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Noviji nalazi i stepen pojave prstenaste nekroze krtola krompira (potato virus y, pvyntn) u Srbiji

dc.creatorMilošević, Drago
dc.creatorStarović, Mira
dc.creatorBroćić, Zoran
dc.creatorJovović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractPotato virus Y i.e. its necrotic strain (PVYNTN) is among the most economically harmful agents of potato diseases in Serbia and in many countries across the world. Damage caused by the virus involves reduced yields of infected plants, its spread i.e. a high percentage of infected plants at the country level and a high rate of annual infections (infestation of healthy plants) during the growing season. In most widely grown potato cultivars, the necrotic strain of potato virus Y causes symptoms only on aboveground parts, depending on cultivar and time of infection (primary and secondary). The necrotic strain of potato virus Y causes additional problems to some potato cultivars including symptoms of necrotic ringspot disease on tubers, resulting in their reduced quality or rendering them unmarketable. Experience shows that these are mostly cultivars that have a high dry matter content in tubers and that are processed into potato chips. This study presents results on the susceptibility of some potato cultivars to tuber necrotic ringspot disease as well as on the incidence of the disease under conditions characterised by a high potential for infection with the necrotic strain of potato virus Y.en
dc.description.abstractY virus odnosno nekrotični soj (PVYNTN) ovog virusa je jedan od ekonomski najštetnijih prouzrokovača bolesti krompira u Srbiji i mnogim zemljama sveta. Štetnost virusa se ogleda u smanjenju prinosa zaraženih biljaka, njegovoj raširenosti odnosno visokom procentu zaraženih biljaka krompira na području države i velikoj brzini jednogodišnjeg širenja (zaražavanja zdravih biljaka) u toku vegetacije. Nekrotični soj Y virusa, na većini široko rasprostranjenih sorti u proizvodnji krompira, prouzrokuje simptome samo na nadzemnom delu biljke krompira u zavisnosti od sorte kromira i vremena zaraze (primarna i sekundarna). Nekrotični soj Y virusa krompira predstavlja dodatni problem za neke sorte krompira na čijim krtolama prouzrokuje simptome prstenaste nekroze što umanjuje njihov kvalitet ili ih čini tržišno neupotrebljivim. Dosadašnja iskustva govore da su to uglavnom sorte sa visokim sadržajem suve materije u krtolama i koje se koriste za preradu u oplemenjene proizvode. U ovo radu su prikazani rezultati osetljivosti nekih sorti krompira na prstenastu nekrozu krtola i stepen pojave bolesti u našim uslovima koje karakteriše visok infekcioni potencijal nekrotičnim sojem Y
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31043/RS//
dc.source20. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13.- 14. 03. 2015.
dc.subjectpotato virus Yen
dc.subjecttuber necrotic ringspot diseaseen
dc.subjectY virusen
dc.subjectprstenasta nekroza krtolasr
dc.titleRecent Records and Incidence of Potato Tuber Necrotic Ringspot Disease (Potato Virus Y, Pvyntn) in Serbiaen
dc.titleNoviji nalazi i stepen pojave prstenaste nekroze krtola krompira (potato virus y, pvyntn) u Srbijisr

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