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Promena sadržaja antocijana pri ceđenju maline

dc.creatorVukosavljević, Predrag
dc.creatorBukvić, Branka
dc.creatorJanković, Miodrag
dc.creatorMašović, Snežana
dc.description.abstractChange in anthocyanins content under different conditions of extraction enzymatic maceration and heat treatment of two raspberry cultivars (Villamette and Meeker) was determined. Experiments were carried out on a laboratory hydraulic extractor. During extraction commercial operating conditions were emulated using a "Bucher" extractor (pressure 180-200 bar 1-3 pulp shakings). A pectin preparation Klerzyme®120, manufactured by DSM France, was used for maceration and depectinization, because it is specific for "sour fruits" with pH below 3.2. At a single-stage maceration, it was applied in the amount of 200-400 g/t, for 1-2 hours at 50°C. In a two-stage maceration and depectinization, the enzyme was added as follows: in the first stage 100-200 g/t for 0.5 - 1 hour at 20°C and in the second stage 4-8 g/hl for 1-2 hours at 200°C. Thermal breaks of raspberry pulp were performed at raised temperatures for 2 and 5 min in order to examine the effects of raised temperatures on anthocyanins extraction. The application of heat-enzymatic treatments of the pulp prior to extraction proved to be suitable in both raspberry cultivars. Apart from well-known degrading effects of heat on anthocyanins, the juice obtained by extraction, after enzymatic maceration, has higher anthocyanins content by 30% than the juice obtained without enzymatic maceration. Juice pasteurization, in each stage of processing, produced markedly negative effect on anthocyanins content therefore their content decreases considerably. The forms of anthocyanins that are lost most are those uncolored. In batches subjected to a two -stage enzymatic maceration, despite initial high anthocyanins content, the content of total anthocyanins is reduced after the second pasteurization to the approximate value as that in batches subjected to a single-stage enzymatic maceration.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je određivana promena sadržaja antocijana pri različitim uslovima cedjenja, enzimiranja i toplotnog tretiranja dve sorte maline (vilamet i miker). Pri cedjenju su imitirani industrijski radni uslovi sa "Bucher", cednice (pritisak 180-200 bar, 1-3 rastresanja kljuka). Za maceraciju i depektinizaciju korišćen je pektinski preparat KlerzymeÒ120, proizvodjača DSM - Francuska, koji je specifičan za "kiselo voće" sa pH ispod 3,2. Pri maceraciji u jednom stepenu primenjen je u količini od 200 - 400 g/t, u toku 1 do 2 sata na 50oC. Pri dvostepenoj maceraciji i depektinizaciji, dodavan je enzim: u prvoj fazi 100 - 200 g/t u toku 0,5 do 1 sata na 20°C, a u drugoj fazi dodavan je 4 - 8 g/hl u toku 1 do 2 sata na 20°C. Blanširanja kljuka maline su izvedena na povišenim temperaturama u trajanju od 2 i 5 minuta radi ispitivanja uticaja povišenih temperatura na ekstrakciju antocijana. Primena odgovarajućeg toplotno-enzimskog tretmana kljuka pre ceđenja, kod obe sorte maline, se pokazala prihvatljivom. Sok dobijen ceđenjem, posle enzimiranja, sadrži oko 30% više antocijana u odnosu na sok dobijen bez enzimiranja. Kod serija sa dvostepenim enzimiranjem, i pored velikog početnog sadržaja antocijana, posle druge pasterizacije dolazi do smanjenja na približnu vrednost sadržaja ukupnih antocijana kao kod serija sa jednostepenim enzimiranjem. Pasterizacija soka, u svakoj fazi prerade dala je izrazito negativan efekat na količinu antocijana, tako da se njihov sadržaj znatno smanjuje. Najviše se gube neobojene forme antocijana.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectpectin preparationen
dc.titleChange of anthocyanins content during raspberry extractionen
dc.titlePromena sadržaja antocijana pri ceđenju malinesr
dc.citation.other48(1): 85-102



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