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Uticaj godine na fenotipsku varijabilnost proizvodnih osobina nerastova testiranih u centralnoj testnoj stanici

dc.creatorMijatović, Milan
dc.creatorPetrović, Milica
dc.creatorRadojković, Dragan
dc.creatorPušić, Milovan
dc.description.abstractThe basic goal of these investigations was to reconsider the hypothesis that year is an important factor which statistically affects phenotypic variability of production traits registered in performance test under conditions of a central test station and make decision to include this effect in models for estimation of phenotypic and genetic parameters which are needed for the genetic evaluation. The investigations were carried out over a seven year period (from 1995 to 2001) in the Station for testing of production capacities of swine at Agricultural Corporation "Beograd" in Padinska Skela. The examinations included a total of 738 tested animals of following breeds: Swedish Landrace, Large White and Hampshire. All three breeds were analyzed together because number of tested boars of Swedish Landrace and Hampshire breed was too small in comparison to the Large White breed. The least squares method was used to test the significance of the effects of year on variability of production traits. Test of significance showed that the year at the start of the test influenced (P lt 0.001) all feed efficiency traits and all growth traits except test duration and average daily gain. The body composition traits were significantly influenced (P lt 0.01 and P lt 0.001) by year except muscle depth. However, it was not expected that the body weight at the start of the test and at the end of the test was influenced (P lt 0.05 and P lt 0.001) by year at the start of the test. The weight at the start and at the end of the test must stay within strict limits proposed by the testing rules. These investigations showed that effect of year should be included in the models that are used to estimate of phenotypic and genetic parameters which are needed for the genetic evaluation of boars tested under conditions of the central station.en
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se proveri hipoteza o uticaju godine na fenotipsku varijabilnost proizvodnih osobina nerastova u direktnom testu. Sedmogodišnja istraživanja su obavljena u Stanici za ispitivanje proizvodnih sposobnosti svinja, PK "Beograd" u Padinskoj Skeli. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 738 grla tri rase svinja i to: švedskog landrasa, velikog jorkšira i hempšira. Sve tri rase su analizirane zajedno imajući u vidu da je broj grla rasa hempšir i švedski landras bio mali u poređenju sa rasom veliki jorkšir. Za ocenu i testiranje hipoteze o uticaju efekta godine na variranje proizvodnih osobina korišćen je metod najmanjih kvadrata. Test signifikantnosti je pokazao da je godina početka testa bila efekat koji je statistički vrlo visoko značajno (P lt 0,001) uticao na variranje svih osobina iskorišćavanja hrane i skoro svih ispitivanih osobina porasta, izuzev trajanja testa i prosečnog dnevnog prirasta. Za osobine kvaliteta trupa ovaj efekat je bio statistički visoko (P lt 0,01 za SL1) do vrlo visoko (P lt 0,001 za SL2 i M) značajan pri njihovom variranju, izuzev za dubinu dugog leđnog mišića. Međutim, ono što nije očekivano je da su i mere telesnih masa statistički značajno varirale (P lt 0,05 i P lt 0,001) pod uticajem godine početka testa, a imajući u vidu da one moraju ostati unutra strogih granica zadatih programom
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. BTN-351008B
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectphenotypic variabilityen
dc.subjectproductive traitsen
dc.subjectperformance testen
dc.subjectfenotipska varijabilnostsr
dc.subjectproizvodne osobinesr
dc.subjectdirektni testsr
dc.titleThe effect of year on phenotypic variability of performance traits of boars tested at the central test stationen
dc.titleUticaj godine na fenotipsku varijabilnost proizvodnih osobina nerastova testiranih u centralnoj testnoj stanicisr
dc.citation.other22(1-2): 97-108



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