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dc.creatorMačukanović-Jocić, Marina
dc.description.abstractParasites may be present in food or in water and can cause disease. These organisms live and reproduce within the tissues and organs of infected human and animal hosts, and are often excreted in feces. They may be transmited from host to host through consumption of contaminated food and water or anything that has touched the stool (feces) of an infected person or animal. There are many anthelmintic herbs but following are the most effective and most noted in Serbia: Artemisia absinthium has been used for centuries as a vermifuge (agent that expels parasites) especially for roundworms and pinworms. It is extremely bitter due to its volatile oil, which contains absinthol or thujone. Because of being very potent, even tiny dose of oil can cause coma and death in an adult animal. Thus, dried plant material is to be used instead of essential oil. Juglans regia is used to treat many kinds of intestinal ailments (over 100 types of parasites) and to promote healthy microbial activity. The high tannin content is primarily responsible for its antihelmintic property, although other constituents such as juglandin, juglone and juglandic acid are most likely involved. However, no part of the J. regia is safe enough for treating animals, because of extreme toxicity of juglone and side effects. Ruta graveolens should be used with caution. It contains quinazoline alkaloids, quinoline alkaloids, furocoumarins and more, and in proper dose, it is very effective anthelmintic. Tanacetum vulgare is the most toxic of the known anthelmintics. It contains a very high level of thujone and small amount of borneol and camphor and must be used in precise dosages. Dryopteris filix-mas has been used through out the ages in elimination of tapeworms and liver flukes and other nasty parasites. Its rhizome contains filicin and filmarone. This is a an extremely toxic anthelmintic. There are several other herbs that are far safer anthelmintics such as Foeniculum vulgare, Tanacetum parthenium, Humulus lupulus, Marrubium vulgare, Salvia off. and Verbena hastata and should be used with consultatioin with veterinarian or qualified herbalist.sr
dc.publisherPrirodno-matematički fakultet Ul. Višegradska br. 33, Nišsr
dc.source8th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regionssr
dc.titleHerbal dewormers used in veterinary medicinesr



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