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Značaj prehrambene industrije u svetu

dc.creatorNikolić, Marija
dc.creatorBožić, Dragica
dc.description.abstractThe food industry has a significant place in the structure of the total industry. Depending on the level of overall economic and agrarian development, and the production of raw materials, about 60-80 percent of the primary agricultural production is processed and prepared for final use in the food industry. Thus, food industry con-tributes to solving the problem of hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of a growing world population. The paper analyzes the place of the food industry in the economic development and economic structure in the world and selected regions. Regional comparison of importance of food industry points to the regularities concerning the connection between the overall level of economic development of an area and the development of the food industry. The industry of food, beverages and tobacco accounts for about 10 percent in the structure of manufacturing industry in the world and represents one of the most important areas of the sector, whose significance can be equalized with the total mining or the overall production of electricity, gas and water. In terms of employment, the industry of food, beverage and tobacco employ typically about 10 percent of the total labor force in the developed countries and 20-30 percent in the developing countries, confirming its dominant position in the manufacturing and the overall industry. Positioning of the food industry in the world economy, as well as consideration of regional differences, point to the ability of particular regions to reach the level of self-sufficiency in food production, as well as the future development of the food industry.en
dc.description.abstractPrehrambena industrija ima značajno mesto u strukturi ukupne industrije. U zavisnosti od nivoa ekonomske i agrarne razvijenosti, kao i sirovinske osnove, oko 60-80% primarne poljoprivredne proizvodnje se preradi, obradi i pripremi za finalnu potrošnju u prehrambenoj industriji. Na taj način prehrambena industrija doprinosi rešavanju problema gladi i zadovoljavanju prehrambenih potreba rastuće svetske populacije. U radu se analizira mesto prehrambene industrije u privrednom razvoju i privrednoj strukturi u svetu i po odabranim regionima. Izvršena je i komparacija pokazatelja doprinosa prehrambene industrije privrednom razvoju po grupama zemalja na različitom nivou ekonomskog razvoja. Na osnovu toga moguće je definisati zakonomernosti u pogledu povezanosti ukupnog nivoa ekonomske razvijenosti određenog područja i razvoja prehrambene industrije. Proizvodnja hrane, pića i duvana učestvuje sa oko 10% u strukturi prerađivačke industrije u svetu i predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih grana ovog sektora, koja se po značaju može izjednačiti sa ekstraktivnom industrijom ili sa celokupnom proizvodnjom električne energije, gasa i vode. U pogledu zaposlenosti, industrija proizvodnje hrane, pića i duvana angažuje oko 10% radne snage u razvijenim i 20-30% u zemljama u razvoju, potvrđujući svoj dominantan položaj u prerađivačkoj i celokupnoj industriji. Pozicioniranje prehrambene industrije u svetskoj ekonomiji, kao i sagledavanje regionalnih razlika, ukazuje na mogućnosti pojedinih regiona da dostignu nivo samodovoljnosti u proizvodnji hrane, kao i na perspektive razvoja prehrambene industrije.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo za ishranu Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceHrana i ishrana
dc.subjectthe food industryen
dc.subjectregional analysisen
dc.subjectand food productionen
dc.subjectprehrambena industrijasr
dc.subjectregionalna analizasr
dc.subjectproizvodnja hranesr
dc.titleSignificance of food industry in the worlden
dc.titleZnačaj prehrambene industrije u svetusr
dc.citation.other53(2): 89-94



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