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Rizosferna mikroflora nekih Thymus vrsta

dc.creatorLalević, Blažo
dc.creatorRaičević, Vera
dc.creatorDajić-Stevanović, Zora
dc.creatorKiković, Dragan
dc.creatorMićanović, Danica
dc.description.abstractThe investigation of rhizospheric microflora of several species of the genus Thymus L. (Labiatae), spread on serpentine habitats in Serbia, was involved in this paper. Accessions of Th. pulegioides, Th. pulegioides ssp. montanus Th. lykae, Th. malyi and Th. moesiacus were collected from geographically isolated populations. Among investigated data, Th. lykae and Th. malyi are considered as endemics for Serbian flora. The abundance of total microflora was examined on the seven nutritive substrates: 10 times attenuated TSA, TSA with addition of 1 apropos 2% water root extract, TSA with addition 1 apropos 2% water shoot extract, agarized root extract and agarized shoot extract. The abundance of bacteria increase with addition of water root extract in the TSA, but when agarized root extract is considered the abundance of bacteria has been less than on TSA. With the addition of shoot extract the abundance of bacteria was small. The development of bacteria for the most number of examined plants was not noticed on agarized shoot extract.en
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad obuhvata istraživanja rizosferne mikroflore nekih vrsta iz roda Thymus L. (Labiatae), koje rastu na serpentinskim terenima Srbije. Vrste Th. pulegioides, Th. pulegioides ssp. montanus, Th. lykae, Th. malyi i Th. moesiacus su sakupljene iz geografski izolovanih populacija. Th. lykae i Th. malyi označene su kao endemidne vrste za flora Srbije. Zastupljenost ukupne mikroflore ispitivana je na sedam hranljivih podloga: 10 puta razblažen TSA TSA uz dodatak 1 odnosno 2% vodenog korenskog ekstrakta, TSA uz dodatak 1 odnosno 2% vodenog ekstrakta nadzemnog dela biljaka, agarizovan korenski ekstrakt i agarizovan ekstrakt nadzemnog dela biljaka. Zastupljenost bakterija se povećava dodavanjem vodenog korenskog ekstrakta podlozi TSA mada je zastupljenost bakterija na ovoj podlozi bila manja u poređenju sa podlogom TSA. Dodavanjem ekstrakta nadzemnog dela biljaka zastupljenost bakterija bila je veoma mala. Na agarizovanom ekstraktu nadzemnog dela biljaka nije konstatovan rast bakterija kod najvećeg broja ispitivanih
dc.publisherUnija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.sourceZemljište i biljka
dc.subjectrhizospheric microfloraen
dc.titleRhizospheric microflora of some Thymus speciesen
dc.titleRizosferna mikroflora nekih Thymus vrstasr
dc.citation.other52(1-3): 59-64

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