Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Morfološke i produktivne osobine pšenice krupnik na černozemu i degradiranom zemljištu

dc.creatorGlamočlija, Djordje
dc.creatorŽarković, Branka
dc.creatorDražić, Slobodan
dc.creatorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorUgrenović, Vladan
dc.creatorZekić, Nefreteta
dc.description.abstractSpelt wheat is characterized by a series of good productive characteristics, primarily well adapted to the agro-ecological conditions and land hilly and mountainous areas, tolerant to drought, pathogens and insect attack (Flaksberger, 1930). The grain is tightly wrapped tailings and protected from air pollution, so it can be grown in areas that are less suitable for the type naked wheat species. Compared to common spelt wheat because of their biological properties, as well as nutritional and medicinal properties becomes more interesting for breeding. Consumption of grains of wheat in the diet of people is constantly increasing (Zielinski et al., 2008). The nutritive value of flour, according to Nikolić (1998) and Ruibal-Mendueta et al. (2002), reflected in higher total protein content (19%) with a higher content of essential amino acids. The flour has a vitamin B-complex, mucopolysaccharides, which stimulate the immune system of the body, then the oil, cellulose and mineral salts. Thanks to the high nutritional value of spelt flour improver is used as the quality and taste of wheat bread and other bread-baking products (Galova and Knodlochova, 2000). As pointed Bodroza-Solarov et al., (2009) flour, milled spelt grain provides all the necessary nutrients in ideal natural balance. Bread, made with spelt flour added, is more digestible than the value of the common wheat flour. Value meal provides high gluten content, so it can be used to prepare cakes and various pasta without adding eggs. If it is used for grinding whole grains, we obtain the so-called whole wheat flour (Ruegger et al., 1990). Spelt can be grown without the use of prohibited chemicals and is highly respected in organic farming (Kohajdovâ and Karovičova, 2008). Grain, obtained in this way is used for the organic foods. These products are a growing number of consumers who eat and live in harmony with nature. The results showed that, although there are significant differences in the yields of grain, spelt wheat can be grown on poor degraded soils that are in the process of recultivation.en
dc.description.abstractKrupnik je pšenica koja se odlikuje nizom dobrih produktivnih osobina, u prvom redu odlično je adaptirana na agroekološke i zemljišne uslove brdsko-planinskih područja, tolerantnija je na sušu, patogene i napad insekata (Flaksberger, 1930). Zrno je čvrsto obavijeno plevama i plevicama i zaštićeno je od aerozagađenja, tako da se može gajiti i u područjima koja su manje podesna za golozrne vrste pšenica. U poređenju sa običnom pšenicom krupnik zbog svojih bioloških osobina, kao i prehrambenih i medicinskih osobina postaje sve više interesantan za gajenje. Potrošnja proizvoda od zrna ovog žita u ishrani ljudi konstantno se povećava (Zielinski et al. 2008). Hranljiva vrednost brašna, kako navode Nikolić (1998) i Ruibal-Mendueta et al. (2002), ogleda se u visokom sadržaju ukupnih proteina (19%) sa većim sadržajem esencijalnih aminokiselina. U brašnu ima vitamina B-kompleksa, mukopolisaharida, koji stimulišu imunološki sistem organizma, zatim ulja, celuloza i mineralnih soli. Zahvaljujući visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti brašno krupnika koristi se kao poboljšivač kvaliteta i ukusa pšeničnog hleba i drugih hlebno-pekarskih proizvoda (Galova and Knodlochova, 2000). Kako ističu Bodroza-Solarov et al. (2009) brašno, dobijeno mlevenjem zrna krupnika obezbeđuje sve potrebne hranljive materije, u prirodno idealnom balansu. Hlebovi, spravljeni sa dodatkom brašna krupnika, imaju veću svarljivu vrednost nego od brašna obične pšenice. Vrednost brašnu daje visok sadržaj glutena, pa se ono može koristiti za pripremu peciva i različitih testenina bez dodavanja jaja. Ukoliko se za mlevenje koristi celo zrno, dobije se takozvano integralno brašno (Ruegger et al., 1990). Krupnik se može gajiti bez upotrebe nedozvoljenih hemijskih preparata i veoma je cenjen u organskoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji (Kohajdovâ i Karovičova, 2008). Zrno, dobijeno na ovakav način koristi se za spravljanje zdravstveno bezbedne, takozvane organske hrane. Ovi proizvodi nalaze sve veći broj potrošača koji se hrane i žive u skladu sa prirodom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da, iako postoje značajne razlike u visini prinosa zrna, pšenica krupnik može se gajiti i na siromašnim zemljištima koja su u procesu
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31006/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectspelt wheaten
dc.subjectmorphological characteristicsen
dc.subjectyield dataen
dc.subjectsoil typeen
dc.subjectpšenica krupniksr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.subjectpokazatelji prinosasr
dc.subjecttip zemljištasr
dc.titleMorphological and productivity characteristics of spelt wheat on the chernozem and degraded soilen
dc.titleMorfološke i produktivne osobine pšenice krupnik na černozemu i degradiranom zemljištusr
dc.citation.other19(1-2): 23-30



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