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Kvalitet ploda i mogućnost prerade samoniklog voća sa područja Đerdapske klisure

dc.creatorBukvić, Branka
dc.creatorMratinić, Evica
dc.creatorFotirić, Milica
dc.description.abstractChemical contents of eight, the most representative wild fruits species from the area of the Djerdap gorge, were examined with the aim to estimate quality and possibility of their processing. All analyzed species had biologically very valuable fruit quality. The fruits of the following species were found to be very suitable processing into different products: cornelian cherry - Cornus mas L. (compotes, jams, pulp juices, marmalade, creams and syrups), blackberry - Rubus canenscens Dc. and Rubus hirtus L. (preserves, jam, pulp juice and wine), dog rose - Rosa arvensis Huds. and Rosas canina L. (marmalade, pulp juice and jam), elderberry - Sambucus nigra L. (preserves, jam, clear juice, jelly and syrup), European mountain ash - Sorbus domestica L. (compotes, jam and pulp juice). Fruits of wild apple (Malus silvestris L.), wild pear (Pirus communis L.) and sloe (Prunus spinosa L.) are less favourable for processing because of their chemical composition, with the exception of wild apple fruits which could be processed into apple cider, wild pear fruits into "vodnjika", and sloe fruits can be used as a supplement for jellying products.en
dc.description.abstractNa području Đerdapske klisure proučavan je hemijski sastav ploda osam najrasprostranjenijih samoniklih vrsti voćaka, sa ciljem da se oceni njihov kvalitet i mogućnosti prerade. Sve ispitivane vrste su ispoljile biološki visok kvalitet ploda. Kao vrlo podesni za preradu u različite proizvode, pokazali su se plodovi : drena - Cornus mas L. (u kompot, džem, kašasti sok, marmelade, krem i sirup), kupine - Rubus canescens Dc. i Rubus hirtus L. (u slatko, džem, kašasti sok i vino), šipurak - Rosa arvensis Huds. i Rosa canina L. (u marmelade, kašasti sok i pekmez), crna zova Sambucus nigra L. (u slatko, džem, bistri sok, žele i sirup), oskoruša - Sorbus domestica L. (u kompot, pekmez i kašasti sok). Plodovi šumske jabuke - Malus silvestris L., divlje kruške - Pirus communis L., i crnog trna - Prunus spinosa L. su zbog svog hemijskog sastava manje pogodni za preradu, sem jabuka u jabukovo sirće, kruška u vodnjiku, a crni trn kao dodatak za želirane proizvode.sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjecthemijski sastavsr
dc.subjectkvalitet plodasr
dc.subjectsamoniklo voćesr
dc.titleQuality of wild fruits from the area of the Djerdap gorge and possibility of their processingen
dc.titleKvalitet ploda i mogućnost prerade samoniklog voća sa područja Đerdapske klisuresr
dc.citation.other68(3): 53-63



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