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Uticaj dodavanja Zenurala 70, uree i Minazel-A-Plus na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža ćele biljke kukuruza

dc.creatorDjordjević, Nenad
dc.creatorGrubić, Goran
dc.creatorAdamović, Milan
dc.creatorNježić, Dušan
dc.creatorNježić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorStojanović, Bojan
dc.description.abstractThe influence of addition of Zenural 70, urea and Min-A-Zel Plus on chemical composition and quality of whole maize plant silage with different degree of compression was investigated in the paper. Experiment was two-factorial (2x3) with three replications, where factor A was a degree of compression (A, = 680 g/dm³; A2 = 550 g/dm³), while factor B was an additive type (Decontrol; B2=5 g/kg urea+2 g/kg Min-A-Zel Plus; B3=5 g/kg Zenural 70). Chemical analyses showed that with the addition of Zenural 70 and urea there was significant increase of pH value, total protein, mineral ammonia and soluble nitrogen content. The type of additive had no significant effect on production of lactic, acetic and butyric acid, while in silages with higher degree of compression (680 g/dm3) there was significantly more butyric acid. All silages were graded first class according to DLG and Flieg method, with the exception of lower compressed silage with added urea and Min-A-Zel Plus, which according to Flieg was second class. According to Zelter method, silages with added Zenural 70 were II and III class, while treatments with added urea and Min-A-Zel Plus were IV and V class.en
dc.description.abstractU eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj dodavanja Zenurala 70 i uree na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža ćele biljke kukuruza sa različitim stepenom sabijenosti. Eksperiment je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni ogled (2x3) u tri ponavljanja, gde je faktor A bio stepen sabijenosti (A1 = 680 g/dm³; A2 = 550 g/dm³), a faktor B vrsta dodatka (Bi = kontrola; B2 = 5 g/kg uree + 2 g/kg Min-A-Zel-a Plus; B3 = 5 g/kg Zenurala 70). Hemijskim analizama je utvrđeno da je pri dodavanju Zenurala 70 i uree došlo do signifikantnog povećanja pH vrednosti i količine sirovih proteina, mineralnih materija, amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota. Vrsta dodatka nije značajno uticala na produkciju mlečne, sirćetne i buterne kiseline, dok je u silažama sa većim stepenom sabijenosti (680 g/dm3) ustanovljeno statistički više buterne kiseline. Sve silaže su prema DLG i Flieg-ovoj metodi ocenjene prvo klasom kvaliteta, sa izuzetkom silaže manje sabijenosti sa dodatkom uree i Min-A-Zel-a Plus, koja je prema Flieg-u ocenjena drugom klasom. Prema Zelter-ovoj metodi silaže sa dodatkom Zenurala 70 su bile II i III klase, dok su tretmani sa dodatkom uree i Min-A-Zel-a plus bile IV i V klase.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectZenural 70en
dc.subjectMin-A-Zel Plusen
dc.titleInfluence of addition of Zenural 70, urea and Min-A-Zel Plus on chemical composition and quality of whole maize plant silageen
dc.titleUticaj dodavanja Zenurala 70, uree i Minazel-A-Plus na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža ćele biljke kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other51(1): 71-78



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