Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Koliko smo upoznati sa osobinama i prisustvom mikotoksina u hrani?

dc.creatorOreščanin, Emilija
dc.creatorPerić, Ivana
dc.creatorPešić, Mirjana
dc.creatorStanojević, Sladjana
dc.description.abstractThe occurrence of mycotoxins in the food chain is an inevitable and serious problem that the world faces. Due to the very humid and warm climate, it can be expected that Serbia this and next year will be a very fertile ground for the development of toxigenic fungi. We need to be familiar with the properties of mycotoxins, the chemical structure and the basic mechanisms of the action of mycotoxins. So we can have the basics for developing protocols or methods for efficiently managing problems related to mycotoxins, as well as to understand their biological effects. The aim of the paper was to analyze how many students are familiar with the problem of mycotoxins in food. The research was carried out using anonymous questionnaire, which included questions about mycotoxins and mycotoxicosis. The surveyed students were selected randomly, and they had an equal chance of being selected for the sample. These were students of bachelor studies at the Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The survey was educational for interviewed students and they showed that they were in a very high percentage informed with basic characteristics of mycotoxins. As well as, they showed the best know aflatoxin characteristics. In addition, students showed relatively good knowledge of basic characteristics and other representatives of mycotoxins. The relatively good knowledge of the student's questionnaire about mycotoxin features can be a great basis for further work and improvement.en
dc.description.abstractPojava mikotoksina u lancu ishrane je neizbežan i ozbiljan problem sa kojim se suočava svet. Zbog veoma vlažnih i toplih klimatskih uslova, može se očekivati da će Srbija ove i sledeće godine biti veoma pogodno tle za razvoj toksigenih gljiva. Moramo biti upoznati sa osobinama mikotoksina, hemijskom strukturom i osnovnim mehanizmima delovanja pojedinačnih mikotoksina, kako bismo imali osnove za razvoj protokola ili metoda za efi kasno upravljanje problemima vezanim za mikotoksine, kao i da bi se razumeli njihovi biološki efekti. Cilj rada je bio da se napravi analiza koliko su studenti upoznati sa problemom pojave mikotoksina u hrani. Istraživanje je sprovedeno pomoću anonimnog upitnika, koji je uključivao pitanja koja se tiču mikotoksina i mikotoksikoza. Anketirani studenti su odabrani nasumično, tj. studenti osnovnih studija na Institutu za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu imali su jednake šanse da budu izabrani za uzorak. Anketa je bila edukativna za anketirane studente i pokazala je da su u veoma visokom procentu upoznati sa osnovnim karakteristikama mikotoksina, kao i da od predstavnika pojedinih grupa mikotoksina, najbolje poznaju karakteristike afl atoksina. Pored toga, studenti su pokazali relativno dobro poznavanje osnovnih karakteristika i drugih predstavnika mikotoksina. Relativno dobro predznanje anketiranih studenta o osobinama mikotoksina, može biti odlična osnova za dalji rad i usavrš
dc.publisherDruštvo za ishranu Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceHrana i ishrana
dc.subjectsurvey researchen
dc.subjectanketno istraživanjesr
dc.titleHow much we know about properties and the presence of mycotoxins in the food?en
dc.titleKoliko smo upoznati sa osobinama i prisustvom mikotoksina u hrani?sr
dc.citation.other59(2): 80-84



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