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Primena autohtonih bakterija mlečne kiseline u proizvodnji belih sireva u salamuri

dc.creatorDjerovski, Jelena
dc.creatorRadulović, Zorica
dc.creatorBarać, Miroljub
dc.creatorPaunović, Dušanka
dc.creatorObradović, Dragojlo
dc.creatorPudja, Predrag
dc.description.abstractAutochthonous lactic acid bacteria, isolated from traditional white brined cheeses, were applied as starter cultures in cheese production. The effects of their activity were studied during 90 days of white brined cheeses ripening. The cheese A was produced with Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis 53, Lc. lctis ssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis 07, Lactobacillus paracasei 08 and cheese B was made with Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis 19, Lc. lactis ssp. cremoris 56, Lc. Lactis ssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis 07, as starter cultures. At each ripening time (30-60-90 days), changes of starter culture cells number and chemical composition of cheeses were monitored. Proteolysis was assessed by the water-soluble fractions (WSN), soluble fractions in 5%PTA (PTA-N) and SDS PAGE electrophoresis. The number of starter culture cells maintained at the high level of 6-8 log CFU/g, during the monitored cheese ripening period. There was no significant influence of the different starter cultures on the gross chemical composition, but the course of proteolytic changes was slightly different. The cheese A exhibited the higher rate of proteolysis in the early ripening stages. At 30-day-old cheese A the content of WSN/TN and PTA-N/TN was 16.54% and 2.54%, while residual αs-casein and β-casein were 26.12% and 36.71% respectively. Data for the content of WSN/TN and PTA-N/TN of cheese B was 14.36% and 2.41%, while residual αs-casein and β-casein were 52.37% and 46.11% respectively. At the end of observed ripening period (90 days), the proteolytic changes of cheese B were more intensive (residual αs-casein and β-casein were 17.33% and 18.43%, respectively) than of cheese A (22.58% and 33.63%, respectively). The sensory evaluation showed that white brined cheeses achieved high total scores at the each ripening time. Isolated and selected autochthonous LAB could be applied as starter culture in white brined cheese production. The using of autochthonous LAB provides white brined cheese with specific sensory characteristics, as well as high and standard product quality. .en
dc.description.abstractAutohtone bakterije mlečne kiseline, izolovane iz tradicionalnih belih sireva, primenjene su kao starter kulture u proizvodnji sireva u salamuri. Uticaj njihove aktivnosti na zrenje sireva je praćen tokom 90 dana zrenja. Sir A je proizveden primenom starter-kulture: Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis 53, Lc. lctis ssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis 07, Lactobacillus paracasei 08, a sir B: Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis 19, Lc. lactis ssp. cremoris 56 i Lc. Lactis ssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis 07. Promene hemijskog sastava sireva su praćene tridesetog, šezdesetog i devedesetog dana zrenja. Proteolitičke promene su praćene određivanjem rastvorljivog azota u vodi (RN), rastvorljivog azota u 5% fosfovolframskoj kiselini (PTA-N) i SDS PAGE elektroforezom. Primena različitih starter-kultura nije značajno uticala na hemijski sastav sireva, osim kod proteolitičkih promena, koje su se značajno razlikovale tokom zrenja sireva. Kod sira A je utvrđena jača proteolitička razgradnja u početnoj fazi zrenja. U tridesetom danu zrenja sira A sadržaj RN u ukupnom azotu (RN/UN) iznosio je 16,54%, a PTA-N/UN 2,54%, dok je rezidualni αs-kazein bio 26.12%, a rezidualni β-kazein 36.71%. Sadržaj RN/UN i PTA-N/UN kod sira B iznosio je 14.36% i 2.41%, a sadržaj rezidua αs-kazeina i β-kazeina 52.37% i 46.11%. Na kraju posmatranog perioda zrenja (devedeseti dan), proteolitičke promene kod sira B bile su intenzivnije (rezidualni αs-kazein 17.33% i β-kazein 18.43%), nego kod sira A (22.58% i 33.63%). Senzorna ocena je pokazala da su sirevi A i B ocenjeni visokim ocenama tokom celog perioda zrenja. Izolovane i selektovane autohtone BMK mogu da se primene kao starter-kulture u proizvodnji belih sireva u salamuri. Upotreba autohtonih BMK obezbeđuje specifična senzorna svojstva ovih sireva, kao i visok standardan kvalitet. .sr
dc.publisherDruštvo za ishranu Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceHrana i ishrana
dc.subjectwhite brined cheeseen
dc.subjectautochthonous LABen
dc.subjectbeli sirevi u salamurisr
dc.subjectautohtone BMKsr
dc.titleApplication of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria in the white brined cheese productionen
dc.titlePrimena autohtonih bakterija mlečne kiseline u proizvodnji belih sireva u salamurisr
dc.citation.other49(1-4): 49-54



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