 and 4000 g A.I. ha-1. The following anatomical parameters were analysed: 1) stem - thickness of epidermis and cortex, diameter of stem and central cylinder; 2) leaf - thickness of adaxial and abaxial epidermis, thickness of parenchyma and spongy tissue, thickness of mesophyll and the diameter of the bundle sheath cells. Plants infested by field dodder had lower values of the majority of anatomical parameters, compared to non-infested plants. Reductions in the last assessment ranged from 34% to 51% for stem and 27% - 51% for leaf. Anatomical parameters of alfalfa stems and leaves had significantly higher values in non-infested plants and infested plants treated with propizamyde.
AB  - Uticaj viline kosice na anatomske osobine lucerke ispitivan je u kontrolisanim uslovima. Praćene su sledeće varijante: - nezaražene biljke lucerke - kontrola; zaražene biljke lucerke i zaražene biljke lucerke tretirane propizamidom. Propizamid je primenjen u količinama od 3000 i 4000 g A.I. ha-1. Mereni su sledeći anatomski parametri: 1) list - debljina epidermskih ćelija lica i naličja lista, debljina parenhimskog i sunđerastog tkiva, debljina mezofila i prečnik ćelija omotača provodnih snopića; 2) stablo - debljina epidermisa, debljina primarne kore stabla, prečnik stabla i prečnik centralnog cilindra. Vilina kosica je kod zaraženih i herbicidom netretiranih biljaka lucerke prouzrokovala značajnu redukciju merenih anatomskih parametara stabla (34-51%) i lista (27-51%) u odnosu na nezaražene biljke, dok su u tretmanima sa primenom propizamida na zarazene biljke vrednosti merenih anatomskih parametara stabla i lista bile značajno veće nego kod zaraženih-netretiranih biljaka.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa
T1  - Uticaj viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) na anatomske osobine lucerke
EP  - 132
IS  - 2
SP  - 125
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.5937/ActaHerb1902125S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The effects of field dodder on the anatomical changes in alfalfa plants were examined under controlled conditions. Experiment included the following variants: non-infested alfalfa plants (control); infested alfalfa plants (untreated) and infested plants treated with propizamyde. Propizamyde application rates were 3000 g A.I. ha-1 and 4000 g A.I. ha-1. The following anatomical parameters were analysed: 1) stem - thickness of epidermis and cortex, diameter of stem and central cylinder; 2) leaf - thickness of adaxial and abaxial epidermis, thickness of parenchyma and spongy tissue, thickness of mesophyll and the diameter of the bundle sheath cells. Plants infested by field dodder had lower values of the majority of anatomical parameters, compared to non-infested plants. Reductions in the last assessment ranged from 34% to 51% for stem and 27% - 51% for leaf. Anatomical parameters of alfalfa stems and leaves had significantly higher values in non-infested plants and infested plants treated with propizamyde., Uticaj viline kosice na anatomske osobine lucerke ispitivan je u kontrolisanim uslovima. Praćene su sledeće varijante: - nezaražene biljke lucerke - kontrola; zaražene biljke lucerke i zaražene biljke lucerke tretirane propizamidom. Propizamid je primenjen u količinama od 3000 i 4000 g A.I. ha-1. Mereni su sledeći anatomski parametri: 1) list - debljina epidermskih ćelija lica i naličja lista, debljina parenhimskog i sunđerastog tkiva, debljina mezofila i prečnik ćelija omotača provodnih snopića; 2) stablo - debljina epidermisa, debljina primarne kore stabla, prečnik stabla i prečnik centralnog cilindra. Vilina kosica je kod zaraženih i herbicidom netretiranih biljaka lucerke prouzrokovala značajnu redukciju merenih anatomskih parametara stabla (34-51%) i lista (27-51%) u odnosu na nezaražene biljke, dok su u tretmanima sa primenom propizamida na zarazene biljke vrednosti merenih anatomskih parametara stabla i lista bile značajno veće nego kod zaraženih-netretiranih biljaka.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa, Uticaj viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) na anatomske osobine lucerke",
pages = "132-125",
number = "2",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.5937/ActaHerb1902125S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L.,& Gajić-Umiljendić, J.. (2019). Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 28(2), 125-132.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J. Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa. in Acta herbologica. 2019;28(2):125-132.
doi:10.5937/ActaHerb1902125S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, "Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) on the anatomical parameters of alfalfa" in Acta herbologica, 28, no. 2 (2019):125-132,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ActaHerb1902125S . .

Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, D.; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Pleiades Publishing Inc, Moscow, 2018)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, D.
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4629
AB  - The impact that the parasitic plant field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) has on chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content of infested alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was examined under controlled conditions. Several parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in infested and non-infested alfalfa and sugar beet plants over a period of twenty days, beginning with the day of infestation. Chlorophyll contents (total, relative and ratio of chlorophyll a to b) were determined 1, 7, 14 and 20 days after infestation (DAI). Field dodder was found to affect both the total and relative chlorophyll contents in infested alfalfa and sugar beet, causing significant reduction in chlorophyll content in both host plants. This parasitic plant also affects a number of parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence (F-o, F-v/F-m, phi(PSII), F-v and IF), showing that these parameters may be considered sensitive indicators of the impact that field dodder has on its host plants.
PB  - Pleiades Publishing Inc, Moscow
T2  - Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
T1  - Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants
EP  - 731
IS  - 5
SP  - 726
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.1134/S102144371805014X
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, D. and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The impact that the parasitic plant field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) has on chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content of infested alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was examined under controlled conditions. Several parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in infested and non-infested alfalfa and sugar beet plants over a period of twenty days, beginning with the day of infestation. Chlorophyll contents (total, relative and ratio of chlorophyll a to b) were determined 1, 7, 14 and 20 days after infestation (DAI). Field dodder was found to affect both the total and relative chlorophyll contents in infested alfalfa and sugar beet, causing significant reduction in chlorophyll content in both host plants. This parasitic plant also affects a number of parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence (F-o, F-v/F-m, phi(PSII), F-v and IF), showing that these parameters may be considered sensitive indicators of the impact that field dodder has on its host plants.",
publisher = "Pleiades Publishing Inc, Moscow",
journal = "Russian Journal of Plant Physiology",
title = "Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants",
pages = "731-726",
number = "5",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.1134/S102144371805014X"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2018). Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants. in Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
Pleiades Publishing Inc, Moscow., 65(5), 726-731.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants. in Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 2018;65(5):726-731.
doi:10.1134/S102144371805014X .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, D., Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Impact of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Content of Alfalfa and Sugar Beet Plants" in Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 65, no. 5 (2018):726-731,
https://doi.org/10.1134/S102144371805014X . .

Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Šantrić, Ljiljana; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Šantrić, Ljiljana
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4599
AB  - Several bacterial cultures: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2), and B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3), isolated from manure; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) isolated from maize rhizosphere; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6), were used to test the influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on seed germination and germination rate of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.). Also, to examine the effect of host seeds on germination and initial growth of seedlings of field dodder plants in the dark and under white light, the seeds of four host plants were used (watermelon, red clover, alfalfa and sugar beet). Germinated seeds were counted daily over a ten-day period and the length of seedlings was measured on the final day. The results show that treatments MO3, MO4 and MO6 had inhibitory effects (15%, 65% and 52%, respectively), while treatments MO1, MO2 and MO5 had stimulating effects (3%, 3% and 19%, respectively) on seed germination of field dodder. The data for host seeds show that light was a significant initial factor (83-95%, control 95%) for stimulating seed germination of field dodder plants, apart from host presence (73-79%, control 80%).
AB  - Za ispitivanje uticaja rizobakterija (Planth Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria - PGPR) na klijanje semena i stope klijanja viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.), korišćene su bakterijske kulture: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2) i B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3) izolovane iz stajnjaka; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) iz rizosfere kukuruza; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) i Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6). Svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana brojana su proklijala semena. Takođe, za praćenje uticaja semena biljaka domaćina na klijanje semena i početni porast klijanaca viline kosice u mraku i pri tretmanu belom svetlošću korišćena su semena četiri biljke domaćina (lubenica, crvena detelina, lucerka i šećerna repa). Proklijala semena su prebrojavana svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana, a poslednjeg dana su izmerene dužine klijanaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su tretmani MO3, MO4 i MO6 ispoljili inhibitorni (15%, 65% i 52%), a tretmani MO1 (Bacillus licheniformis), MO2 (B. amyloliquefaciens) i MO5 (Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1) stimulativni efekat (3%, 3% i 19%) na klijanje semena viline kosice. Takođe, rezultati dobijeni sa semenima biljaka domaćina ukazuju da je za podsticanje klijanja semena viline kosice, osim prisustva domaćina (73-79%, kontrola 80%), kao inicijalni faktor značajna i svetlost (83-95%, kontrola 95%).
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)
T1  - Uticaj rizobakterija i useva na klijanje i rani porast viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)
EP  - 111
IS  - 2
SP  - 105
VL  - 32
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1702105S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Šantrić, Ljiljana and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Several bacterial cultures: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2), and B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3), isolated from manure; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) isolated from maize rhizosphere; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6), were used to test the influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on seed germination and germination rate of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.). Also, to examine the effect of host seeds on germination and initial growth of seedlings of field dodder plants in the dark and under white light, the seeds of four host plants were used (watermelon, red clover, alfalfa and sugar beet). Germinated seeds were counted daily over a ten-day period and the length of seedlings was measured on the final day. The results show that treatments MO3, MO4 and MO6 had inhibitory effects (15%, 65% and 52%, respectively), while treatments MO1, MO2 and MO5 had stimulating effects (3%, 3% and 19%, respectively) on seed germination of field dodder. The data for host seeds show that light was a significant initial factor (83-95%, control 95%) for stimulating seed germination of field dodder plants, apart from host presence (73-79%, control 80%)., Za ispitivanje uticaja rizobakterija (Planth Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria - PGPR) na klijanje semena i stope klijanja viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.), korišćene su bakterijske kulture: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2) i B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3) izolovane iz stajnjaka; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) iz rizosfere kukuruza; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) i Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6). Svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana brojana su proklijala semena. Takođe, za praćenje uticaja semena biljaka domaćina na klijanje semena i početni porast klijanaca viline kosice u mraku i pri tretmanu belom svetlošću korišćena su semena četiri biljke domaćina (lubenica, crvena detelina, lucerka i šećerna repa). Proklijala semena su prebrojavana svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana, a poslednjeg dana su izmerene dužine klijanaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su tretmani MO3, MO4 i MO6 ispoljili inhibitorni (15%, 65% i 52%), a tretmani MO1 (Bacillus licheniformis), MO2 (B. amyloliquefaciens) i MO5 (Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1) stimulativni efekat (3%, 3% i 19%) na klijanje semena viline kosice. Takođe, rezultati dobijeni sa semenima biljaka domaćina ukazuju da je za podsticanje klijanja semena viline kosice, osim prisustva domaćina (73-79%, kontrola 80%), kao inicijalni faktor značajna i svetlost (83-95%, kontrola 95%).",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.), Uticaj rizobakterija i useva na klijanje i rani porast viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)",
pages = "111-105",
number = "2",
volume = "32",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1702105S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J., Šantrić, L.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2017). Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.). in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 32(2), 105-111.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Šantrić L, Vrbničanin S. Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.). in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2017;32(2):105-111.
doi:10.2298/PIF1702105S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Šantrić, Ljiljana, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and cover crops on seed germination and early establishment of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 32, no. 2 (2017):105-111,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1702105S . .

Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2017)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4572
AB  - Studies of herbicide efficacy in the control of field dodder in alfalfa (glyphosate, propyzamide, and imazethapyr) and sugar beet (propyzamide) were conducted under controlled conditions. The herbicides were applied when alfalfa plants were 10-12 cm high and sugar beet plants in the 2-3 true leaf growth stage, with dodder plants fixed to the hosts. The trial included two controls: noninfested (N) alfalfa and sugar beet plants and alfalfa and sugar beet plants infested (Z) with field dodder, but with no herbicide application. The efficacy of herbicides in the control of field dodder was assessed in two ways: visually on a 0-100 scale (0 denoting no damage at all, and 100 denoting plant death), and by measuring the weight of fresh biomass. These parameters were recorded: prior to herbicide treatment (0 assessment), then 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after the aplication (DAA). The results have shown that two glyphosate application rates (384 and 480 g ai ha-1) have demonstrated the highest efficacy of 95% and 97.5%, respectively. Both application rates of propyzamide (1500 and 2000 g ai ha-1) had weak efficacy (85% and 87%, respectively), while imazethapyr (150 g ai ha-1) was the weakest herbicide, with an 80% efficacy. Finally, two propyzamide application rates (1500 and 2000 g ai ha-1) in sugar beet have demonstrated the efficacy of 85% and 90%, respectively.
AB  - Ispitivanje efikasnosti herbicida u suzbijanju viline kosice u lucerki (glifosat, propizamid i imazetapir) i u šećernoj repi (propizamid) rađeno je u ogledu u saksijama. Primena herbicida je obavljena kada su biljke lucerke bile visine 10-12 cm, a biljke šećerne repe u fazi dva razvijena lista i začetka trećeg, pri čemu je vilina kosica bila vezana za domaćina. Kontrolne varijante: zaražene biljke lucerke i šećerne repe (Z) i nezaražene biljke lucerke i šećerne repe (N) nisu tretirane. Vizuelna ocena efekata na vilinoj kosici, kao i merenje sveže mase lucerke i šećerne repe su obavljeni pre primene herbicida (0 ocena), potom, 7, 14, 21, 28 i 35 dana nakon primene herbicida. Vizuelna procena oštećenja biljaka viline kosice je iskazana skalom od 0 (nema oštećenja) do 100 (biljke potpuno propale). Kod lucerke je najbolju efikasnost ispoljio glifosat u obe primenjene količine (384 i 480 g a.s. ha-1) i to 95% odnosno 97,5%. Efikasnost koju je postigao propizamid u obe količine primene (1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha-1) je bila slabija (85%, odnosno 87%), dok je najslabiju efikasnost ispoljio imazetapir (150 g a.s. ha-1) i ona je iznosila 80%. Primena propizamida u količinima 1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha-1 kod šećerne repe je ispoljila efikasnost od 85%, odnosno 90%.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet
T1  - Hemijsko suzbijanje viline kosice u lucerki i šećernoj repi
EP  - 121
IS  - 2
SP  - 115
VL  - 26
DO  - 10.5937/ActaHerb1702115S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Studies of herbicide efficacy in the control of field dodder in alfalfa (glyphosate, propyzamide, and imazethapyr) and sugar beet (propyzamide) were conducted under controlled conditions. The herbicides were applied when alfalfa plants were 10-12 cm high and sugar beet plants in the 2-3 true leaf growth stage, with dodder plants fixed to the hosts. The trial included two controls: noninfested (N) alfalfa and sugar beet plants and alfalfa and sugar beet plants infested (Z) with field dodder, but with no herbicide application. The efficacy of herbicides in the control of field dodder was assessed in two ways: visually on a 0-100 scale (0 denoting no damage at all, and 100 denoting plant death), and by measuring the weight of fresh biomass. These parameters were recorded: prior to herbicide treatment (0 assessment), then 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after the aplication (DAA). The results have shown that two glyphosate application rates (384 and 480 g ai ha-1) have demonstrated the highest efficacy of 95% and 97.5%, respectively. Both application rates of propyzamide (1500 and 2000 g ai ha-1) had weak efficacy (85% and 87%, respectively), while imazethapyr (150 g ai ha-1) was the weakest herbicide, with an 80% efficacy. Finally, two propyzamide application rates (1500 and 2000 g ai ha-1) in sugar beet have demonstrated the efficacy of 85% and 90%, respectively., Ispitivanje efikasnosti herbicida u suzbijanju viline kosice u lucerki (glifosat, propizamid i imazetapir) i u šećernoj repi (propizamid) rađeno je u ogledu u saksijama. Primena herbicida je obavljena kada su biljke lucerke bile visine 10-12 cm, a biljke šećerne repe u fazi dva razvijena lista i začetka trećeg, pri čemu je vilina kosica bila vezana za domaćina. Kontrolne varijante: zaražene biljke lucerke i šećerne repe (Z) i nezaražene biljke lucerke i šećerne repe (N) nisu tretirane. Vizuelna ocena efekata na vilinoj kosici, kao i merenje sveže mase lucerke i šećerne repe su obavljeni pre primene herbicida (0 ocena), potom, 7, 14, 21, 28 i 35 dana nakon primene herbicida. Vizuelna procena oštećenja biljaka viline kosice je iskazana skalom od 0 (nema oštećenja) do 100 (biljke potpuno propale). Kod lucerke je najbolju efikasnost ispoljio glifosat u obe primenjene količine (384 i 480 g a.s. ha-1) i to 95% odnosno 97,5%. Efikasnost koju je postigao propizamid u obe količine primene (1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha-1) je bila slabija (85%, odnosno 87%), dok je najslabiju efikasnost ispoljio imazetapir (150 g a.s. ha-1) i ona je iznosila 80%. Primena propizamida u količinima 1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha-1 kod šećerne repe je ispoljila efikasnost od 85%, odnosno 90%.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet, Hemijsko suzbijanje viline kosice u lucerki i šećernoj repi",
pages = "121-115",
number = "2",
volume = "26",
doi = "10.5937/ActaHerb1702115S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L.,& Gajić-Umiljendić, J.. (2017). Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 26(2), 115-121.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J. Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet. in Acta herbologica. 2017;26(2):115-121.
doi:10.5937/ActaHerb1702115S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, "Chemical control methods for field dodder in alfalfa and sugar beet" in Acta herbologica, 26, no. 2 (2017):115-121,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ActaHerb1702115S . .

Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia, 2017)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4453
AB  - The effects of field dodder on physiological and anatomical processes in untreated sugar beet plants and the effects of propyzamide on field dodder were examined under controlled conditions. The experiment included the following variants: Nnoninfested sugar beet plants (control); I - infested sugar beet plants (untreated), and infested plants treated with propyzamide (1500g a.i. ha(-1) (T-1) and 2000g a.i. ha(-1)(T-2)). The following parameters were checked: physiologicalpigment contents (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); anatomical -leaf parameters: thickness of epidermis, parenchyma and spongy tissue, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells; petiole parameters: diameter of tracheid, petiole hydraulic conductance, xylem surface, phloem cell diameter and phloem area in sugar beet plants. A conventional paraffin wax method was used to prepare the samples for microscopy. Pigment contents were measured spectrophotometrically after methanol extraction. All parameters were measured: prior to herbicide application (0 assessment), then 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35days after application (DAA). Field dodder was found to affect the pigment contents in untreated sugar beet plants, causing significant reductions. Conversely, reduction in the treated plants decreased 27% to 4% for chlorophyll a, from 21% to 5% for chlorophyll b, and from 28% to 5% for carotenoids (T-1). Also, in treatment T-2,T- reduction decreased in infested and treated plants from 19% to 2% for chlorophyll a, from 21% to 2% for chlorophyll b, from 23% to 3% for carotenoids and stimulation of 1% and 2% was observed 28 and 35 DAA, respectively. Plants infested (untreated) by field dodder had lower values of most anatomical parameters, compared to noninfested plants. The measured anatomical parameters of sugar beet leaves and petiole had significantly higher values in noninfested plants and plants treated with propyzamide than in untreated plants. Also, the results showed that propyzamide is an adequate herbicide for control of field dodder at the stage of early infestation.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia
T2  - Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Was
T1  - Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet
EP  - 816
IS  - 11
SP  - 812
VL  - 52
DO  - 10.1080/03601234.2017.1356167
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The effects of field dodder on physiological and anatomical processes in untreated sugar beet plants and the effects of propyzamide on field dodder were examined under controlled conditions. The experiment included the following variants: Nnoninfested sugar beet plants (control); I - infested sugar beet plants (untreated), and infested plants treated with propyzamide (1500g a.i. ha(-1) (T-1) and 2000g a.i. ha(-1)(T-2)). The following parameters were checked: physiologicalpigment contents (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); anatomical -leaf parameters: thickness of epidermis, parenchyma and spongy tissue, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells; petiole parameters: diameter of tracheid, petiole hydraulic conductance, xylem surface, phloem cell diameter and phloem area in sugar beet plants. A conventional paraffin wax method was used to prepare the samples for microscopy. Pigment contents were measured spectrophotometrically after methanol extraction. All parameters were measured: prior to herbicide application (0 assessment), then 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35days after application (DAA). Field dodder was found to affect the pigment contents in untreated sugar beet plants, causing significant reductions. Conversely, reduction in the treated plants decreased 27% to 4% for chlorophyll a, from 21% to 5% for chlorophyll b, and from 28% to 5% for carotenoids (T-1). Also, in treatment T-2,T- reduction decreased in infested and treated plants from 19% to 2% for chlorophyll a, from 21% to 2% for chlorophyll b, from 23% to 3% for carotenoids and stimulation of 1% and 2% was observed 28 and 35 DAA, respectively. Plants infested (untreated) by field dodder had lower values of most anatomical parameters, compared to noninfested plants. The measured anatomical parameters of sugar beet leaves and petiole had significantly higher values in noninfested plants and plants treated with propyzamide than in untreated plants. Also, the results showed that propyzamide is an adequate herbicide for control of field dodder at the stage of early infestation.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia",
journal = "Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Was",
title = "Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet",
pages = "816-812",
number = "11",
volume = "52",
doi = "10.1080/03601234.2017.1356167"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2017). Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet. in Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Was
Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia., 52(11), 812-816.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet. in Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Was. 2017;52(11):812-816.
doi:10.1080/03601234.2017.1356167 .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Effect of Cuscuta campestris parasitism on the physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated sugar beet" in Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Was, 52, no. 11 (2017):812-816,
https://doi.org/10.1080/03601234.2017.1356167 . .

The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)

Radivojević, Ljiljana; Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Božić, Dragana; Santrić, Ljiljana

(Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, 2016)

AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Santrić, Ljiljana
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4110
AB  - The effects of different temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C and photoperiod 26 degrees C/21 degrees C), types of soil (sand and loam) and soil herbicides (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) on seed germination percentage, germination rate, as well as seedling length and weight of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) were examined. Over a period of ten days, germinated seeds were counted daily, and seedling length and weight were measured on the final day and germination rate calculated. The results indicated that temperature was the factor that significantly affected the percentage of germinated seeds of common milkweed, seedling length and germination rate, while it had less influence on seedling weight. The results showed that the alternating day/night temperature of 26 degrees C/21 degrees C also had a significant impact as the percentage of germinated seeds was the highest at that temperature on both soil types (sand: 71.3%; loam: 61.3%). Data regarding the herbicides tested (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) showed decreasing germination percentage and seedling length with increasing herbicide concentrations on both soil types. Their effect was weakest on seedling weight. Tested herbicides are usable in control of common milkweed at the stages of germination and early establishment.
PB  - Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca
T1  - The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)
EP  - 295
IS  - 1
SP  - 291
VL  - 44
DO  - 10.15835/nbha44110265
ER  - 
author = "Radivojević, Ljiljana and Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Božić, Dragana and Santrić, Ljiljana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The effects of different temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C and photoperiod 26 degrees C/21 degrees C), types of soil (sand and loam) and soil herbicides (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) on seed germination percentage, germination rate, as well as seedling length and weight of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) were examined. Over a period of ten days, germinated seeds were counted daily, and seedling length and weight were measured on the final day and germination rate calculated. The results indicated that temperature was the factor that significantly affected the percentage of germinated seeds of common milkweed, seedling length and germination rate, while it had less influence on seedling weight. The results showed that the alternating day/night temperature of 26 degrees C/21 degrees C also had a significant impact as the percentage of germinated seeds was the highest at that temperature on both soil types (sand: 71.3%; loam: 61.3%). Data regarding the herbicides tested (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) showed decreasing germination percentage and seedling length with increasing herbicide concentrations on both soil types. Their effect was weakest on seedling weight. Tested herbicides are usable in control of common milkweed at the stages of germination and early establishment.",
publisher = "Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca",
title = "The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)",
pages = "295-291",
number = "1",
volume = "44",
doi = "10.15835/nbha44110265"
Radivojević, L., Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Gajić-Umiljendić, J., Božić, D.,& Santrić, L.. (2016). The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.). in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA
Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca., 44(1), 291-295.
Radivojević L, Sarić-Krsmanović M, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Božić D, Santrić L. The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.). in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA. 2016;44(1):291-295.
doi:10.15835/nbha44110265 .
Radivojević, Ljiljana, Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Božić, Dragana, Santrić, Ljiljana, "The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)" in NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, 44, no. 1 (2016):291-295,
https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha44110265 . .

Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4257
AB  - The effects of field dodder on physiological processes and the anatomy of alfalfa plants were examined under controlled conditions. The experiment included the following variants: N - noninfested alfalfa plants (control); I - infested alfalfa plants (untreated); T - infested plants treated with imazethapyr. Imazethapyr application rate was 100 g a.i. ha-1. The following parameters were checked: physiological - pigment content (chlorophyll ɑ, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); anatomical - stem parameters: thickness of epidermis and cortex, and diameter of stem and central cylinder; leaf parameters: thickness of epidermis, parenchyma and spongy tissue, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells in alfalfa plants. Pigment contents and anatomical parameters were measured: prior to herbicide treatment (0 assessment), then 7 (I assessment), 14 (II assessment), 21 (III assessment), 28 (IV assessment) and 35 (V assessment) days after application (DAA). Field dodder was found to affect the contents of chlorophyll ɑ, chlorophyll ɑ and carotenoids in untreated alfalfa plants, causing significant reductions in pigment content. Conversely, percent reduction in the treated plants decreased 22-5% for chlorophyll ɑ, 25-1%, for chlorophyll b, and 21-11% for carotenoids, while a stimulating effect of 1-6% was observed for the contents of chlorophyll b and carotenoids 35 DAA. Plants infested (untreated) by field dodder had lower values of most anatomical parameters, compared to noninfested plants. The measured anatomical parameters of alfalfa stems and leaves had significantly higher values in noninfested plants and plants treated with imazethapyr than in untreated plants.
AB  - Uticaj viline kosice na anatomske i fiziološke promene kod biljaka lucerke ispitivan je u kontrolisanim uslovima. Praćene su sledeće varijante: N - nezaražene biljke lucerke (kontrola); I- zaražene biljke lucerke i zaražene biljke lucerke tretirane sa imazetapirom (T). Imazetapir je primenjen u količini od 100 g a.i. ha-1. Mereni su sledeći parametri: fiziološki - sadržaj pigmenata (hlorofil ɑ, hlorofil b i ukupni karotenoidi); anatomski - stablo: debljina epidermisa i primarne kore stabla, prečnik centralnog cilindra i prečnik stabla; list: debljina epidermalnih ćelija lica i naličja lista, debljina parenhimskog i sunđerastog tkiva, debljina mezofila i prečnik ćelija omotača provodnih snopića. Sadržaj pigmenata i anatomski parametri su mereni: pre primene herbicida (0 ocena), potom 7, 14, 21, 35 dana nakon primene herbicida. Vilina kosica je prouzrokovala značajnu redukciju sadržaja pigmenata kod netretiranih biljaka lucerke. Nasuprot ovome, kod tretiranim biljaka lucerke procenat redukcije se smanjivao od 22­5% za hlorofil ɑ, 25-1%, za hlorofil b i 21-11% za karotenoide, dok je za hlorofil ɑ i karotenoide 35 dana nakon primene herbicida zabeležen stimulativni efekat od 1-6%. Biljke zaražene vilinom kosicom (netretirane) su imale značajno manje vrednosti za sve merene anatomske parametare u odnosu na tretirane. Naime, mereni anatomski parametri stabla i lista lucerke su značajno veći kod kontrolnih biljaka i tretitanih sa imazetapirom u odnosu na netretirane.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants
T1  - Uticaj viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) na fiziološke i anatomske parametre lucerke u uslovima sa i bez primene herbicida
EP  - 120
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 115
VL  - 31
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1604115S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The effects of field dodder on physiological processes and the anatomy of alfalfa plants were examined under controlled conditions. The experiment included the following variants: N - noninfested alfalfa plants (control); I - infested alfalfa plants (untreated); T - infested plants treated with imazethapyr. Imazethapyr application rate was 100 g a.i. ha-1. The following parameters were checked: physiological - pigment content (chlorophyll ɑ, chlorophyll b, total carotenoids); anatomical - stem parameters: thickness of epidermis and cortex, and diameter of stem and central cylinder; leaf parameters: thickness of epidermis, parenchyma and spongy tissue, mesophyll and underside leaf epidermis, and diameter of bundle sheath cells in alfalfa plants. Pigment contents and anatomical parameters were measured: prior to herbicide treatment (0 assessment), then 7 (I assessment), 14 (II assessment), 21 (III assessment), 28 (IV assessment) and 35 (V assessment) days after application (DAA). Field dodder was found to affect the contents of chlorophyll ɑ, chlorophyll ɑ and carotenoids in untreated alfalfa plants, causing significant reductions in pigment content. Conversely, percent reduction in the treated plants decreased 22-5% for chlorophyll ɑ, 25-1%, for chlorophyll b, and 21-11% for carotenoids, while a stimulating effect of 1-6% was observed for the contents of chlorophyll b and carotenoids 35 DAA. Plants infested (untreated) by field dodder had lower values of most anatomical parameters, compared to noninfested plants. The measured anatomical parameters of alfalfa stems and leaves had significantly higher values in noninfested plants and plants treated with imazethapyr than in untreated plants., Uticaj viline kosice na anatomske i fiziološke promene kod biljaka lucerke ispitivan je u kontrolisanim uslovima. Praćene su sledeće varijante: N - nezaražene biljke lucerke (kontrola); I- zaražene biljke lucerke i zaražene biljke lucerke tretirane sa imazetapirom (T). Imazetapir je primenjen u količini od 100 g a.i. ha-1. Mereni su sledeći parametri: fiziološki - sadržaj pigmenata (hlorofil ɑ, hlorofil b i ukupni karotenoidi); anatomski - stablo: debljina epidermisa i primarne kore stabla, prečnik centralnog cilindra i prečnik stabla; list: debljina epidermalnih ćelija lica i naličja lista, debljina parenhimskog i sunđerastog tkiva, debljina mezofila i prečnik ćelija omotača provodnih snopića. Sadržaj pigmenata i anatomski parametri su mereni: pre primene herbicida (0 ocena), potom 7, 14, 21, 35 dana nakon primene herbicida. Vilina kosica je prouzrokovala značajnu redukciju sadržaja pigmenata kod netretiranih biljaka lucerke. Nasuprot ovome, kod tretiranim biljaka lucerke procenat redukcije se smanjivao od 22­5% za hlorofil ɑ, 25-1%, za hlorofil b i 21-11% za karotenoide, dok je za hlorofil ɑ i karotenoide 35 dana nakon primene herbicida zabeležen stimulativni efekat od 1-6%. Biljke zaražene vilinom kosicom (netretirane) su imale značajno manje vrednosti za sve merene anatomske parametare u odnosu na tretirane. Naime, mereni anatomski parametri stabla i lista lucerke su značajno veći kod kontrolnih biljaka i tretitanih sa imazetapirom u odnosu na netretirane.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants, Uticaj viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) na fiziološke i anatomske parametre lucerke u uslovima sa i bez primene herbicida",
pages = "120-115",
number = "3-4",
volume = "31",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1604115S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2016). Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 31(3-4), 115-120.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2016;31(3-4):115-120.
doi:10.2298/PIF1604115S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Impact of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.) on physiological and anatomical changes in untreated and herbicide-treated alfalfa plants" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 31, no. 3-4 (2016):115-120,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1604115S . .

Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Malidža, Goran; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Malidža, Goran
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3901
AB  - Parasitic flowering plants have recently come into focus of research interests as a result of their notable expansion and increasing damage that they are causing in agricultural fields. Damage caused by field dodder in alfalfa crops mainly includes reduced yield of fresh biomass and considerable decrease in seed production. Effective control of field dodder in alfalfa crops necessarily includes a number of preventive measures and procedures, as well as chemical control. The effectiveness of glyphosate, propyzamide, imazethapyr and diquat herbicides in controlling field dodder in alfalfa crops was tested in trials conducted in 2011. Pot and field trials were set up in an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (location Rimski Šančevi) and in a private field at Popovići (vicinity of Mladenovac). In pot trials, two glyphosate application rates (288 and 360 g a.i. ha) achieved the highest effectiveness of 95% and 97.5%, respectively. Both application rates of propyzamide (1500 and 2000 g a.i. ha) had weak effectiveness (85% and 87%, respectively), while imazethapyr (150 g a.i. ha) was the weakest herbicide with 80% efficacy. In field trials at both locations, diquat (450 g a.i. ha) showed the best efficacy in controlling field dodder in alfalfa. The efficacy of all other treatments was weaker at Popovići with the following survival rates of field dodder plants: 25% (glyphosate, 288 g a.i. ha), 15% (glyphosate, 360 g a.i. ha), 79% (propyzamide, 1500 g a.i. ha), 70% (propyzamide, 2000 g a.i. ha) and 72% (imazethapyr, 150 g a.i. ha). At the location Rimski Šančevi, the same treatements resulted in around 1% remaining field dodder plants in alfalfa crop.
AB  - U novije vreme problematika parazitskih cvetnica postaje sve aktuelnija i dobija veći istraživački prostor upravo zbog njihovog širenja i sve većih šteta koje nanose u poljoprivredi. Štete koje vilina kosica pravi u usevu lucerke se prvenstveno odnose na smanjenje prinosa zelene biomase i značajno smanjenu produkciju semena kod semenske lucerke. Efikasno suzbijanje viline kosice u usevu luceke podrazumeva niz preventivnih mera i postupaka, kao i hemijsku kontrolu. Ispitivanje efikasnosti herbicida (glifosat, propizamid, imazetapir i dikvat) u suzbijanju viline kosice u usevu lucerke urađeno je tokom 2011. godine. Ogledi su izvedeni u saksijama i u polju, na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu (Rimski Šančevi) i na privatnoj parceli na lokalitetu Popovići (okolina Mladenovca). U ogledu sa saksijama, najbolju efikasnost je ispoljio glifosat u obe primenjene količine (288 i 360 g a.s. ha), 95% odnosno 97.5%. Efikasnost koju je ispoljio propizamid u obe količine primene (1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha) je bila slabija (85% odnosno 87%), dok je najslabiju efikasnost ispoljio imazetapir (150 g a.s. ha), 80%. U poljskim ogledima, na oba lokaliteta, dikvat (450 g a.s. ha) je ispoljio najbolju efikasnost u suzbijanju viline kosice. Na lokalitetu Popovići efikasnost ostalih tretmana je bila slabija, odnosno procenat preživelih jedinki viline kosice je bio: 25% (glifosat, 288 g a.s. ha), 15% (glifosat, 360 g a.s. ha), 79% (propizamid, 1500 g a.s. ha), 70% (propizamid, 2000 g a.s. ha) i 72% (imazetapir, 150 g a.s. ha). Na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi, pri primeni istih tretmana, vilina kosica se zadržala na usevu sa oko 1%.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa
T1  - Hemijsko suzbijanje viline kosice u lucerki
EP  - 114
IS  - 2
SP  - 107
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.2298/pif1502107S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Malidža, Goran and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Parasitic flowering plants have recently come into focus of research interests as a result of their notable expansion and increasing damage that they are causing in agricultural fields. Damage caused by field dodder in alfalfa crops mainly includes reduced yield of fresh biomass and considerable decrease in seed production. Effective control of field dodder in alfalfa crops necessarily includes a number of preventive measures and procedures, as well as chemical control. The effectiveness of glyphosate, propyzamide, imazethapyr and diquat herbicides in controlling field dodder in alfalfa crops was tested in trials conducted in 2011. Pot and field trials were set up in an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (location Rimski Šančevi) and in a private field at Popovići (vicinity of Mladenovac). In pot trials, two glyphosate application rates (288 and 360 g a.i. ha) achieved the highest effectiveness of 95% and 97.5%, respectively. Both application rates of propyzamide (1500 and 2000 g a.i. ha) had weak effectiveness (85% and 87%, respectively), while imazethapyr (150 g a.i. ha) was the weakest herbicide with 80% efficacy. In field trials at both locations, diquat (450 g a.i. ha) showed the best efficacy in controlling field dodder in alfalfa. The efficacy of all other treatments was weaker at Popovići with the following survival rates of field dodder plants: 25% (glyphosate, 288 g a.i. ha), 15% (glyphosate, 360 g a.i. ha), 79% (propyzamide, 1500 g a.i. ha), 70% (propyzamide, 2000 g a.i. ha) and 72% (imazethapyr, 150 g a.i. ha). At the location Rimski Šančevi, the same treatements resulted in around 1% remaining field dodder plants in alfalfa crop., U novije vreme problematika parazitskih cvetnica postaje sve aktuelnija i dobija veći istraživački prostor upravo zbog njihovog širenja i sve većih šteta koje nanose u poljoprivredi. Štete koje vilina kosica pravi u usevu lucerke se prvenstveno odnose na smanjenje prinosa zelene biomase i značajno smanjenu produkciju semena kod semenske lucerke. Efikasno suzbijanje viline kosice u usevu luceke podrazumeva niz preventivnih mera i postupaka, kao i hemijsku kontrolu. Ispitivanje efikasnosti herbicida (glifosat, propizamid, imazetapir i dikvat) u suzbijanju viline kosice u usevu lucerke urađeno je tokom 2011. godine. Ogledi su izvedeni u saksijama i u polju, na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu (Rimski Šančevi) i na privatnoj parceli na lokalitetu Popovići (okolina Mladenovca). U ogledu sa saksijama, najbolju efikasnost je ispoljio glifosat u obe primenjene količine (288 i 360 g a.s. ha), 95% odnosno 97.5%. Efikasnost koju je ispoljio propizamid u obe količine primene (1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha) je bila slabija (85% odnosno 87%), dok je najslabiju efikasnost ispoljio imazetapir (150 g a.s. ha), 80%. U poljskim ogledima, na oba lokaliteta, dikvat (450 g a.s. ha) je ispoljio najbolju efikasnost u suzbijanju viline kosice. Na lokalitetu Popovići efikasnost ostalih tretmana je bila slabija, odnosno procenat preživelih jedinki viline kosice je bio: 25% (glifosat, 288 g a.s. ha), 15% (glifosat, 360 g a.s. ha), 79% (propizamid, 1500 g a.s. ha), 70% (propizamid, 2000 g a.s. ha) i 72% (imazetapir, 150 g a.s. ha). Na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi, pri primeni istih tretmana, vilina kosica se zadržala na usevu sa oko 1%.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa, Hemijsko suzbijanje viline kosice u lucerki",
pages = "114-107",
number = "2",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.2298/pif1502107S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Malidža, G., Radivojević, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2015). Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 30(2), 107-114.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Malidža G, Radivojević L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Vrbničanin S. Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2015;30(2):107-114.
doi:10.2298/pif1502107S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Malidža, Goran, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Chemical control of field dodder in alfalfa" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 30, no. 2 (2015):107-114,
https://doi.org/10.2298/pif1502107S . .

Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides

Jovičić, Dubravka; Pajić, Jelena; Rakić, Boban; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Pajić, Miloš; Janjić, Vaskrsija; Milovanović, Aleksandar

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Jovičić, Dubravka
AU  - Pajić, Jelena
AU  - Rakić, Boban
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Pajić, Miloš
AU  - Janjić, Vaskrsija
AU  - Milovanović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3103
AB  - The aim of this study was the analysis of chromosomal aberrations (CA) and premature centromeric division (PCD) in people exposed to pesticides at work. The research included 26 subjects occupationally exposed to pesticides, of average age 39.89 + 8.66, and 32 control subjects of average age 40.57 + 6.57. Mann-Whitney U tests showed statistically significant differences between the groups for mean values of all the examined variables. In addition, Spearman's (non-parametric) correlation test detected a positive linear correlation between CA and PCD. The presence of mostly chromatid and isochromatid breaks in the examinees indicates continuous exposure to pesticides. The absence of complex chromosomal rearrangements points to adequate protection of the subjects at their work places.
AB  - Cilj istraživanja bila je analiza hromozomskih aberacija (CA) i prevremene centromerne deobe (PCD) kod lica profesionalno izloženih pesticidima. Istraživanja su obuhvatala 26 ispitanika profesionalno izloženi pesticidima prosečne starosti 39.89+ 8.66 i 32 ispitanika kontrolne grupe prsečne starosti 40.57+ 6.57. Mann-Whitney U test pokazuje statistički značajnu razliku srednjih vrednosti parametara svih ispitivanih varijabli u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Osim toga, Spearmanova (neparametarska) korelacija je pokazala da postoji pozitivna linearna korelacija između CA i PCD. Prisustvo uglavnom hromatidnih i izohromatidnih prekida kod ispitanika ukazuju na kontinuirano izlaganje pesticidima. Odsustvo složenih hromozomskih rearanžmana ukazuje na dobru zaštitu ispitanika na njihovim radnim mestima.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides
T1  - Citogenetička istraživanja radnika Srbije profesionalno izloženih pesticidima
EP  - 133
IS  - 1
SP  - 121
VL  - 45
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1301121J
ER  - 
author = "Jovičić, Dubravka and Pajić, Jelena and Rakić, Boban and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Pajić, Miloš and Janjić, Vaskrsija and Milovanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The aim of this study was the analysis of chromosomal aberrations (CA) and premature centromeric division (PCD) in people exposed to pesticides at work. The research included 26 subjects occupationally exposed to pesticides, of average age 39.89 + 8.66, and 32 control subjects of average age 40.57 + 6.57. Mann-Whitney U tests showed statistically significant differences between the groups for mean values of all the examined variables. In addition, Spearman's (non-parametric) correlation test detected a positive linear correlation between CA and PCD. The presence of mostly chromatid and isochromatid breaks in the examinees indicates continuous exposure to pesticides. The absence of complex chromosomal rearrangements points to adequate protection of the subjects at their work places., Cilj istraživanja bila je analiza hromozomskih aberacija (CA) i prevremene centromerne deobe (PCD) kod lica profesionalno izloženih pesticidima. Istraživanja su obuhvatala 26 ispitanika profesionalno izloženi pesticidima prosečne starosti 39.89+ 8.66 i 32 ispitanika kontrolne grupe prsečne starosti 40.57+ 6.57. Mann-Whitney U test pokazuje statistički značajnu razliku srednjih vrednosti parametara svih ispitivanih varijabli u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Osim toga, Spearmanova (neparametarska) korelacija je pokazala da postoji pozitivna linearna korelacija između CA i PCD. Prisustvo uglavnom hromatidnih i izohromatidnih prekida kod ispitanika ukazuju na kontinuirano izlaganje pesticidima. Odsustvo složenih hromozomskih rearanžmana ukazuje na dobru zaštitu ispitanika na njihovim radnim mestima.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides, Citogenetička istraživanja radnika Srbije profesionalno izloženih pesticidima",
pages = "133-121",
number = "1",
volume = "45",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1301121J"
Jovičić, D., Pajić, J., Rakić, B., Radivojević, L., Pajić, M., Janjić, V.,& Milovanović, A.. (2013). Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 45(1), 121-133.
Jovičić D, Pajić J, Rakić B, Radivojević L, Pajić M, Janjić V, Milovanović A. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides. in Genetika. 2013;45(1):121-133.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1301121J .
Jovičić, Dubravka, Pajić, Jelena, Rakić, Boban, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Pajić, Miloš, Janjić, Vaskrsija, Milovanović, Aleksandar, "Cytogenetic biomonitoring in a Serbian population occupationally exposed to a complex mixture of pesticides" in Genetika, 45, no. 1 (2013):121-133,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR1301121J . .

