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Primena metode atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (AAS) za određivanje sadržaja teških metala u fosfogipsu

dc.creatorRajković, Miloš
dc.creatorBlagojević, Srdjan
dc.creatorJakovljević, Miodrag D.
dc.creatorTodorović, Marko M.
dc.description.abstractPhosphogypsum is formed as a by-product in the process of 'green' phosphoric acid production. This is done in the so called 'wet process' by the action of sulphuric acid on raw phosphate at low temperature ( lt 100 °C). Despite the same molecular formula and marked similarity with natural gypsum, phosphogypsum contains more than 50 impurities, and this is directly connected with the type of phosphate used in the production cycle. The aim of this paper was to consider the possibility of using phosphogypsum for amelioration of solonetz soil, bearing in mind its content of heavy metals, which are rather toxic for human organism and which can be transferred from soil to various plants used in human nutrition. On the other hand, there are very few data in the literature about the determination of heavy metals in phosphogypsum. The content of heavy metals in phosphogypsum was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry because this method has broad application in ana­lytical practice due to its high sensitivity, selectivity and precision. The results of the investigation indicate the following average content of heavy metals (in ppm): Fe-785, Pb-45, Zn-45, Cd-7, Mn-8, Co-10, Ni-20 and Cu-17. For the investigation of the effect of phosphogypsum on solonetz soil the following points were taken into consideration: maximum recommended dose of phosphogypsum (7 t/ha) for the amelioration of solonetz soil and the weight of soil layer (from 0 to 20 cm) having an area of 1 ha. The results obtained indicate that the amounts of heavy metals that are introduced into the soil with 7 t/ha of phosphogypsum are in the range from 0.035 to 0.8% of their maximum permissible content for arable soils. This means that only long-term application of phosphogypsum would introduce significant amounts of these elements into the soil.en
dc.description.abstractProcesom dobijanja 'zelene' fosforne kiseline tzv. 'mokrim postupkom', dejstvom sumporne kiseline na sirovi fosfat na niskoj temperaturi ( lt 100 °C) kao nus-proizvod nastaje - fosfogips (sa faktorom 5:1, u odnosu na H3PO4). Uprkos istoj molekulskoj formuli i izraženoj sličnosti sa prirodnim gipsom, fosfogips sadrži preko 50 vrsta nečistoća, što je u direktnoj vezi sa vrstom fosfata koji je korišćen u proizvodnom ciklusu. Cilj rada bio je razmatranje mogućnosti primene fosfogipsa za melioraciju soloneca, sa aspekta sadržaja teških metala, koji su izuzetno toksični i kumulativni za čovekov organizam, a iz zemljišta prelaze u biljke, kojima se čovek hrani. Sa druge strane, u literaturi se nalaze veoma oskudni podaci o ispitivanju sadržaja teških metala u fosfogipsu. Sadržaj teških metala u fosfogipsu određivan je metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (AAS), budući da je to metoda koja je našla veliku primenu u praksi usled visoke osetljivosti, selektivnosti i preciznosti. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali sledeći sadržaj teških metala (u ppm): Fe-785, Pb-45, Zn-45, Cd-7, Mn-8, Co-10, Ni-20, Cu-17. Za ispitivanje uticaja primene fosfogipsa za melioraciju soloneca, uzeta je u obzir preporučena maksimalna norma za gipsovanje soloneca od 7 t/ha zemljišta i težina sloja debljine od 0 do 20 cm a površine 1 ha. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se preporučenom maksimalnom normom za gipsovanje soloneca fosfogipsom unosi po 1 ha zemljišta od 0,035 do 0,8% od maksimalno dozvoljenog sadržaja teških metala - MDK vrednosti, što znači da bi tek višegodišnjom upotrebom fosfogipsa došlo do unošenja značajnijih količina ovih elemenata u zemljište. Kako se proces melioracije soloneca najčešće vrši u intervalu od 5 do 6 godina, unošenje teških metala bilo bi u zanemarljivoj količini i bez uticaja na životnu sredinu.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectheavy metalsen
dc.subjectatomic absorption spectrophotometryen
dc.subjectsolonetz soilen
dc.subjectphosphoric acidsr
dc.titleThe application of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) for determining the content of heavy metals in phosphogypsumen
dc.titlePrimena metode atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (AAS) za određivanje sadržaja teških metala u fosfogipsusr
dc.citation.other45(2): 155-164



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