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Procena uniformnosti padavina u jugoistočnom Sremu i njena primena u melioracijama zemljišta, II - prostorna i vremenska raspodela padavina na području jugoistočnog Srema sa aspekta poljoprivrede

dc.creatorGregorić, Eniko
dc.creatorDjurović, Nevenka
dc.creatorPetković, Sava
dc.description.abstractPrecipitation is, in addition to air temperature, the most essential climate element, and also one of the most significant factors in agricultural production. For this reason, it is focused special attention to and a detailed analysis of its spatial and temporal distribution. The analysis of temporal variability of precipitation shows the following: mean values of annual precipitation ranged between 332.6 mm and 852.3 mm, the driest year was 2000 (332.6 mm), and the rainiest year was 2001 (852.3 mm). The values of the average annual precipitation, their standard errors and standard deviations show a high variability per years: the highest total precipitation was greater than the average by 35%, and the lowest total was smaller by 47%. The precipitation decreased from December to February, and then increased until June. The maximal deviations from the average occurred in summer, and the minimal - in winter. The greatest between the maximum values (22.16%) and the minimal values of the percentage of average monthly-precipitation (7.66%) accounted for 14.5%. Precipitation can have rather non-uniform temporal and uniform spatial distributions. In the design of reclamation systems, in the cases of discontinuous measurements of precipitation data in the part of the area where the measurements can be supplemented. .en
dc.description.abstractPadavine su, pored temperature vazduha, najbitniji klimatski element, a isto tako i jedan od najznačajnijih faktora u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Zbog toga im se posvećuje posebna pažnja i daje detaljna analiza njihovih karakteristika. Analiza vremenske varijabilnosti padavina pokazuje: srednje vrednosti godišnjih suša padavina kreću se između 332,6 mm i 852,3 mm. Vrednosti prosečnih godišnjih suma padavina, njihove standardne greške i standardne devijacije pokazuju veliku varijabilnost po godinama: najveća suma padavina veća je od proseka za 35%, a najmanja manja za 47%. Visine padavina opadaju od decembra do februara, zatim rastu do juna. Najveća odstupanja od proseka su leti. a najmanja zimi. Najveća amplituda između maksimalne vrednosti (22.16%) i minimalne vrednosti procentualnog iznosa prosečne mesečne šume padavina (7.66%) iznosi 14,5%. Padavine pokazuju veliku vremensku neravnomernost, dok su u prostornom smislu dosta ujednačene. Za potrebe projektovanja melioracionih sistema moguće je nedostajuće podatke u nizovima merenja zameniti na osnovu jakih korelativnih veza sa merenim podacima. .sr
dc.publisherUnija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.sourceZemljište i biljka
dc.subjectSoutheastern Sremen
dc.subjecttemporal distributionen
dc.titleEstimate of precipitation uniformity in Southeastern Srem and its application in soil reclamation, II: Spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in Southeastern Srem from the aspect of agricultureen
dc.titleProcena uniformnosti padavina u jugoistočnom Sremu i njena primena u melioracijama zemljišta, II - prostorna i vremenska raspodela padavina na području jugoistočnog Srema sa aspekta poljoprivredesr
dc.citation.other58(1): 61-71

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