A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil

Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Djordjević, Tijana; Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina; Šantrić, Ljiljana; Djurović-Pejčev, Rada; Elezović, Ibrahim

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Djordjević, Tijana
AU  - Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina
AU  - Šantrić, Ljiljana
AU  - Djurović-Pejčev, Rada
AU  - Elezović, Ibrahim
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3190
AB  - A bioassay test was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of maize, sunflower and barley to clomazone residues in sandy loam soil. Clomazone was applied at different rates from 0.12 to 12 mg a.i./kg of soil. The parameters measured 14 days after treatment were: shoot height, fresh and dry weight, and content of pigments (carotenoids, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b). The results showed that the lowest clomazone concentration caused a significant reduction in all measured parameters for barley and sunflower shoots. Fresh weight of maize shoots was not sensitive to clomazone residual activity in soil while the other parameters were highly inhibited. Nomenclature: clomazone (2-(2-chlorbenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
AB  - U radu je ispitivana osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša, metodom biotesta. Klomazon je primenjen u seriji koncentracija 0.12-12 mg a.s./kg zemljišta. Nakon 14 dana rasta biljaka mereni su vegetativni (visina, sveža i suva masa izdanka) i fiziološki parametri (sadržaj karotenoida hlorofila a i hlorofila b). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su i najmanje koncentracije klomazona izazvale značajno smanjenje merenih vegetativnih i fizioloških parametara kod ječma i suncokreta. Izdanci kukuruza nisu pokazali istu osetljivost prema ostacima klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša pa je sveža masa izdanka ostala nepromenjena u varijantama sa različitim koncentracijama herbicida, a ostali mereni parametri su bili značajno inhibirani.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil
T1  - Mogućnosti korišćenja biotesta za praćenje ostataka klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša
EP  - 211
IS  - 3
SP  - 203
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1303203G
ER  - 
author = "Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Djordjević, Tijana and Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina and Šantrić, Ljiljana and Djurović-Pejčev, Rada and Elezović, Ibrahim",
year = "2013",
abstract = "A bioassay test was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of maize, sunflower and barley to clomazone residues in sandy loam soil. Clomazone was applied at different rates from 0.12 to 12 mg a.i./kg of soil. The parameters measured 14 days after treatment were: shoot height, fresh and dry weight, and content of pigments (carotenoids, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b). The results showed that the lowest clomazone concentration caused a significant reduction in all measured parameters for barley and sunflower shoots. Fresh weight of maize shoots was not sensitive to clomazone residual activity in soil while the other parameters were highly inhibited. Nomenclature: clomazone (2-(2-chlorbenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)., U radu je ispitivana osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša, metodom biotesta. Klomazon je primenjen u seriji koncentracija 0.12-12 mg a.s./kg zemljišta. Nakon 14 dana rasta biljaka mereni su vegetativni (visina, sveža i suva masa izdanka) i fiziološki parametri (sadržaj karotenoida hlorofila a i hlorofila b). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su i najmanje koncentracije klomazona izazvale značajno smanjenje merenih vegetativnih i fizioloških parametara kod ječma i suncokreta. Izdanci kukuruza nisu pokazali istu osetljivost prema ostacima klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša pa je sveža masa izdanka ostala nepromenjena u varijantama sa različitim koncentracijama herbicida, a ostali mereni parametri su bili značajno inhibirani.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil, Mogućnosti korišćenja biotesta za praćenje ostataka klomazona u zemljištu tipa peskuša",
pages = "211-203",
number = "3",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1303203G"
Gajić-Umiljendić, J., Radivojević, L., Djordjević, T., Jovanović-Radovanov, K., Šantrić, L., Djurović-Pejčev, R.,& Elezović, I.. (2013). A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 28(3), 203-211.
Gajić-Umiljendić J, Radivojević L, Djordjević T, Jovanović-Radovanov K, Šantrić L, Djurović-Pejčev R, Elezović I. A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2013;28(3):203-211.
doi:10.2298/PIF1303203G .
Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Djordjević, Tijana, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Šantrić, Ljiljana, Djurović-Pejčev, Rada, Elezović, Ibrahim, "A bioassay technique to study clomazone residues in sandy loam soil" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 28, no. 3 (2013):203-211,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1303203G . .

Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination

Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Božić, Dragana; Pavlović, Danijela; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3193
AB  - Studies of biological characteristics of seeds and conditions for their germination have a major importance for planning and executing rational measures of weed control. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different temperatures on germination of C. campestris seeds. Three treatments (T1- storage at room temperature; T2 - exposure to 4°C for 30 days; T3 - scarification by concentrated sulphuric acid) differing in manipulation with seeds before germination were tested at different temperatures (5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, 45°C). Germinated seeds were counted daily for ten days and the length of seedlings was measured on the last day. The results showed that differences in germination of C. campestris seeds were very prominent between temperatures, as well as between treatments T1, T2 and T3. Seeds failed to germinate at 5°C and 45°C in all treatments (T1, T2, T3). Germination ranged from 6.25 at 10°C to 96.88%, the highest percentage, achieved at 30°C.
AB  - Izučavanje bioloških karakteristika semena i uslova u kojima klijaju ima veliki značaj za planiranje i realizaciju racionalnih mera za kontrolu korova. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat različitih temperatura na klijanje semena C. campestris. U ogled su bila uključena tri tretmana (T1 - semena čuvana u laboratorijskim uslovima na temperaturi 22- 25°C, T2 - semena koja su prethodno 30 dana izlagana niskoj temperaturi (4°C), T3 - semena koja su skarifikovana koncentrovanom sumpornom kiselinom), pri čemu su svi tretmani ispitivani na sledećim temperaturama: 5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, 45°C. Svakodnevno, u periodu od deset dana, rađeno je prebrojavanje proklijalih semena, a poslednjeg dana su izmerene i dužine klijanaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da postoje značajne razlike u klijanju semena u odnosu na ispitivane temperature i tretmane. Semena nisu klijala na temperaturama od 5°C i 45°C ni u jednom od rađenih tretmana. Procenat klijanja se kretao od 6,25% do 96,88%, pri čemu je najveći procenat u sva tri tretmana zabeležen na temperaturi od 30°C.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination
T1  - Uticaj temperature na klijanje semena Cuscuta campestris Yunk.
EP  - 193
IS  - 3
SP  - 187
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1303187S
ER  - 
author = "Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Božić, Dragana and Pavlović, Danijela and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Studies of biological characteristics of seeds and conditions for their germination have a major importance for planning and executing rational measures of weed control. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different temperatures on germination of C. campestris seeds. Three treatments (T1- storage at room temperature; T2 - exposure to 4°C for 30 days; T3 - scarification by concentrated sulphuric acid) differing in manipulation with seeds before germination were tested at different temperatures (5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, 45°C). Germinated seeds were counted daily for ten days and the length of seedlings was measured on the last day. The results showed that differences in germination of C. campestris seeds were very prominent between temperatures, as well as between treatments T1, T2 and T3. Seeds failed to germinate at 5°C and 45°C in all treatments (T1, T2, T3). Germination ranged from 6.25 at 10°C to 96.88%, the highest percentage, achieved at 30°C., Izučavanje bioloških karakteristika semena i uslova u kojima klijaju ima veliki značaj za planiranje i realizaciju racionalnih mera za kontrolu korova. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat različitih temperatura na klijanje semena C. campestris. U ogled su bila uključena tri tretmana (T1 - semena čuvana u laboratorijskim uslovima na temperaturi 22- 25°C, T2 - semena koja su prethodno 30 dana izlagana niskoj temperaturi (4°C), T3 - semena koja su skarifikovana koncentrovanom sumpornom kiselinom), pri čemu su svi tretmani ispitivani na sledećim temperaturama: 5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, 45°C. Svakodnevno, u periodu od deset dana, rađeno je prebrojavanje proklijalih semena, a poslednjeg dana su izmerene i dužine klijanaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da postoje značajne razlike u klijanju semena u odnosu na ispitivane temperature i tretmane. Semena nisu klijala na temperaturama od 5°C i 45°C ni u jednom od rađenih tretmana. Procenat klijanja se kretao od 6,25% do 96,88%, pri čemu je najveći procenat u sva tri tretmana zabeležen na temperaturi od 30°C.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination, Uticaj temperature na klijanje semena Cuscuta campestris Yunk.",
pages = "193-187",
number = "3",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1303187S"
Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Božić, D., Pavlović, D., Radivojević, L.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2013). Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 28(3), 187-193.
Sarić-Krsmanović M, Božić D, Pavlović D, Radivojević L, Vrbničanin S. Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2013;28(3):187-193.
doi:10.2298/PIF1303187S .
Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Božić, Dragana, Pavlović, Danijela, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris Yunk. seed germination" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 28, no. 3 (2013):187-193,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1303187S . .

Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil

Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Šantrić, Ljiljana; Djurović, Rada; Djordjević, Tijana

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Šantrić, Ljiljana
AU  - Djurović, Rada
AU  - Djordjević, Tijana
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2886
AB  - Sensitivity of maize, sunflower and barley to clomazone residues in loamy soil was assessed in the study using bioassay. Clomazone was applied at a series of concentrations from 0.12 to 12 mg a.i./kg of soil. After 14 days, morphological (shoot height, fresh and dry weight) and physiological (content of carotenoids, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b) parameters were measured. The results showed that morphological parameters are not valid indicators of clomazone sensitivity. Based on the results showing inhibition of the physiological parameters, I50 values were calculated and used to estimate the difference in sensitivity between the species tested. Sunflower was the most sensitive species, while the difference in sensitivity between maize and barley was not significant. Nomenclature: clomazone (2-(2-chlorbenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
AB  - U radu je ispitivana osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu tipa ilovače, metodom biotesta. Klomazon je primenjen u seriji koncentracija 0,12-12 mg a.s./kg zemljišta. Nakon 14 dana rasta biljaka mereni su morfološki (visina, sveža i suva masa izdanka) i fiziološki parametri (sadržaj karotenoida, hlorofila a i hlorofila b). Konstatovano je da morfološki parametri nisu pouzdano merilo osetljivosti na klomazon. Prema ostvarenim procentima inhibicije za merene fiziološke parametre izračunate su vrednosti I50, a na osnovu njih utvrđene su razlike u osetljivosti ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Najosetljiviji je bio suncokret, dok se kukuruz i ječam nisu međusobno značajno razlikovali.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil
T1  - Osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu
EP  - 165
IS  - 2
SP  - 157
VL  - 27
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1202157G
ER  - 
author = "Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Šantrić, Ljiljana and Djurović, Rada and Djordjević, Tijana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Sensitivity of maize, sunflower and barley to clomazone residues in loamy soil was assessed in the study using bioassay. Clomazone was applied at a series of concentrations from 0.12 to 12 mg a.i./kg of soil. After 14 days, morphological (shoot height, fresh and dry weight) and physiological (content of carotenoids, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b) parameters were measured. The results showed that morphological parameters are not valid indicators of clomazone sensitivity. Based on the results showing inhibition of the physiological parameters, I50 values were calculated and used to estimate the difference in sensitivity between the species tested. Sunflower was the most sensitive species, while the difference in sensitivity between maize and barley was not significant. Nomenclature: clomazone (2-(2-chlorbenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)., U radu je ispitivana osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu tipa ilovače, metodom biotesta. Klomazon je primenjen u seriji koncentracija 0,12-12 mg a.s./kg zemljišta. Nakon 14 dana rasta biljaka mereni su morfološki (visina, sveža i suva masa izdanka) i fiziološki parametri (sadržaj karotenoida, hlorofila a i hlorofila b). Konstatovano je da morfološki parametri nisu pouzdano merilo osetljivosti na klomazon. Prema ostvarenim procentima inhibicije za merene fiziološke parametre izračunate su vrednosti I50, a na osnovu njih utvrđene su razlike u osetljivosti ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Najosetljiviji je bio suncokret, dok se kukuruz i ječam nisu međusobno značajno razlikovali.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil, Osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljištu",
pages = "165-157",
number = "2",
volume = "27",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1202157G"
Gajić-Umiljendić, J., Jovanović-Radovanov, K., Radivojević, L., Šantrić, L., Djurović, R.,& Djordjević, T.. (2012). Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 27(2), 157-165.
Gajić-Umiljendić J, Jovanović-Radovanov K, Radivojević L, Šantrić L, Djurović R, Djordjević T. Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2012;27(2):157-165.
doi:10.2298/PIF1202157G .
Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Šantrić, Ljiljana, Djurović, Rada, Djordjević, Tijana, "Maize, sunflower and barley sensitivity to the residual activity of clomazone in soil" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 27, no. 2 (2012):157-165,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1202157G . .

The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms

Radivojević, Ljiljana; Šantrić, Ljiljana; Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena; Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina; Djurović, Rada; Marisavljević, Dragana

(Herbološko društvo Srbije, 2011)

AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Šantrić, Ljiljana
AU  - Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena
AU  - Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina
AU  - Djurović, Rada
AU  - Marisavljević, Dragana
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2485
AB  - The effect of nicosulfuron on abundance of amino-autotrophs, amino-heterotrophs, Azotobacter sp., phospho-mobilizers and phospho-mineralizers was examined. A trial was set up in laboratory conditions on chernozem soil type. Nicosulfuron was applied in concentrations 0.3, 1.5 and 3 mg/kg soil. Sampling for analysis was done 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 60 days after atrazine application. The results showed that the effect of nicosulfuron depended on rates of application, duration of activity and group of microorganisms. Nicosulfuron had an inhibiting effect on Azotobacter sp., amino-heterotrophs, and phospho-mobilizers. Nicosulfuron inhibited amino-autotrophs initially, and stimulated them after the population recovered, while nicosulfuron had stimulating effect on phospho-mineralizers. However, the changes detected were found to be transient, and therefore there is no real risk of the compound disrupting the balance of biochemical processes in chernozem soil.
AB  - U radu je ispitivano kratkotrajno delovanje herbicida nikosulfurona na brojnost nekih fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama. Ogled je postavljen u laboratorijskim uslovima na zemljištu tipa černozem. Nikosulfuron je primenjen u količinama od 0,3, 1,5 i 3 mg/kg zemljišta. Praćene su neke fiziološke grupe mikroorganizama i to: aminoheterotrofi, aminoautotrofi, Azotobacter sp., fosfomineralizatori i fosfomobilizatori. Uzorci za analize uzimani su 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 i 60 dana posle primene nikosulfurona. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je uticaj nikosulfurona na brojnost ispitivanih fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama zavisio od primenjene količine i dužine delovanja i da je bio stimulativan ili inhibitoran. Nikosulfuron je inhibitorno delovao na Azotobacter sp., aminoheterotrofe i fosfomobilizatore. Na aminoautotrofe je prvo delovao inhibitorno, a kasnije, zbog obnavljanja populacije, stimulativno. Na fosfomineralizatore nikosulfuron je delovao stimulativno. Međutim, utvrđene promene su bile prolaznog karaktera, tako da se može smatrati da nema realnog rizika od narušavanja ravnoteže mikrobioloških procesa u zemljištu pod uticajem ovog herbicida.
PB  - Herbološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Acta herbologica
T1  - The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms
T1  - Uticaj nikosulfurona na neke fiziološke grupe mikroorganizama u zemljištu
EP  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 5
VL  - 20
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2485
ER  - 
author = "Radivojević, Ljiljana and Šantrić, Ljiljana and Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena and Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina and Djurović, Rada and Marisavljević, Dragana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The effect of nicosulfuron on abundance of amino-autotrophs, amino-heterotrophs, Azotobacter sp., phospho-mobilizers and phospho-mineralizers was examined. A trial was set up in laboratory conditions on chernozem soil type. Nicosulfuron was applied in concentrations 0.3, 1.5 and 3 mg/kg soil. Sampling for analysis was done 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 60 days after atrazine application. The results showed that the effect of nicosulfuron depended on rates of application, duration of activity and group of microorganisms. Nicosulfuron had an inhibiting effect on Azotobacter sp., amino-heterotrophs, and phospho-mobilizers. Nicosulfuron inhibited amino-autotrophs initially, and stimulated them after the population recovered, while nicosulfuron had stimulating effect on phospho-mineralizers. However, the changes detected were found to be transient, and therefore there is no real risk of the compound disrupting the balance of biochemical processes in chernozem soil., U radu je ispitivano kratkotrajno delovanje herbicida nikosulfurona na brojnost nekih fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama. Ogled je postavljen u laboratorijskim uslovima na zemljištu tipa černozem. Nikosulfuron je primenjen u količinama od 0,3, 1,5 i 3 mg/kg zemljišta. Praćene su neke fiziološke grupe mikroorganizama i to: aminoheterotrofi, aminoautotrofi, Azotobacter sp., fosfomineralizatori i fosfomobilizatori. Uzorci za analize uzimani su 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 i 60 dana posle primene nikosulfurona. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je uticaj nikosulfurona na brojnost ispitivanih fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama zavisio od primenjene količine i dužine delovanja i da je bio stimulativan ili inhibitoran. Nikosulfuron je inhibitorno delovao na Azotobacter sp., aminoheterotrofe i fosfomobilizatore. Na aminoautotrofe je prvo delovao inhibitorno, a kasnije, zbog obnavljanja populacije, stimulativno. Na fosfomineralizatore nikosulfuron je delovao stimulativno. Međutim, utvrđene promene su bile prolaznog karaktera, tako da se može smatrati da nema realnog rizika od narušavanja ravnoteže mikrobioloških procesa u zemljištu pod uticajem ovog herbicida.",
publisher = "Herbološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Acta herbologica",
title = "The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms, Uticaj nikosulfurona na neke fiziološke grupe mikroorganizama u zemljištu",
pages = "13-5",
number = "1",
volume = "20",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2485"
Radivojević, L., Šantrić, L., Gajić-Umiljendić, J., Jovanović-Radovanov, K., Djurović, R.,& Marisavljević, D.. (2011). The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms. in Acta herbologica
Herbološko društvo Srbije., 20(1), 5-13.
Radivojević L, Šantrić L, Gajić-Umiljendić J, Jovanović-Radovanov K, Djurović R, Marisavljević D. The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms. in Acta herbologica. 2011;20(1):5-13.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2485 .
Radivojević, Ljiljana, Šantrić, Ljiljana, Gajić-Umiljendić, Jelena, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Djurović, Rada, Marisavljević, Dragana, "The effect of nicosulfuron on some physiological groups of microorganisms" in Acta herbologica, 20, no. 1 (2011):5-13,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2485 .

Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats

Brkić, Dragica; Gašić, Slavica; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Szakonyne-Pasics, I.; Karan, Vesela; Nešković, Neško

(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, Clare, 2011)

AU  - Brkić, Dragica
AU  - Gašić, Slavica
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Szakonyne-Pasics, I.
AU  - Karan, Vesela
AU  - Nešković, Neško
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2669
PB  - Elsevier Ireland Ltd, Clare
C3  - Toxicology Letters
T1  - Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats
EP  - S229
SP  - S228
VL  - 205
DO  - 10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.05.782
ER  - 
author = "Brkić, Dragica and Gašić, Slavica and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Szakonyne-Pasics, I. and Karan, Vesela and Nešković, Neško",
year = "2011",
publisher = "Elsevier Ireland Ltd, Clare",
journal = "Toxicology Letters",
title = "Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats",
pages = "S229-S228",
volume = "205",
doi = "10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.05.782"
Brkić, D., Gašić, S., Radivojević, L., Szakonyne-Pasics, I., Karan, V.,& Nešković, N.. (2011). Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats. in Toxicology Letters
Elsevier Ireland Ltd, Clare., 205, S228-S229.
Brkić D, Gašić S, Radivojević L, Szakonyne-Pasics I, Karan V, Nešković N. Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats. in Toxicology Letters. 2011;205:S228-S229.
doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.05.782 .
Brkić, Dragica, Gašić, Slavica, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Szakonyne-Pasics, I., Karan, Vesela, Nešković, Neško, "Avalon (R) (bentazon plus dicamba) herbicide: Subchronic toxicity to rats" in Toxicology Letters, 205 (2011):S228-S229,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.05.782 . .

Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats

Brkić, Dragica; Szakonyne-Pasics, Ilona; Gašić, Slavica; Karan, Vesela; Radivojević, Ljiljana; Nešković, Neško

(Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Brkić, Dragica
AU  - Szakonyne-Pasics, Ilona
AU  - Gašić, Slavica
AU  - Karan, Vesela
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
AU  - Nešković, Neško
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2533
AB  - Hematological effects of the herbicide Avalon (GAL-57), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba, were tested on rats. Avalon was administered by gavage at three and four dose levels (250, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg/kg weight/day) for 28 and 90 days. Hematological parameters, number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (MCV, MCH and MCHC) were monitored. The results showed that the herbicide Avalon caused decrease in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (both males and females). The changes (mostly) correlated with the doses administered and, in most cases, a lower susceptibility of females than males was observed. The herbicide GAL-57 had no adverse effect on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (both sexes, all doses tested). The results showed that the herbicide Avalon causes weak anemia to the animals tested. Reversibility was apparent during the recovery period of 28 days.
AB  - U radu su ispitivani hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon (GAL-57), koji je mešavina bentazona i dikambe kao aktivnih materija, na pacovima. Preparat je doziran oralnim putem (sondom u želudac) u više nivoa doza (250, 500, 1000 i 1250 mg/kg/telesne mase/dan) tokom 28 i 90 dana. Praćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit i eritrocitni indeksi (prosečna zapremina eritrocita, srednja vrednost hemoglobina po eritrocitu i prosečna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima). Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su pokazali da herbicid Avalon kod oba pola izaziva smanjenje vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa, dok kod drugih ispitivanih pokazatelja (broj leukocita, eritrocita i trombocita) nisu registrovane promene u odnosu na kontrolu. Sve promene su, najčešće, u korelaciji sa primenjenim dozama a uočena je, u najvećem broju slučajeva, i nešto manja osetljivost ženki u odnosu na mužjake. Rezultati ispitivanja su, takođe, pokazali da Avalon izaziva blagu anemiju kod ispitivanih životinja s tim da je efekat reverzibilnog karaktera; nakon isteka perioda oporavka od 28 dana vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre se vraćaju na normalu i ne razlikuju se značajnije u odnosu na kontrolu.
PB  - Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats
T1  - Hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon® (bentazon+dikamba) za pacova
EP  - 407
IS  - 4
SP  - 401
VL  - 26
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1104401B
ER  - 
author = "Brkić, Dragica and Szakonyne-Pasics, Ilona and Gašić, Slavica and Karan, Vesela and Radivojević, Ljiljana and Nešković, Neško",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Hematological effects of the herbicide Avalon (GAL-57), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba, were tested on rats. Avalon was administered by gavage at three and four dose levels (250, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg/kg weight/day) for 28 and 90 days. Hematological parameters, number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (MCV, MCH and MCHC) were monitored. The results showed that the herbicide Avalon caused decrease in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (both males and females). The changes (mostly) correlated with the doses administered and, in most cases, a lower susceptibility of females than males was observed. The herbicide GAL-57 had no adverse effect on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (both sexes, all doses tested). The results showed that the herbicide Avalon causes weak anemia to the animals tested. Reversibility was apparent during the recovery period of 28 days., U radu su ispitivani hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon (GAL-57), koji je mešavina bentazona i dikambe kao aktivnih materija, na pacovima. Preparat je doziran oralnim putem (sondom u želudac) u više nivoa doza (250, 500, 1000 i 1250 mg/kg/telesne mase/dan) tokom 28 i 90 dana. Praćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit i eritrocitni indeksi (prosečna zapremina eritrocita, srednja vrednost hemoglobina po eritrocitu i prosečna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima). Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su pokazali da herbicid Avalon kod oba pola izaziva smanjenje vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa, dok kod drugih ispitivanih pokazatelja (broj leukocita, eritrocita i trombocita) nisu registrovane promene u odnosu na kontrolu. Sve promene su, najčešće, u korelaciji sa primenjenim dozama a uočena je, u najvećem broju slučajeva, i nešto manja osetljivost ženki u odnosu na mužjake. Rezultati ispitivanja su, takođe, pokazali da Avalon izaziva blagu anemiju kod ispitivanih životinja s tim da je efekat reverzibilnog karaktera; nakon isteka perioda oporavka od 28 dana vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre se vraćaju na normalu i ne razlikuju se značajnije u odnosu na kontrolu.",
publisher = "Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats, Hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon® (bentazon+dikamba) za pacova",
pages = "407-401",
number = "4",
volume = "26",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1104401B"
Brkić, D., Szakonyne-Pasics, I., Gašić, S., Karan, V., Radivojević, L.,& Nešković, N.. (2011). Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd., 26(4), 401-407.
Brkić D, Szakonyne-Pasics I, Gašić S, Karan V, Radivojević L, Nešković N. Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2011;26(4):401-407.
doi:10.2298/PIF1104401B .
Brkić, Dragica, Szakonyne-Pasics, Ilona, Gašić, Slavica, Karan, Vesela, Radivojević, Ljiljana, Nešković, Neško, "Hematological effects of herbicide Avalon® (bentazon+dicamba) in rats" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 26, no. 4 (2011):401-407,
https://doi.org/10.2298/PIF1104401B . .

Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat

Stanković-Kalezić, Radmila; Kojić, M.; Vrbničanin, Sava; Radivojević, Ljiljana

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2007)

AU  - Stanković-Kalezić, Radmila
AU  - Kojić, M.
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Radivojević, Ljiljana
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1358
AB  - Four species of the Helianthus genus have been found in the non-arable and arable communities in Vojvodina and Serbia, namely: H. annuus, H. tuberosus, H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus. Studies conducted hitherto have shown that Helianthus annuus has the highest frequency in all weed phytocoenoses examined so far. The spreading of H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus, introduced to Vojvodina from the neighboring Hungary and Romania, has still not assumed alarming proportions in quantitative terms, but a tendency has been observed of their further spreading. It is therefore necessary to monitor and study the trend of their expansion over the coming period. .
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Helia
T1  - Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat
EP  - 42
IS  - 46
SP  - 37
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.2298/HEL0746037S
ER  - 
author = "Stanković-Kalezić, Radmila and Kojić, M. and Vrbničanin, Sava and Radivojević, Ljiljana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Four species of the Helianthus genus have been found in the non-arable and arable communities in Vojvodina and Serbia, namely: H. annuus, H. tuberosus, H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus. Studies conducted hitherto have shown that Helianthus annuus has the highest frequency in all weed phytocoenoses examined so far. The spreading of H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus, introduced to Vojvodina from the neighboring Hungary and Romania, has still not assumed alarming proportions in quantitative terms, but a tendency has been observed of their further spreading. It is therefore necessary to monitor and study the trend of their expansion over the coming period. .",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Helia",
title = "Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat",
pages = "42-37",
number = "46",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.2298/HEL0746037S"
Stanković-Kalezić, R., Kojić, M., Vrbničanin, S.,& Radivojević, L.. (2007). Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat. in Helia
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 30(46), 37-42.
Stanković-Kalezić R, Kojić M, Vrbničanin S, Radivojević L. Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat. in Helia. 2007;30(46):37-42.
doi:10.2298/HEL0746037S .
Stanković-Kalezić, Radmila, Kojić, M., Vrbničanin, Sava, Radivojević, Ljiljana, "Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbia’s region of southern Banat" in Helia, 30, no. 46 (2007):37-42,
https://doi.org/10.2298/HEL0746037S . .