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Uticaj mikotoksina na neke reproduktivne pokazatelje svinja

dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.creatorTodorović, Mirjana
dc.creatorPetrović, Milica
dc.description.abstractInvestigations covered reproductive characteristics of sows during two different periods. During the first period, sows were fed silages wet corn kernels, soybean and sunflower meal, with a high level of mycotoxins (Table 2). During the second period, animals were fed with a ration which included fodder which was not contaminated with higher than permitted levels of mycotoxins (artificially dried corn kernels, soybean and sunflower meal). During both periods, investigations began after weaning of piglets and continued during two consecutive titters. The sexual urge first appeared after loss of milk in sows fed compounds which included fodder with a lower level of mycotoxins (15.87 days), and it first appeared in sows fed compounds with fodder containing a high degree of contamination after 21.01 days (the second period). The success of insemination was better in the second (84,12%) than in the first period (71.44%). Sows were not impregnated in 1,120 case during the second period and 1,765 during the first period. The percent of successfully inseminated sows was bigger in the second (80,69%) than in the first period (68.56%). The negative effects of mycotoxins resent in feed can be eased with the early or timely determination of their presence in fodder and the consequent elimination of contaminate feed from use and/or its possible dilution or mixing with mycotoxin-free fodder.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanjem su bile obuhvaćene reproduktivne osobine krmača u dva različita perioda. U prvom periodu krmače su hranjene siliranim vlažnim zrnom kukuruza sojinom i suncokretovom sačmom, u kojima su bili visoki nivoi mikotoksina (tabela 2). U drugom periodu, grla su hranjena obrokom u koji su uključena hraniva koja nisu bila kontaminirana nedozvoljenim količinama mikotoksina (veštački sušeno zrno kukuruza, sojina i suncokretova sačma). U oba perioda ispitivanje je počelo posle odbijanja prasadi i trajalo je u toku dva uzastopna prašenja. Polni žar se posle zalučenja prvo pojavio kod krmača hranjenih smešom u koju su uključena hraniva sa nižim nivoom mikotoksina (15,87 dana), a kod krmača hranjenih smešom u koju su uključena hraniva sa visokim stepenom kontaminacije polni žar se pojavio za 21,01 dan (drugi period). Uspešnost osemenjavanja krmača bila je bolja u drugom periodu (84,12 %) u odnosu na prvi period (71,44 %). Porađanje je konstatovano u 1120 slučajeva u drugom i 1765 slučajeva u prvom periodu. Procenat oprašenih krmača bio je viši u drugom periodu (80,69%) u odnosu na prvi period (68,56%). Ranim, odnosno pravovremenim utvrđivanjem prisustva mikotoksina u hrani i posledičnim isključivanjem kontaminisane hrane iz upotrebe i/ili eventualnim razblaživanjem i mešanjem sa hranivima "slobodnim" od mikotoksina mogu da se ublaže negativni efekti mikotoksina prisutnih u hrani.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectreproductive characteristicsen
dc.subjectreproduktivni pokazateljisr
dc.titleEffect of mycotoxins on some reproductive characteristics of swineen
dc.titleUticaj mikotoksina na neke reproduktivne pokazatelje svinjasr
dc.citation.other57(7-8): 487-494



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