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Značaj polifenola iz žitarica u ljudskoj ishrani

dc.creatorGolijan, Jelena
dc.creatorKostić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractPolyphenol compounds make the most present group of antioxidants in food, plant species, as well as products obtained by processing them. Damaging of important biomacromolecules in human body occurs under the oxidative stress conditions which can lead to developing of many degenerative diseases. Polyphenol compounds, due to their specific structure and mode of action, perform the modulation effects of oxidants, and thus reduce oxidative damage to these macromolecules. The majority of phenolics in the cereal's grains are bounded with some carbohydrates or proteins. The health benefits of consuming grains and their products (due to their unique phytochemicals composition), are proven in numerous medical studies. Grains intake in the daily diet is a prevention against the occurrence of many chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and others. Also, this type of food shows anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Among the grains, maize possesses the greatest antioxidant activity (especially colored hybrids), wheat and oats. Numerous studies have shown that red, purple and blue maize pigment possesses antimutagenic activity, and also performs the inhibition of colorectal carcinogenesis. Polyphenols from white maize-ferulic and ρ-coumaric acids with their derivatives exhibit particularly strong antioxidant and anticancer effect. Considering that the most part of total amount of the polyphenols are concentrated in the outer layers of cereal grains, it is preferred to consume whole grains compared to refined cereal's grains.en
dc.description.abstractPolifenolna jedinjenja čine najzastupljeniju grupu antioksidanasa u hrani, biljnim vrstama, kao i proizvodima koji se dobijaju njihovom preradom. U ljudskom organizmu, kao posledica prevelike količine oksidanasa, koji dovode do oksidativnog stresa, nastaju brojna oštećenja makromolekula, što za krajnju posledicu ima pojavu brojnih degenarativnih oboljenja. Polifenolna jedinjenja, usled svoje specifične građe i mehanizma dejstva, vrše modulaciju efekata oksidanasa, te na taj način umanjuju oksidativna oštećenja ovih makromolekula. U zrnu žitarica, većina fenola se nalazi u vezanoj formi. Zdravstvene koristi od konzumiranja žitarica i njihovih proizvoda (usled njihovog jedinstvenog fitohemijskog sastava), dokazana su mnogobrojnim medicinskim istraživanjima. Unos žitarica u svakodnevnoj ishrani prevencija je protiv nastanka brojnih hroničnih bolesti, kao što su karcinom, srčana oboljenja, dijabetes i dr. Osim toga, pokazalo se da imaju protivupalno i antialergijsko dejstvo. Među žitaricama, najveću antioksidativnu aktivnost poseduje kukuruz, a zatim pšenica i ovas. Brojne studije su dokazale da kukuruz crvenog, ljubičastog i plavog pigmenta poseduje antimutagenu aktivnost, a takođe vrši i inhibiciju kolorektalnih karcinogenaza. Polifenoli belog kukuruza-ferulinska i ρ-kumarinska kiselina sa njihovim derivatima ispoljavaju naročito jako antioksidativno i antikancerogeno dejstvo. S obzirom na to da je najveća ukupna količina polifenola skoncentrisana u spoljašnjim slojevima zrna žitarica, za optimalno zdravlje preporučuje se unos njihovih celih zrna, u odnosu na prerađ
dc.publisherDruštvo za ishranu Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceHrana i ishrana
dc.subjectpolyphenolic compoundsen
dc.subjectpolifenolna jedinjenjasr
dc.titlePolyphenolic from grains: Importance for human nutritionen
dc.titleZnačaj polifenola iz žitarica u ljudskoj ishranisr
dc.citation.other57(2): 47-52



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