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Karakteristike perspektivnih klonova Oblačinske višnje (Prunus cerasus L)

dc.creatorNikolić, Dragan
dc.creatorRakonjac, Vera
dc.creatorFotirić, Milica
dc.description.abstractImportant pomologic-technological properties in 10 promising Oblačinska sour cherry clones, selected from production orchards of south Serbia, were investigated in this study. It is established that all investigated clones had round fruits, dark-red skin colour, intensive red colour of flesh and juice, and acid fruit taste. All of them ripened in the first decade of June. The lowest, i.e. highest, yield was recorded in the clone Dl (5.1 kg/tree) i.e. the clone D8 (20.6 kg/tree), respectively. The fruit weight varied from 2.62 g (clone D7) to 3.52 g (clone D4). The clone D8 showed the lowest soluble solid content (15.96%), while the highest soluble solid content was detected in the clone DIO (19.11%). The total acid content varied from 1.06% (clone D9) to 1.26% (clone D2). Results of the Tukey test showed that the largest number of significant differences among investigated clones was established for the yield. Moreover, significant differences between some clones were also established for fruit weight, stone weight, fruit juiciness fruit stalk length and total acid content. Considering the fact that clones D3, D4 and D8 had the highest yield, and that no significant differences were established among them, these clones can be recommend for further propagation and spreading in the production.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu su proučavane važnije pomološko-tehnološke osobine kod 10 perspektivnih klonova Oblačinske višnje selekcionisanih iz proizvodnih zasada južne Srbije. Utvrđeno je da su svi ispitivani klonovi imali okruglaste plodove, tamno crvenu boju pokožice, intenzivno crvenu boju mesa i soka i kiseo ukus ploda. Sazrevali su u prvoj dekadi juna. Najniži prinos imao je klon Dl (5,1 kg/stablu), a najviši klon D8 (20,6 kg/stablu). Masa ploda varirala je od 2,62 g (klon D7) do 3,52 g (klon D4). Klon D8 imao je najmanji sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (15,96%), dok je najveći sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija imao klon D10 (19,11%). Sadržaj ukupnih kiselina varirao je od 1,06% (klon D9) do 1,26% (klon D2). Rezultati Tukey testa pokazali su da je najveći broj značajnih razlika medu ispitivanim klonovima utvrđen za prinos. Pored toga, značajne razlike medu nekim klonovima ustanovljene su i za masu ploda, masu koštice, randman, dužinu peteljke ploda i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da su klonovi D3, D4 i D8 najprinosniji i da medu njima nisu utvrđene značajne razlike, oni se kao najperspektivniji mogu preporučiti za dalje umnožavanje i širenje u proizvodnji.sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectOblačinska višnjasr
dc.subjectpomološko-tehnološke osobinesr
dc.titleProperties of promising Oblačinska sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L) clonesen
dc.titleKarakteristike perspektivnih klonova Oblačinske višnje (Prunus cerasus L)sr
dc.citation.other66(1): 51-59



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