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Uticaj bioaktivnih komponenata izolovanih iz gljiva Agaricus blazei na Jurkat ćelije

dc.creatorKlaus, Anita
dc.creatorKozarski, Maja
dc.creatorNikšić, Miomir
dc.description.abstractBased on previous investigations it appeared that mushrooms Agricus blazei Murrill were highly valuable food, interesting from gastronomic aspect because of pleasant sweet taste. They have also medical properties due to numerous positive effects on human health. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different concentrations of Agaricus blazei K and Agaricus blazei B extracts on the growth of Jurkat cells of human T lymphocytes. Control samples did not contain mushroom extracts. To all experimental samples extracts were added in the following concentrations: 1μg/ml, 100ng/ml, 10ng/ml, 1ng/ml and 100pg/ml. Bioactive compounds, polysaccharides, β-glucans were obtained by hot water extraction and alcohol precipitation from dry mushroom carpophores and purified by dialysis. Jurkat cells were exposed to action of mushroom extracts during the incubation period for 72 hours, on 37ºC, in the atmosphere with 5% CO2. Their number was counted; among all tested concentrations of extracts the most significant influence was observed in concentration of 1μg/ml Agricus blazei K, which reduced number of human T lymphocyte Jurkat cells for 39.2%. The extract obtained from Agricus blazei B reduced the number of human T lymphocyte Jurkat cells for 36.2%. .en
dc.description.abstractNa osnovu dosadašnjih istraživanja pokazalo se da su gljive Agaricus blazei Murrill, pored toga što su visoko vredne nutritivne namirnice, zanimljive i sa gastronomskog aspekta zbog prijatnog slatkastog ukusa, predstavljaju i vrlo važne medicinske gljive zbog mnogih pozitivnih efekata koje imaju po ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje dejstva različitih koncentracija ekstrakata gljiva Agaricus blazei K i Agaricus blazei B na rast Jurkat ćelija, koje predstavljaju ćelijsku liniju humanih T limfocita. Kontrolnim uzorcima nisu dodati ekstrakti gljiva, a ostalim uzorcima ekstrakti su dodati u koncentracijama 1 μg/ml, 100 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 1 ng/ml i 100pg/ml. Jurkat ćelije bile su izložene dejstvu bioaktivnih komponenata, polisaharida, β-glukana, koji su dobijeni vrelom vodenom ekstrakcijom i alkoholnom precipitacijom iz suvih karpofora gljiva i prečišćeni dijalizom. Posle 72 časa inkubiranja na 37ºC u atmosferi sa 5% CO2 utvrđen je njihov broj pri različitim koncentracijama ekstrakata gljiva. Od svih primenjenih koncentracija ekstrakata, najveći uticaj pokazala je koncentracija 1 μg/ml, koja je u slučaju ekstrakta gljive Agaricus blazei K dovela do smanjenja broja besmrtnih T limfocita, Jurkat ćelija, za 39.2%, a u slučaju ekstrakta gljive Agaricus blazei B, za 36.2%. .sr
dc.publisherDruštvo za ishranu Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceHrana i ishrana
dc.subjectAgricus blazeien
dc.subjectT lymphocytesen
dc.subjectJurkat cellsen
dc.subjectbioactive polysaccharidesen
dc.subjectAgaricus blazeisr
dc.subjectT limfocitisr
dc.subjectJurkat ćelijesr
dc.titleThe influence of bioactive compounds extracted from mushroom Agaricus blazei on Jurkat celen
dc.titleUticaj bioaktivnih komponenata izolovanih iz gljiva Agaricus blazei na Jurkat ćelijesr
dc.citation.other50(1-2): 14-17



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