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Ishrana fazančića u volijerama

dc.creatorDjordjević, Nenad
dc.creatorPopović, Zoran
dc.creatorGrubić, Goran
dc.creatorStojanović, Bojan
dc.creatorBožičković, Aleksa
dc.description.abstractThe overview of the results of pheasant chicks feeding in pens is given in this paper. Rearing of pheasant chicks in the controlled environment is important because they are not produced in sufficient numbers in the nature. Body mass of pheasant chicks in the moment when they are released in the hunting ground is very important for their survival rate during the period when they are adapting to the natural conditions. It can be concluded from the published data that intensive rearing of pheasant chicks requires high protein levels, which in the first 30 days is between 28 and 32%, while later, in the period prior to the release they need 24 to 26% crude protein in the diet. Investigations in our country, where concentrate mixture with 30% protein was given until 28 days of age, and 24% protein from 28 to 42 day, the obtained body mass was 457.07g. Higher protein level than this is not rational, and may be harmful because it may cause pathological changes in liver and kidneys. After the first rearing phase pheasant chicks should be given grains and forage mass in order to prepare them for the feeding in the nature. The rearing is finished at the age of about 60 days, when they are released with body mass about 400-440 g.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je dat pregled rezultata ishrane podmladka fazana u volijerama. Odgoj fazančića u kontrolisanim uslovima je neophodan zbog nedovoljne prirodne produkcije fazana. Telesna masa fazančića u momentu puštanja u lovište je jako važna za stepen preživljavanja u periodu prilagođavanja na prirodne uslove. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka može se zaključiti da intenzivan odgoj fazančića u kontrolisanim uslovima zahteva visok nivo proteina, koji u prvom periodu (do 30 dana) iznosi 28-32%, a kasnije, do ispuštanja u lovišta, 24-26%. U istraživanjima kod nas, pri korišćenju smeše sa 30% proteina do 28. dana starosti i sa 24% proteina od 28. do 42. dana starosti, ostvarena je telesna masa od 457,07 g. Veći nivo proteina od navedenog je neracionalan, a može biti i štetan jer dovodi do patoloških promena na jetri i bubrezima. Nakon prvog perioda odgoja, fazančićima se daje zrnasta hrana i zelena masa u cilju prilagođavanja na ishranu u prirodi. Odgoj fazančića se završava sa oko 60 dana starosti, kada se puštaju u lovište sa telesnom masom od 400 - 440 g.sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31009/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectpheasant chicksen
dc.titleFeeding pheasant chicks in pensen
dc.titleIshrana fazančića u volijeramasr
dc.citation.other17(3-4): 177-183



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