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Uticaj treatiranja pokrivke biofungicidom na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 na suzbijanje zelene plesni i prinos šampinjona

dc.creatorPotočnik, Ivana
dc.creatorRekanović, Emil
dc.creatorTodorović, Biljana
dc.creatorLuković, Jelena
dc.creatorPaunović, Dušanka
dc.creatorStanojević, Olja
dc.creatorMilijašević-Marčić, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractThe impact of a biofungicide based on Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 on mushroom yield and efficacy in suppression of Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 from Serbia was estimated in comparision with a similar microbial fungicide, Bacillus velezensis QST713, and the chemical fungicide prochloraz manganese. The biofungicide B. velezensis QST713 is registered for treatments of mushrooms and other crops in many countries but it is not currently available on the Serbian market. The tested B. subtilis Ch-13 fungicide enhanced mushroom yield 12%, compared with an uninoculated control, and notably more than B. velezensis QST713 applied at its higher test concentrations. Regarding the efficacy of the biofungicides in control of the compost pathogen T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 applied in concentration of 3 × 108 CFU per m2 showed higher efficacy than the higher concentrations (5 × 109 and 1 × 1010 CFU per m2) of B. velezensis QST713. The biofungicide based on B. subtilis Ch-13 should be further investigated regarding its different modes of application to ensure better efficacy in disease control as it showed beneficial features in both promoting A. bisporus production and suppressing the growth of the aggressive compost pathogen T. aggressivum, the causal agent of devastating green mould disease.en
dc.description.abstractBiofungicid na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 odabran je za procenu uticaja na prinos šampinjona i efikasnost u suzbijanju Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 iz Srbije u poređenju sa sličnim mikrobiološkim fungicidom na bazi Bacillus velezensis QST713 i fungicidom prohloraz manganom. Biofungicid B. velezensis QST713 je registrovan u šampinjonima i drugim usevima u mnogim državama, ali nije dostupan na tržištu Sribje. Testirani B. subtilis Ch-13 je povećao prinos šampinjona 12% u poređenju sa neinokulisanom kontrolom i u značajno većoj meri od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama. U određivanju efikasnosti biofungicida u suzbijanju kompostnog patogena T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 primenjen u koncentraciji 3 × 108 CFU po m2, ispoljio je veću efikasnost od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama (5 × 109 i 1 × 1010 CFU po m2). Biofungicid na bazi B. subtilis Ch-13 bi trebalo dalje testirati i proučiti različite načine njegove primene da bi se uspostavila veća efikasnost u suzbijanju patogena jer je pokazao značajne osobine u pospešivanju prinosa A. bisporus i zaštiti od agresivnog patogena iz komposta T. aggressivum, prouzrokovača zelene plesni šampinjona.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za pesticide i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd i Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31043/RS//
dc.sourcePesticidi i fitomedicina
dc.subjectcultivated mushroomen
dc.subjectTrichoderma aggressivumen
dc.subjectBacillus subtilisen
dc.subjectTrichoderma aggressivumsr
dc.subjectBacillus subtilissr
dc.titleThe effects of casing soil treatment with Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 biofungicide on green mould control and mushroom yielden
dc.titleUticaj treatiranja pokrivke biofungicidom na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 na suzbijanje zelene plesni i prinos šampinjonasr
dc.citation.other34(1): 53-60



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