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Morfološke i produktivne osobine kukuruza crvenog zrna u promenljivim vremenskim uslovima

dc.creatorGlamočlija, Djordje
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorŽivanović, Ljubiša
dc.creatorFilipović, Vladimir
dc.creatorGlamočlija, Nikola
dc.creatorUgrenović, Vladan
dc.description.abstractThe scientific work presents the results of two year testing of the morphological and production traits of maize variety ZP Rumenka planted in three sowing dates. Investigations were performed on a calcareous chernozem in agro ecological conditions of northeast Srem. Subject of study were three sowing dates: March 31, April 10 and 20th of April. The results show morphological and productive maize traits that have the most important role in the yield formation. The traits are: stalk height (up to tassel), cob length, cob weight, grains per cob, cob share in the total mass and 1.000 grains weight. The values obtained are shown in the two year average and were compared over years of research. Variation caused by sowing period and variable weather conditions, were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and LSD test. The results showed that sowing dates have a significant and very significant impact on the studied traits, which interacting with weather conditions, and particularly water regime, showed great variation. The thermal conditions of this area in a two year average and in each research year have shown that corn can be sown earlier (early April) than the most producers do. Any delay in sowing will significantly reduce the level of utilization of genetic yield potential of this variety. The best production results were achieved by sowing at the end of March. Even the very favorable weather conditions in the first year of investigation could not mitigate the consequences of the later planting dates. It should be opted for early sowing of maize considering the fact that the drought becomes common phenomenon in our main agricultural areas.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodišnjih ispitivanja morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina kukuruza sorte ZP Crvenka sejanog u tri roka. Istraživanja su izvedena na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem u agroekološkim uslovima severoistočnog Srema. Predmet istraživanja bila su tri roka setve i to 31. mart, 10. april i 20. april. U rezultatima su prikazane morfološke i proizvodne osobine kukuruza koje imaju najvažniju ulogu u formiranju prinosa. To su: visina stabla (do metlice), dužina klipa, masa klipa, masa zrna po klipu, udeo oklaska u ukupnoj masi i masa 1.000 zrna. Dobijene vrednosti prikazane su u dvogodišnjem proseku i poređene su po godinama istraživanja. Variranja, uslovljena rokom setve i promenljivim vremenskim uslovima, statistički su obrađena analizom varijanse i testirana LSD testom. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da rokovi setve imaju značajan i vrlo značajan uticaj na proučavane osobine kukuruza koje su u interakciji sa vremenskim uslovima, posebno vodnim režimom, ispoljile velika variranja. U dvogodišnjem proseku i po godinama istraživanja toplotni uslovi ovog područja pokazali su da se kukuruz može sejati ranije (početak aprila) nego što to radi većina proizvođača. Svako kašnjenje u setvi značajno će umanjiti stepen iskorišćenosti genetičkog potencijala rodnosti ove sorte. Najbolji proizvodni rezultati dobijeni su setvom krajem marta, dok posledice kasnijih rokova setve nisu ublažili ni vrlo povoljni vremenski uslovi prve godine ispitivanja. Za raniju setva kukuruza treba se opredeliti kad se uzme u obzir činjenica da suša u našim glavnim poljoprivrednim područjima postaje redovna pojava.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectsowing dateen
dc.subjectweather conditionsen
dc.subjectmorphological and production propertiesen
dc.subjectvreme setvesr
dc.subjectvremenski uslovisr
dc.subjectmorfološke i produktivne osobinesr
dc.titleMorphological and productive traits of red kernel maize in variable weather conditionsen
dc.titleMorfološke i produktivne osobine kukuruza crvenog zrna u promenljivim vremenskim uslovimasr
dc.citation.other22(1): 1-9



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