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Agregatni sastavi stabilnost strukturnih agregata pseudogleja južne Mačve

dc.creatorDugonjić, Mladen
dc.creatorDjordjević, Aleksandar
dc.creatorCupać, Svjetlana
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.description.abstractAggregate composition and the stability of structural aggregates were researched in field variety of lowland pseudogley in South Mačva, as the most widely distributed soil in the region. The study results of the aggregate distribution and the stability of structural aggregates, taking into account all depths of the analysed profiles, show that the humus-topsoil (Ahp) horizon, being the most important for plant production, had the most suitable aggregate composition, but simultaneously also the lowest aggregate stability in water. The content of agronomically most favourable aggregates (0.25-10 mm) in Ahp horizon accounted for 81.43-88.44% (average 84.71%). The dominant aggregate sizes in the aggregate mass were between 1 and 5 mm, with the percentage of 34.35-53.67%. Simultaneously, Ahp horizon had the lowest stability of structural aggregates. The content of water stable microaggregates lt 0.25 mm in this horizon ranged from 34.94-71.30%. The content of water stable aggregates > 0.25mm in Ahp horizon ranged from 28.70 to 65.06% (average 51.86%). The coarser aggregates > 1mm, especially those > 3 mm (0.36-2.82%) had the lowest stability in the aggregate mass. .en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja agregatnog sastava i stabilnosti strukturnih agregata ravničarskog pseudogleja, njivskog varijeteta sa područja južne Mačve, kao najrasprostranjenijeg zemljište na ovom području. Rezultati istraživanja agregatnog sastava i stabilnosti strukturnih agregata, uzimajući u obzir sve dubine analiziranih profila pokazali su da humusno-ornični (Ahp) horizont, najvažniji za biljnu proizvodnju, pokazuje najpovoljniji agregatni sastav ali istovremeno i najmanju stabilnost agregata u vodi. Sadržaj agronomski najpovoljnijih agregata ( 0,25-10 mm) u Ahp horizontu kretao se od 81,43-88,44% (prosečno 84,71%), pri čemu u toj masi agregata dominiraju agregati dimenzija od 1-5 mm, sa sadržajem 34,35- 53,67%. Istovremeno, ornični (Ahp) horizont pokazao je i najmanju stabilnost strukturnih agregata. Sadržaj vodootpornih mikragregata lt 0,25 mm u ovom horizontu kretao se od 34.94-71.30%. Sadržaj vodootpornih agregata > 0,25mm u Ahp horizontu kretao se od 28,70-65,06% (prosečno 51,86%).U toj masi agregata najmanju stabilnost pokazali su krupniji agregati > 1mm, pogotovu oni > 3 mm (0,36-2,82%). .sr
dc.publisherUnija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.sourceZemljište i biljka
dc.subjectSouth Mačvaen
dc.subjectaggregate compositionen
dc.subjectstability of structural aggregatesen
dc.titleAggregate composition and the stability of structural aggregates of pseudogley in South Mačvaen
dc.titleAgregatni sastavi stabilnost strukturnih agregata pseudogleja južne Mačvesr
dc.citation.other57(3): 119-128



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