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Uticaj bioaktivnih komponenata izolovanih iz spora gljive Ganoderma lucidum na JY ćelije

dc.creatorKlaus, Anita
dc.creatorKozarski, Maja
dc.creatorNikšić, Miomir
dc.description.abstractGanoderma lucidum (Leyss.:Fr.) Karst is one of the most often used mushrooms in traditional medicine of Far Eastern people. Because of its bitter taste and wooden build it is not suitable for nutrition, but the bioactive substances, polysaccharides and β-glucans extracted from this mushroom possess very important medicinal characteristics. Ganoderma lucidum spores possess bioactive substances and may be used also for treatment of different disorders in organism. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different concentrations of isolated Ganoderma lucidum GL-K spore extract and extract obtained from the spores of the same mushroom which cell walls were broken, on the growth of B human lymphocyte - JY cell line. Obtained extracts were added to the cells in concentrations 1 μg/ml, 100 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 1 ng/ml and 100 pg/ml. JY cells were exposed to the action of bioactive compounds, polysaccharides and β-glucans, during the incubation period of 72 h, on 37oC, in the atmosphere with 5 % CO2 and their number were counted. Among all tested concentrations of extract the most important influence showed concentration of 1 μg/ml which reduced the number of JY cells for 38.29 % when cells were incubated with spore GL-K extract, while the number of JY cells has gone down for 36.10% when cells were incubated with extract of spores which cell walls were broken. .en
dc.description.abstractGanoderma lucidum (Leyss.:Fr.) Karst je jedna od najčešće korišćenih gljiva u tradicionalnoj medicini naroda dalekog istoka. Zbog gorkog ukusa i drvenaste građe nije pogodna za ishranu, ali bioaktivne komponente polisaharidi i β-glukani koje sadrži pokazuju vrlo važne medicinske kararkteristike. Spore ove gljive takođe sadrže bioaktivne komponente i mogu se koristiti za tretiranje različitih poremećaja u organizmu. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja različitih koncentracija ekstrakta izolovanog iz spora gljive Ganoderma lucidum-K (GL-K), kao i ekstrakta dobijenog iz spora iste gljive čiji je ćelijski zid razoren, na rast B humanih limfocita, tj., ćelijsku liniju JY. Dobijeni ekstrakti dodati su ćelijama u koncentracijama 1 μg/ml, 100 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 1 ng/ml i 100 pg/ml. JY ćelije izložene su dejstvu bioaktivnih komponenata, polisaharida i β-glukana, u vremenu od 72 h, na 37oC u atmosferi sa 5% CO2, a zatim su izbrojane. Od svih testiranih koncentracija ekstrakata najznačajniji uticaj je pokazala koncentracija 1 μg/ml koja je dovela do smanjenja broja JY ćelija za 38.29 % kada su one inkubirane u prisustvu ekstrakta spora gljive GL-K, dok je broj JY ćelija opao za 36.10 % inkubiranjem sa ekstraktom spora čiji je ćelijski zid razbijen. .sr
dc.publisherInstitut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja Dr Josif Pančić, Beograd
dc.sourceLekovite sirovine
dc.subjectantitumorous substancesen
dc.subjectbioactive polysaccharidesen
dc.subjectGanoderma lucidumen
dc.subjectJY cellsen
dc.subjectantitumorna svojstvasr
dc.subjectbioaktivni polisaharidisr
dc.subjectGanoderma lucidumsr
dc.subjectJY ćelijesr
dc.titleInfluence of bioactive compounds extracted from mushroom Ganoderma lucidum spores on JY cellsen
dc.titleUticaj bioaktivnih komponenata izolovanih iz spora gljive Ganoderma lucidum na JY ćelijesr
dc.citation.other(29): 37-43



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