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Efikasnost dimetenamid-p-a u suzbijanju korova u usevu šećerne repe

dc.creatorGajović, Dragana
dc.creatorJovanović-Radovanov, Katarina
dc.creatorElezović, Ibrahim
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to analyze the efficacy of dimethenamid-p (Frontier Super) for the control of annual grass and broad-leaved weeds in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.). The trial was conducted in 2000 on the localities of Zemun Polje. Dimethenamid (Frontier 900 EC) was the control herbicide. Both efficacy and phytotoxicity were assessed according to the standard EPPO method. The lowest application rate (0.8 l ha-1) was effective (75-90%) for the species Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Echinochloa crus-galli L.. Increasing the application rate to 1.0 l ha-1 tended to raise the efficacy (90- 100%). Further increase of the application rate to 1.2 l ha-1 proved the efficacy of the herbicide in controlling Polygonum lapathifolium L. as well, whereas in the case of Chenopodium album L. a favourable result was registered in the first assessment only. The efficacy obtained in the first assessment applying the highest application rate (1.4 l ha-1) was the same as using 1.2 l ha-1. However, in the second assessment the efficacy of the herbicide was low (0-75%) in controlling P. lapathifolium only. The efficacy of the herbicide for the control of all the other available species (Datura stramonium L, Hibiscus trionum L., Solanum nigrum L and Xanthium strumarium L.) was low even at the highest application rate (1.4 l ha-1). High resistance to the herbicide tested has most probably contributed to the unfavourable efficacy for some weed species such as: D.stramonium, H.trionum, S.nigrum and X.strumarium. Frontier Super should be applied at the lower dose rate than the control herbicide Frontier 900 EC in order to achieve the same efficacy. The reason for this is the purified active isomer dimethenamid in Frontier Super. However, Frontier 900 EC contains a mixture of isomers of the same compound. Therefore, current trends focused on decreasing the dose favour Frontier Super. The herbicide is economically justifiable and environmentally safe.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu ispitivana je efikasnost dimetenamid-p-a (preprat Frontier super) u suzbijanju jednogodišnjih uskolisnih i širokolisnih korova u šećernoj repi. Ogled je postavljen 2000. godine na lokalitetu Zemun Polje. Kao standard korišćen je dimetenamid (preparat Frontier 900 EC). Efikasnost i fitotoksičnost je utvrđena u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom. Za vrste Amaranthus retroflexus L. i Echinochloa crus-galli L. efikasnost je bila zadovoljavajuća (75-90%) za najnižu količinu primene (0.8 l ha-1), dok je sa povećanjem količine primene na 1.0 l ha-1 efikasnost bila dobra (90-100%). Daljim povećanjem količine primene na 1.2 l ha-1 efikasnost je bila zadovoljavajuća i za vrstu Polygonum lapathifolium L., dok je za Chenopodium album L. takav rezultat konstatovan samo kod prve ocene. Pri najvećoj količini primen od 1.4 l ha-1, kod prve ocene, postignuta je ista efikasnost kao i za količinu od 1.2 l ha-1, dok je u drugoj oceni samo za P. lapathifolium efikasnost bila slaba (0-75%). Za ostale detektovane vrste: Datura stramonium L., Hibiscus trionum L., Solanum nigrum L. i Xanthium strumarium L. efikasnost je bila slaba čak i pri najvećoj količini primene (1.4 l ha-1). Rezultat nezadovoljavajuće efikasnosti na neke korovske vrste kao što su: D.stramonium, H.trionum, S.nigrum i X.strumarium je verovatno posledica njihove visoke otpornosti na dati herbicid. Frontier super se primenjuje u nižoj količini primene od standarda Frontier 900 EC da bi se postigla ista efikasnost, zahvaljujući tome što Frontier super sadrži prečišćen aktivni izomer dimetenamida, dok preparat Frontier 900 EC sadrži smešu izomera istog jedinjenja. U skladu s tim Frontier super se uklapa u savremene tendencije usmerene u pravcu smanjenja količina primene, tako da je prihvatljiviji u ekonomskom pogledu kao i sa stanovišta zaštite životne sredine.sr
dc.publisherHerbološko društvo Srbije
dc.sourceActa herbologica
dc.subjectfrontier superen
dc.subjectsugar beeten
dc.titleEfficacy of dimethenamid-p in controlling weeds in sugar beeten
dc.titleEfikasnost dimetenamid-p-a u suzbijanju korova u usevu šećerne repesr
dc.citation.other12(1-2): 59-66



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